MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 132

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"You have also seen the situation in the territory. There are not many children, and they are not noisy. I have no compulsion to teach many learned men or warriors."

These were recruited after a few months after he issued a notice of employment in the Magician Association and the Warrior Association of the earldom.

Not many people.

In fact, Qingchuan pays a lot. However, the geographical location of the Silent Land has already killed a group of people. Qingchuan interviewed again, and in the end, only the few he thought were more suitable.

They are all civilians and even refugees.

The eldest one is an old magician apprentice, seeing that there is no possibility of promotion, and he has no wife and children. Qingchuan promised retirement, the other party was moved, and then came over.

There is also a muscular middle-aged man, who was originally a warrior, but was seriously injured two years ago and can no longer continue his dangerous adventures. He also has a daughter at home. He chose to come here because his daughter was spotted by a **** and wanted to leave there and find a quiet place to live.

This man is an alcoholic, but has promised to quit drinking for his current job.

Although she looks like an ordinary woman on the street, she actually has quite good literary and artistic qualities.

It is indeed very remote and lacking in materials, but Qingchuan offers very good conditions. There will be residences and high commissions, and a promise to protect their personal safety. If you have been a teacher for more than 20 years, the lord is responsible for giving the other person the care of the elderly.

The main thing is retirement, because these three people are all alone, they may worry about the future.

"Dear Lord, I have no doubts about other things, but do goblin children also attend classes together? I'm not sure if they can keep up with the speed of human children." The other party said something euphemistic.

Qingchuan sternly said: "Yes, all the children of the territorial people must receive education. This is a right and an obligation. I once promised to treat all races equally, and this is when I fulfilled my promise. All children have the seeds of wisdom in their bodies, and as long as they are nurtured, they have the opportunity to sprout and blossom, no matter what race they are."

Compulsory education is for all citizens, from seven to thirteen years old, and compulsory education.

Courses include: Chinese, Mathematics, Basic Martial Arts, Basic Magic Cognition, Magical Creatures, Music, Art.

Invited apprentices are responsible for teaching mathematics and basic magical cognition. Retired warriors are in charge of basic martial arts and magical creatures.

The bard teaches music, and the daughter of a former noble teaches literature and painting.

Since the number of students is small, this number of teachers is sufficient.

Qingchuan plans to build a basic school in the residential area in the next two years. He set aside a large vacant lot in each neighborhood because there would be more students and teachers in the future—he was sure.

But now, they have to go to the school that was repaired before. The vampires on the side of the forest used his more than five million points to build the school.

From now on, there will be a flag-raising ceremony every morning, and children need to learn and sing the song of the territory, because to cultivate children's sense of belonging, they will have the awareness of 'I am a citizen of the Silence Territory' since childhood.

The flag is the pattern of the golden Nirvana phoenix on the red background, which will be the symbol of the silence collar in the future.

All children will have a school uniform with the golden phoenix logo on it.

The song is a 'Nirvana song' in which the mermaid princess is invited to write the music, and then Qingchuan bites the bullet and writes the lyrics. The afflicted land can be reborn in the hands of children and prosper again.

Maybe there will be a Silent Collar history book in the future, but not yet.

It must be equal and all children have the right to attend classes.

As the person giving money, since Qingchuan has said so, then this matter is a 'certain fact'.

When they see the clean and ugly goblins here, maybe their impressions can change.

Seeing that they stopped talking, Qingchuan's smile became more sincere, "The teachers should live here first these days. You can go to the park or the village by the lake. Everyone knows each other. Just a moment. It's just the beginning, everything is new and it will get better and better. Now, let me show you the place where you will work in the future."

"In the future, you will be proud of the decision to stay today." He said suddenly as he walked out the door.

The school is on the other side of the forest opposite the residential area.

From the residential area, walk along the road to the lake, cross the stone bridge across the lake to the opposite side, and cross a one-kilometer-long golden ginkgo avenue, which is the newly built school.

The school is protected by a magical barrier. From the outside, it is just a piece of grass. Open the barrier and walk in to see the real situation inside.

Qingchuan himself has only seen the school under construction a few times. The vampires don't want to spend their money on the points. He felt distressed after watching it for a long time, and then he stopped paying attention.

After the arrival of the first batch of residents last year, the construction of this school began, and it took almost a year. At that time, Qingchuan was handed over to a group of vampires with good aesthetics, hoping that they could exert their abilities and aesthetics.

Hmm... Now that I think about it, maybe it's a bit over the top?

Qingchuan once suspected that he had made a wrong decision. These old monsters have no concept of money at all.

The school covers an area of ​​1,000 mu and is surrounded by trees. There are meadows and groves by the lake, and there are wild ducks with beautiful feathers on the lake.

There is a building standing on the water in the middle of the lake, all using high-strength glass and metal materials, like a crystal palace. It was the library, well-lit and beautifully landscaped, where students could read.

Tired of reading, you can also look at the surrounding scenery to change your mood.

But now there are no books in it, it's empty.

Walking across the grass, it is a large square paved with slate, with a flag-raising platform in the middle, and the red Nirvana flag fluttering high.

Not far away is a real gothic black marble castle building with beautiful geometric reliefs, decorated with brass and crystals.

Whenever it is knocked, the entire silence collar can hear its heavy voice.

A very typical 'vampire' aesthetic, almost like a vampire castle in a movie.

This is more like a palace than the 'Jade Palace' where Qingchuan lives.

Qingchuan was built to accommodate 3,000 students at the same time.

The second, third and fourth floors are bright and clean classrooms, all of which are glass windows, equipped with blackboards, desks and chairs.

The fifth floor is the teacher's office and rest area, at the top.

The first floor is the event hall, there is a stepped dance theater that can accommodate thousands of people, and a hall supported by huge stone pillars, where the graduation dance will be held in the future.

There is a square building at the back of the castle, which is also a marble structure, which is more solid. That is the martial arts field, which has a horse racing venue and a separate fighting classroom. There is a fenced-in open space in the back, which will serve as a breeding ground for magical animals in the future.

The magic tower is a completely different style. The surface of the tower is painted with inscriptions, which can absorb magic energy to prevent explosions. It is a cylindrical building.

Beside them, there is an open space.

"When there are more children in the future and it is inconvenient to travel, you can build student dormitories and student restaurants here." Qingchuan and the teachers behind him introduced.

But none of the teachers listened. They were completely shocked by Qingchuan's generosity.

The territory is still so barren, with less than 100 inhabitants, it is said that the villages are barely. The lord didn't even have a decent palace, let alone knights and troops. Such a poor lord, whoever saw it, was in tears, and whoever heard it was sad.

It turns out that there is such a beautiful and outstanding school hidden behind the forest?

This school is not outdated even in places like the capital. Every place is so at all costs, there is a smell of money and resources. Because it uses a lot of materials and even money is not easy to buy.

However, at this time there are no students, and the goblins only have more than ten children.

They will teach here with more than ten children in the future?

This school is so beautiful, the teachers are suddenly a little panic, a kind of 'I don't deserve it'.

After reading the outside, you need to go in and take a closer look.

Walking through the huge square, I saw a set of copper water fountains. The real door is the horn-shaped stairs going up.

All copper, decorated with stained glass, the gate of the goddess was tightly closed.

On the left door is the goddess of life, the faith of the forest elves, and on the right door is the goddess of wisdom, the faith of the magicians. At the door is a huge statue of the **** of war, which is also full of copper, surrounded by water fountains. There is no doubt that the warrior's belief.

Qingchuan pushed open the door more than three meters high, and all the lights inside automatically turned on.

Glittering gems, gold and silver reflections, and bright white magic crystal lamps different from dim butter lamps, all at once decorate an otherwise dark room with magnificence.

Qing Chuan heard the sound of inhalation that was suppressed but still uncontrollable from behind.

Ah, look, this is the fire of points burning.

Although it is not the first time for Qingchuan, it is amazing every time. The aesthetics of the blood clan is proportional to the speed of spending. Beauty is really beautiful, and the speed at which money is spent is really...flowing.

Look at the chessboard hall inlaid with white jade and black jade at the entrance, as well as the equal-height chess pieces with gilt and gilt silver on both sides, all of which are inlaid with real gems, right?

The aesthetics of the rich.

On both sides are some patterns inlaid with colorful shells, such as the goddess of life to bless the living beings, the goddess of wisdom to spread wisdom, and the **** of war to fight heroically.

In front of it is a huge oil painting of 'Qingchuan' more than five meters high. This is an oil painting with magical special effects, and the characters in it will move. Almost poisoned by Harry Potter, I don't know when they drew it.

Then there are two spiral escalators extending upstairs on both sides.

"Please come with me." Qingchuan calmly invited the four teachers to continue upstairs to visit the children's classrooms with a smile.

The revolving escalator is made of high-quality mahogany material, covered with a layer of dark red anti-slip carpet, and two gold lines are inlaid on the handrail.

On the second floor, there is a long corridor covered with colorful woolen blankets, with classrooms on both sides. White statues are embedded in the walls between classrooms and classrooms, and some blank portraits are hung on the walls.

Waiting for the white marble sculpture...

"After a few of you have been here for a long time, there will be busts of you in the blank portraits here. All the picture frames in this corridor are for the teachers who will work here and die in the future. Yes." Qing Chuan casually dropped a sweet candy.

As long as there are some pursuits, you must not care about these 'false names', honor is the direction that many people strive for.

He pushed open the door of one of the classrooms.

The classroom is very large, about 70 to 80 square meters, and usually has 40 matching desks and chairs, a podium and a blackboard, and there is a small space at the back of the classroom, allowing students to freely arrange them Like the look, the other side is a transparent glass window.

Because of this whole-sided glass window, the classroom is well lit, and there will be no trouble in reading the words.

The world is made of glass, in order to meet the needs of magicians, there are many kinds of glass, almost as many as modern times. But glass is very expensive, and generally only princes and nobles will use it to install windows.

"This is the classroom where you will take classes in the future. Let's go to the office now and take a look."

They walked all the way to the office on the fifth floor, many offices, separated from different subjects. Due to the small number of people, it is now a classroom for the time being.

There is ample space in the office, so there is a leisure corner nearby, with sofas and fine china tea and coffee sets on the coffee table. Then next to it is the water table, with a water pipe leading to the dark lake below and an 'induction cooker' using magic stones.

This school has a large number of high-level magical equipment such as flush toilets, running water sinks, automatic induction lamps, and heat and cold adjustment equipment. It is undoubtedly an "electrical" substitute for the magical world.

These devices require the 'Sorcerer's Stone', a luxurious renewable resource.

Qingchuan is now set up outside to absorb the fire magic energy, and it is continuously reclaiming the energy and turning it into a magic stone. In the short term, there will be no shortage of Philosopher's Stones. But in the long run, the Philosopher's Stone is still a big expense, and we have to find a way to solve this in the future.

For example, charges.

Qingchuan is not prepared to let such a beautiful school serve as a basic education pilot for a long time.

When the population gradually increases, a public basic school will be set up in each residential area, and then there will be institutions of higher learning that only allow the best talents to enter.

Of course, this is much later.

At least five or six years later, Qingchuan has enough patience.

After visiting the school, no teacher ever said a word like leaving.

Qingchuan gave them a month to organize the teaching materials, and then gave Qingchuan a report on the general tutorial problem.

After that, it took almost two months to revise it continuously, and revised it into the content that Qingchuan thought it was possible. Among them, the poetry and music courses have changed a lot, because a large part of them are religious content, that is, the content of the Guangming religion.

He is not willing to make wedding clothes for others.

Guangming Religion is the number one religion among human beings. The Pope has a very high position and has direct power to appoint and dismiss the kings of certain weak countries. Then it is also a very strong sect. Every place it settles in must pay taxes to it, and it will get it by paying one-tenth of the tax.

Religion is always the only way to make money.

Qingchuan is not going to let the Holy See enter here, ask the people to pay some belief tax, and then inexplicably become the second largest force, or even the first one.

Anyway, he is an elf who believes in the goddess of life, so he is not allowed to preach the light in his territory, there is nothing wrong.

Before the official start of the class, Qingchuan deliberately called all the subjects, humans and goblins together, on the large grass in the park.

This is the first time many people see Qingchuan, or in other words, see Qingchuan as a lord.

identity, it will not appear nouveau riche.

He didn't come up and said, we have opened a school, and we must force children to go to school or something. Because many people think that their children can work at home and learn to farm and raise livestock, it is useless to go to school and it is a waste of time.

It is said that rushing is not a business, and so is going to school.

Qingchuan started by praising everyone present, praising them for being hard-working, smart, and having ideas. First of all, they affirmed their performance these days.

Then when everyone was feeling a little smug, a question was suddenly raised, since they are not stupid or lazy than others, why did they not live well before, even to the point where it was difficult to make a living?

The intuitive first answer is of course - status hierarchy.

Yes, status hierarchy. So what are the fundamental differences between different status classes? Is it because the other party eats well and dresses warmly, or because they live well and have money in their pockets, or because they can ask the teacher to learn something that everyone cannot learn?

In fact, there is a difference in social circles and concepts, etc., but the main purpose of today is to guide everyone to pay attention to learning, so Qingchuan did not specifically mention these factors.

Not to mention Qingchuan, the people with a long-term vision certainly did not think of this key, and their focus was attracted by the previous elements.

He has always encouraged everyone to speak with a good attitude, and he has the courage to speculate and discuss below.

"Actually, in fact, I was tested by Mr. Magician passing by when I was a child, and I have magical talent." A middle-aged man said with emotion: "But the tuition is too expensive, and it costs two gold coins a year. , even if I sold my land, it would not be enough to study for two years, so I had to give up in the end.”

There is a strong unwillingness in his tone. He is not inferior to others, only an opportunity, an opportunity to learn.

Come on, introduction.

The experience of this middle-aged man, his unwillingness, is the best key to inspire people's self-motivation.

Qingchuan said: "I know you, you are very strict with yourself, and you are very punctual. This is a very good character, and many magicians have such advantages. If at that time You have a chance to learn, maybe a magician now."

This is, of course, just a nice word.

It's even wishful thinking.

Having magical talent is just a door opener, no one knows what will happen in the future. Many people spend their entire lives just apprentices of magic. This line of work really pays attention to talent, and with that little talent, the final result is very different.

But the middle-aged man was obviously more confident in himself, he smiled wryly with some regret and unwillingness, "Learning magic is too expensive. We are the sons of ordinary people, and the family is not just a son. , there is no chance at all.”

At this moment, he has forgotten the majesty of the lord, and just wants to find someone who understands him to vomit. He thinks that Qingchuan is the one who understands him. Because everyone, including his wife, thought he was fanciful and wishful thinking, only Qingchuan affirmed him.

The feeling of being affirmed is so comfortable, he couldn't help but have more words to spit out.

The middle-aged man has not forgotten his dream until now. He had the opportunity to become a magician.

Qingchuan has been consciously guiding him. He occasionally said a word or two to draw out the regrets of everyone's past.

Those middle-aged people who have not yet completed their careers will think that if they can seize the opportunity, they will have a better life, but such an opportunity is missed.

Those old people will also think that when I was young, someone praised me for being brave and diligent, and encouraged me to go ahead in a certain direction. But for cowardice or other reasons, they didn't go. As a result, they are not living as they thought they were when they were young.

Even a woman is thinking that when she was young, she was so smart and beautiful, it was not bad, why is it like this now?

"It's because you missed the best opportunity for education when you were young. Even if two grains of wheat are planted in sandy soil and the other in fertile soil, the results will be both totally different."

"You and others, those excellent people, were originally the same wheat seed, but you did not have the opportunity to get the same good education as them and be planted in the same fertile soil."

In short, 'your essence is excellent, but it is delayed'.

This conclusion is very good to appease everyone's self-esteem, but on the other hand, it also arouses the faint resentment in my heart.

'We were all the same, but now we are completely different. ’ If it’s your own fault, then admit it, but it’s not your fault, it’s the environment, it’s the resources, it’s the education, which makes people very unwilling.

How about not being reconciled? They are already like this. Seeing, their children will go the same way, because they also can't provide their children with such opportunities, can't afford to pay, can't afford teachers, and have nothing.

"If my lords are not stupid or lazy than others, but live better than others. That is my lord's fault." Qingchuan said.

A man with a red neck immediately called out, "No, Lord, don't do this. You have provided us with a lot of things, without you, we are still wandering outside, living on the side of the street In the **** basket, you may die at any time."

A woman even cried when Qing Chuan spoke with a tone of remorse.

"Lord, you have taken in us people who have nowhere to go, given us a way to live, and are of great kindness to us. Please don't say such words again, you have given too much too much. Many. I have lived for so long and have seen countless people, but a lord like you has never existed before, nor will there be in the future."

"What has passed, I can't change it, but the children in our territory still have a chance." Qingchuan was sitting on a stone, but this time he stood up, walked over and pulled the old man up, " What you missed before, you shouldn't let the kids miss again."

He looked at those ignorant children, there were only a few, not too many, like a little spark.

"I decided to start a school where the children would go to school for free, at least learn some words and know how magic and martial arts work. They can have more opportunities instead of just following Keep going the old way.”

The old man was stunned, thinking he heard it wrong, "You, you said... run a school?"

"Yes, I want to run a school. All my subjects, men and women, regardless of race, their children can and should go to school. For a while, they have to sit in the classroom, learn from the teacher, and grow into better people."

"Reading is what I promise, the greatest fairness that every child in this land can get."

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