MTL - Assistant Lin Has Something To Say-Chapter 38

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Three days later, Wanzhu ushered in the most important meeting of the year - the two-day Wanzhu year-end meeting.

It was said to be two days, but it was actually one and a half days. This one-and-a-half-day meeting is all kinds of work reports, summaries, assessments, plans, administrative resolutions, etc., all of which are daunting. After the last half day of suffering, it will be the annual meeting in the traditional sense: the leaders of the group and all the employees, as well as the project leaders who have come to the meeting specially to have dinner, watch performances, and of course, the most popular lottery and Commend.

It was at this meeting that the board of directors of Wanzhu officially passed the resolution to appoint Lin Hui as the deputy general manager of Wanzhu Group. To be honest, although Lin Hui already knew that he was going to be promoted, and even prepared the materials by himself, the meaning of this resolution became a little different because He Jianshan himself read it out.

At that time, he was sitting directly opposite He Jianshan, and when he heard the word "Lin Hui" uttered in the mouth of He Jianshan, he couldn't help but raised his head, the two of them were in awe. Eyes met in the air. Afterwards, He Jianshan lowered his eyes, and after reading out the entire contents of the document, he smiled softly: "Assistant Lin, congratulations."

This "Assistant Lin" is not only a sincere blessing from the boss to his subordinates, but also a tacit flirtation code between lovers.

The eyes of the entire conference room were focused on Lin Hui. He suppressed the enthusiasm on his face and whispered, "Thank you, Mr. He."

Fortunately, after the decision process was over, it was time for the meeting break, otherwise Lin Hui really didn't know when the redness on his face would go away.

He Jianshan couldn't smell the smoke, and all public areas of Wanzhu were non-smoking. Unfortunately, there are only a few men who don't smoke in the whole company, and some people have such a problem. If they don't smoke for a while, they will lose their energy. In addition, when the air conditioner blows, they are particularly prone to sleepiness. In order to ensure that the meeting can be carried out efficiently, the executive arranged a coffee break in the middle of the long meeting, and let these old smokers go to the smoking room to let the air out and take a rest.

To be honest, Lin Hui supports this change with both hands. Although he doesn't smoke, he can't stand the long meetings one after another. He walked out of the conference room, thinking of going to the window to blow the air, but before he took two steps, a group of people gathered around him and congratulated him:

"Lin Assistant, congratulations on your promotion!"

"You can't shout, it's Mr. Lin, hahahaha!"

"When will Mr. Lin invite you to dinner? I've already spared time!"

Being able to get into the executive position of Wanzhu, everyone who speaks here is a human being. Although their positions are not lower than Lin Hui, many things are clearly seen by these people. He Jianshan's cultivation of Lin Hui over the years is obvious to all. If nothing else is mentioned, it is said that the company has made so many important decisions. He Jianshan personally announced, but only this small appointment letter of deputy general manager.

Lin Hui is only the deputy general manager now, maybe in the future.

Lin Hui was laughing with a group of people, and then saw He Jianshan approaching from a distance. When he approached, the people who were still around him suddenly disappeared without a trace, and Lin Hui immediately accepted: "Should you review it?"

He Jianshan was holding a cup of coffee in his hand. He seemed to be looking for a suitable place to blow his hair and refresh himself, and happened to come to Lin Hui's side. Hearing Lin Hui say this, he felt innocent: "I didn't do anything."

Lin Hui pretended to compliment him: "But you are shocking everywhere."

He Jianshan took a sip of coffee, looked into the distance, and said lightly, "Mr. Lin, you are really more slippery than me."

Lin Hui was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of something, and the redness that had finally subsided suddenly covered his face again, not even letting go of the tips of his ears.

He Jianshan couldn't help laughing, Lin Hui blushed and stopped talking.

After a while, Lin Hui took out an orange from his pocket and handed it to He Jianshan: "Here."

He Jianshan was a little puzzled, but he still took it.

Lin Hui explained: "Lao Pan, Qian Wen and other old smokers are close to you, and they will definitely smell of smoke later. If you eat an orange, at least the orange smells better. ."

After he finished speaking, he added in a low voice, "I brought the biggest and best orange in the conference room."

He Jianshan finally couldn't help laughing. He took the orange and slowly peeled it off, and then gave half of it to Lin Hui: "Eat it together."

In this way, two people stood at the window, no one spoke, they finished eating oranges together, and then returned to the conference room with the aroma of oranges, one after the other.

After a day and a half of the meeting, and then rest for a half day, it was finally the time for the annual meeting that not only the employees of Wanzhu were most looking forward to, but also even outsiders coveted.

In order to accommodate the time of several foreign project leaders, the year-end meeting this year was held earlier than in previous years, so the corresponding annual meeting was also earlier. last day. After days of overtime nightmares at the end of the year, what awaited everyone was a feast full of delicious food, the anticipated New Year's Eve and the holiday that followed, and everyone was in a very uplifting and happy mood.

And Wanzhu's annual meeting is not like other companies, it has to let employees perform shows, and even work overtime to rehearse. Wanzhu has a professional event planning team and professional performers. Everything that can be done with money will not be messed with. Of course, the company also welcomes employees to sign up for performances, as long as they participate, they will get red envelopes.

At 7 o'clock, the annual meeting starts on time.

Lin Hui did not sit at the main table with He Jianshan this year, and it was rare for the heads of foreign projects to come back, so Lin Hui sat at the side table to accompany them. According to the convention of the annual meeting, He Jianshan will give a speech. This is the first part, and it is also Lin Hui's favorite part: all the lights on the scene will be dimmed, and only the place where He Jianshan is there will be a chasing light, and he will stand straight. There, he expressed his expectations and blessings to Wanzhu and all employees of Wanzhu in a slow and slow manner.

In the past eight years, Lin Hui just sat quietly and watched He Jianshan. He cherished this time extremely, because it was only this time of the year that he could look at He Jianshan so blatantly and recklessly without worrying and fearing his discovery. But this year was different. Halfway through his speech, He Jianshan suddenly looked up at where he was sitting and smiled slightly.

Lin Hui also smiled.

The scene was so dark, but Lin Hui knew that He Jianshan was watching him.

After the process, the music and the sound of the wine glasses colliding together sounded, and the meal was finally officially opened. While eating the food, Lin Hui frequently raised his glass, chatting and laughing with the people at the same table. After a while, he received a WeChat message from He Jianshan: [I can eat well this year. 】

Lin Hui smiled.

In the past few years, his annual banquets were next to He Jianshan, and then basically from the opening of the banquet, the people who came to congratulate Jianshan wine came one after another. Stubble, in an endless stream. And after they finished toasting He Jianshan, they usually paid respects to other people at the same table, which caused Lin Hui to stand up and say "thank you thank you" with a smile every time he didn't eat a few bites of the dish. .

After getting acquainted with He Jianshan, Lin Hui complained to him: "I can't eat a few bites of dishes even if I sit with you, Annie always says that the company has hired a chef this year. I I really haven’t felt it a few times before, just drinking and getting full.”

He still remembered that He Jianshan glanced at him at that time, and said slowly, "Would you like to pack one for you next time?"

Lin Hui immediately smiled: "How embarrassing - can you really pack it?"

Thinking of this, Lin Hui hurriedly replied to He Jianshan: [Annie said that this year's cook was your request, please tell me which dish is the best? 】

He Jianshan: [It's all okay, try the cold lotus root, I think it's very refreshing. 】

Lin Hui took a pair of chopsticks and tasted the white lotus root tape. The pickled pepper tasted really good. He gave a good review: [five stars]

The hot dish just came, and after taking a few bites, he couldn't help but start to send WeChat: [The sea cucumber with green onion seems to be a bit salty]

He Jianshan quickly replied: [I haven't eaten it, I don't really like sea cucumber. 】

Lin Hui: [Then you were at Boss Xue that day]

The word was not finished yet, and Li Fenghai was sitting next to him and pushed him: "Don't look at the phone, Mr. He is here to toast."

Lin Hui quickly stood up and found that everyone had raised their glasses and were waiting for him.

The sharp-eyed executive joked: "Mr. Lin, are you busy sending WeChat to your girlfriend?"

Li Fenghai suddenly realized, and also began to coax: "I said. I heard Annie say yesterday that Lin Zhu was in a situation. Just now I saw that he didn't eat any food. He kept looking at his phone and giggling. I don't even know that President He is here to toast!"

He Jianshan smiled and looked at Lin Hui, who was in a hurry, and lightly touched a glass with him: "Assistant Lin, hurry up and reply to WeChat, don't let your girlfriend wait."

Everyone at the table burst into laughter.

He Jianshan was a rare joke, and when the people at the table saw him let go, they began to be reckless:

"Mr. Lin, when are you drinking wedding wine?"

"Mr. Lin, what does Mrs. do?"

"Oh, my wife said before that she would introduce a girlfriend to Assistant Lin, which is a step too late!"

"Lin always loves to have a good harvest. I must drink a few more glasses today!"

Even He Zhao at the main table became curious when he heard it, and gossips with Jiang Qing: "Lin Hui has a girlfriend? Haven't heard of it."

Lin Hui's face was flushed, and he could barely hold the wine glass. He didn't know what to say, so he had to drink up the wine in the glass in one go, and then the people at the table let him go.

After sitting down, Lin Hui took out his mobile phone and sent He Jianshan a WeChat message: [What are you doing! 】

When he was in a hurry, he couldn't help "you".

After waiting for a while, He Jianshan replied: [What happened to me? 】

Lin Hui: [Girlfriend? 】

He Jianshan: [Oh, it’s my boyfriend, sorry, I said it wrong. 】

Lin Hui laughed at He Jianshan's insincere apology, so he put the phone back in his pocket and didn't look at it. He ate the food for a while, but couldn't help but took out his mobile phone, and found that He Jianshan sent him another WeChat message: "I miss you. 】

In such a large venue, the banquet has just begun.

There is a lively magic show on stage, the lights are bizarre, like a dream; The people at the table with Lin Hui and He Jianshan walked around, not knowing where to go to toast, only the two of them were left, sitting at opposite ends of the table, facing each other.

They looked at each other and raised their glasses together.

Across the noisy crowd and the dazzling lights, Lin Hui saw He Jianshan smiling and said:


The author has something to say:

Subtle flirting.

We will talk about Mr. He's family next week. As usual, see you at 0 on Monday.