MTL - Assistant Lin Has Something To Say-Chapter 13

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The dinner time for He Jianshan, He Zhao and Zhao Tao was soon decided.

When Lin Hui confirmed with He Jianshan, he made a request: "You will come with me then."

"Huh?" Lin Hui looked embarrassed, "This is a private party, isn't it appropriate."

"Didn't you arrange that girl for them? It stands to reason that you should go there."

That's right, but in the end, Lin Hui also listened to He Jianshan's orders. He saw that the other party had lowered his head and continued to read the document, knowing that he would not change his mind again, so he gave up.

The place to eat is a famous restaurant in Jinghua. When Lin Hui and He Jianshan arrived, He Zhao and Zhao Tao were chatting happily in the box. Next to Zhao Tao sat a short-haired girl looking down at her phone. This was Zhao Xiaoxiao. Zhao Xiaoxiao was the first to find out that the two had walked in. She was startled and stood up: "Hello Mr. He, Mr. Lin is good."

This sound caused the two people who were talking next to them to look over together. He Zhao didn't seem to be surprised that Lin Hui followed, and nodded: "Come on, sit down."

The atmosphere was very harmonious. Although He Jianshan didn't talk much the whole time, basically He Zhao, Zhao Tao and Lin Hui were chatting, but his expression was relaxed, showing that he was in a good mood. Zhao Tao retired from the system and has always been good at dancing. The main reason for arranging the banquet this time is to help her daughter with some arrangements. After all, she has just graduated from college and has no social experience. After entering a large company like Wanzhu, I still hope she can go further. He is like the most common father in the world who is heartbroken for his children. While thanking He Jianshan and Lin Hui for taking care of Zhao Xiaoxiao, he couldn't help but secretly praised his daughter's excellence, so embarrassed that Zhao Xiaoxiao was embarrassed to speak and kept his head down. eat vegetables.

After dinner, several people stood on the side of the road to say goodbye. Zhao Tao politely asked Lin Hui whether he needed it or not. Lin Hui smiled and shook his head: "Mr. He and I are in a car. We will go back to the company directly. There will be a video conference at nine o'clock."

Zhao Tao paused for a while, then said "oh", and pushed Zhao Xiaoxiao next to him: "Just right, Xiaoxiao, you follow Mr. Lin to help."

Zhao Xiaoxiao suddenly felt speechless. She didn't want to go at all, so she looked at her father with a foolish look: "Huh?"

Zhao Tao hated that iron was not steel, gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "Go and study hard and perform well."

Lin Hui saw the expressions of the father and daughter in his eyes and felt a little funny, so he took the initiative to help Zhao Xiaoxiao: "No, I'm here—"

"Okay." He Jianshan, who was standing beside him, suddenly said, "Then come together."

Lin Hui's smile froze for a moment, then he immediately turned his head and asked He Jianshan with his eyes, He Jianshan looked at Lin Hui calmly, not moving. The two just stared at each other for a while, Lin Hui was defeated and nodded helplessly: "...Then I'll ask Xiaoxiao to help, I'll give you overtime."

On the way back to the company, Lin Hui drove, Zhao Xiaoxiao played with his mobile phone in the co-pilot, and He Jianshan sat in the back seat. Lin Hui didn't know what He Jianshan was thinking. He didn't think that He Jianshan would really look at Zhao Xiaoxiao after a meal, and he really didn't need extra people to help him through countless video conferences. Lin Hui couldn't help but glanced at the rearview mirror, and found that He Jianshan raised his head at some point, and their eyes met in the mirror.

Lin Hui coughed and looked away.

He always felt that He Jianshan's thoughts were getting harder and harder to guess recently. It seemed that something was changing quietly, which made him uneasy.

Back at the company, the meeting is almost 40 minutes away. Lin Hui helped He Jianshan sort out the materials for the meeting, while sorting out the work content and process with Zhao Xiaoxiao - sorry for temporarily pulling Zhao Xiaoxiao over to work overtime Lin Hui, but he still dutifully hoped to teach her something. However, Lin Hui soon discovered that Zhao Xiaoxiao was actually very smart, quick in response, and strong in understanding. Although he lacked some experience, he was a person worthy of training.

The two were soon ready. As the chief assistant, Lin Hui wanted to attend the meeting together. When he saw that the time was almost up, he instructed Zhao Xiaoxiao: "I will have a meeting later, you go down and buy a cup of coffee for Mr. He. After you bring it up, let me know on WeChat, and then go home quickly. Apply for overtime tomorrow."

Zhao Xiaoxiao nodded again and again: "Lin help you what to drink?" In just a short time, Zhao Xiaoxiao has become familiar with Lin Hui, no longer calling him "Mr. Lin", but with other company people Same, call him "Lin Assistant".

Lin Hui shook his head: "I don't drink coffee, you can buy it for him."

As soon as Zhao Xiaoxiao left, the office quieted down.

Lin Hui took a notepad to the conference room and held a video conference for an hour and a half. He Jianshan communicated in English the whole time, while Lin Hui took a simple shorthand on the side. I don't know why, in the era of highly developed electronic information, he still likes to use paper and pen to record some important things. However, his English is not as good as He Jianshan's. When he held a cross-border meeting for the first time, he wrote five sentences and six words in total, and his mentality collapsed. He had never been so embarrassed in his life. He Jianshan didn't say anything, he found some meeting materials for him to supplement, and then he deliberately slowed down the speed of speech in the meeting, and even if he noticed Lin Hui frowning, he would slow down the pace a little.

Maybe even He Jianshan didn't notice, he always had a lot of patience with Lin Hui.

At the end of the meeting, He Jianshan asked, "How is she?"


"Zhao Xiaoxiao."

"Oh, not bad, quite clever."

"Let's decide," He Jianshan folded the paper he had and tapped on the table, "Let her be your secretary."

Lin Hui didn't react for a while: "What?"

"Notify Human Resources tomorrow and transfer her to be your secretary starting next week."

Lin Hui's head buzzed: "Mr. He, I didn't mention anyone."

"It's my decision."

Lin Hui calmly retorted: "I have my own work plan, and I know the limits of my ability, Mr. He, I don't think I need a secretary from the current workload. "

He Jianshan seemed a little puzzled: "Wouldn't it be good for you to share some of the work?"

Lin Hui was anxious: "Why can't you ask my opinion?"

Lin Hui's lip line was very straight, his eyes were bright, and the whole person was in a state of tension - he was suppressing his anger.

He Jianshan thought, he rejected himself again. But this time, he wasn't about to compromise.

"Do you remember what you told me before?"

Lin Hui looked at him angrily and confused.

"You say, you trust me." He Jianshan said softly.

Lin Hui was at a loss for words.

He seemed to have become a cat that was pinched on the back of his neck, even if he was unwilling, he would not let his anger out. Lin Hui slowly calmed down and found that he was indeed a little too excited. He Jianshan is not someone who can make random arrangements on a whim. He doesn't know the twists and turns in his heart, but he just feels the need to add an assistant from a work perspective. Lin Hui pondered in his heart, although He Jianshan was strange all day today, he still hoped to persuade him to change his mind. After thinking about it clearly, he said, "Mr. He, I think—"

"Trust me."

He Jianshan interrupted him, and in the stunned eyes of the other party, he made a request very seriously:

"Lin Hui, believe me like you said."

The author has something to say:

A quarrel.

Read The Duke's Passion