MTL - Assistant Lin Has Something To Say-Chapter 11

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At the monthly meeting, He Jianshan was rarely distracted.

The reporter is reviewing the work of this month. Next, he will elaborate on the work plan and expected goals for the next month, but He Jianshan has no patience to listen.

He was thinking about Lin Hui.

When he was in the office in the morning, he searched for a reference material for an investment case, and as soon as he opened it, he found a piece of A4 paper inside: it was a resignation application. A page full of formulaic reasons to leave, and it looks like it's all set to sign off.

He only lent this book to Lin Hui to read. This is Lin Hui's resignation application.

At that moment, He Jianshan's heart seemed to fall rapidly from the sky, and then he saw that the date printed on the inscription was four years ago. He exhaled lightly, folded the resignation application form as it was on that page, and closed the book.

In fact, in every company, no matter how big or small, the flow of personnel is a normal thing. In addition to ordinary employees, Wanzhu also has many middle and high-level managers who have changed jobs or run to start businesses. He Jianshan has never cared about it. But just after seeing the resignation application, he felt a little overwhelmed when he realized that Lin Hui also had the idea of ​​leaving Wanzhu.

He never seemed to imagine that Lin Hui would one day leave Wanzhu and himself.

Thankfully, this was four years ago. One day four years ago, Lin Hui might have thought of leaving, but in the end, he stayed.

He Jianshan spent a few minutes recalling this date, and vaguely guessed the reason why Lin Hui wanted to leave at that time. In fact, the day he knocked down the application was ordinary, but a week later, a big event happened in Wanzhu-an employee died suddenly during working hours.

This employee's name is Zhou Donghui, an employee of the planning department, who is famous for his honesty in Wanzhu. Just the day before the accident, he joked with his colleagues, saying that he dreamed of a few numbers at night and was going to buy a lottery ticket to win 5 million. Who would have thought that one day later, he would suddenly collapse in his office. After the accident, Wan Zhu sent the person to the hospital as soon as possible, but unfortunately there was no recovery. The death notice issued by the hospital confirmed that it was sudden cardiac death. According to Wanzhu's rules and regulations and relevant laws and policies, the company will compensate the family members for a pension, and then assist in some follow-up matters.

He Jianshan went abroad during that time, and Lin Hui came forward for many things. In fact, his mood is very complicated. First, he is also a person who has lost relatives, and he can empathize very well. Second, from the company level, this matter should be properly handled as soon as possible to reduce the impact. While urging the administrative department to actively follow up, he contacted Zhou Donghui's family and wanted to discuss the follow-up compensation. As a result, no one thought that on the third day of Zhou Donghui's death, the two sides did not see each other, but the matter suddenly fermented on the Internet.

The reason is that Zhou Donghui's wife Wei Xuan posted an article on Weibo. Just reading the title is quite intriguing - "Three Questions and Ten Thousand Buildings - My husband Zhou Donghui, my father Zhou Donghui, Zhou Jianguo Son of Zhou Donghui, why did you leave us? "The article said that Zhou Donghui, an old employee of Wanzhu who worked hard, was bullied at the workplace, worked overtime for a long time, and was demoted and reduced his salary for no reason one month before his death. in a position where he struggled. This article is told in Wei Xuan's tone, with real details and sincere emotions. Every word in it is accusing Wan Zhu of oppressing honest people. It can be said that every word is crying blood.

One stone creates a thousand waves.

Wan Zhu's attention on the Internet has always been very high, and Wei Xuan's article has also resonated with many people, although some people say that the family's words can't explain much, and it is difficult to convince the public without real evidence, but That night, with the indignation of some netizens and the help of various big Vs, the entry #WANZHOUKILLING EMPLOYEE# was still on the hot search, and public opinion suddenly boiled over.

If the voices of criticism on the Internet are still within the tolerable range, Wei Xuan was interviewed by the well-known media "South China Times": Building an office building, the dark and cold tones make the whole picture feel oppressive, and the following line of striking small characters: Walking among the reinforced concrete, have they thought about the day when they will be crushed? Throughout the report, interview and conclusion of the case, the Spring and Autumn style of writing is very inciting, and reading all kinds of subjective words makes people's blood pressure rise, almost pushing Wan Zhu to the opposite of everyone.

This is an order.

The arrow points directly to Wanzhu.

Lin Hui also saw these two articles, to be honest, he was very shocked and angry. Not to mention that many of the issues mentioned in it are not true, as for Wei Xuan's statement that "there are executives surnamed L who are bullying in the workplace and deliberately demoting their jobs and lowering their salary", the "executives surnamed L" mentioned in it should refer to It was him, Lin Hui.

Lin Hui carefully recalled the several contacts between him and Zhou Donghui, which were basically around work, the communication was smooth, the atmosphere was peaceful, and there was no unpleasantness. The salary cut that Wei Xuan said is true, that is because Zhou Donghui has been in a particularly bad state of work in the past year, and the plans he made several times were either low-level mistakes or perfunctory things; he also took a lot of private work, and his energy was seriously scattered, which led to his own work. He was also affected, and the department leaders talked to him several times. Including the demotion and salary reduction this time, it was also because his leadership could no longer bear it. He hoped that the company would transfer him from his post. Zhou Donghui has been involved in planning since he entered Wanzhu. He can only write things. When he is middle-aged, he cannot change jobs, but this kind of work status is not suitable for him to hold an important position in his original position.

The Human Resources Department wrote a report and handed it over, and proposed several solutions, and the overall tendency is to persuade them to quit. Lin Hui checked Zhou Donghui's previous work reports and found that he has always been serious and responsible in his work. He has also been awarded as an excellent employee of the company. After thinking for a while, he asked Zhou Donghui to talk.

Zhou Donghui may have felt something himself, and apologized when he saw Lin Hui. He confessed that he had been worrying about money for the past two years. His child was going to primary school and he wanted to buy a school district room, but the price of the school district room was too expensive for him to bear. He is a boring gourd himself. Every day when he goes home, he listens to his wife. The mental pressure is too great. Sometimes he would rather stay in the company than go back early. Now the two parents are selling their houses and borrowing some money to support them. They also do some part-time jobs in their spare time. In addition, they have saved up over the years.

Zhou Donghui's face was exhausted, his eyes were red when he spoke, and he choked several times. He promised to adjust his state as soon as possible, and hoped that the company would give him another chance. Lin Hui couldn't help but sigh. Although he didn't have a family, he also knew that the word "room in the school district" was a shackle on modern people. Lin Hui finally agreed to the solution of demotion and salary reduction. Since the matter is almost resolved, there is no need to persuade an experienced and excellent old employee. He told He Jianshan about this, He Jian Shan agreed.

I never imagined that such a thing would be misinterpreted as workplace bullying.

And judging from the chat records of her and Zhou Donghui released by Wei Xuan, Zhou Donghui came home very late almost every day, saying it was overtime. Maybe it was too frequent, and Wei Xuan was very dissatisfied and asked him why the company let him work overtime every day, which was not so exaggerated before; Zhou Donghui explained that it was arranged by the leader, and he could not refuse. In fact, Zhou Donghui's workload is not so large that he needs to work overtime every day, and his immediate leaders have never made such a request; and after Wei Xuan asked Zhou Donghui why his salary had decreased, Zhou Donghui said that he was forced to reduce his salary by the company, and mentioned that The reason is only that the senior leaders do not like him, and he has been vague.

He didn't understand why Zhou Donghui told such a lie, maybe it was just an excuse for not wanting to go home at first, but a lie needs ten lies to make up, and later, his wife has completely believed his remarks. Even after Zhou Donghui's death, she repeatedly looked at his remarks before his death, and made up a big drama of workplace struggle. She insisted that it was the bad workplace ecology that caused her husband to lose his life, and Wanzhu, as a large company, should eliminate the internal unhealthy behavior, take responsibility, and give an explanation to their family and even all Wanzhu employees.

This is ridiculous.

What's more absurd is that even if Wei Xuan can't come up with more convincing evidence, the public opinion on the Internet still tends to her side.

After all, some things, such as whether Zhou Donghui worked overtime or not, Wanzhu can release overtime application records and attendance records to prove it, but it is difficult to confirm whether there is bullying in the company - you say you don't, I say I don't believe it. Lin Hui and Wei Xuan had a face-to-face conversation and wanted to have a good communication, but she was so excited that she couldn't listen to anything, and even grabbed her phone and smashed Lin Hui's forehead.

At the same time, voices of doubt began to appear within the company: some people think that public opinion is not good for Wanzhu, no matter whether this has anything to do with Lin Hui, at least he should suspend work first, so as to avoid Intensifying the conflict, on the other hand, Wan Zhu has an attitude; some people feel that the false negative public opinion has a bad influence, and the company's public relations methods are too weak.

For a while, Lin Hui was exhausted. The pressure from the Internet and the company forced him to become a string: he endured inexplicable accusations and abuse, and repeatedly reviewed every decision and every word he said when dealing with the problem to ensure that there was nothing missing or inappropriate. That's right; he has meetings with public relations, legal affairs, and other senior leaders every day to discuss and analyze the next arrangement over and over again; he also has to sort out everything, including other work within the company, when a person is quiet, Sort it out and send it to He Jianshan.

He was so anxious that he didn't even notice that the words he had already said and the files he had sent were often sent to the person on the computer over and over again as if he had forgotten. For the first time in his life, he doubted himself. He Jianshan had only left for a few days, and he had made a mess of Wan Zhu. Although all the decisions have been approved by him, Lin Hui is very clear that He Jianshan's judgments are based on his own reports, because halfway across the world, he cannot fully understand the whole situation, he just trusts himself. However, he seemed to live up to He Jianshan's expectations. He even wrote his resignation report in a self-sacrificing way. If leaving Wanzhu can calm everything down, then he will not hesitate.

On the eighth day, He Jianshan came back.

He came back one day earlier than originally planned, and no one received news, including Lin Hui. Lin Hui didn't even react when he walked into the conference room in a dusty manner. When everyone else was around, the two looked at each other from a distance across the crowd. He Jianshan's eyes stopped on Lin Hui's forehead for a while, then he passed the person in front of him and said, "Continue the meeting."

There is no doubt that He Jianshan is the core of Wanzhu.

From the moment he entered the conference room, the whole atmosphere was completely different, including Lin Hui himself, who also relaxed a little.

He Jianshan listened carefully to the analysis and solutions of the PR team, tapped the desktop with his finger, and said:

"Let's do as you said first, the litigation materials are ready."

"All chat records related to Zhou Donghui are organized, whether online or in real life, especially colleagues who have more contact, including usual group chats, etc. I want to take a look."

“His computer was opened by someone to collect traces of his work.”

"Ask Ms. Wei and say I want to chat with her."

"Everyone can do whatever they want—" He Jianshan looked at Lin Hui, "You, follow me to the office."

Lin Hui took a deep breath.

It is already 10 o'clock in the evening, all the people who are supposed to get off work in the company get off work, and those who haven't got off work are already very tired, and the building finally quiets down. Lin Hui followed He Jianshan to his office. He was a little tired and didn't say much from the beginning to the end of the meeting. He Jianshan glanced at him and threw him a book: "Sit on the sofa and look. "

Where did Lin Hui read the book now, but he didn't want to ask why he read the book. Since He Jianshan said so, he did it. Neither of the two said a word. One sat at the desk and looked at the phone and computer from time to time; the other sat on the sofa, staring at the book in his hand in a daze.

In a limited space, they do their own work without interfering with each other, and are very harmonious.

I don't know how long it took, He Jianshan didn't mean to speak, but Lin Hui couldn't sit still. Just as he put down the book and was about to speak, he heard a slight sound of electric current in his ears, and then with a "swoosh", the office fell into darkness.

Power outage?

The sudden power outage made both of them a little confused. Lin Hui suddenly remembered something: "Oh, the property seems to say that the high-voltage power distribution room will be inspected and maintained at night, and it seems to be stopped for 10 minutes."

He stood up and said, "I'll go and open the curtains." He Jianshan was away during this time, and the cleaning staff pulled up the curtains in his office, and now there is no light in the office , makes people feel a little boring.


Lin Hui stopped in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at He Jianshan suspiciously: He couldn't see clearly, and he didn't have his mobile phone by his side, so he could only vaguely feel that He Jianshan came over, Then stop in front of him.

He Jianshan seemed to be looking at him.

After a while, he asked, "Does it still hurt?"

He Jianshan's voice was a little low, slowly pouring into the darkness like lake water. Lin Hui was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he was asking about the wound on his forehead: it was smashed by Wei Xuan's mobile phone, it was not heavy, and now there is only a slender scar left. Lin Hui opened his mouth. In fact, he really wanted to say "it's all right", but he couldn't say anything, and finally shook his head gently.

"Do you remember one Mid-Autumn Festival, when we stood here too?" He Jianshan didn't mind his silence, and spoke again.

Lin Hui certainly remembers.

It was a day he will never forget. They watched the bright moon, the lights of thousands of homes, and spent an unforgettable Mid-Autumn Festival together. Lin Hui didn't understand why He Jianshan suddenly mentioned this, but his mood was like a ball of wool, as if he was suddenly stroked, and he became a little smoother.

He Jianshan stretched out his hand, put it on the curtain, and seemed to be muttering to himself: "I wonder if there is a moon outside today?"

Lin Hui was inexplicably nervous. He looked hard at He Jianshan, trying to guess what he was thinking from his face, but he could only see a faint outline, and he couldn't help but say, "I—"


Outside the window, the moonlight melts.

At times, what falls into people's eyes is always the same soft light. Lin Hui's eyes were filled with the moonlight revealed by He Jianshan himself. He was stunned there, forgetting everything, only to feel that a lot of emotions suddenly surged up in his heart, complicated and difficult to distinguish, which made his nose sore.

"Lin Hui," He Jianshan turned his head, "It's hard work."

This sentence finally disintegrated Lin Huiqiang's open-mindedness.

He wanted to say that he didn't work hard, he still didn't do well enough. Thanks to He Jianshan's guidance over the years, he has always been confident in his own growth, but this time he is not around, only to realize that he is still incompetent and does not know the depth; he also does not want to rest, the phone keeps flashing, and there is still There are a lot of things to deal with, he shouldn't even listen to him and read books there, they should have a good discussion next-

However, the moonlight is so beautiful.

Lin Hui's tears fell without warning, and it was out of control: it was silent at first; then it turned into a small sob; finally he lowered his head, covered his eyes with his hands, and All the grievances, anxieties and torment were cried out.

He Jianshan stopped talking, just stared at the moon quietly, like a silent sculpture.

In the ten minutes of this sudden power outage, in this short and long darkness, Lin Hui obtained the first real relaxation in these days.

When the lights came on again, except for the reddish eyes, there was no trace of crying on Lin Hui's face. He looked at He Jianshan and showed a serious and bright smile:

"Mr. He, let's check our work."

The author has something to say:

Which employee has never thought about leaving, and Assistant Lin is no exception, this is the second time.

PS: After signing the contract, I finally don’t have to send it in advance because the review is always sent! Posting at 10:30 every day means that I have to open the manuscript as soon as I go to work, because I am used to revising it before posting it, and now it is not so stressful! I can also send you a small red envelope!

Have a great weekend and continue next week!

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