MTL - Assistant Lin Has Something To Say-Chapter 17

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It was noon when they returned to Jinghua from Changning. He Jianshan and Lin Hui had lunch on the plane. When the plane landed, he gave Lin a half-day vacation. Although Lin Hui didn't feel too tired, he still happily accepted the door-to-door holiday. Before leaving, he gave He Jianshan some specialty snacks bought from Changning and the Lego he had drawn from the capsule, and asked him to bring them back to the company together.

"You can help me get the fruit candy and preserved fruit to Zhao Xiaoxiao. I told her that she will give it to Annie and others. Then Lego will put it in my office - oh, I The office door is not open, so let's put Zhao Xiaoxiao there together."


"Master Zhao is already waiting at the door, so I'll just take a taxi back and don't let him deliver it, so that he won't detour."


"Let's talk about other things tomorrow. I'll discuss the Ninghai project with you tomorrow."

"Okay," After saying these two words, He Jianshan suddenly smiled, "Mr. Lin."

As soon as the "President Lin" came out, Lin Hui blushed. He lowered his head and replied to WeChat, pretending that he didn't hear it. In just two days, He Jianshan had ridiculed him twice, which made Lin Hui a little confused - he really couldn't resist.

At work the next day, as soon as Lin Hui arrived at the office, Zhao Xiaoxiao brought him the documents that needed to be reviewed and Lego: "Lin Assistant, I have checked the tickets and documents for the first two days. , no problem, and then this Lego Mr. He said it was yours?"

"It's mine, thank you. By the way, did yesterday's specialties taste good?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao nodded quickly: "It's delicious, and the red fruit tea, sweet and sour, really good."

"It's delicious, after all, it cost 960!" Lin replied and smiled.

"Ah? Why is it so expensive?"

Lin Hui briefly talked about the game of gacha and Lego at the night market, Zhao Xiaoxiao's eyes straightened when he heard it: " go to the night market, and then... Mr. He insists on making you play. Eggs?"

Lin Hui signed the letter neatly, and replied: "Yes, fortunately, it was finally drawn out, otherwise I am really afraid that it will be endless. This is the same as talking about a project. How could he give up - these two are reimbursed and can be taken away."

Zhao Xiaoxiao came back to her senses: "Oh, oh, okay."

"By the way, please help me to ask if there are any unused small vases of this size in the administration," Lin Hui gestured with his hand, "If there is, I will not add another one. bought it."

Lin Hui smiled and said: "This is what Mr. He paid a lot of money to draw. If you do it, you will definitely let him go."

Lin Hui went directly to He Jianshan's office with the processed documents. At this moment, he was watching the news on his mobile phone, and he didn't seem to be very busy. Lin Wen back down something, and after checking his routine with him, he asked, "Do you want Ruitao to participate in Ning Hai's project?"

He Jianshan pinched the bridge of his nose: "Feng Juntao wants to exchange the resources of Zhengtaiyong with me for a seat in the Ninghai project, he just wants to make money."

"That is indeed beneficial to us. Anyway, we are not short of money, and it doesn't matter if we share a profit."


"Does that require me to follow up?"

"Not for now, not so fast, I'll talk to him on the phone in two days."

"Okay," Lin Hui smiled, "Feng Ying also sent me a WeChat message in the morning, asking me where is Jinghua fun and delicious, I thought you guys had an appointment, but I just wanted to talk about it. Why don't we meet again when we come back?"

He Jianshan frowned slightly: "Feng Ying sent you WeChat?"

"Yeah, I've been chatting on and off these two days." Feng Ying was so unfamiliar, chatting with Lin Hui as if they had known each other for a long time, and had no separation at all. Lin Hui was polite, and he would reply if there was any news.

He Jianshan suddenly stopped talking.

Lin Hui noticed something and asked, "What's wrong, is there something wrong?"

He Jianshan didn't know how to speak for a while.

At the night market that day, before Feng Ying greeted them, He Jianshan saw him hug the boy beside him with a sullen expression. He Jianshan was cultivated as an heir since he was a child. Mr. He has always been strict with him, but this did not prevent him from seeing all kinds of absurd things of the second and third generations of the rich. The expansion and madness of the rich and powerful is not something ordinary people can do. imagination. He is not interested in Feng Ying's character, what his hobbies are, and what his relationship with the boy is, but it is absolutely impossible to involve Lin Hui.

He Jianshan looked at Lin Hui's face and remembered when Xue Pei told him that there was a strange man in the bar who wanted to meet Lin Hui, and then thought of Feng Ying's overly attentiveness, Inexplicably a little unhappy in my heart. He pondered for a moment, then said, "That Feng Ying, it's better to have less contact."

Lin Hui was taken aback: "Why?"

"He seems to have an ambiguous relationship with the boy next to him."

He Jianshan's tone was euphemistic, but Lin Hui was a smart man, so he immediately reacted: "...he likes men?"

Lin Hui was really dumbfounded. Feng Ying's conversation with him was nothing special. He didn't even think about it. He also saw the boy at the night market that day. He thought it was a friend, but he didn't expect it to be this kind of relationship. Although He Jianshan used the word "seemly", based on Lin Hui's understanding of him, he must be 70-80% sure to say this. So now what He Jianshan means by saying this is that he is afraid that Feng Ying will make up his mind or simply does not want him to have contact with a homosexual?

Lin Hui's mood suddenly became complicated. After hesitating for a long time, he couldn't help but probe: "Then he likes men... What do you... think?"

He Jianshan didn't answer immediately, he looked at Lin Hui, but the other party avoided his gaze with a guilty conscience. He Jianshan didn't know why he cared so much about Feng Ying, and even asked his own opinion, he couldn't help but feel a little irritable: "I don't think so, I can't control him, but Lin Hui, stay away from him."

He Jianshan's voice was a little cold, Lin Hui's face was ugly, how could he forget that He Jianshan had rejected homosexuality in front of him.

The top domestic financial magazines invited He Jianshan to do an exclusive interview. The whole interview was carried out through the theme of "He Jianshan's Day", which needed to be matched with He Jianshan's work photos, so the magazine specially arranged A well-known photographer, Li Qing, went to Wanzhu for follow-up photography. It is rumored that Li Qing is arrogant and has a bad temper, but when filming He Jianshan, this person was extremely gentle, even shy. Lin Hui knew why, because the first time he saw He Jianshan in Li Qing, he fell. Those eager eyes, like a faint burning flame, reminded him of himself.

At the end of the shooting, Li Qing stretched out his hand with a smile: "If you can take pictures of people like Mr. He, others in the circle will be envious."

He Jianshan said indifferently: "I won the prize."

Li Qing has seen the world, is bold and straightforward, he did not care about the presence of a third person, and said softly: "I don't know when Mr. He has time, I want to invite Mr. He for a drink. a cup."

His eyes stared straight at He Jianshan, and he almost made no secret of his affection for He Jianshan. Lin Hui stood behind He Jianshan, embarrassed to enter or retreat, wishing to find a hole to burrow in.

However, He Jianshan didn't even frown and said, "Mr. Li might as well speak directly."

"I like Mr. He very much, so I want to invite Mr. He for a drink."

Li Qing has never concealed his sexuality, and he came out publicly a few years ago. The photography industry itself speaks with strength. He is a leader in the industry, so even if he comes out of the closet, it will not have a great impact on him.

Lin Hui was stunned by the bold and straightforward words. He secretly looked at He Jianshan and found that He Jianshan actually smiled: "What does Mr. Li like about me?"

Li Qing was ready to be kicked out, but he didn't expect He Jianshan to ask such a question. He felt that there was a drama, and infatuation appeared on his face: "I don't know, you liked it when I first saw Mr. He."

"I met Mr. Li for the first time today. You don't know me at all, so you say you like me. Mr. Li's like is too cheap."

Li Qing recalled it, and the smile on his face became a little ugly: "Mr. He, have you never heard of love at first sight?"

"It sounds like a word that is very far away from me." He Jianshan's eyes sharpened, "Mr. Li, do you know what I hate the most in my life? After finishing the shooting part, and before the work is over, Mr. Li can't wait to invite me for a drink. Those who don't know it think this is a bar. Lin Hui-"

Lin Hui hurried forward: "Mr. He—"

"Tell Gu Mao, I doubt Mr. Li Qing's professional ability, so let's cancel the interview."

"Okay, Mr. He."

Li Qing was furious: "He Jianshan, if you don't like men, just say it straight, do you think I have to be you? Pretending to talk about the banner of no distinction between public and private, everyone is an adult , click directly, OK?"

He Jianshan nodded: "You're right, I don't like men." After he finished speaking, he didn't look at Li Qing, turned and left.

Lin Hui bit the bullet and reached out to Li Qing: "Sorry, Mr. Li, please come this way."


This matter was put in Lin Hui's heart for a long time. Whenever he thinks of He Jianshan's impatient look when he said "I don't like men", his heart aches. He didn't hate Li Qing, but rather envied his courage. Since he fell in love with He Jianshan, he was like a fish in a frying pan, always being fried repeatedly: on the one hand, he often fell into gentle delusions, on the other hand, he had to force himself to see the truth. Even though he was always impulsive at the beginning, he gradually disappeared in the process of discussion.

But, it's not He Jianshan's fault.

Lin Hui suddenly felt embarrassed, he took a deep breath and cheered up: "Mr. He, I think you think too much. Even if Mr. Feng likes - likes men, it is impossible for him to like me. This kind of ordinary person, I guess he wants to explore the project's tone more."

He Jianshan noticed Lin Hui's depression, he always felt that something was wrong, but before he could understand, Lin Hui had already turned and left.

The author has something to say:

A little experimentation.

Read The Duke's Passion