MTL - Assistant Lin Has Something To Say-Chapter 43

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On the third day of the holiday, Lin Hui and He Jianshan finally remembered something very important—

Xue Pei.

"I still have to invite Xue Pei to dinner. We can be together, and I have to thank him."

He Jianshan was pruning flowers when he said this. When I came back yesterday, I passed a flower shop. Lin Hui said that the vase at home was empty, and he wanted to buy a bunch to keep in the living room. As a result, when I stopped the car and went to the store to choose, I found that there were not many varieties and the appearance was not very good. The store said that fresh cut flowers would be delivered in the morning tomorrow, and she could match them and deliver them to the door, so early in the morning, He Jianshan Then I received the flowers ordered by Lin Hui.

Lin Hui was continuing his unfinished typewriter again. While looking for parts, he asked, "Why? Did he wake you up?"

Lin Hui stopped and seemed a little surprised: "Really?"

He Jianshan inserted a foreign peony into the vase and nodded: "The position of general assistant is quite special, and I want to establish some relatively close contact with a stranger, even if it is work, I will It still doesn't feel used to it. Seriously, I thought I would always be alone."

"It's really hard to say if you don't want to eat. I'll contact Boss Xue to see if he has time today. Where shall we go to eat?"

"Xiao Nanxuan, I haven't been there for a long time."

Lin Hui sent a WeChat message to Xue Pei, and Xue Pei quickly replied that he had time, so lunch was set.

Xiao Nanxuan is near the company, not too close or far from Jade Cloud Mountain. Seeing that it was still early, Lin continued to put together Lego: "I'm actually very curious, how did you and Boss Xue become friends? Didn't you go abroad after the age of 10?"

"I knew him in the first grade of elementary school. He was my deskmate and took me to class for snacks. Then we were punished by the teacher to stand outside the door. My family didn't say anything. He got a **** beating."

Lin Hui was about to die laughing: "You still have such a past."

"If you hadn't asked, I wouldn't have remembered it." He Jianshan also felt a little funny when he thought about it, "I didn't say goodbye to him when I went abroad, and he didn't know where to start. I don't know my email number, it seems that I wrote it in some book, tried to email me, and got in touch again."

"Good. You must be his very important friend, that's why he is looking for you so seriously."

He Jianshan cut the root of the rose in his hand shorter: "Do you remember the origin of the name I told you about the 'Honey Pot Project'? The three words 'Honey Pot' It comes from the memory of chatting with my little friend when I was a child. That little friend was him. At that time, I especially liked to listen to him talk about what I went to play at my grandparents' house and what I went to play at my grandparents' house. Now that I think about it, it may be that I have never been there before. , so I especially envy what others have.”

Lin Fang put down the small cube in his hand, looked at He Jianshan and said, "Can I ask, why did you set up this fund in the first place?"

He Jianshan stopped: "After I took over Wanzhu, the mother and brother of Yao Qianyi's lover who died in the car accident came to the door. They wanted money, I won't give it, They sold things to magazines. Later I found out that my grandfather gave them a sum of money at the beginning, but now they have changed to a new head of the family, and they want to cheat again."

"At the beginning, Wanzhu always said that Yao Qianyi died in a car accident, and the derailment was also covered up. In the eyes of ordinary people, their love is still a good story. Once this incident was exposed, it was a big deal for me and Wanzhu. It was not good, and the public reaction was very big, so I set up this fund and did a public relations."

Until now, it is difficult for He Jianshan to tell the truest thoughts in his heart when he set up this fund: he and Yao Qianyi are the people with the deepest blood relationship in the world, but they are also the most related people. Twisted man. He lifted the curtain of her cheating with his own hands, and also handed over the sharp blade that killed her. It was such a deformed relationship, and he had to play "she loves me" and "I love her" to everyone.

He made up a mother's love, earned everyone's touch, and then went to warm people who really lost their mothers.

This sounds ridiculous.

And the design of the entire fund scheme also subtly conceals his subtle thoughts: those who apply for the Honey Pot Fund have two choices, one is to receive a one-time fixed amount of gift money; the other One is to choose a gift package provided by Wanzhu Group. Every month, Wanzhu will have a special person to send a gift to the applicant. Twelve months, twelve gifts, ten of which were proposed and selected by female employees of the company, and the last two were designated by He Jianshan himself—what even Lin Hui could not say was the gifts he designated. In it, there is a maliciousness that he himself is not willing to admit.

However, over the years, those applying for the fund have directly chosen the gift money, and almost no one has chosen the gift package. However, He Jianshan felt that this was a good thing, so let those things that cannot be said be buried forever.

Lin Hui has completely put down the blocks and stood up. He Jianshan came back to his senses: "Is it almost time? I'll clean it up."

Lin Hui just stared at him for a while, then reached out and hugged him.

He Jianshan had to put down the flower in his hand, hugged Lin Hui, and said with a smile: "What's the matter, is this acting like a spoiled child? Assistant Lin, I have to remind you that you are already thirty years old already."

"Then may I ask you, thirty-five-year-old, do you eat this set?"

He Jianshan's showdown: "The more the better."

When the two arrived at Xiao Nanxuan, Xue Pei hadn't arrived yet. Lin Hui and He Jianshan stood by the window chatting, and began to discuss the matter of "who said it"—

"You say it's better. In theory, Xue Pei is your friend." Lin recalled, "Look, it would be strange if you told Luo Ting that we were in love."

"Don't you think it's more interesting for you?"

Lin Hui smiled: "What's interesting?"

"Do you know that he told me before that if I get married in the future, I should find someone with a personality like you."

"Why are you still talking about this? I think Boss Xue can consider expanding new business 'fortune-telling'."

"And if you are with me and we eat and go shopping, then it's not a date, it's a meeting."

Lin Hui shook his head in disapproval: "Then I will help you correct your name today. There is no one in this world who is more in love than you."


Lin Hui's eyes are bright: "Although I haven't compared with others, but in my heart it is, always is."

There is nothing more heartwarming than the approval of a lover, He Jianshan smiled and embraced Lin Hui—


"Lao He, stop downstairs-"

Xue Pei looked at the two people who were hugging each other in front of him, opened his mouth, and was stunned. After a few seconds, he regained his senses, and the first thing he did was to quickly close the door.

"What the hell?" He said the second sentence after entering the door.

The plan is not as good as change, and no one needs to talk about it now. Lin Hui seemed to see Xue Pei's head full of question marks, but He Jianshan was very calm: "Let me introduce you formally, my boyfriend, Lin Hui."

When it was time to eat, Xue Pei's excitement had calmed down. He recalled what he had said to He Jianshan before, and couldn't help but sigh: "I take it for granted that you two can be together, it's really suitable."

"Are you a bit of an afterthought? Who was shocked just now?"

"I'm not shocked by how you and Lin Hui are, but I'm more shocked that you are really in love." Xue Pei said and raised his glass, "Come on, Lao He, clink a glass, congratulations When you're old, someone finally pushes you in a wheelchair."

Xue Pei once complained about He Jianshan, saying that his heart is only work and no desire, and no one pushes a wheelchair when he is old.

He Jianshan nodded: "Thank you, you don't need to go to the nursing home with milk powder to see me."

Lin Hui couldn't help laughing: "Every time you drink such expensive wine in a bar, you just talk about these things?"

Just as Xue Pei was about to say something, he suddenly thought of something: "No, it doesn't look like you two have been together for a day or two, have you been together a long time ago - that time I ate seafood in my shop, did you? ?!"

Xue Pei reacted too quickly, Lin Hui and He Jianshan looked at each other and admitted with a smile, "That was our first day together."

"Good guy!" Xue Pei couldn't help laughing, "I said you were weird that day, tsk tsk, I'm still not bold enough to think about it!"

The three chatted for a while, He Jianshan remembered about He Jianchuan, and said, "He Jianchuan has a band, and they sing well, you see if you arrange, let him go to 'continue' to sing Sing."

"He Jianchuan is not your brother? He also has a band?"

Lin Hui called up a video of He Jianchuan's performance from his mobile phone and handed it to Xue Pei: "I think the singing is very good."

Parents who ask someone to find a relationship."

He Jianshan ignored his teasing: "The bar is uneven, and some of the atmosphere is not very good. If you really want to sing, it is best to stay in a better place."

Xue Pei watched for a while, then exclaimed in surprise: "So this is your brother!"

"You know him?"

"Don't you know? 'Haystack Poet' has a presence on Jinghua's local forum a long time ago, and then two days ago, one of his singing videos suddenly became popular Now, it seems that they were invited to perform at the company's annual meeting, and many people inquired about him, and then there have been videos of him singing in bars one after another."

Xue Pei took out his mobile phone and searched for a video of He Jianchuan, and the number of clicks was indeed very high. Lin Hui casually flipped through the comments, basically praising him for his handsome looks and good singing, etc. However, there were also many people who were very interested in his real identity and wondered if the agency was hyping it up. The matter of He Jianchuan is clearly stated:

Answer in the stars: Is my treasure band Haystack Poet finally on fire? Let me give you an answer, the little brother is not a star, his real name is HJC, he is a rich second generation, and his family is very rich. Everyone in JH City understands it. I won't say anything else, just listen to songs, listen to songs.

Cecilie_072: What is the last name of H? Ho, Huang, Hua, He? But the above says it's from JH, isn't it He?

XXX_Karina: Well, he doesn't look like his brother at all...

User 0233650: Originally half-sister, not like it is normal

Lin Hui frowned and looked at He Jianshan: "Is this really okay?"

Xue Pei saw what he wanted to say, and said with relief: "It's not that you don't know, the things about the old He family have been talked about badly on the Internet, and nothing new can be found, you just take it It's because you're used to having a star in your family in advance."

But Lin Hui was still a little uneasy: "If I knew that his attention was so high, I wouldn't be in the limelight yesterday, and it should be resolved in private."

"What's the limelight?"

Lin Hui sighed: "Yesterday, a man insisted on inviting the drummer of the He Jianchuan Band for a drink, so I pretended to be a fox and played a score. I can't watch other girls being bullied."

He was not worried about what would happen if he was photographed, but he was afraid that He Jianshan would be implicated. Four years ago, he learned the power of online public opinion. When they really want to pick on you, then even breathing is a mistake.

Xue Pei swiped his phone, clicked on the videos one by one, and finally stopped in one of the videos, Lin Hui's voice immediately came out of the phone: "...What is the most expensive wine in your bar..."

Lin Hui immediately looked over.

Xue Pei took a look at the comments and said, "Don't worry, this is the video after a long time, only ten seconds, and there are not many comments."


He Jianshan shook Lin Hui's hand: "I didn't pay for the public opinion monitoring in vain. Even if there is any problem, the public relations will handle it properly."

"After dinner, we will communicate with the public relations department in advance."

He Jianshan smiled and said, "You were originally the one who was not allowed to work. Now that the holidays are not over, you have to start working overtime."

"Sorry, I should have worked with you."

Lin Hui couldn't help thinking: I've been a little overwhelmed with love recently. I just hope that this colorful holiday will make everyone who is on the Internet not pay attention to this trivial little thing.

When I got home in the afternoon, He Jianshan called the director of public relations. Although it may not be a big deal, communicating in advance is not a bad thing. When he roughly said the whole thing in a very calm tone, there was silence on the other end of the phone.

It was not a pleasant thing to suddenly receive a call from the boss during the holiday, but... The public relations director was silent for a while, and finally said: "About you and Mr. Lin going to the bar Watching your brother's performance, by the way - I spent a lot of money on this matter. The company did not make a plan, but I don't think the problem is very big. After all, this is just a private act, which is reasonable and legal. Your image has always been relatively low-key, so I suggest that similar behaviors can be carried out in a small area in the future, and I will also notify the department staff to pay attention, please rest assured."

Lin Hui frowned and listened for a long time, then he understood what he meant: pretending to be coercive is not illegal, next time you want to show off your wealth better find a private occasion.

He Jianshan hung up the phone, seeing Lin Hui's expression, he couldn't help laughing: "Can you be a little more at ease now?"

"It's better to file, otherwise I always feel uneasy."

Lin Hui walked into the kitchen and put the fish he just bought into the sink. When the two came back, they went to the supermarket again, brought back a fish, and planned to drink fish porridge at night. Lin Hui saw that he was idle at the moment, thinking that he should just slice the fish first, marinate it a little, and then put it in the pot at night.

"I'll get it." He Jianshan rolled up his sleeves and walked over.

Lin Hui listened and shook his head: "No, the fish is too fishy, ​​you are sensitive to taste, go and help me build Lego first."

He Jianshan stopped and asked, "How did you find out?"

"What did you find? Did you find that you don't like smelling all kinds of smells?" Lin Hui was very helpless, "Every time you go on a business trip, your eyebrows will wrinkle when you enter the hotel, you can't stand the hotel. The smell in the lobby."

At first he thought He Jianshan was dissatisfied with something, but after paying attention a few times, he found that he might not like all kinds of strong smells, even the smell of ordinary toiletries. do not like.

"It's fine now, can you smell the scent on me?"

Before he started to kill the fish, Lin turned around, looked at He Jianshan and said with a smile: "What scent, isn't it just the scent of shower gel and shampoo?"

"No, just guess."

Lin Hui was a little curious, and leaned in to smell it: "Well, there is also the smell of spices from Xiao Nanxuan."

He Jianshan was amused by him, so he simply hugged Lin Hui: "Guess seriously."

"Okay, okay," Lin Hui sniffed seriously in He Jianshan's embrace, "Hmm—it seems a little sweet, a little minty, and a fishy smell..."

Lin Hui muttered for a long time, but finally conceded: "I really don't know."

"What do you smell on yourself?"

“It has mint and the sweetness of oranges, eaten in restaurants at noon, and fish—”

Lin Hui suddenly raised his head and stared blankly at the person in front of him.

He Jianshan laughed: "Assistant Lin, we have the same taste, collectively called—"

"The taste of home."

The author has something to say:

Assistant Lin: Guess what smells on me?

He: The taste of He Jianshan.

It's Friday again, but Assistant Lin is working overtime this Saturday, hey.

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