MTL - Assistant Lin Has Something To Say-Chapter 9

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In the new week, Li Fenghai, the general manager of the real estate company, came back to report from the project, and by the way, asked Lin Hui to have dinner together.

Li Fenghai is a trapeze man all year round and runs around everywhere. He is about 10 years older than He Jianshan, but he has a young mentality and can talk to Lin Hui very well, so every time he comes to the group, he asks Call him to get together. As soon as He Jianshan finished his meeting in the morning, the driver sent him directly to the next city to attend an event. Lin Hui didn't have to follow him. Seeing that he had nothing to do at night, he readily agreed.

Annie was also there for dinner. As soon as she heard that Li Fenghai and Li always wanted to treat guests, she shouted for a meal. Li Fenghai was recently quitting drinking, and Annie said she wanted to drink soup, so the three went to a nearby Cantonese restaurant.

The dinner table is Li Fenghai's home. He has always been talkative, and he has been in this industry for more than 20 years. He has traveled around the world all the year round, and has seen many interesting and incredible things, so he started to blow the sea from the moment he sat down. Lin Hui and Annie did not eat any dishes. How much, patronize the music.

Lin Hui listened while drinking herbal tea and said with a smile: "Your life experience is also unique, it's quite interesting."

Li Fenghai glanced at him: "What, envy? How about I tell President He and transfer you to our real estate."

Annie hurriedly jumped out: "No, no, no, Mr. Li, if you take Lin Zhu away, I will be the first to refuse."

Li Fenghai didn't understand: "Mr. He can't do without Lin Assistant, what does it have to do with you?"

"You don't understand, we can't live without Lin Zhu! Think about it, if Lin Zhu leaves, if something happens, who can face Mr. He?"

Li Fenghai defected instantly: "You are so reasonable."

Lin Hui quietly watched the performance of the two of them, and was very speechless: "Don't exaggerate too much, okay?"

Annie pointed to Mr. Li: "Look at Mr. Li, we are the old fritters from Wanzhu, but in front of Mr. He, he is still apprehensive."

Li Fenghai laughed and agreed: "You all came late, when Mr. He took over Wanzhu, there were too many people who disagreed with him. Everyone said Mr. He didn't know how to If you can't last for a year, look at now? Who doesn't have lingering fears who have seen Mr. He's wrist?"

Seeing that the two of them were talking more and more outrageous, Lin Hui couldn't help but speak to save his reputation for his boss: "I think Mr. He just looks serious, but the real person is actually kind - gentle."

Li Fenghai was really curious: "You started working with him right after graduating from college, were you not afraid of him at all?"

Lin Hui smiled and shook his head.

Is it up to the job. But fear is not afraid, Lin recalled, it will never be afraid-

Lin Hui didn't meet He Jianshan until a week after he joined the company.

He was sorting documents in the office at the time, and he needed to quickly sort out Wanzhu's nearly three-year contract. This is just a basic job, but because he didn't know much about the industry before, many proper nouns made his head hurt. Although he bought related books early to study, he still got stuck sometimes.

While taking notes, Lin Hui said something in his mouth: "...20%...28.51 million..."

"It is 28.57 million. The contract with Jiarong the year before, and there is a supplementary agreement behind it."

Lin Hui raised his head.

The weather was bad that day, and the rain seemed to flood the whole city. Everyone who came in and out of the main entrance of Wanzhu Building was more or less soaked in some rain. Lin Hui saw that the man in front of him was wearing a dark windbreaker, and the hair behind his ears slipped a few drops of water onto his shoulders, making it a little damp. He was a little tall, blocking the light in the corridor outside the door. Lin Hui sat in his seat and looked at him, feeling that the person in front of him looked like a mountain.

Lin Hui soon realized that this was He Jianshan. He hurriedly stood up and said, "Hello, Mr. He, I'm the new Lin Hui, and the company has arranged for me to be your assistant."

He Jianshan nodded and walked to the innermost office.

Lin Hui's office is next to He Jianshan's office. There are other departments on this floor. Originally, there was no extra room, but his position was not suitable for staying with other departments. The company changed the original small reception room into an office for him. After He Jianshan left, Lin thought for a while, and took his newly bought notepad to He Jianshan's office.

"Mr. He, my extension number is 822. If you have something to say, you can call me directly. In addition, I will confirm all your itinerary in the future. Please correct me, including if you have any requirements now, you can tell me." During the induction training, a colleague said that He Jianshan was a demanding person, and Lin Hui repeated what he just said in his mind. I think there should be no problem.

He Jianshan was reviewing the document, and he was still holding a pen in his hand. From the moment Lin Hui spoke, he stopped there, seemingly a little surprised. When Lin Hui finished speaking, he didn't reply immediately, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Lin Hui was actually very nervous. He always felt that He Jianshan looked a little helpless, Lin Hui didn't understand why he had such a reaction, but he didn't back down, still watching He Jianshan earnestly, waiting patiently for a response.

It was still raining outside, and the bad weather made the atmosphere of the office even more solemn.

He Jianshan finally put down what he was holding. Lin Hui saw him stand up and stretched out his right hand towards him. His eyes were calm, like an ocean:

"Hello, Lin Hui."

Lin Hui hesitated for a moment, and then he held He Jianshan's hand amid the gust of wind and rain.

In this way, Lin Hui successfully started his career as an assistant in Wanzhu. He originally thought that he and He Jianshan would need a period of time to get in touch, but he didn't expect that he would get started sooner than expected, which was mainly due to He Jianshan's unexpectedly good talker. Although he strives for perfection and is very strict in his work, Lin Hui himself is very demanding of himself, and he works carefully and diligently, so he can keep up with He Jianshan's requirements.

In addition to some highly professional things, He Jianshan will listen to his opinions more when it comes to company management, such as itinerary adjustment, personnel arrangement, system optimization, etc. After inquiring several times, Lin Hui found out that He Jianshan always asked "what do you think", "is there a better choice" and "you can show me an optimization plan first". He doesn't need an obedient subordinate, he needs a colleague who can really help him share the work.

He Jianshan chose him.

From the moment he extended his hand to himself, Lin Hui should have understood that he was trusted.

When Lin Hui realized this, there was an inexplicable eagerness in his heart - it was as if back in the student days, everyone would always fight to get a little red flower from the teacher Trying his best, Lin Hui is undoubtedly the best among them. The hard life in his youth became a touchstone for sharpening him. Sixteen years of his student life was just the beginning. I am afraid that even he himself did not expect that from the moment he decided to apply for Wanzhu, his life would change dramatically.

He will not disappoint He Jianshan's trust.

He will not disappoint He Jianshan.

After three rounds of meals, the three chatted from He Jianshan to celebrity gossip, and finally returned to Wanzhu's own people. Annie asked Li Fenghai why he suddenly decided to quit drinking, and Li Fenghai sighed helplessly: "I'm getting old. It's not good for people to refuse to accept their old age. Now there is a lot of pressure in all aspects of life. How can you eat haise like you young people."

Annie pouted: "I must have been scolded by my sister-in-law for drinking too much."

Li Fenghai did not feel guilty at all, but admitted: "This is called sweet trouble, you can't understand it if you look at a lonely man like Lin Hui."

Lin Hui looked indifferent: "I seldom drink even if I socialize."

"You usually socialize with Mr. He, he will definitely drink, you must take him home." Annie suddenly thought, "By the way, has Mr. He ever been drunk? Can't come out."

Lin Hui recalled the dinners he had attended, and found that He Jianshan seldom got drunk, to be exact, he seldom even drank too much. I don't know if he drinks too much. Most of the time, he can keep his face clear and bright, and he can't tell how much he drinks. Lin Hui sometimes thinks it's strange: on weekdays, He Jianshan is unsmiling, making people feel serious; but at the wine table, he is changing cups with others, laughing at Yan Yan. Those employees in Wanzhu who are afraid of him have never seen him chatting and laughing at the dinner table, like the top actor in the world. When he is fully engaged in a performance, you can't take your eyes off him.

Lin Hui shook his head: "It seems not."

Li Fenghai was not surprised: "Zong He has always been able to drink alcohol, but Mr. He Zhao can't drink much."

Annie smiled: "It seems that the total alcohol consumption of Mr. He is likely inherited from his mother."

Li Fenghai put down his chopsticks: "Do you know who Mr. He's mother is?"

Annie was stunned: "Isn't it Yao Qianyi? A famous dancer, unfortunately died in a car accident. It's fine if outsiders don't know, the employees of Wanzhu know it, the company's 'Honey Pot Project' is the Always set up for her."

Lin Hui frowned slightly, but did not say anything.

Annie added: "In the past, there were posts on the Internet, saying that Mr. He's mother Yao Qianyi was a flower of the art department and had a great talent for dancing. Later, because of her pregnancy, she was pregnant with He. Boss, almost gave up dancing. After giving birth, Boss He Zhao encouraged her to dance again, and then you will know that Boss He's mother's dance career is very successful, it's a pity..."

"I've seen what you said, and it's pretty good, at least a bit reliable. Don't you know that when Mr. He took over the company, someone posted the news every two days, and after a while Saying that Mr. He is not the He family's own, will say that Yao Qianyi was not in a car accident, oh, there are people who just touched porcelain and said that the He family killed his son, don't care how outrageous, as long as you post it, a lot of people will watch it with gusto!" Li Fenghai Feeling speechless at the mention.

Lin Hui frowned upon hearing this: "It's all messed up, if Mr. He is not from the He family, can Mr. He give Wanzhu to him?"

"It can only be said that everyone loves to watch celebrity gossip, so it's just a pleasure. The truth is not so important."

The more Lin Hui listened, the more unpleasant he felt.

In recent years, there have been various news and gossip about Wanzhu on the Internet, and the secrets of wealthy families are even more important. However, no matter what the truth is, the Biren in the distant memory is now a fragrant disappearance of jade, and the other has a new family. Only He Jianshan stands there alone, allowing others to speculate from him about the final appearance of this good story. .

Until he left after dinner, Lin Hui was still thinking about the unreasonable rumors about He Jianshan, and then contacting He Jianshan and the delicate father-son relationship with He Zhao, he couldn't help but think about it. panic. As a result, when the car was halfway, he suddenly received a call—

"Hello, hello—"

The voice on the other end of the phone hesitated: "Excuse me, yes, is Lin Hui?"

Lin Hui glanced at the screen: Unfamiliar number, probably an unknown person. He replied, "Yes, who are you?"

With a little noise, the voice on the other end of the phone rang again: "Can you pick me up? I'm at the Qushuihu police station..."

Lin Hui slowed down and checked the phone number again, making sure he didn't know the owner of the number.

"Who are you?" Lin Hui asked with a frown.

"My name is He Jianchuan, He Jianshan's younger brother."

Lin Hui slammed on the brakes.

The author has something to say:

First meeting.

I found that I really love the stalk "Hello, XX", and I wrote it for the third time. The same stalk, the sparks from different CPs are different, I hope everyone will not dislike my old-fashioned. After thinking about it a lot, I still think this is the most suitable for them.

Thank you for your comments, I read every one of them carefully!

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