MTL - Assistant Architect-Chapter 200 Mobile phone

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Zhang Siyi's dead zombie face is instantly radiant, and his eyes stare at the words and look over and over again, ah hahaha, he knows! How can Gu Yu forget his birthday!

Holding a mobile phone smirk, Zhang Siyi suddenly found that Liao Jun stared at himself on the side, he coughed, and quickly put a smile, put the phone into the trouser pocket.

The fart daring out of the room, Zhang Siyi shouted in his heart, who told you to squat at me before, and I played the group, I did not see the text message, reply later, let you also anxious, 哼Humph……

In the morning, Zhang Siyi was working on the excuse of opening a slip.

The night of November has already arrived very early. It will be black at five o'clock. Generally, Teacher Cui will call everyone to work at about 4:50, and then return to the small restaurant near the hotel to eat.

Gu Yu’s time was particularly good. He met at six in the evening, neither delaying his work and giving him time to visit X. He just wanted a reason not to eat with everyone.

At the noon break, Zhang Siyi finally couldn't help but want to return to Gu Yu, and he rushed to the pocket of his pocket... Hey? What about mobile phones? lost?

Zhang Siyi flustered and touched all the pockets on his body, and it was shocked. Then I remembered that when I measured it in the morning, I fell down. He seemed to hear something falling on the ground. He thought it was a stone, and that At the end of the day, the whole person was swaying, and all the brains were thinking about what kind of birthday present for Gu Yu, so I didn’t go to my heart... Is it difficult to achieve it at that time?

"Mr. Cui, my mobile phone is lost!" Zhang Siyi reported to the organization for the first time.

Everyone was stunned, and Teacher Cui said awkwardly: "Really? Just lost, hurry and look for it!"

Zhang Siyi immediately ran back, they measured slowly, and went back to the road of a few hundred meters. Zhang Siyi looked all the way, and went to the place where he just dropped the phone and carefully searched again - no!

……what happened? Was it taken away?

Zhang Siyi ran back again, and several people in the middle of the view shook their heads. They also borrowed a mobile phone from Bi Lele to make their own calls. The phone prompts that the phone he dialed has been turned off.

The cold sweat on Zhang Siyi’s head was down, and he did not give up the second time, only to make sure that his mobile phone was really lost!

Bi Lele asked nervously: "Is the iphone5s of the One Piece Luffy mobile phone case? What should I do now? You don't need mobile banking and Alipay, and you should report the two gadgets first, oh right, call 10086 directly. Also locked!"

These Zhang Siyi did not care, he has Apple ID, can directly control the mobile phone into a brick, and he also set a fingerprint to unlock, even if someone smashed the phone can not see the information, he is worried that Gu can not contact Yourself!

They don't know that Gu Yu is still in X City, and he doesn't know that Gu Yu met with him at 6 o'clock in the evening... What should I do? Zhang Siyi has no gods, he did not pay attention to the mobile phone number of Gu Yu, and did not know whether the message was sent to him after the message.

……Hey? Wait, should Bill Lele have a phone call?

Zhang Siyi once again asked Bi Lele to borrow the phone, and walked a little away, and gave Gu Yu a pass. Fortunately, Gu Yu quickly connected: "Hey? Bi Lele?"

Zhang Siyi cried out in a flash, and the grievance said: "I, I am Zhang Siyi, my mobile phone is lost."

Gu Yu: "...What happened?"

Zhang Siyi quickly explained the situation to Gu Yu, Gu Yu asked: "Do you see the news I sent you last night?"

Zhang Siyi whispered: "See."

Gu Yu sighed with a sigh of relief: "Well, remember to come over at night, lose your mobile phone and lose it. Hurry up and hang up, don't go too far."

Zhang Siyi listened to Gu Yu's comfort, and he was so comfortable. He hung up the phone and went back to return the phone to Bi Lele.

Bi Lele quietly glanced at the record, lying in the trough, the first time was actually to call the boss! ? How much is this guy dependent on Gu Yu!

Teacher Cui seems to think that Zhang Siyi has lost his mobile phone and has his own responsibility. He frowned and looked worried: "The mobile phone is a very important thing. Would you like to go back and find it again?"

Zhang Siyi shook his head: "My mobile phone never shuts off. In the morning, the battery is still full. Just call and shut down, it must have been taken away..."

He also didn't want to influence everyone's mood because of his own affairs. He said: "Forget it, don't worry about me. It's my own carelessness, and the phone has been used for three years. It should be changed."

Everyone saw that he wanted to do this, and his face had a smile again. He joked and comforted him: "That is, the old ones don't come new, come back and buy a better one."

Teacher Cui also smiled: "It seems that we have to work harder and try to win this project. We will call back to Xiao Gu to give you a bonus to make up for the private property you lost on the road to the revolution."

Everyone laughed, and Zhang Siyi also smiled. In fact, he was really distressed. After three years, the mobile phone has feelings!

Hey, his 33rd birthday is really a twist!

However, just because he lost his mobile phone, Zhang Siyi had an excuse to go straight through the name of “going to the city center to see a new mobile phone”.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, I took a taxi to the X Hotel. It is a relatively luxurious hotel in the local area. Although it is not comparable to some high-end places in Haicheng, it is much stronger than the hotel where Zhang Siyi lives.

Gu Yu knows that he has no cell phone and waits for him directly downstairs.

When Zhang Siyi saw him, it was like a puppy who saw the owner, and all the sadness of the day disappeared.

Gu Yu led him directly to the room upstairs. He booked a superior suite and opened the door. He first pushed Zhang Siyi into it.

When Zhang Siyi entered the door, he was shocked. I saw that the suite was full of roses, and there was a colorful hydrogen balloon floating on the top of the ceiling. The balloon was surrounded by a calligraphy word hanging in the middle of the roof structure beam. Ai Siyi 贰 叁 叁 叁 叁 叁 叁 叁 叁 叁 叁 叁 叁 叁 叁 叁 叁 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙 龙

Zhang Siyi’s brain creaks, and the heart of happiness is exploding!

He heard that Gu Yu came in and buckled the door. He whispered: "People are in the field, they can't prepare anything special, they just get it, don't know if they like it or not."

Zhang Siyi: "..." Is this not special? Is this called casual? Gu Yu, this is possessed by the **** of romance!

In fact, as long as Gu Yu remembers his birthday and accompany him to a meal, Zhang Siyi is very happy, not to mention that Gu Yu also specializes in "completed work" to prepare this surprise for him!

Zhang Siyi turned and excitedly rushed over to hug Gu Yu, and hung on the other side like a koala bear. He held his lover's head and kissed him heavily. He moved: "Too much!"

Gu Xiaoxiao looked at him and tried hard: "Hey, you seem to be heavy."

Zhang Siyi: "..." (= dish =)

Just then the doorbell rang, and Zhang Siyi quickly jumped from Gu Yu.

It was Gu's hotel package. He opened the door and asked the waiter to leave the cart outside the door and go out to push the dining cart to the table.

Zhang Siyi asked in the past: "What is it to eat?"

Gu Yu opened a meal cover, revealing Zhang Siyi's favorite steak, and also reached out and made a whole body movement, the gentleman said: "Please."

Zhang Siyi sat down sweetly, and the whole person seemed to fly over the sky... The wife was too cool! It would be great if every day was a birthday! (兀v兀)

In addition to the steak, of course, the birthday cake is indispensable. Like the last birthday, I know that Zhang Siyi does not like sweets. Gu Yu only set a small cake symbolically and put a candle.

Zhang Siyi made a wish in the birthday blessing song of Gu Yu’s singer, blowing a candle, and then Gu Yu took out his birthday present from behind – a newest Apple phone.

Zhang Siyi: "..."

Zhang Siyi was surprised: "Do you know that I bought it after I lost my mobile phone!?"

Gu Yu lightly coughed and said frankly: "Yeah."

Zhang Siyi curiously said: "What is the original gift?"

Gu Yu mysteriously said: "Since you don't send that, you can only keep it secret."

In this way, Zhang Siyi’s curiosity was completely hooked up. He pushed the phone back and said: “Then I don’t want a mobile phone, I want the original gift.”

Gu Yu insisted: "No, now you need a mobile phone. I will keep a gift for you next year."

Zhang Siyi cried madly: "How is this! Too much skin!"

Gu Yu smirked at the corner of his mouth, no matter how Zhang Siyi asked, he did not say.

Zhang Siyi can only accept the phone with dismay, but soon he will not entangle the answer, because everything he has seen has exceeded his expectations.

As he ate the steak, he said: "To be honest, you are too grand. In fact, just give a gift, no matter what, it will be better than last year's tape measure."

Gu Yan raised an eyebrow: "What do you mean?"

Zhang Siyi found himself saying something wrong, and quickly remedy: "No, no, the tape measure is also very good, I mean not to send it is also very good!"

Gu Yan smiled and faintly said: "This is the first time that we have had a birthday after our interaction. I think it is necessary to have a little thought, but I don't guarantee that I will have it every year. I don't expect too much in the future, just in case. If you don't do it, you will be disappointed."

Zhang Siyi smirked: "How come, uh..."

Gu Hao, he added some wine to him, and they both ate and chatted, and soon they were full of food. Warm and lustful, Zhang Siyi was pulled down by Gu Yu and fell on the sofa to kiss. The two men opened each other's clothes and touched each other's body. The skin became extra sensitive because of alcohol. Under the care of Gu Yu, Zhang Siyi was quickly He set off his desires. He enthusiastically catered to the movements of his lover, but he still felt that it was not enough. The other party's movements were too gentle. Zhang Siyi couldn't help but turn over, pressed against Gu Yu, and turned passive into active.

Gu Yu laughed out: "Want to counterattack?"

Zhang Siyi had a glimpse. He had never thought about it before, but after being coached by Gu Yu for so long, he had already got used to doing the following. He always felt that the character was reversed... It seems strange.

But the men who don't want to counterattack are not pure men. They are mentioned by Gu Yu, and Zhang Siyi is also very heart-felt. Today is his birthday. Can Gu Yu have to relocate himself for one night, let him try it?

Zhang Siyi blushes and asks: "Yes, can you?"

Gu Yu smiled and suddenly forced himself to fall back under him and looked into his eyes deeply. He said, "No."

Zhang Siyi: "..." Then you **** a fart! (╯‵皿')╯(┻━┻

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