MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 167

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Qingchuan's dress is so tender, it's easy for the two older guests to have a good impression of him, and now there is a cat face blessing, naturally the more you look at him, the more you like him.

This is my first impression. Whether I can keep this good impression depends on Qingchuan's future performance. In any case, the first battle has been won.

Seeing that the two heavyweights in the guests were all kind to Qingchuan, Xiao Yi frowned.

Because he came here for a long time before, these two are not like this to him. Zhang Li always smiles at everyone, even if she doesn't like it, she won't put it on her face clearly. But people will deliberately avoid him and stay far away. He Yan was even more obvious. He had a serious face and didn't even give Xiao Yi a look.

Xiao Yi came up to say hello, and what he got was Uncle He's cold and indifferent 'En. ’

Such a well-known bad temper, a big stone in the cesspool, if it is not for his good acting skills, he must not be an old actor in his early days, why does it feel like seeing his own son when he sees Qingchuan? Simply unscientific!

He didn't even think about it, just because He Yan had a cat at home.

Yes, don't look at the old man's coffin face, he is really a cat slave. When he saw the big cat face on Qingchuan's chest, he felt kind, because his family also raised long-haired raccoon flowers.

As for Qingchuan, he had more cats in the past. In the interstellar era, he raised more than a dozen cats. After giving birth, the family expanded to dozens of cats, and there were all kinds of cats.

These two can talk about the topic of 'cats' for a day.

"Yueming, why didn't you tell us when you were cured? Several friends want to know your news, and they must be happy for you. Now that it's all right, let's get together too Gathering? I haven't had a meal in years." Xiao Yi smiled sincerely.

This acting is not much better than the previous one. The layman can't see it, but the expert thinks it's fake.

Xiao Yi insisted on provoking, so Qingchuan had to accompany him, he laughed, "What a coincidence, I saw your old photos when I was online today. So green and tall, it's good."

You have a bunch of **** behind you, and you want to cause more trouble? Can you handle it?

Xiao Yi's smile froze, "Old photo, which fan probably found it. Who can stay the same, I feel like I have wrinkles."

"How come? It's only two or three years, how can it change so much? I recognized you right away, you are exactly the same as you are now, you still have the same body shape, we have been in the same dormitory for four years, Not to mention the back, even half the back, you can recognize it, right?"

Xiao Yi smiled reluctantly, avoiding Qingchuan's smiling eyes.

Qing Chuan seemed to have no intention of bringing up this topic, so he turned his head and put it down, and continued to chat with Uncle He about the hand-painted cat face on his clothes.

Xiao Yi's inner world turned upside down and suffered cardiac arrest. 'Xia Yueming recognizes it... will he? ' This is the thought that goes over and over in my head, I can barely breathe, let alone think. His face paled a bit, even if others could see it was wrong.

They pondered over the previous conversation between the two, is there any problem? Why does Xiao Yi look like a dead person?

Because the fermentation time of this matter is still short, many people have not gone to the depth of understanding, the guests still have to prepare for the recording of the show, they do not care about the gossip, many people do not know about it at all , so no one guessed.

"You drew this yourself? It's great to be able to draw by yourself." Jiang Xue couldn't help but envy. It is said that people who engage in art have high aesthetics. Looking at this outfit, there is no problem in going out for street photography. It is special, good-looking, youthful, beautiful and full of life.

When Zhang Li heard this, she complimented and praised, "Old He, look at this child, he is so clever, he should come to our show. Look at this cat's face, how much It's pretty, fluffy, with round eyes, as if it could pop out of it at any time."

He Yan had a cold face, nodded, and added, "Drawing can make people calm down, and this interest can be maintained." Because he is also an amateur painter, painting Chinese paintings Yes, everyone knows about it.

Wang Chao stood beside Xiao Yi, he knew that Xiao Yi and Xia Yueming were not on good terms, and also knew that Xiao Yi was betrayed by others, but Wang Chao was a well-rounded person, he asked with concern, " Xiao Yi, are you alright? Seeing that your face is not good, is there something wrong with you?"

Xiao Yi laughed dryly, "Maybe I woke up early and didn't sleep well, thank you, Brother Chao, I'll be fine in a while."

It doesn't look like she hasn't slept well, it looks like some secret has been pierced. Wang Chao recalled the previous conversation between the two with a calm expression on his face, "That's good, if it's really uncomfortable, you can go to the hospital first. There's still half an hour left, and after the show starts recording, it will take more than half a day."

When I look back, I can find out what's going on—Wang Chao thought to himself.

Qingchuan Yuguang paid attention to Xiao Yi, and also saw Wang Chao looking for him to care.

I still can't hold my breath, I have to change my face to be thick-skinned, and I won't show any traces. Xiao Yi was better. The two sentences made his face pale with fright. There was nothing wrong, but now there is something wrong. Not a single fool was present, they were all human beings. When they looked back at the latest news on the Internet, they all understood.

You have the guts to play the trick of buying and killing people?

I don't know how much you are?

Why are these little fresh meats like little babies? If I don't have a capable agent to bring it, I don't know what it will be like.

At about eight o'clock, a few guests got into the extended commercial car, and the shooting officially started. The guests introduced themselves one by one. When they arrived at Qingchuan, they also announced the good news that Qingchuan was cured.

This program is the first to officially inform everyone about his recovery, which will probably attract a lot of attention.

The car drove to the old house of the clay sculptor.

The road is not easy to walk, it took half an hour to get there.

The old man lives in the country now, the craftsmanship passed down from generations in their family, the house is also an old building passed down from generations. From the outside, it looks like a courtyard in the south. There is a patio, and several kinds of flowers and trees from the south are planted. It has an old and quiet taste.

The old man was waiting for the program group at the door early, and a young man with a cold expression was standing beside him.

The old man warmly received the program team and took them to visit.

In fact, the interior of the house has been renovated, and it has all modern facilities. Now it is lived by two grandfathers and grandsons. Other rooms are either put mud embryos or semi-finished products. The kiln chamber, of course, is an electric kiln for convenience and safety.

The air smells of earth.

Qingchuan suddenly remembered the house when he was making a clay figurine. The specifications were similar, except that the firewood kiln became an electric kiln.

He seemed to see the past through this familiar and unfamiliar place.

"Grandpa Huang, do you and your grandson live here now?"

The old man smiled wrinkled, "Children have their own ideas, now the times are good, and it is not necessary to do this to support the family. I do not force my children to do this, it is impossible to force it. ."

He patted the cold young man beside him on the shoulder, "Only Xiaobao, I like this, he is now in the sculpture department of the Beijing Academy of Fine Arts, maybe in his hands, we There are also different developments in old craftsmanship.”

It turns out that this expressionless young man has such a cute nickname as Xiaobao.

Their morning task is to follow the old man to learn about the process of making clay sculptures and have a general understanding of this traditional folk art. Let the audience in front of the TV also understand this traditional art form.

The clay sculptures of each genre are different. This one in Grandpa Huang’s house is actually similar to one of the schools in Qingchuan School. The viscous yellow clay is shaped, dried, hardened after being burned, colored with a special pigment, and baked again, and it is the finished product.

Because the embryo color is yellowish brown, the surface is rough and matte, more like a pottery product, and it is not exactly the same as a pottery product.

Mr. Huang introduced all the way, how to make mud from the excavated soil, then make mud into mud blocks, sculpt it, dry it, burn it, color it, and burn it again. If it is a large-scale work, a wooden frame must be set up inside, wrapped in cotton cloth, and then mud.

Sounds simple, it takes at least three months from roadside mud to finished product.

Without the help of machinery, more things need to be done, to find suitable soil, dig it back, break it up, go through a coarse sieve, soak the water into mud, and pass it through a fine sieve again. The selected mud needs to be dried and evaporated…

It takes a long time, the money is not much, and there are fewer and fewer clay sculpture craftsmen. This is probably why the clay sculpture is gradually forgotten by the market. Modern people have been raised impatient in the high-speed era, and they have less than three months to wait. Clay sculptures can be made, those clays and soft pottery can be made, and they look good, and they will produce results in a day or two.

In this era, clay sculpture is more about the meaning of inheritance. Unless the successor brings forth the new and breaks the barriers and develops new developments, it will be abandoned in the river of history.

There is a place in this house, which is a showroom for works, which is also one of the focus of shooting.

Most of the shelves are works by Mr. Huang, large and small, all of which are traditional clay sculpture themes, such as religious and traditional stories, which are the most numerous. There are also a small part that looks different, blending several styles, there are shadows of Western sculptures, and there are modern elements, which are said to be the works of his grandson.

The styles of the two are distinct, one is more traditional, simple and conservative, the other is novel, cool and modern.

After a little understanding of the process, the next step is to group their students into groups of two.

Maybe many people think that Qingchuan can do it by hand, and it must be a hot item at this time. Exactly not, it is precisely because he is too strong that the same group with him will be robbed of the limelight, so everyone is reluctant to be in the same group with Qingchuan.

The grouping result is that Qingchuan and He Yan are in one group, Xiao Yi and Wang Chao are in one group, and Zhang Li and Jiang Xue are in one group.

In the beginning, two lesbians got together and said that they had an idea and wanted to be a lady, so they were a group of two. Then Wang Chao smiled and said that there was a big craftsman hidden in the crowd. He was afraid of being hanged and beaten, so he looked for someone who was about the same level, and he went to Xiao Yi.

The combination of the two was dubbed the "soy sauce group" by Wang Chao.

Qingchuan and He Yan automatically become a group. Anyway, they are friends, they have both raised cats, and they are good at art, so to speak.

The program team did not ask them to make clay sculptures casually, but required that the design must be based on a certain ancient poem, and the work should reflect the artistic conception of the poem.

Gotta have the mood of the poem...

"Don't think about it, let's go to eat first, authentic peasant rice, a whole big stupid chicken stewed, this taste is really fragrant." Wang Chao giggled and came over.

It was time for dinner.

Today's meals were prepared and delivered by the program team from a nearby restaurant. They were all local dishes and looked very homely. Everyone had a big bowl of white rice. Of course, southerners, this size is also very limited, northerners eat two of them.

In the middle of the table is a large casserole with stewed chicken in it. It was packed in an incubator all the way after it was cooked. There are also small cloud bamboo shoots and summer grass on the side.

The most interesting thing is that there are a lot of wide vermicelli on the sides. All softly soaked in the fragrant chicken soup, it looks delicious.

"This looks like an egg cake, it's a local wheat stick. Mix the flour with water to make a paste, add eggs, dried shrimp, sausage slices, diced vegetables, green onions and seasonings, then pour in In a frying pan, fry both sides with oil until golden brown, and you can eat it after you cut it. Crispy on the outside, soft and tender on the inside, chewy and fragrant. This is just out of the oven, let’s try it.”

The staff of the show team highly recommend this local speciality.

Qingchuan sandwiched a piece, it was really salty and delicious, very delicious.

In addition to the few people who want to keep their figure, everyone else is very generous, and they will give it a CD for a few yuan per person.

In addition to casserole chicken soup and wheat paste pot, there are also beef slices made by local cattle, stewed eggs with razor clams, dried bean curd mixed with vinegar and celery, braised eggplant and so on.

Qingchuan doesn't have the slightest idol self-consciousness. Looking at the oily wheat stick pot, I ate two large pieces, a few beef slices, and a small pile of razor clams in the egg stewed with razor clam...

Even that bowl of rice was eaten cleanly, not a grain of rice was left.

After finishing, I also ate a tablespoon of chicken soup and ate several pieces of chicken, and the noodles were very happy. While eating, I commented, "The chicken soup is fragrant and thick, and two dried lychees are added, so the chicken soup has a little sweetness. I can eat two bowls of soup and rice."

Xiaohua Jiangxue's eyes were straight, she used chopsticks to poke a little bit of rice and a few small cloud bamboo shoots in the bowl, all kinds of envy.

At the beginning, the photographer took pictures, but not in the middle, that is to say, a little bit of leftovers at the end. Qingchuan doesn't have to eat hard for the shooting effect, so it's not for acting, it's really edible, and he's not particularly picky eaters.

"It's almost there, I won't be able to eat it again." Qing Chuan finished the soup in the bowl, "The soup made by the old hens in Bendi is very fragrant, and I will raise two later."

Wang Chao laughed immediately, he had been to Xia Yueming's house, "Don't make trouble, where do you keep it? Don't waste your hardcover room."

"I moved a long time ago, and now I live in the country, a country villa. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the environment is quiet." Speaking of chickens, just raise two more sheep."

Wang Chao was stunned for a moment, he knew that Qingchuan should have spent a lot of money to find specialists for treatment in the past two years, but he did not expect the house to be sold, but he smiled, "How wonderful, I just like country houses, how comfortable it is to have dogs and cats. Don't dislike me when I go to your house to rub off."

"How can it be? Everyone, I will definitely welcome you."

After eating, a few people went out for a walk to digest their food, and occasionally met a few curious fellows. Zhang Li and He Yan are the easiest to recognize. Many old people here are very excited when they recognize the roles they have played. They still remember the plot from several years ago. However, a few young people do not have such popularity.

Because there are many elderly people here, there are very few young people.

"Many young people in the village have gone out to buy houses. It is remote and the road is not easy to walk. The road was built the year before, and the road before was not so good. But Lutong After that, there was a boss who contracted the fish pond in the back and raised some ornamental fish, and many people came here to buy goldfish, and the number of people increased."

On the opposite side of Mr. Huang's old house is a clear stream. This water flows from the mountains.

The water quality here is very good, and the industrial atmosphere is light. No wonder the boss came here to contract fish ponds to raise ornamental fish. The environment is good, and the fish are not easy to get sick.

Walking along the stream, they also saw people fishing by the roadside, not all of them were locals, some people drove over to fish, and even the whole family was dispatched, grandpa and grandson Throw a fishing rod together.

Looking at the little kid holding the fishing rod in a decent manner, the parents next to him were a little louder, and he was so anxious to keep his finger by his mouth and make a 'shush' action, Qing Chuan couldn't help but laugh.

He Yan also saw it next to him, and he remembered a poem: "A child with a shaggy head learns to learn the arts, sitting on the side of the strawberry grass. Passers-by ask and wave..."

"I'm afraid of the fish." Qing Chuan continued.

He Yan looked back at Qingchuan and asked, "What do you think of this poem?" The subject of their clay sculpture.

"It fits the situation." Qing Chuan replied with four words.

He Yan is like finding a bosom friend, looking at Qingchuan is more like looking at his own junior.

To make clay sculptures, you must first understand the materials you want to make. Then design the shape according to the characteristics of this material.

The mud blocks provided by the program group are relatively hard and fine in texture, which are more suitable for carving and easy to do fine modeling. However, the toughness and viscosity of the mud itself are not high. If there are hollow or suspended parts, it is still necessary to build a shelf inside.

After the show started in the afternoon, everyone grouped up to design and do the styling.

Qingchuan and He Yan worked together to design the shape. Both of them have a background in painting. Qingchuan is good at sketching style, and He Yan is good at traditional Chinese painting style. The artistic conception of poetry, but Qingchuan's character modeling is more childish.

"Just choose your look."

"Uncle He's lines are beautiful."

The two spoke at the same time, and then they looked at each other and smiled, the old and the young were the same as the old friends at the moment, He Yan smiled and said: "Then take your shape, I will recreate it. Draw it again." Uncle He started to draw a new shape with a soft-haired pen.

The two of them worked together very well.

Wang Chao leaned over to take a peek, and with the palm of his fist, "It's over, this is a strong alliance, Xiao Yi, we're done." He picked up his sketch and shook his head towards the camera With a shake, there was a distorted ink stain on it, and it was impossible to see what it was.

"Look at others, then look at me... By the way, what did I draw? Why can't I match the number? Xiao Yi, do you regret teaming up with me? ?" Wang Chao cried and looked at his teammates pitifully.

At this moment, Xiao Yi should add a sentence, anything can be done, it can be serious or playful, and it can lead to a point of interest. This is the advantage of being a partner with the host. The professional habits of the host make them like to cheer up their teammates.

I lost a topic in vain, and didn't give my partner any chance to shake the burden.

The female team, they discussed what to do in the morning, and now they have done the styling. Jiang Xue rubbed her nose with mud, "The slogan of our group is, never give up, and strive to be the first!" She quickly glanced at the Qingchuan group, and added: "The first speed is also the first."

There must be a slogan and a retreat.

The group is very harmonious. Don't look at Jiang Xue, this girl has the face of a young lady, she is very easy-going. After forming the team, I basically listened to the seniors, what Zhang Li said. Zhang Li also takes care of the younger generation and asks her opinion on everything, so you let me and I let you, and the atmosphere will naturally get better and better.

Zhang Li also told Jiang Xue an interesting anecdote about herself, saying that it was unfortunate for her to play small hands, the buns were always revealing, and she was disliked by her family and said that she had a smart face, "I count on you La Xiaoxue."

In the end, Jiang Xue didn't get much better. The two said they wanted to pinch the ladies. Others watched for a long time as if a ball had been placed on a stick.

Don't mention Wang Chao's group, the design draft is still kindergarten level, anyway, the design drawing of the ladies group is already at the junior high school level.

It looks like the Qingchuan group.

Wang Chao tore the paper by himself. Seeing that Qingchuan group was still scribbling and scribbling, he rubbed it over to look at it. When he saw it, he almost didn't scare the cold sweat out, "This, what is this?"

Qing Chuan tilted his head, "You're fishing."

He Yan also had an expression of 'you are so rare and strange', yes, children are fishing.

Wang Chao's reaction was too great, and other people rubbed over to look at it, and they were all stunned.

On Qingchuan's paper, there are two paintings, the skeleton on the left and the skeleton covered with muscles on the right. It's all the same action, but it really looks like a child sitting there, holding a fishing rod in one hand, and putting his fingers on his lips.

Of course, there are no lips, one is exposed teeth and one is contracted lip muscles.

Goosebumps don't run like money.

Are all those who know art crazy?

You call this 'child fishing'?

"This is more intuitive, and it will be easy to make clay sculptures later." Qingchuan said seriously, "If you don't even know how the human bones and texture are arranged, you want to draw the figures. Well, it's definitely not easy to do a good job of clay sculpture."

"Sister Zhang Li, how about I draw you a skeleton diagram and a muscle diagram? This will be a lady."

Zhang Li took a step back and pulled Jiang Xue tightly, shaking her hand like a fan, "No, we're fine." It couldn't be better.

He Yan couldn't help but speak: "You can't just see the appearance, you have to see the essence. What's so scary, I remember there was a play where you played a doctor? There are skeleton models and general teachers."

However, if Sister Zhang Li didn't do anything, she immediately slipped away with Jiang Xue.

He Yan looked at Wang Chao again, Wang Chao's reaction was bigger than Zhang Li, and he dragged his partner and ran away.

At this time, He Yan didn't intervene. He was good at painting, but really not good at sculpture.

Qingchuan is really good at it. At the level of several lifetimes, the hand has never been born.

Qingchuan Live Kneading, they have all seen some video clips and pictures, but looking through the screen, it is far from the shock of the scene. How do people's hands grow, and what you want the mud to look like can make the mud look what you want.

Even Mr. Huang, who was originally assisting, couldn't help but come to see it. As the saying goes, a layman looks at the fun, an expert looks at the doorway, and he is more surprised than others when he sees Qingchuan making clay sculptures.

This method is too old-fashioned, and I have a very deep understanding of this material, that is, the characteristics of mud.

Strange, how can a star be so familiar with clay sculpture?

Non-professional, play occasionally, when he made it, there was no way to move as smoothly as the former.

At this level, he is still an unknown young man... Mr. Huang didn't know what to think, he had an idea.

Mr. Huang doesn't chase stars, he doesn't recognize Qingchuan, and he doesn't know his name, so he asked him, "lad, how many years have you been studying?"

Qingchuan used bamboo pieces to repair the mold, and when he heard him ask, he put down the bamboo knife in his hand, "I used to play, but it took two years to settle down and study hard."

"It's amazing, I can't learn your level without Shuimo Kungfu." Mr. Huang couldn't help but admire, "Don't say it, my grandson is not as good as this. He is in front of you. , still a child."

His grandson had been watching and was a little unhappy when he heard this, "Which one is better?"

When his grandson heard it, he knew that it was his grandfather deliberately provoking him, but the young man couldn't hold back his pride.

Qing Chuan didn't want to speak up because of this fight, and several guests began to boo.

"Bi, call them Bibi."

What's even worse is the film crew. I don't know where to turn up a wooden sign that reads: One game determines the outcome. That word is like a crab crawling, is the show team so excited?

The young man named Xiaobao is a real young man.


The author has something to say:Qingchuan: I don’t want to slap you in the face.

Young man: You must slap me in the face!

Impulsion is the devil.

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