MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 187

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Because of the collective protest of fans, Mr. Lucky butler had to put the prize back into the lottery pool under public anger, and watched it fly to the house of an unknown fan.

"I didn't grab the benefits, I was your fan, luckily I won the lottery." Wei Ge said righteously, selectively forgetting that he wrote a plug-in program to grab benefits for this purpose.

Qing Chuan saw his sophistry, stretched out his hand to squeeze his face, and lowered his voice, "I have the set of props for the mermaid, ears, tail, nails and webbed, as well as the white shirt. Do you want to see the real thing?"


Silently blush.


The benefits sent by Qingchuan arrived at the fans’ homes on the third day at the latest. Fans found that there were ten pairs of matching false eyelashes and the same eyeballs in the box, and they were so happy that they were on the Internet for the first time. Show it off.

At about the same time, I was told that the specially customized sextet of the award-winning fans had also arrived home, which was much worse than that in the video, but it was alright after putting on clothes. There are two people here who also play with dolls. They have strong hands-on skills. They made up the imitation makeup that night.

Make up, put on clothes, put on props, put on SLR, it looks like a flat photo of idol

A doll similar to Aidou's eight layers~~~ The face is still pinched by Aidou himself, and the fans who didn't get it are so sour that they will spit out blood.

Strongly request to open the mold! Not turning is not a person!

Awarded fans: If you are not a person, you will not be a person.

More sour than them are fans of other idols.

Although Qingchuan often shows affection, he is a fan. Look, it's been less than two years since the comeback, how many benefits have been given to fans? Not to mention those figurines, prime heads, illustrations, and Ping An cards, they are embarrassed and disabled, and they don't look smart when they look at their idols.

But the head office is live broadcast from time to time, right?

I don't ask them to do live painting, do figurines or make wine like Qingchuan. Even live chat?

Every time I have to pick up the airport early in the morning or in the evening, and try my best to visit the class, so that I can meet only once, and only a few representatives meet once.

I know it's not good to maintain the character after seeing too much, who doesn't know? Not a fool either. But how difficult can it be for a live broadcast every three to five?

Little fresh meats are going to be forced to cry, they can't do it, how can they sell their faces with so many skills?

In the past, it was enough to sing, dance, and sell people, but now you have to be proficient in all eighteen weapons.

In fact, Qingchuan has already moved towards the power faction at this moment and left the circle of idol faction. These little fresh meats also knew in their hearts that Qing Chuan and himself were no longer on the same level. Just by watching his two films in the Lunar New Year, you can see the difference between them.

Understanding in my heart does not mean that I am convinced.

These people are waiting for the two movies to be released, to see if Qingchuan really soars like others expect.

These colleagues are all ready to sneer and wait for him to fold his wings halfway.

Will things go their way?

Three films on the first day of the Chinese New Year, two with Qingchuan's participation, and one with an absolute male protagonist, and the critics are also waiting.

And then...the rainbow fart came out.

Movies can magnify the strengths and weaknesses of an actor several times. Qingchuan's acting skills cannot be said to be flawless, but they are very touching. This is a special talent and is especially friendly to actors. If you can move people, only fools are crazy about virtual characters.

The most interesting thing is that I watched the two movies one after the other, and I didn't even recognize that the two were played by the same actor.

From the appearance, to the behavior, to some habitual little actions, there is no similarity, just like a split personality. But no matter which one it is, it has the ability to make people follow him with joy and sadness with him.

Even if the black man took the money, he really can’t say that his acting skills are not good, so he has to be picky in other places, there are problems with the logic of the plot, and the details are not polished enough. What kind of play is too much, there is a suspicion of being handsome and so on.

In a hurry, let me say again, the villain is too good-looking and charming, and it is easy to mislead ignorant teenagers, making them think this is a cool thing.

Actually, the critics who really have the cards won't touch Qingchuan at all, and they say good things. The last one who blocked him was squatting in the cell, pondering for himself.

Fans don't care about these twists and turns, anyway, they think it's good, that's good, post movie tickets and give a good review. There are also passers-by who originally had no feelings for Qingchuan, but after watching it, they also said that the movie was good and did not hold back.

Passers-by are concerned about whether the movie looks good or not, and they don't care about individual actors at all.

The same is true for investors and directors. They don't care about which actor is, they just want to know how the movie is. After a week of torment, the box office was released, which was a lot higher than last year's Lunar New Year file, and it seemed that it had to break last year's record.

There are a total of seven films competing in the Lunar New Year file, two foreign films and five Chinese films. , In the end, there are two more bad movies, which are full of traffic.

The rise of the movie has determined who is the final big winner, so everyone can focus on things other than movies. Such as publicity, such as actors, such as scripts, such as special effects... In comparison, the mermaid has no shortcomings, no wonder people run so fast.

So they also noticed Qingchuan, the leading actor, who has low salary, strong strength, and good personality. It is said that he is still a gold-sucking baby. Several directors have been eyeing him.

"Bang!" Xiao Sima Yi smashed the trash can again.

Without him, the counterattack is rotten, and this year's Lunar New Year is also a big bad movie.

This year, Xiao Yi fell ill every once in a while, as if he was cursed. Because of this rag doll-like body, several of his announcements were yellow, and the advertisements did not renew his contract. Investors thought he was unhealthy.

Seeing, Xiao Yi, who was still on fire last year, has dropped to the second-tier or even third-tier position. He has no works and no appearance. It will be a matter of time for him to be eliminated.

Xiao Yi was in a hurry, and used his last bit of favor to catch up with the current movie, which is the male number three in it.

This movie is also a big ip adaptation. It has a basic fan of the original work, and the original author is the screenwriter. He and the agent analyzed it for a long time, as long as the changes were not too outrageous, and it would not fall below the level of six points, so they took it.

Who would have thought? The original author is useless as a screenwriter, and the original author has more showmanship than the director. Halfway through the filming, I changed the plot on a whim. This movie can be said to be changed while filming, and this is how it came out.

Unrecognizable, and the script I received for the first time is like a cousin, it looks a bit similar, but it is not the same.

No, fans of the original book do not buy it at all.

What happened to the original author? Can the original author change it at will? How could the original author be so careless? Air blast!

Explosive and flammable original fans don't want to irritate their eyes, they would rather spend money on mermaid tickets than for other things, just to be happy to wash their eyes. Even the fans of the traffic are not very buying, mainly because, if you spend money to see your face, of course you should...

Look at the top of the line, right?

After reading it, I have to sigh in private, Qingchuan's face is really good-looking, the key is to act well. They thought about the cunning, itchy mermaid in the movie, and smothered it for a while.

Otherwise, change the wall?

The pirated Qingchuan dolls on the Internet sold very well after the movie. Whether it was Ah Feng or Mermaid, there was a market. The store owner didn't dare to blatantly use the name 'Xia Yueming's same style', and could only secretly say something new, the movie star baby head.

Qingchuan can't let pirates make this money, and fans can't let them spend money. So he found a humanoid house to cooperate and launched the original authorized prime head and three kinds of mermaid tails. He can do without this licensing fee, but the physical price must be kept down to give back to fans.

Many fans bought it: Although I can't have idols, I at least have idols' babies(?).

The doll house also made a lot of money. The baby head is the cost price, but the body is not, the accessories are not, and the makeup is not. It made money, got a name by the way, and advertised it again.

Because of these two films, Qingchuan has become famous. It has the traffic of idol groups and the capital of powerful groups. I heard that the energy behind it is also very large, and it has become the first choice of many directors. Qingchuan is now qualified to pick and choose, and the books he has come are all good.

But the happiest thing this year is not that the movie starring him sold well, but Wei Ge's successful hologram development. And because of the help of the artificial nerve, the initial stage was skipped directly, and the virtual degree reached 90%.

Of course, this 90% must be matched with the game warehouse, and the game helmet can only do 60%.

They sent the game warehouse to a certain department for the first time. The holographic energy research and development results this time are because of the cooperation with the country, they have given a lot of resources and talents, so the results must be given priority to the country.

Like some people, they were trained by the country and went abroad to study at public expense, but later they helped the enemy country develop military power.

The first game developed now is a battle type that helps soldiers train in different environments. 90% of the first-generation virtual simulation game warehouses cost 200,000 yuan a piece. Except for the country, ordinary people can’t afford it. They can make helmets now.

For this game, there must be a host with a larger capacity. Qingchuan was preparing new comics, but it was dragged over. Only people from government departments know that this metaphysics boss, a new favorite in the entertainment industry, is actually an information technology person.

Qingchuan came, and stayed for half a year. I didn't know how many invitations were pushed. Except for updating comics on the Internet, the rest of the time was like disappearing, and there was no contact at all.

However, the hard work pays off. The first generation of intellectual brain 'Nuwa' was born. It is not as powerful as the intellectual brain of the interstellar age, but it is completely enough to accommodate 100,000 people for high-precision games. This also used up a lot of parts in Qingchuan's hands.

Some parts are more than a hundred years old and cannot be copied at all.

The following year, Evergreen Network Information Co., Ltd. launched the world's first holographic game - "Exorcist".

Yes, the setting is based on Qingchuan's comics, but it is not the daily background of the first season, but the background of the second season of the demon world. In this setting, there are more innovative settings, which are all designed by Qingchuan.

After all, the master of demons, Qingchuan, right?

So, everyone saw that the chief designer of this holographic game is: Xia Yueming.

On the day it was launched, Qingchuan selected 100 of his fans and gave them game helmets. The market price is 40,000, which is still limited, and you can't buy it. People from abroad ask for purchasing, and a helmet has been fired for 100,000, so it is still in short supply.

He sent one hundred units directly.

I'm a fan!

The average person can't be ruthless towards their daughters and daughters, and they will send out a hundred of them without blinking. Even a mom-and-pop shop is really a loser. Fans of other families are called envy and jealousy.

In the past two years, the entertainment industry has changed again, and the little fresh meat has changed a lot. Lu Yuan was in the drama every day, and now he has finally come ashore to become an acting school. Now that his wife is in his arms, and he has a very cute daughter, Qingchuan couldn't help but take it home and raise him for two days.

The same batch of artists that Qingchuan knew are either half retired or still struggling. Jun Yue was rather dashing, and went home to inherit the family business in a short time. It's not a 'big rich', but it is also the young owner of a large supermarket chain. Don't be too beautiful when you are young.

Zhang Le and Lin Ruyi got married very early. She is now the head of the family. Diapers in hand.

The relationship between the two husband and wife is still very good, Zhang Le likes Lin Ruyi's strength, Lin Ruyi also likes Zhang Le's home, and looks good.

Lin Ruyi's original CP, Qingchuan met once. At Lin Ruyi's wedding banquet, it was the first time they met in reality.

He didn't want to provoke the other party, but the other party seemed to like him as an upgrade tool. He couldn't calculate the 'qi' and 'fortune' that the local warlock said, and these things may just not be within the scope of his talent.

Qingchuan has learned about spells and formations, but he knows nothing about face and feng shui.

Although he doesn't know anything about it, he also knows that he is a golden baby in the eyes of many people, and everything he has played with will bring his fortune and become a magic weapon. The male protagonist with the system took a fancy to Qingchuan's fortune.

Qingchuan is a magic weapon maker in disguise, and it happens that the opponent's system needs a lot of magic tools to upgrade. This person has something to do, and he is looking for something in Qingchuan. It just so happened that Qingchuan wanted to get a system to feed his own system...

Isn't this the same as the little mouse leaning in front of the cat? If Qingchuan was a good person, he might have held back, but is he a good person?

Whether Qingchuan is a good person, Xiao Yi has the most say.

Xiao Yi has retired from the circle, being infirm can be a character to deceive fans in tears, but it must not be a fact. No film crew dared to find a particularly frail and sickly actor, and no endorsement business would find a frail and sickly spokesperson.

I really can't get along, Xiao Yi has retired in the end.

After quitting the circle, he set up a company with others, but it was only half a year later that the company closed down, the partner ran away with the money, all the savings over the years were put in, and Xiao Yi was born again Field sickness.

But apart from not being able to save money and getting sick every now and then, nothing else hinders him. Now that he has opened a stationery store, he has enough to eat and drink, but it is too far from the life he wanted in the beginning. He didn't have any friends, and he was a sick child. No one wanted to marry him, and he was always alone.

Maybe this will always be the case in the future, with no family, no friends, no children, no money, and just living.

He once had a friend who regarded him as a brother, but he broke it by himself. Now I don't know if he regrets it.

Qingchuan produces one or two movies a year. It's not every time he can be applauded, but the director just likes him. Just this kind of acting is online, the audience is good, there are a large number of die-hard fans, and there are artists whose fathers of investors are waving banknotes and crying for investment... In exchange for you, don't you?

Other artists also like to cooperate with Qingchuan, because Qingchuan does not do anything else except for his acting skills. If someone in the crew messes up, Qingchuan, the star or supporting actor, will be irritable. When he is irritable, the investor's father will be irritable: Change roles! Replace the mess! Don't affect our Yueming mood.

In addition, during this process, he has always insisted on charity, and basically all the salary and comic publishing expenses are donated. He leads a group of artists who also have a sense of social responsibility to guide the audience's values, so he also has an excellent reputation in the outside world.

Of course, no matter how well you do, there will still be people who are black. Qingchuan is often said to be a hype, and it is said that the donation is not enough (the Evergreen Company did not donate dividends). He thought he didn't see this kind of remarks, these sunspots were poor, pitiful enough.

He played until the age of thirty-seven, won the best supporting role and the best leading role, and won the domestic one and the foreign one. Until the age of thirty-seven, he won the Oscar for Best Actor. With a ding dong, the live broadcast skills have been upgraded.

Superstar Live Room (Variation).

You can bind others to live broadcast at will, you can live broadcast directly, or you can delay the live broadcast, and the content will be played in the other party's sleep. Excellent brain powder, you are even in your dreams.


It's quite a rogue skill, and it is bound to look at each other for ten seconds. And you don't have to look at each other in person, and it has the same effect as looking at video pictures. After the binding, Qingchuan wanted the other party to watch his live broadcast. Unless the other party can hold back from sleeping.

But what does he want this skill for? This skill can't hurt anyone, contact at most, and disgust others. So, forcing people to watch their own live broadcast?

Why are you so perverted?

Afterwards, Qingchuan announced his resignation.

Everyone thought that his fans would riot once, but it turned out okay, but there is a little sadness, most of them are very restrained, and row after row of blessings.

As an actor, except for the Lifetime Achievement Award, I won all the awards that I deserved, so it doesn't seem particularly strange to want to take a break. Besides, the artist's Qingchuan has left the stage, but the cartoonist's Qingchuan has not yet. Isn't this the latest comic series?

In addition, Qingchuan broadcasts live broadcasts from time to time, and when she is bored, she takes fans to visit her vegetable garden, and she often haunts holographic games. There is no movie without a movie.

Qingchuan died so smoothly. In the beginning, many people still felt a pity for him. He had strength, but he was less than forty, so why did he stop acting? Later, new people came out every year, and this kind of pity was slowly forgotten.

However, his comics have been updated all the time, and they have always been very popular, and several have been adapted into cartoons and even live-action movies. The movie Qingchuan, which was adapted from his own animation, was not involved, and he entrusted it to others.

After that, he didn't even appear in variety shows. In reality, it seems that he can't be found again, and he can occasionally meet in holographic online games. In everyone's memory, he has always stayed at the age of peerless elegance.

Even if death comes.

Qing Chuan woke up, he stood up and saw himself in the mirror reflected in the beautiful flower, and twisted his neck in discomfort.

Weige woke up at almost the same time as him.

Next, the two will go to the S-class world to make a foray. When the contract was first signed with Qingchuan, the system never thought that he and the host would be able to get to this point.

S Grade!

How many people can only look up at it like looking up at their dream lover? When the dream wakes up and the love is broken, I have to continue to move bricks.

The former artisan system is one of them. Although it is the first system, it is also the most imperfect system. Some of the conveniences that other systems can provide, the host needs twice as hard to make up for it. together.

Coupled with the reasons for aptitude and xinxing, sometimes this world is going well, but the second world is not good, so you can't stand the blow, and you give up on yourself.

All of its luck is on the host it touches.

Qing Chuan didn't know that his own system still had so many emotions, he was buying props.

The diamonds he has saved are enough to buy rare items, and he happened to like one. After knowing that the S-class world system can't use any functions, he is ready to buy this item, the eye of the gourmet.

A life aid prop with a very single function.

After merging with one eye, it will adjust according to the situation of the body. After starting, he will feel the world immediately differently, and they will be divided into color blocks: delicious is golden, edible It's green, inedible is red, poisonous is purple...

"Aren't you going to buy some protective props?" the system asked.

"No need, Xiao Ge can now make quite good protective props. In the last world, he became the richest man in Asia with holographic games, and his wealth is unknown. This time is enough to make some The props are out. The system mall is still a bit expensive."

Qingchuan never underestimated Wei Ge's small world. As long as he has enough wealth and materials, he will be the most powerful backup force.

"I also have some gifts for him." Qingchuan himself also made very good props.

S-class worlds are different from others. Except for the dungeon world, a world can only accommodate one tasker.

Qingchuan was preparing for Wei Ge early, and they were different. Qingchuan was obviously capable of both playing, support and logistics, but Wei Ge was a complete logistics person.

If Wei Ge's small world couldn't hold other living creatures, he would want to lend him two powerful demons.

After 30 days of repair, they gathered in Qingchuan's room again.

"Gift." Qing Chuan handed Wei Ge a small box.

"What a coincidence." Wei Ge also took out a small box.

Wei Ge opened the box Qingchuan gave, and found a small pendant in the shape of a gourd. If there was anything unusual, it was probably colorful. The live broadcast system was just above Wei Ge's head, and he made an appraisal.

The Golden Gourd.

Creator: Qingchuan

Level: Level 9, rare quality, only one line worse than out-of-print quality, props made of countless precious materials.

Description: As we all know, gourds can grow gourd babies. Although this gourd cannot be transformed into gourd babies, it allows the owner to have one of the characteristics of the gourd babies.

When the color of the gourd is red, it can enlarge or shrink the body by a hundred times, and has 10,000 tons of power.

When the color of the gourd is purple, it has a temporary portable space with a size of one thousand cubic meters.

At the same time, Qingchuan also opened Wei Ge's gift box.

Time Gem glasses.

Produced by: Treasure Forging Bench.

Level: Level 8, rare quality. Adding more precious materials promises to upgrade.

Description: Control the time within a mile radius, you can go back five minutes. This item can be used three times.

It doesn't seem as precious as the diamond gourd, but it is the most suitable prop for Qingchuan. Because he has a lot of cards, as long as he has a little more chance, he can basically make a comeback. And control the time, it's really cheating.

Qing Chuan put the Time Gem glasses directly on his face, like a suspended monocle, and formed a strange effect with his pupils with dark lines. The dark pattern is the effect of Gourmet's Eye.

Weige also likes the multifunctional life-saving props that Qingchuan gave him.

The first S-rank world, they are ready to act independently, because the dungeon world is generally difficult and unfriendly to novices. In the future, they will choose the dungeon world and break through together.

"Go?" He asked Qingchuan.

"Go. Before entering the small world, there is a small problem to be solved."

The two of them set off directly and went to the S-level tasker hall. People on the road were very surprised to see them walking straight towards the tasker's sacred hall. The news spread quickly, and soon many people knew that another newcomer challenged the S-class world.

At the door of the tasker's hall, a person is waiting there, that is...

The host of the big player system, Hei Yan.

"I don't have to trouble you today," he said.

The author has something to say:The small world of entertainment is over~~

Volume Eleven: The Last Volume

Read The Duke's Passion
Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy