MTL - Assistant Architect-Chapter 2 Job hunting

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But it’s counterproductive. Almost all cover letters are like a sea of ​​sand. Only a German foreign firm has euphemistically returned an email explaining to Zhang Siyi that they have an internship this year. The student and assistant positions are already full.

Yes, it’s all in August. A good company has already been full, and he’s stupid. When he was reading, he closed his eyes and listened. After graduation, Fu Xinhui went to Europe for a month and waited for the country. I know that the domestic construction market is experiencing a trough, and even 30% to 40% of the employees are experiencing lay-offs and pay cuts. Some companies can't afford the existing employees, let alone recruit people.

The school where Zhang Siyi graduated is still in the UK, although it is not comparable to Cambridge, but its architecture is quite weighty. Although these fame names have little added value for a student with only undergraduate education, it can at least become a stepping stone on Zhang Siyi's job search. In the case that the construction market in most developed countries is already saturated, returning to China is Zhang Siyi's only way out.

However, because of the market environment, the knocking bricks became hollow bricks and could not withstand a blow.

In the past, there were graduates of the architecture of the old eight schools in the country who were hardworking and hardworking. After that, the graduates of the major schools, such as AA, gSD, and SAIc, robbed the rice bowl. Poor Zhang Siyi, a small turtle, was forced into a kelp.

In fact, if Zhang Siyi doesn't mind the problem, it is quite simple to find a job. Especially in a big city like Haicheng, some study agents or unconventional bags companies will welcome him. You can go directly to the job with a little training. .

But he ate so much bitterness for "architectural", he didn't say it when he was studying, but he used the needles, markers, model papers, printing fees and other expenses that were used in the learning process. I have graduated, but I am going to be an intermediary. Do you say that he can be willing? Not reconciled!

It’s like a gambler who has lost most of his family’s gamblers in the casino. He just wants to take this road to the black, just like those who insist on insisting on the chicken soup. “The road of choice, squatting. Go on."

Although Zhang Siyi may have forgotten that he had to go to school to study architecture.

Maybe just because it sounds cool.

Because of his academic qualifications and professional ability, Zhang Siyi was thinking about redoing his portfolio. After all, he looked back at his lower grades with the eyes of a graduate. Almost all of them can only use the word "shit". Evaluation. So during this time he was busy working on it to see if he could repack himself a little better.

This is his last bet. If he still can't, he can only rush back to his hometown, ask him to let him go abroad to study for a master's degree...

Zhang Siyi was caught grabbing his head and was about to start work. There was a protest in the stomach.

He ordered a takeaway and squatted in bed to wait for food. Returning to China is good. It is convenient and cheap to eat. Zhang Siyi stayed in the UK for four years and ate enough hamburger fries. When he came back, he fell in love with Haicheng and never wanted to go back.

It’s just that he finished eating and started to sleep...

Hey, it’s too early in the morning, just take a nap and do it again. If you are full, you will have the strength to work.

Zhang Siyi comforted himself and slept in the past, but when he woke up, the outside world was getting dark!

He glanced at the time and secretly recited the sentence, and quickly climbed up and went outside to wash.

In the living room, one of Zhang Siyi’s roommates is playing on the sofa and playing the mobile phone. Yes, he is Fu Xinhui who was suspected of being **** in the dispute between Zhang Siyi and his girlfriend this morning.

There is also a roommate named Jiang Hai, three of whom are classmates in the UK when they are studying.

They are mainland students who add up to no more than ten, and two other girls have returned to the country, all planning to find a way out in Haicheng.

“Are you awake?” Fu Xinhui looked up at Zhang Siyi and asked lazily, “What to eat at night?”

"...I feel that I have just eaten a meal, and I have to eat it after I have a sleep." Zhang Siyi was very heavy and walked into the washroom. The ear seemed to echo the phrase "What are you busy with?" Yes, what is he busy with? How do you feel that you haven't done a day and passed?

"just eaten?"

"Well, I went out in the morning, wouldn't you just wake up when I was?"

"I just wanted to say that I started earlier than you. I woke up at two o'clock in the afternoon and ate a pizza ordered last night."

"..." This sleepy to two o'clock in the afternoon still feel very proud?

"No, I am so hungry. I just looked at the review network and found that the crayfish is a good clam in the downstairs. Can you go?"

When Zhang Siyi heard the "crayfish", his stomach seemed to be a bit hungry. Once again, he thought about the breakup event in the morning. The depression and regrets in his heart gradually came back, and he wanted to eat something to eliminate it.

"Well, is Jiang Hai back?" Zhang Siyi asked.

"I just sent a message to ask him, he worked overtime." Fu Xinhui said.

Among the three, Jiang Hai was the only one who worked smoothly after graduation. There is no reason for this. Someone in the family has arranged it early. He is now working in a real estate company.

"No? Work overtime! How many days have you added this week? I thought that Party A never worked overtime." Zhang Siyi finished the work, and casually wore a pair of slippers to go downstairs with Fu Xinhui.

"So I still don't work well. Why do you have to work hard to give people a job when you graduate? Young people are good, and they are slowly coming."

When I heard this Zhang Siyi came to the air: "Don't say it! I haven't been to Europe to play with you now it is estimated to be at work too! Hey, compared with Jiang Hai, I feel like a salted fish!"

Fu Xinhui shook his head and said: "Your psychological quality is not good."

Zhang Siyi vomits blood: "You don't want to talk to me about the psychological quality!"

Fu Xinhui is a local, typical rich second generation. There are several big companies in the family. There are villas in the urban area. It is obvious that such a young master who can enjoy the blessing at home has to rent a house with them. Zhang Siyi is also a hundred. I can't think of it.

Fu Xinhui learned Wu Mozhen sings enchantingly: "Come on~ Happy~ Anyway, there are a lot of time~~"

Zhang Siyi: "..."

When I arrived at the Lobster Hall and ordered the dishes, Fu Xinhui suddenly asked, "Where have you been in the morning?"

Zhang Siyi poured a beer and said: "I broke up with my girlfriend."

Fu Xinhui was surprised: "Run out early in the morning to break up?"

"I didn't intend to divide it," Zhang Siyi sighed. He said the things in the morning and Fu Xinhui one by one, and filled with indignation. "I really don't understand why she is old and suspects that there are problems. Are we very basic? Let me know if she is a problem with this person."

"It is estimated that there are many novels in the beauty," Fu Xinhui intently stripped the lobster into Zhang Siyi's plate. "It's not too much. I don't think you are thinking about her now."

Zhang Siyi naturally ate the lobster and was silent.

Fu Xinhui looked up and said: "How, regret?"

Zhang Siyi bowed his head: "It’s been two years after all. If it wasn’t for me during this period of time, her temper became so bad, I don’t want to divide it.”

Fu Xinhui enlightened him: "Girls, they all have to spend time with you. You used to be able to say something differently abroad, but she is looking forward to seeing you return to the country to be more gentle with you. Now see the ideal and reality. The gap is definitely not acceptable."

After being analyzed by Fu Xinhui, Zhang Siyi became more and more guilty: "What should I do? I will explain it to her again? Try to save it?"

Fu Xinhui asked: "Do you think you have time to accompany him?"

Zhang Siyi frowned: "It may be good to wait for me to find a job."

Fu Xinhui smiled: "You are too naive. You look at Jiang Hai. Do you think there is still time after work? Your girlfriend was originally a character to accompany people. This profession is destined to cause her emotional needs not to be very Good satisfaction."

Zhang Siyi: "..."

Fu Xinhui: "But it is not good for me to take this idea for you. Think about it yourself."

"You are right, I am thinking about finding a job now," Zhang Siyi sighed and said with emotion. "And I feel that I am very tired with her recently, not as easy as being with you." Zhang Siyi thought The girlfriend's speculation, jokingly said, "The trick is really gay, it's not bad to make a pair."

Fu Xinhui: "..."

Fu Xinhui: "Roll, who will make a pair with you."

After eating and drinking, Zhang Siyi thought about it. He felt that he was still impulsive during the day. He thought about sending a text message to his girlfriend, telling the other party what he had just talked about with Fu Xinhui, and explaining himself again. In the current state, see if both sides can take a step back. If they can continue together, they will formally break up.

He edited a long piece of content, modified it several times before and after, and spent more than half an hour before sending it out. In fact, there is still a point in his heart that can be combined with his girlfriend.

I didn’t expect it to be a minute away, the other party wrote back -

"Don't say anything, break up."

"I thought about it later, your profession is too abnormal."

"I really have enough, Zhang Siyi, maybe we really don't fit, break up."

Three text messages, the phone connected to three vibrations, these three combos let Zhang Siyi once again realize the rhythm of the first "sonata" in the morning.

After reading it, his whole person slammed into the bed, like a dead dog.

At this moment, the phone vibrated again, Zhang Siyi thought that it was a girlfriend - oh no, now it is already an ex-girlfriend - sent it, after a while, it is only enough to see, but see the mobile phone push New mail charge reminder!

Zhang Siyi bounced from the bed and rushed to the computer to open the web mailbox...

Re: job search from Zhang Siyi

Zhang Siyi shook hands and opened the mail and swept it quickly -

"Hello, classmate,

Thank you for your letter, our architects have browsed your resume and portfolio, and are interested in further communication with you. If you are still looking for a job, please bring a paper version of the collection on August X-X I will interview at the company before 10 am.



If you have any doubts, please call us for details.

Miss Wang (hr)

Wujing Architectural Design Office"


Ah, oh oh oh oh oh yeah...!

Zhang Siyi jumped up from the chair excitedly, holding his head and screaming insanely - he finally received an interview email! ! !

However, wait a minute... Which company is “no border”?

Zhang Siyi has had too many resumes in this period, and he has not remembered a lot.

Because of his background in studying abroad, his job search is mostly based on foreign designers and international students. The general welfare is good, the working atmosphere is relatively relaxed, and there is no need to work overtime.

However, in the domestic mix, the biggest leader is the carrier-type construction group and the design institute. It is said that the key branches that can enter the other side can also add a new account.

If these don't want him, Zhang Siyi will retreat to the small construction companies that are Sino-foreign joint ventures. Other small names that are not seen in the past are not very popular. If you go there, you will not be right.

This "no border" is the company on the first batch of Zhang Siyi's delivery list. At that time, he was still better than the top, and he chose the best.

Zhang Siyi quickly checked the Internet and quickly recalled that “No Border” was a subsidiary of a large-scale design institute in China a few years ago. It was mainly an elite team of young designers, both domestic and foreign. And international students.

Compared with foreign firms, “no borders” is more grounded and has a strong background, but it has no dullness and stereotypes in design institutes, so in recent years it has become the first choice for many sea turtle architecture graduates.

I just heard that the threshold of this company is extremely high, and it is rarely publicly recruited. How can I suddenly send him an email?

Zhang Siyi was both nervous and excited. He also tried to take a look at other people's introductions on the relevant websites. He did not expect to receive a reply after so long. Is this the legendary No.?

The author has something to say: [Note]

The old eight schools in China: eight universities of architecture with significant influence in the industry, including Tsinghua University, Southeast University, Tongji, Tianda, South China Institute of Technology, Chongqing University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology.

AA: Architectural Association Schoolof Architecture (Architectural Association SchoolofArchitecture)

gSD: Harvard Design Institute (harvardgraduateSchoolofDesign)

SAIc: SchooloftheArt Institute of Chicago