MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 140

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"Ma'am, I heard that there is a white candle here, the price is lower than the beeswax candle, but the lighting is the same." The businessman's eyes were blurred when he remembered the girl.

Ah my girl~~

The wind was blowing in his heart, and the song of love was humming in his ears.

"There is this kind of candle, because the production process is complicated, so the output is not high. Of course, the price will be slightly lower than the beeswax candle. If you need, you can find Wendy's grandma, she should also There is some stock."

Miss Betty smiled, "Alternatively, you can pre-order some with me, you know, we have a little discount for one order volume meeting, but not for retail."

Betty did not stop the territorial people from buying and selling privately. The lord encouraged the territorial people to make some money with their own handicrafts and small commodities to fill the household.

In fact, the lord himself has small factories and ash trees that manufacture candles in batches, ordinary candles, scented candles, carved candles, etc., and the scale is large, so the cost is also low. However, they will still buy their white candles from the people to increase their income.

The same is true for food. Even in a bumper year, the price will not be lowered, and the price of previous years will be used to purchase. The sale price is only a little higher than the purchase price, and it is also the general selling price in non-harvest years. He told them not to let the people suffer, and to stabilize food prices.

Although the lord himself said it was to promote economic flow and ensure stability, Betty still felt that it was because of the lord's kindness.

Although she has only been here for two years, Betty has fully recognized her identity as a quiet leader. A large part of it is because of the trust in this lord.

The lord has almost no selfishness, he is like a saint.

Except for the fact that she likes an orc.

The merchants exchanged goods and went to Grandma Wendy's house. Grandma Wendy warmly received them, the out-of-towners.

Lilian just happened to be away, she went to buy the dried petals and spices for making essential oils. This makes the businessman a bit regretful. He took care of himself specially today, and finally he no longer looks like a low-level man, he looks like an ordinary and a little handsome young man.

But the beauty is not there.

Of course, you still have to buy candles, there are only two small boxes in stock, most of them are white candles, and a few are incense candles. Enough is enough, they are not a big caravan, and it is not good if they are too many. You can make a fortune by taking these out.

The merchants replenished delicious dry food and clean water here, and set off with new goods.

Going out was smoother than coming in. They hired a local resident and took them all the way to the outskirts. It was half a day faster than when they came in, and they took a lot less trouble.

They left the silent collar, and also brought out the news and goods of the silent collar.

The merchants boasted about the food and the things they used in the silence, as well as all kinds of peculiar customs. Some believe it, some don't.

After that, before the end of the rainy season, Silent led two more small caravans to explore the way, and they all returned with a full load.

Then, the rainy season ends, the gray fog fades, and this small world is closed again.

Silence Collar ushered in the upsurge of the autumn harvest.

The farmers happily harvested grain and other crops, paid enough taxes, and the rest was not only enough for the family, but also a little surplus. Combined with the usual odds and ends of work income, this is a good year.

It is difficult for the residents of the Silent Territory to develop the habit of Grandet.

The lord of 'Crazy Heart' launched a big New Year promotion at this time.

Some products of Mushroom House are discounted, 62% off with the account book, 82% off without the account book, most of them are various refined products, such as various refined grains, Snacks, sweets, cutlery and kitchenware, and more.

Many of the harvested grains are finely processed, some are made into golden vegetable oil, some are popped into rice, and together with syrup, they are made into rice candy.

Even farmers are willing to spend a little money to buy some rice candy for their children.

The dwarves who work as miners also get enough wages, and they will have a bonus for the New Year.

As for the warriors, they have always been rich, the lord has three meals, and the wages are all saved.

Of course, the most rich are the magicians. This year, they have researched several new magic equipment. It is said that the lord gave a large bonus.

Under the leadership of the mushroom house, the shops on the commercial street also began to sell discounts, and the residents could not resist the temptation of such discounts.

The warriors brought wine and all kinds of jerky to the house barrel by barrel.

The magician prefers tea and various snacks, as well as rolls of white paper and delicate quills.

The budget-conscious housewife bought some daily consumables such as woven cloth, new iron oil lamps, soap and soap sets, sauce sets and so on. Then go back to cut some meat, and buy a few more pieces of cloth. If you don’t buy it during the New Year’s price reduction, it will cost a few dollars more to buy it on weekdays. The quilt has to be remade, and a warm year can be spent.

The men bought some cheap wine, and then took the farm tools out of the blacksmith for repairs.

If you have children at home, you must buy some fine grains, sweets and candies that are not expensive. If there are old people, then buy one or two things that the old people like as filial piety.

The lord advocates that young people often visit their parents, and he himself often visits old people who have no children.

Single men and women who have jobs and are not burdened are the most handsome, and they are willing to spend money on themselves. They will buy the patterned muslin that the housewives are reluctant to buy, they will buy the high-priced wine that the master man is reluctant to buy, and even the various toffee butcher shops that the children are envious of, they will also buy some to taste.

But they also have troubles, for example, marriage urges from their parents.

"I can't think of a reason for a rich, single happy woman to get married, and it's a bad deal by any measure." Young women struggle.

"If there is a single rich man who considers her carefully and pursues her passionately, I don't think there is any reason for this girl to be single." Her parents arranged a blind date very coldly.

"I don't think Silent Land has the rule that you have to give property to collateral if you don't have a son?" the young man wailed, "I promise I'll get married in the future, but not now. Really. No, I can go and adopt one."

"I don't believe your promise, and I'll remind you that single men can't adopt children. Okay, get your clothes sorted, and your messy hair." His parents sneered a sound.

Except for the men and women who are being urged to marry, the Silence Collar is a sea of ​​joy. Those pharmacies and weapons stores that ordinary people dare not enter are all discounted.

The benefits are obvious, although it appears to reduce profits. But in fact, they just dealt with all the old goods in the warehouse, and sold a lot of goods that were not selling well. After small profits but quick turnover, they made more money than before.

Qingchuan earns the most, and he has many small workshops, such as paper workshops, candle workshops, weaving mills, salt fields, oil mills, soy sauce factories, wineries, sauce factories... all are small There are only a dozen or 20 people in each workshop, which also meets local needs.

He plans to bring in more people from outside to stimulate economic development.

At this time, I especially want to have a reward policy of 'heroic mothers with multiple births'. But think about the fact that women have only been out of the house for two years, and the trend of career women has just picked up. Encouragement of fertility will tie up these outstanding women, so forget it. He began to think about other ways, such as kidnapping?

It is said that there is a war somewhere, this is an opportunity.

When the battlefield expands a bit, you can collect the desperate refugees. Those who have endured hardships will cherish a peaceful life and will automatically maintain the rule of the Silent Land, and the suffering of war will teach them to be grateful.

"I now know why the population is being robbed. Population, that is, resources, is the foundation of the agricultural age and the premise of the industrial age."

Qingchuan stretched out a finger, "The first step is to solve the basic needs of survival. After the land meets the basic needs, the people have more material and spiritual needs than the needs of survival, so there is a trade Market. There is surplus labor for handicraft work, shops and workshops appear.”

"Now for the second step."

He stretched out his second finger, "Foreign trade. Bring in some of the raw materials we need, and then sell finished products to the outside world to generate a trade surplus. These money are used to improve people's livelihood and strengthen the military. Perfect. ~”

"Of course, things can't be so smooth. But the population is still necessary, agricultural population and factory workers, as well as warriors and magicians." Warriors focus on melee combat, magicians focus on long-range, both are necessary military power.

Qingchuan's fingers crossed, "So, let's plunder the population."

Qiu received it for the New Year, and there are not too many things, Qingchuan will explain everything to the following. If it really can't be solved, it can also be communicated remotely - this is a magic method, an improved portable teleportation array, which can deliver letters in a targeted manner.

He brought Wei Ge, and the two quietly walked out of the silence collar.

The circle outside the Silence Collar was still hot and burning, and there was basically no one around, except for the poor people who came to keep warm. Qing Chuan didn't waste time around here, he went to a developed city outside, it was said to be an earldom, a rich earldom.

This is his destination, the location of his future subjects.

Although it has been a few years, the outside world has hardly changed. It is still the same as the streets full of rubbish, the swearing drunkards, the laughing street girls, the sad homeless and the bright-eyed Thief.

This is certainly not the case in the wealthy area, they live with dignity, elegance and luxury. And here is the stinking ditch, a slum. The greatest number of criminals and poor people are gathered, as well as future criminals and future poor people.

For generations like this, the invisible circles are bound, and they will never get out.

"Did no one teach you not to take other people's things?" Qing Chuan smiled and squeezed a dirty little hand. The hand had intended to take his purse.

This is a vagabond and a habitual thief, one of the local specialties.

"Sir, I was wrong, I sincerely apologize..." The child whimpered, his eyes still slyly rolling, thinking of a way to escape.

"Really? If you're really sorry, just serve as a tour guide for me for a while." There were many terrible smells in the air, Qingchuan covered his nose with a corner of his robe and sniffed the robe. The smoky aroma makes the nose feel much more comfortable.

"You said... tour guide?" He was surprised, because he thought he was going to be beaten as usual, but he didn't expect the other party to ask him as a tour guide.

"Yes, we are new here and not very familiar with the city, maybe you can show us around. There will be a reward, soft white bread and filling grits."

Qingchuan is now wearing a dark green robe with silver patterns, which looks very expensive. In addition, there was a tall and mighty orc warrior beside him, looking like a guard. Anyone who looked at him knew he was a wealthy man from a higher class.

Because he looks soft and beautiful, and his voice is not rough, many people even think he is a noble lady.

The child was immediately moved. He didn't feel that he had any capital to be deceived, but he couldn't sell it for any price.

Satisfying food, this is what he needs to keep him alive.

"Okay, I am most familiar with this place. I was born and raised here." His voice was both proud and lonely. It is true that he was born and raised, but there are no serious residents. Proof, in the eyes of others, he is just a little mouse in the gutter.

Qingchuan said that he likes 'mysterious and interesting' places, and children take him to 'mysterious and interesting' places - brothels, colosseum, illegal trade fairs, etc. He is like a pure tourist, playing everywhere, and playing everywhere for a short time.

"What are you looking for?" Wei Ge asked him in a low voice.

"There is a large slave trader in this city, who consumes a lot of slaves every year, and he has a Colosseum..."

He didn't say the following words, but Wei Ge already understood that Qingchuan wanted to do business without capital, and eat black.

"The merchants who do this kind of business are very cautious and have strong guards. We can also gather a group of coolies by the way." Qingchuan said with a smile, "On the flat ground behind our house, I The coordinates of the teleportation array have been set up, and people can be teleported there at any time, but a lot of magic stones are needed."

Qingchuan is not short of magic stones, he is short of people, so this is a very good deal.

"The other one is books. Our school library is only full of two bookshelves, which is really shabby. After this matter is settled, do you want to accompany me to the two largest in the imperial capital? Go for a walk around the academy?"

"Are you sure?" The strong in this world are not easy to bully.

"What are you thinking? Of course, go in with dignity, and I will offer enough exchange conditions for their hearts. Of course, not now, we are still too weak now. The weak have no right to speak."

Qingchuan thinks about the future.

They can walk around, transcribe some books, and grow their knowledge. In the future, a child may be adopted as a future heir, and he can take that child with him.

"It would be even more wonderful if some high-level intellectuals could be kidnapped back."

Qingchuan checked into a luxury hotel. The hotel dedicated to the rich, warriors, and magicians is indeed magnificent. People who come in and go out are dressed in gorgeous costumes, and even the maids who deliver the meals are prouder than the young ladies from well-off people outside.

The guards are formal warriors, the beautiful waiters are attentive and provide many high-spray activities, and the magic lights that ordinary people outside dare not use are lit day and night.

Of course, the daily fee is also very 'advanced', one day is equal to one year's wages of a commoner.

A place that provides the happiness of the rich and makes people drunk.

It was only after I got out of the silent collar that I felt that the gap between the rich and the poor in this world is huge.

The poor starve to death, and the rich wipe their butts with expensive fish fillets.

To pay the price, they need to sign a contract. After completing their studies, they will either sell themselves to the powerful, or sell themselves to their teachers.

But at least the children of these people have more opportunities.

And those who have no talent, or those who are not very talented, have no chance to even try.

"It's no wonder that the free compulsory teaching has attracted so many people."

Qingchuan stood at the window and looked at the crowd of traffic on the street outside. He saw those thin children who were selling on the street and were trying their best to put on smiling faces, and he also saw the servants sitting in the carriage pulled by the monster. A domineering noble child.

The frame of the noble family was rampant, and the groom's whip and scolding fell on the fruit seller on the side of the road. He fell into the mud, and the fruit was scattered all over the place.

No one cared about the passers-by, and the carriage galloped past, as if this was everyday life, no surprise.

The child didn't cry, he got up quickly, and while desperately picking up the fruit, he bowed down and apologized to the passers-by who disturbed him.

His face was always smiling, but there was a look of exhaustion in his eyes. My body shivered because it was soaked in the muddy water. Sometimes I would touch my stomach unconsciously when I saw a snack shop by the roadside.

Is it cold?


It is too difficult to be fair in this era, and there is no absolute fairness. Even Qingchuan can only say that what he can provide is a relatively fair opportunity.

He remembered that when he was studying, the best resources were concentrated in public schools, and admission was based on merit. Instead of being like the United Kingdom and the United States next door, the best resources are concentrated in private schools, and the rich are selected for admission.

The former is civilian education, while the latter is elite education. It is hard to say whether the "elite" refers to the child itself or the child's parents.

"For the better, their slack is our opportunity." Wei Ge appeared in the glass mirror, and a tall figure enveloped Qingchuan.

Qing Chuan laughed, he turned around, and stretched his arms around Wei Ge's neck, forcing him to bend down and lean close to Qing Chuan.

Qing Chuan's lips were a little cold, and the kiss was gentle and lingering.

Downstairs is a lively street, and at any time someone will raise their head and see overlapping figures on the mirror.

Weige's heart was beating fast, his hands were tightly against the glass mirror, as if he was captured, but fell in love with the predator's beast, and carefully closed his claws.

"We, I like the word, 'us'."

Qing Chuan smiled, reached out and pulled the curtains directly.

The waiter who had been standing outside the door got a silver coin, and the new guest asked him to prepare some warm bread for the fruit seller who fell to the ground downstairs.

Noble people rarely have such generous kindness without return or benefit. It is the first time that the waiter has received such a task. She went to the kitchen, exchanged silver coins for a basket of bread, and gave it to the fruit-selling child at the door.

The chef of the hotel specially selected the freshly baked bread so that it tastes warm.

This child is often here, begging good-hearted people to buy his fruit, and occasionally good-hearted wives and young ladies take care of him. However, it was probably the first time to order someone to bring bread, and the child was a little overwhelmed.

"Let's eat, a guest upstairs asked me to prepare it specially."

It was too cold outside, the waiter gave him something and went back.

The bread was still hot from the oven. The child looked at the resplendent hotel and held the warm bread in his arms. He wanted to know who it was.

The clothes were folded on the ground, and the quilt slipped to one side. A bitten rose petal fell on the pillow, and the sap from the petal stained the sheet red.

If you get used to staying in one place, and changing the style of another place, you can ignite a different enthusiasm.

Maybe this is what the honeymoon is all about.

Of course, they're not here for their honeymoon, and there's a lot of serious business to do.

The rich and powerful lord bought a two-horse carriage, with an aged driver as a gift. It is said that the driver of the noble family once made a mistake and was sold, and changed hands several times. Because he was old, he sold half of it and gave it to Qingchuan.

"You're old. Ah, it doesn't matter, as long as you can use it." Qing Chuan handed a few gold coins to the owner of the car dealership.

The carriage is an ordinary carriage, a very common one, with a little paint peeling on the outside. Horses are also common horses, not monsters, not famous horses, very docile.

Qing Chuan was sitting in the carriage, Wei Ge saw that the wall was water and wood, and there was no soft cushion, so he put his hand on the back of his head, worried that the car bumped and bumped.

Qing Chuan glanced back, stopped sitting upright, leaned slightly, leaned on Wei Ge, stretched out his hand to point at the driver outside, opened his mouth and said nothing: Thief.

Weige noticed it early, but he didn't say it, Qingchuan seemed to have his own ideas.

The frame goes all the way to a Colosseum, which only needs money. Qingchuan and the two paid the money, and one of them got a wooden mask. His was a cyan eagle, and Wei Ge was a white leopard. The two of them mixed into the masked people.

If it is a VIP guest, there is a VIP box, but they are just regular guests who pay to come in, there is a location, but the location is not very good, in a corner. In the corner where even the light cannot shine, there are no people nearby, and it is also very far from the Colosseum.

"It's so lively..."

They came late, the game has already started below, two hungry beasts, and the shaky protective net, and the red-eyed fanatic. Zealots even threw coins directly at the Colosseum.

What a beast.

The mercenary group caught in the slave business last year provided several supply points, and this is one of them. On the bright side, there are only fighting beasts, but for some regular customers, there will be different performances, such as between different races, or between intelligent creatures and monsters.

Extraordinarily rare, there are special auctions.

They consume a lot of magical beasts and intelligent races every year, and they are long-term customers of the slave-hunting mercenary group.

In pursuit of money and adrenaline-burning sensations, they do everything they can.

Qing Chuan bit Wei Ge's ears sideways, they looked like little couples flirting, just like other little couples sneaking in the corner.

"I've positioned this place, and I'll find out later."

"Do you have a clue?"

"Well, I have some clues." He hooked his fingertips, and several pieces of paper the size of soybean dots gathered from everywhere, fell into his palm, and disappeared after a turn. "There are very complicated passages underground, which are blocked by layers. In addition to beasts, there are many intelligent races, many orcs, and even elves."

Qingchuan looked like he was laughing or acting like a spoiled brat with his lover, but every word spit out from his mouth was malicious, "It seems that the first game was a good start. I don't know what forces are behind this. Protection, if you follow the vine, you may be able to eat a full meal."

"The monsters can gather together and build a zoo." A finger.

"Controlled intelligent life can become a subject." Two fingers.

"The guards here can be pulled out to be miners." Three fingers.

Make the most of everything, kill three birds with one stone.

The huge interest attracted him and made his eyes sparkle.

Qingchuan is very bad, he is not for justice, or black and black.

Weige was helping the tyrant, "Those warriors, leave it to me. None of them can escape."

The author has something to say:Qingchuan: robbery!

Weige: Listen to him.

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