MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 156

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Because he is a somewhat famous artist in the crew, even though he is the fourth male, he still needs to attend the shooting ceremony, so Qingchuan went to the shooting base one day in advance. This is a very small film and television base with many Modern dramas are all filmed here.

Xiao Zhou had something to do and arrived a day late, Qingchuan could take care of himself, so he agreed to his leave. On the other hand, others were surprised to see him coming alone, pushing a wheelchair and following two luggage. A staff member kindly helped him with his luggage and took him to the room with sympathy and love in his eyes.

It has only been two years since he left the circle, and he has shown his face on TV variety shows in the past few days, and his reputation has gradually recovered. After all, bullying the disabled is not always good. Look at what happened to Jun Yue, the traffic niche student, who was scolded recently?

Even if Jun Yue apologizes on his WB, it is useless, because he apologizes after the live broadcast, not on the spot. Even after the 'disabled' incident, there was provocative behavior towards Qingchuan.

There is no doubt that Jun Yue did not realize his mistake. He was forced by public opinion or his agent, and he had no sincerity and no remorse.

The company is buying powder to support it.

How many people regard Jun Yue as a big joke, but at the same time they have a certain understanding of Xia Yueming's ability to attract fans and the fighting ability of fans. With only a few million fans, Jun Yue's tens of millions of fans have been forced to flee. Although there is a natural suppression on the moral level, this combat power is also enough to see.

It is worthy of being the king of traffic.

It's just such a variety show, and it's not the most popular variety show. As a result, the old fans who have been silent for two years have returned one by one, and they have also attracted a lot of new fans. Everyone completely ignored the reality that their idols had no future and no future in a wheelchair, and they were maddened.

Tsk, this kind of cohesion is really enviable.

On the stage, the director and the producer sat in the middle, with a man and a woman on both sides, and then came down in order. Qing Chuan sat on the edge, drinking water there.

"Mr. Xia Yueming, this is your first play in the showbiz after two years. May I ask why you chose this role?"

Why don't you know?

No attention, no money, and the company forced you to choose one of these three answers?

Qing Chuan hummed in his heart, and his face was calm, "Naturally, I acted because I liked it. It is a very interesting thing to interpret different lives."

"Mr. Xia Yueming, what do you expect from this drama?"

This group has all done their homework - Qingchuan is so sure. Because the original host had said his expectations for a certain starring drama when he was filming, and the fan effect really exploded. Now this reporter seems to be asking casually, with a big hole behind him.

A male number four, predict the situation of this show?

The face is also too big, doesn't this stimulate the contradiction within their crew? What's more, he didn't have a good relationship with the man.

It's a little wicked, comrade reporter.

"Each drama is the crystallization of the collective wisdom of hundreds or even thousands of people. I believe that everyone will do their best to do their best. I believe that this drama will be well received by The audience likes it and is recognized by the audience." Qingchuan's answer is a panacea.

Seeing that several reporters wanted to ask again, Qingchuan stopped first, "Everyone gathered here, presumably because they have great expectations for our crew, and there is a lot of news about the show that I want to confirm. .I don't know if you have any questions for our two leading actors?"

After he finished speaking, he opened the bottle cap and began to drink water.

Obviously after interviewing the director, it should be a man and a woman, but I don’t know if these reporters did it on purpose or because they thought Qingchuan was a hot topic. Big news.

The leading actors on the side were barely smiling, and the fourth male who had disappeared for two years could be able to steal the limelight so much.

Fortunately, the reporter was pushed to this side again, and the speeches prepared by the leading actors finally had the opportunity to come in handy. They talked to the camera, but they couldn't tell that this was a three-no-show crew that was all newcomers except one male and four males.


Many of them don't care what kind of drama this is at all, what the director and actors think, they just want to have some fun, such as 'the road to the decline of the top traffic', 'the peak opponents meet the troughs in the past' 'and many more.

The eyes of some people below are undisguised.

Is it the former traffic king and the big celebrity, why are they both reduced to this kind of online drama?

There are also grades between web dramas, and this web drama is obviously inferior.

The director is just a fledgling. He has made a short short film before, and I can't see whether it is good or bad for the time being. The main actors are either out-of-date or newcomers. It is said that the investment is not too high. Obviously, it is not a luxurious crew, but a bit of bitterness.

There is no future.

Isn’t it bitter? For the first time, Qingchuan knew that there was a crew that wanted actors to bring their own private servers. He secretly sent a message to him, saying that because the clothes of the domineering president cost too much, and the second-hand goods look unclassified, it is not as good as the actor's own private clothes, and they fit well, right?

Go ahead.

It's really a big circle with everyone, what can you do in the face of such a shameless person? Qingchuan bought the fabric and cut it by himself. Shi Ning has an obsessive-compulsive disorder. When he leaves the room, he has to be neat and tidy, so when he appears, it is basically a suit.

He made seven suits of the same color, with different leather shoes, ties, scarves and cufflinks.

Probably when I was making it, I always thought that it was a jersey shirt, and the effect of the suit was uniform:


A special prop, the person who wears it will be blessed with the effect of "Can't Love", which will attract people who have a story in their hearts. You exude luxury light all over your body, increase your deterrence to ordinary people by 10%, and increase the chance of being adored by mentally abnormal people by 10%.

Is this a curse?

This must be a curse, right?

If it weren't for the lack of money, Qingchuan would really like to go to a luxury store to buy a dozen or twenty suits, and throw them all seven self-defeating suits into the trash.

"Long time no see, Xia Yueming."

After the press conference, everyone returned to the hotel to prepare for the next day's shooting. Qingchuan was blocked by a man in the corridor.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" He pointed to Qing Chuan's room.

There is surveillance in the corridor here.

Qing Chuan didn't say anything, opened the door, followed by the male actor and closed the door.

Although both of them are wearing 'passed' signs, caution is etched in their bones. Artists are public figures. When you go out, you have to be prepared to be watched and photographed. , without privacy.

The small single room, because of its height, can see people moving in the park in the distance.

The fragrance comes from a bottle of volatile aromatherapy, an oval-shaped gypsum stone in the ice-cracked tea bowl, and it looks like it was brought by Qingchuan.

There was only one chair in the room, Qing Chuan leaned against the bed.

"Why didn't I see your assistant?" Lu Yuan asked as he walked.

"I have something to do at home, I will come tomorrow."

Lu Yuan stopped and looked at Qingchuan with a surprised look. His expression couldn't hide his thoughts, and he said plainly: Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs, and such a small person came to overwhelm him to see if he had a card face, would he dare to let a person with inconvenient hands and feet come alone? Do you actually endure such a thing?

Qing Chuan thought he would say it directly, after all, this dear man, he is really 'outspoken', and to put it bluntly, he doesn't keep his mouth shut. Otherwise, how can such a unique two-dimensional comic face be mixed up like this?

But the land transportation didn't say anything in the end, and said something else.

Perhaps these two years not only tempered Xia Yueming's will, but also polished all the old and fresh meat that was once lively. They had to start learning to bow their heads and be patient.

Traffic has always been a consumable.

Lu Yuan sat on the chair, he looked around, it was the same room as him, except that there were two red apples on the bedside table, two suitcases on the ground, and a pair probably from home The slippers I brought, the cloth mop with blue melaleuca bottom, embroidered with a small fish.

Xia Yueming is this kind of aesthetic?

"You've changed a lot." Lu Yuan sighed.

He and Xia Yueming have known each other for a long time, but they haven't said much. At that time, Xia Yueming was so beautiful, and the little students below were suppressed by him. He was one of them, only better than others. A little bit.

I didn't expect that one day, they would meet in this way.

"Yes, I have changed, how can you remain the same?"

Lu Yuan's expression was a little lonely.

This tone is too complicated, there are gloating over the former enemy, and there is a lot of emotion towards myself, combined with the lonely background of the two now and the reality of the rising stars suppressing, it is probably 'every year Flowers are similar, but people are different from year to year'.

If you put it in the big environment of the entertainment industry, and in the reality of fans drifting away, it will be "only new people laugh, but old people cry".

'Click', Qingchuan bit into a red apple.

"I watched your live broadcast, but I didn't watch it on purpose, but I accidentally saw it. I thought it was someone copying your face, but I didn't expect it to be you." Lu Far from 'casually' mentioning this.

Indeed, some people moved a knife according to Xia Yueming's face, and if they moved too much, they lost their own characteristics and could not be seen in the crowd, so they were not famous.

"It's quite unexpected." Lu Yuan said.

'Crack', this apple is crisp and sweet, full of moisture, and it is not waxed. You can eat it with a rub of the peel. A conscientious seller.

"Have you met the newcomer? How do you feel? I want to come to have a deep understanding of his 'straightforwardness'?" This kind of dog can't spit out ivory, and fans actually say it's frank like a blind man.


This year's fans are not good, they all have to go to the ophthalmologist.

Qingchuan threw the apple core into the trash can, then took out the wet towel to wipe his fingers, one by one carefully, until the fingertips were faintly rosy.

"Are you chatting with me for a long time, are you reminiscing with me?" Qingchuan looked down at the slender fingers, the nails were neatly trimmed, and there were no calluses on the fingertips. He came from a wealthy family who was worried about food and clothing.

Lu Yuan wasn't angry either, Xia Yueming was so proud in the past, no one looked down on him, and Wuchen was talking about him. Looking at the gentle look in front of others in the video, the essence has not changed.

Lu Yuan even felt a little kind.

"Your agent picked this show for you? Oh, your contract is about to expire, right? Will you be spared?"

There are even fewer left, which is very stingy.

The agent is really quick and accurate, and the last bit of value must be cleaned up.

Lu Yuan felt the sadness of being hurt.

Because he is also on the verge of being stocked now, the agent has paid less attention to his side.

Hearing this, Qing Chuan finally raised his head. He looked back and found a booklet with a dozen pages in the drawer and handed it to Lu Yuan.

"What is this?" Lu Yuan was surprised. He then opened it and looked through it, which seemed to be an analysis of the original story.

"Character biography and analysis." Even if it is to thank him, when the original owner is the most difficult, he still remembers that little friendship. At that time, everyone could see that he had no future, and people were taking tea to cool off. That is, this fool would come here often.

Qingchuan loves and hates clearly. The way he treats a person well is to pave the way for the other person's future.

"What do your biography and analysis do for me?" Lu Yuan turned two pages and felt that it was not quite right. It was not the male number four that frequently appeared on it, but his male number one. , "My character biography?"

He didn't doubt that Qingchuan was going to take his role, after all, the limitation of sitting in a wheelchair was too great.

"I write so little myself?" In the past few days, he has written about 100,000 words, and the short biography of 'Shi Ning' alone has 40,000 to 50,000, almost expanding into a short story Stories, scattered and other people's biography.

Know yourself and know the enemy, so you spend a little time learning about other people's roles. But in addition, there is only one male who has written biography and analysis of the characters. Lu Yuan can't act, it doesn't matter, he can, he teaches.

There are not many people worthy of Xia Yueming's concern, one grandmother and one Lu Yuan. The former is the only relative, the latter is a rare friend. When Xia Yueming left, Qingchuan would also make arrangements.

This crew is indeed poor, but watching the short short film before the director, it is not someone who has no idea to just get by. If the actors are online, and the plot is not so biased, maybe this small stone will splash down on it.

Lu Yuan doesn't have the habit of doing short biographies, but he will memorize his lines beforehand, which is still professional. He flipped through the booklet and did it very carefully, each line should be supplemented with what expressions and moods.

It's like someone borrowed your notes on the eve of the exam, Lu Yuan hummed and accepted the booklet, accepting the kindness in his heart, still holding his face, refusing to say a word Thank you, I talked about the professionalism of some recent newcomers, who are always looking for substitutes, and the lines are not well memorized and so on.

Qing Chuan is not used to him, nor is it Xiao Ge.

"You can't let go of your arrogance? What's so hard about admitting that you've been angry, and thinking that you are an old senior can feel better? I even recognize myself as a cripple, what are you talking about? Creepy?"

This is also true, complaining in front of a disabled person is really boring.

Lu Yuan thought, he is not bad, that is, from the first-line traffic to the third-line, Qingchuan is miserable, the top-level traffic becomes the eighteenth line, heaven falls to hell, anyone can sympathize with him , but I don't know that sympathy is the most hurtful.

"You, do you hate Xiao Yi?" Because of the friendship in a booklet, Lu Yuan felt that they were on the same front, so he let go of his words and asked a somewhat taboo question, "Don't be angry, don't answer if you don't want to, I just ask casually."

"Do you know why you cool down so fast?" Qing Chuan stared at Lu Yuan seriously.

Lu Yuan was looking forward to it, he really wanted to know, maybe the former top streamer could give him some reference.

"Because there are too many words." I like to **** other people's wounds when I have nothing to do. Who doesn't love to find something informative and interesting?

Lu Yuan pouted, hum.

"Okay, take your booklet and hurry up, and don't go out for a long time, others think we have a good friendship." Qingchuan chased away the guests, "Go back and think about the roles, don't think about those There are some old people in the crew who have acted all their lives, so please ask for more advice when you have time."

"I've only been sitting for five minutes and the chairs are not hot."

"Five minutes is not enough? Walk around, don't disturb my rest."

"Then will you give me an apple?"

"..." If this shameless spirit were carried forward in performances, why would they still be doing such silly dramas?

Qingchuan chased Lu Yuan away. The suits in his suitcase had to be taken out and ironed well, leaving creases that didn't look good.

Xiao Zhou arrived early on the second day, and said sorry.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" Qing Chuan asked him when he saw the red blood in his eyes.

"Have some on the way."

Quietly, there is still an hour before the agreed time.

Qingchuan also cared about whether he had eaten or not.

"Okay, let's say I'm really angry. You wouldn't leave if something really happened at home. Although we've been with you for a while, I still know a little about your character."

Xiao Zhou said nothing more.

After breakfast, they set off. They arrived neither early nor late, a little earlier than the agreed time. The staff on site were still playing with props. The floor was messy and there were many cables.

However, the director and the others came early, and some of the supporting roles came early, and some of them were joining the crew for the first time, and they were excited.

The two of Qingchuan went to the crew in a nanny car. The nanny car was rented here, and so was the driver, but this is a film and television base, and small stars often rent nanny cars. These drivers also It is trustworthy, not a talkative person, and driving is also very safe.

"Good morning, Director."

The director was talking to the editor, when he saw Qingchuan coming, his eyes lit up.

Qingchuan is wearing his 'can't love' suit, and he really has such a domineering power to control the jobs of 100,000 employees. He was a rare handsome man.

That's right, with such a face and such careful and rigorous dress, it can always attract a group of lovers.

The first serious play in his life, the director himself has no big goals, just don't lose money.

"Good morning, Mr. Xia." The more the director looked at it, the more satisfied he became, and his attitude became more exasperating.

"You're welcome, just call me Yueming, we are still the same age." Qingchuan said sincerely. Indeed, they are not very different in age, but one looks a little anxious.

The director is approaching 30 this year, and he is not a tender face. As soon as he approaches 30, he feels old. Hearing Qingchuan say that they are the same age, the mood is better.

The screenwriter saw that Qingchuan and the director were happy, and he joined him.

The screenwriter of these years has always been a hard worker.

The screenwriter has the least right to speak in the Chinese entertainment industry. Director, assistant director, investors and even big-name stars, anyone can change the plot. If it's done well, it's all the credit of the person who changed it, but if it's not done well, it's all the screenwriter's fault.

If the script is adapted from a hit, then the screenwriter must be prepared to never be scolded to death.

This drama is an adaptation of a silly white sweet. Either the heroine and the male bestie are their assists.

The only serious villain plot is all about Qingchuan.

The script adapted by the screenwriter is basically the first and fourth male, because they are not newcomers. Especially here in Qingchuan, as long as you don't fall off the chain, there will be people watching when young men and women fall in love, awkward, cool, Su, and Lei.

Assistant Xiao Zhou saw that Qingchuan was getting along well with the director and editor, so he took a step back and went to the logistics department to take care of things. It's not just giving money and things as bribes, but just saying something nice, so that people can listen to it and be happy, don't embarrass Qingchuan.

In fact, they will not embarrass Qingchuan. There are no big figures in this crew, and the rare investors are not blocked. Qingchuan is the traffic king in the past, and it is not because of scandals but because of accidents, don't look at it It's the fourth male, and he came out with more face than those newcomers.

Otherwise, why did the reporter ask Qingchuan not to ask others?

Don't look at there are often accidents, how the staff starts with a supporting role, it is because of some exciting interests. Under normal circumstances, this is also a job. If you want to hold a job for a long time, you still need to be careful and do less sinful things.

Besides, what extra benefits can this little broken crew have to make people lose their jobs?

The props are all set, the cameras are set up, and the actors are in place, so the shooting begins.

The first scene is the scene between Qingchuan and the heroine. The two of them didn't communicate during the whole process, they just looked at each other.

'Shi Ning' was eating and having breakfast, and suddenly the hostess came in from outside in a very embarrassed manner. Shi Ning glanced at the heroine with a mocking look in his eyes. The female protagonist is a stubborn and naive person, not to be outdone, she glared back, and then went back to the room, and it was over.

A particularly simple plot, in order to show that the two have a bad relationship.

In the middle and late stages of the story, the plot of Qingchuan in the early stage is cool and arrogant and two-faced.

Qingchuan was born in a professional class and has experience and foundation. Although the female first came from a girl group, the plot is very simple, and it is not difficult to think about.

The simple plot will be played first, and the opening will be smooth. The director thinks so.

A rectangular table with a row of western breakfast, toast, jam, poached eggs and coffee.

The director said something to start.

Qing Chuan's expression changed, the curvature of his smile, his eyes, and the angle of his arms were slightly adjusted. He is 'Shi Ning', Shi Ning is a young talent who is good at disguise. The description of him in the book is that he looks like a gentle, polite and educated person.

The director looked at the screen and couldn't help touching his chin.

Hey, that's really good, this kind of micro-expression is well done, and it has been completely substituted into the role.

Shining smeared the toast with a knife on the toast. He seemed to have an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Everyone has noticed. The cross shape, then the rice shape, and the amount of smear in the direction and order have some kind of weird insistence.

It's hard to describe, a little creepy.

Especially when her eyes stared at the bread indifferently, and her hands seemed to be mechanically controlled by a program, that weird and tingling feeling was even stronger.

At this moment, the heroine stumbled in from the outside.

She looked very embarrassed, dripping with water all the way, her hair and clothes were wet, she was stunned when she saw her stepbrother who was eating.

It imitates the appearance of a person, and it is vivid.

The director watching this scene rubbed his arm subconsciously, a little cold.

The hostess glared at him angrily and ran upstairs.

The plot should have ended at this time, but the director did not move. He looked at 'Shi Ning' at the dining table.

'Shi Ning' doesn't look at the heroine, nor does he laugh at him, his smile is flawless, but his eyes are mechanically cold.

An experienced photographer has made a close-up of his face.

Shi Ning picked up the silver-white knife, licked the jam on it, and the blade reflected a light on one of his eyes.

In the lens, the eye is clearly seen - it is a wolf like a wolf in the wilderness. The inexplicable fear makes people tremble.

The director, who had been looking at the screen, gasped.

The author has something to say:suit: don't look at me, I can't love

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