MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 10

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The system feels that this host is a strange person. As the saying goes, from thrift to luxury is easy, from luxury to thrift is difficult, Qingchuan has been an official for so many years, no matter how clean his sleeves are, there are housekeepers, servants, wives and bookies who take care of both inside and outside. Life, it feels a little unreliable.

Even if there is a system for living materials, then you have to do the laundry and cooking yourself, as well as filter mud to make mud bricks and other physical tasks. He is a pampered official, how can he still shake his arms? After a few months of complaining, the system has prepared various words of comfort.

The result was beyond the system's expectations. Qingchuan did a good job. It only took him two days to master the skills of cooking and cooking again, as well as washing dishes, cutting wood, sewing, etc. Survival skills that must be mastered.

Although his forehead was marked with official hats, Qingchuan still had no literati burden. He started, humming, stirring the mud in the big tank, surrounded by some mosquitoes.

Just looking at his work, he is an authentic low-level craftsman. How can you think that this person has once served as an official.

"I came from the modern age of material abundance and spiritual openness to this era of closed poverty. What do I want, what have I said? Now it's just from a small official to an old peasant, what can't I do? Adaptable? Humans' ability to adapt is terrifying, sometimes they complain a few times or don't cooperate, but they're just not ready to struggle twice." Qingchuan felt that the system was rare and strange.

He wrapped some prepared and dried mud bricks in oil paper, and put them away one by one, with a bright smile on his face, the same expression as the farmers looking at the warehouse full of grain.

Today's work is done, he went to the big vat to take a shower, it was the water that was drawn in the morning, and it came from the stream down the mountain, which was the nearest water source.

He has been coming to this little-known place for half a year. At first, people came to him, but in recent months, no one from the outside world has come.

The old lady of the Jiang family passed away a few years ago. Before she left, her only wish was that she could leave with confidence after seeing Qingchuan. Qingchuan adopted the younger son of the elder brother's family, and changed the family tree to adopt it under his name. But he is not very impatient to raise children, let alone a child who has been taught by his parents to be unwilling and unwilling. Moreover, the situation at the time was not suitable for raising children, so the adopted son still stayed at the elder brother's house. Qingchuan hired two gentlemen to teach him his homework, and gave the elder brother a monthly payment for living expenses.

My hometown also learned about his resignation half a year ago. Brother Jiang also brought his children here, but seeing the environment is so bad, Qingchuan said that he would not be able to support him again. Take the child back. The Jiang family is developing very well now. All the children and nephews have been studying. They have already passed the test of two children and one scholar. They have built big houses and bought fields in the countryside, and they can be regarded as landlords.

Several elder brothers planned to let the children move forward on the road opened by Qingchuan. Unexpectedly, Qingchuan resigned without a word, and there were some complaints in the words.

Qingchuan's mentality is very good, and he jokes with the system, "Look, obviously he stepped on my shoulders to make a fortune, and now I don't let them step on it, but it's a fault. How terrifying do things get when there's no distance?"

The system thinks that Qingchuan enjoys a secluded life, perhaps because there are too many things that can be touched on weekdays, and too many emotions that can be felt, so it has to run thousands of miles to this unknown hill Have a little time. The so-called breaking away, making complexity simple, seems to be more conducive to his pursuit of art.

Hosts who have successfully taken that step in the past seem to have such a process of calming themselves down. The system is quite optimistic about this host. Whether it is talent or hard work, he is the best among the previous hosts. The only thing that makes him a little worried is the host's past. I don't know if it will have an impact.

"Brother Jiang! Brother Jiang, I brought you firewood."

A rough voice resounded at the gate of the courtyard.

This is a nearby woodcutter. He claims to be a villager of Lianhua Village at the foot of the mountain. His surname is Zhang and his name is Dahe. He knocked on the door one day and asked for a bowl of water. Qingchuan knew him and asked him to send ten bundles every month. Pine wood is used to burn the kiln.

Qingchuan came out of the back room, he knew that today was the day when the big man sent firewood, he specially cooked vegetables and warmed a pot of old wine.

Zhang Woodcutter is very responsible, every time he sends dry pine wood with enough grease, Qingchuan is also very happy to give money, he warmly invited the other party, "I know that you are coming today, burn it Fish, fried a plate of snails, and warmed old wine."

So warm and thoughtful, the woodcutter Zhang did not refuse. The two of them had a meal in the main room, and they ate from the evening until it was dark.

"Old Zhang, how is your home?"

"It's okay, okay." Zhang Woodman said.

"We've known each other for so long, if you have any difficulties, just tell me and help me if you can."

"It's all good. It's all good..."

"It's fine, just fine."

Qingchuan stood up, "I'll light the oil lamp, we won't go home if we don't get drunk." He was already a little drunk, his footsteps were vain, and his eyes were blurred.

Just as Qingchuan turned his back to look for the fire stick and the oil lamp, the woodcutter Zhang stood up slowly, his steps were very light and light, like a cat holding its breath and approaching its prey step by step.

"Old Zhang, have we known each other for a few months?" Qing Chuan suddenly said, and he was still looking for something without looking back.

The room is very dark, only the outline can be seen, the room is also very quiet, it seems that the sound of mosquitoes can still be heard. Zhang Woodman held the hatchet in his hand, and a drop of sweat fell from his forehead. He looked at Qingchuan with a thin back, and said in his heart that he was sorry. Then, like a tiger coming out of its cage, he swooped over, his eyebrows were upside down, and his face was hideous.

Zhang Woodcutter thought that the other party was sure to die, although suddenly a shadow flashed, the sky was spinning, a thin arm grabbed his hand holding the hatchet, the other hand flashed white light, Zhang Woodcutter There was no pain yet, and the warm liquid splashed out.


Death came too quickly and too hard, Zhang Woodman's eyes widened, and he reached out to grab the man who was suddenly very strange in front of him, but his arm just waved weakly twice and drooped softly.

The system didn't expect the development of this god's development, and it was over when it came back to god. Standing in the darkness, Qingchuan was like a **** of death, he said, "What a pity." What a pity, he gave him three chances, even if he hesitated a little... "What a pity, I can't eat a table of food for nothing."

The bright red blood is like spring water from a spring, not like spring water, it is viscous, warm, with the breath of life.

The splash was the highest, scraped on his face, the eyelashes trembled slightly, and the red liquid fell. The strong smell of blood, the smell of cold and sharp weapons, but for some reason, there is a strange feeling, as if the petrified stone statue was 'lived' after being watered with blood.

Qingchuan has killed fish and chickens, but this is the first time that he has done something to the same kind. He had repeated countless murder scenes in his mind, more than the cases he had written, but none of them had been put into action. As a 'human', his moral and legal cognition was like a rope hanging him, preventing him from falling into the abyss. .

He can feel through the murderer, most people don't have happy emotions when they kill, like bitter pills. He's seen those sociopaths who enjoy themselves. Their emotions are like eating a good steak. It's hard to describe. After spending a long time with that kind of person, he will become such a monster.

Now he has this steak…

Sure enough, the food can only achieve the most delicious effect at the moment when it is about to be eaten. There are expectations and unknowns as condiments, with infinite possibilities of delicious reverie. But it seems to be the same thing when you actually eat it in your mouth.

A little nauseating.

Killing the same kind will not make people feel happy at all, even if the other party actually wants to kill themselves.

Qing Chuan calmed down slowly, as if after opening the package, it suddenly became dull.

"Look at him, he came all the way here, chopping wood every day, pretending that he has a wife and children down the mountain, just to kill me. What's the fun in killing people? It's so dirty."

"Where did you learn your martial arts?!" The system was even more surprised than the sneak attacker. It jumped out of the wrist and turned into a small fireball. Peace of mind, his host learned such superb martial arts right under his eyelids? when?

"Aren't you practicing every day?" Qing Chuan laughed. In good conscience, his appearance is not the best, but he looks very kind and gentle, even now his face is full of blood, and with the kind smile as always, it is even more terrifying.

"That old lady fist?!"

"How can you call it an old lady's boxing? They are the family martial arts secrets of the two world's first masters, okay? Do you still have some respect for the peerless secrets?"

I don't know when to start, the strength is getting stronger, the speed is getting faster, the perception is getting stronger and stronger, it becomes difficult to get sick, and the injury can quickly recover, Qingchuan is very early noticed. I didn't expect the system to be so stupid, and it hasn't noticed anything abnormal for more than ten years.

"In my vision, my first time should be a perfect crime, like finishing a work of art. I didn't expect the reality to be so rough and without beauty."

The '…' system does not want to make any speech.

"It's not for nothing. I'm so inspired right now."

Although he couldn't wait to try his skills, Qing Chuan did not leave the sneak attackers who had lost too much blood and died. He found a place and dug a hole. Then he bought new mats and quilts for the deceased, and even wiped his face with water, closed his eyes, and buried him in it. He also used a wooden plaque to erect a monument with the name he told Qingchuan on it. .

The Tomb of Zhang Dahe.

There is also a flower basket in front of the tomb.

"I almost thought you unlocked the seal." The system said faintly, "I don't want my host to become a serial perverted murderer."

"There are various reasons in this world to force people to kill. Is every one of them a pervert? No matter what reason he wants to kill me, it should end after death. Even in the spirit of humanitarianism, I can't let him be so exposed. I know what you're worried about, don't worry, sociopaths usually lack 'empathy', I'm too sensitive to people's emotions, so It's easy to 'empathize'."

"However, in a subconscious situation, there are obviously many ways, but you chose to cut your throat." This subconscious choice can prove that the incident still has a profound impact on him.

“…” Qing Chuan could not refute.

"Are you out of line?"

Say I'm wrong. This is the ancient times of killing people. I didn't break the rules, so I didn't break my precepts. My bottom line is not killing people. Of course, I don't deny that this feeling is very exciting, it makes people tremble all over. … But I know, I don't. I'm still a 'person'."

Qingchuan went to the big vat next to him and washed his hands with a spoonful of water. Then he picked out a mud brick with suitable softness and sat on a small tree stump and began to shape.

The mud bricks are very clean, but when he was carved out a little bit, it became very scary. Qingchuan carved a pair of eyes, and the lines were even a little beautiful. No one can say that it is ugly. It is a pair of eyes that should belong to a beauty. .

The system floated over and looked at it, and felt very infiltrating. Those eyes were beautiful and smiling, but they were eyes without pupils, as if they were looking at him from any angle, which made people shudder.

No fear of death, no reverence for life, weak morals, weak empathy. He is really embarrassed to say that he is a new good young man with three views of integrity, a righteous fart, and a potential antisocial personality.

The system does not like sociopaths, although such people are prone to genius. Sociopaths are sick, and once they have power, they will either destroy the world or self-destruct, which is completely different from the system's low-key concept of peace. Some systems like this kind of person, but it certainly isn't.

The only thing fortunate is that the host's bottom line is still there, and he is very sensitive to emotions, and he is particularly vulnerable to infection, passively feeling all kinds of emotions that belong to human beings. It is this kind of talent that allows him to always identify with the identity of 'human', so that he will not completely lose his emotions.

"You knew he was going to kill you?" The system thought that its host was a highly sensitive emotion detector. That woodcutter's acting skills were so good that he looked like a simple and honest reckless man. The true intentions of the opponent were discovered.

"Do you know why he wants to kill you? Since he wants to kill you, why does he have to wait until now?" The system asked again, it was simply curious, the host usually doesn't offend people, even Don't make enemies with people, especially this kind of hatred that wants to kill.

"I don't know either. But in addition to hatred in his heart, he seems to have gratitude, admiration, and pity for me... He must have received my grace and understood me to a certain extent. Bian's accent, oh, it's a person who used to have jurisdiction, it should be a grievance I forged during my tenure. As for the specifics, I really don't know."

If you think about it carefully, he has suppressed the local squire forces, swept away the local black violent gangs, and forcibly killed a few **** with backgrounds. The family of the concubine Gong is in his hands. Sentenced, there must be many people who want his life.

"You have been blessed by you but want to kill you, are you not angry?"

Qing Chuan froze for a moment, "Why are you angry?"

He quickly thought of something else, "If he is smarter, he can come up with a good idea of ​​setting fire to the mountain. Recently, the wind has just turned this way, and there is another row of wooden houses, with a lot of firewood stored. , the fastest way down the mountain has a plank bridge, the probability of setting fire to the mountain to kill me is much higher than melee assassination.”

No, normal people don’t think that way…

Who is so mad, in order to kill a person, he has to burn a mountain.

Soon Qingchuan made a model of his clay figurine. He said it was a clay figurine. The surface looked like a smooth mask, only the edges were uneven, and the blank face had a perfect smile. But when he turned around, he could see the position of the eyes behind the mask, with a pair of inexplicably terrifying eyes. People can't help but recall the peeping eyes in the dark night of childhood, like a little devil hiding under the bed and in the gap outside the window, coveting the fresh human flesh.

"It's a nightmare to see." The system commented.

Wait for the embryos to dry in the shade and burn in the kiln overnight. Qingchuan took out the embryos and painted the mask with pigments made from white Tridacna powder to make it appear thick and white, and the front was no longer on the front. color. He didn't carefully outline the eyes on the back, but just swept the corners of both sides of the eyes with black, matched with snow-white eyeballs, which was indescribably weird.


The mask is ready.

"Rated?" Qing Chuan looked at the triangle on his wrist.

The system was so abnormal that there was no response for a long time, and after a long time, a small fireball jumped out. Qingchuan saw that its body was dyed with a dark purple edge, and two fine slits were split on the sphere, leaking a little golden light, like eyes. The spirit of the little fireball after changing clothes is not very good, and his speech is sloppy.

"What's wrong with you?" Qingchuan asked it.

"Upgraded." Little Fireball replied feebly.

"Upgraded...what's so bad?"

The little fireball took a long sigh and floated a few lines in the air:

Focus Edge Mask.

Maker: Qingchuan

Level: 1st grade, normal quality, made of mud that can be seen everywhere, how good do you expect it to be?

Description: The mask that was burnt for peeping into the truth, after establishing a connection with blood, can resist three malicious prying eyes for the owner and give back nightmare attacks and special items.

System Score: 103.

"The pottery figurine master?" Qingchuan was particularly at a loss, so the handwriting changed:

The Terracotta Warrior (Variation).

A strange race who is obsessed with playing dirt and likes to bury people. It will obtain power from life and death, and then give it to clay and then calcinate it with flames to make special props with stand-in effect.

"Wow." Qingchuan made an interjection.


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