MTL - Assistant Architect-Chapter 189 Break up

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After returning home, Gu Yu knocked on the door of Gu Yao’s room. After two hours of long talks, the two brothers and sisters reconciled that night.

After Gu Yu returned to the room, the mood seemed to be quite good. Zhang Siyi was pressed for a time. Afterwards, he still held his face with a cherished kiss. The gentle look made people can turn into a pool of water.

Zhang Siyi smirked: "What are you doing, weird today..."

Gu Yu buried his face on his shoulder, like a spoiled big cat, gently sucking his neck.

"Well..." Zhang Siyi shrunk his neck and hid. "Don't be embarrassed, itchy."

Gu Yu hugged him and licked him for a while before he gently whispered in his ear: "I have already contacted my friend during the daytime, no problem, you can talk to her."

Suddenly shifting the topic, Zhang Siyi was a little bit responsive, and he finally surprised: "Really! What company?"

Gu Yu reached out and rubbed his ear and said: "Well, the person I was looking for has also been seen."

Zhang Siyi screamed: "Have seen? Which?"

Gu Yu: "It was the design director of the company next door at the annual meeting last year."

Because I sang songs together at KtV, Zhang Siyi’s impression was quite profound: “The beam worker of gA office?”

Gu Yu: "Yes, he is Liang Xueying. We used to work together in the X Court."

Zhang Siyi wondered: "Is gA firm a firm specializing in small-scale architectural design? How do I remember that their nature is similar to that of no-world?"

Gu Yu: "The two years of the market is not good, there is no big project, he has jumped out of gA. In May this year he opened a firm, specializing in small buildings, he has some resources at hand, and his income is considerable, and The big environment does not conflict."

Zhang Siyi: "It turned out to be like this!"

Gu Yu: "But you have to explain to your classmates in advance that his salary is not too high compared to no-funds. The treatment for your classmates can only be based on the standard of new students. The starting salary is 6,000, and the bonus is taken. The project is invested, the advantage is that there is no need to work overtime, and the work is off at 5:30 every day. And because the office is small, the total number of staff is less than ten. The overall system of the firm is relatively loose, and the activities are often organized. It is expected that the working atmosphere is still very good. of."

Zhang Siyi secretly said that wages should not be a problem. The last time I heard Su Yuan said that although the salary written on her contract was 7,000, the actual wages actually paid are less than 5,000, and the six thousand is at least a little better than now. If you don't have to work overtime, you can have more time for free control. According to Gu Yu's suggestion, if she has time to write some architectural reviews, she can translate foreign works for the magazines and earn a monthly fee. Adding up is sure to pass.

The most important thing is that Zhang Siyi was very impressed with Liang Xueying. At the beginning, Liang Xueying proposed that the two companies should go to KtV to play. It is obvious that he is a manager who is easy to mingle with his subordinates. Big.

It was a bit late after the chat last night. Zhang Siyi called Su Yuan and told him about the incident during the lunch break the next day.

After listening to Zhang Siyi's recommendation and introduction, Su Yuan was grateful for zero: "Hey, Xiaoyi, I don't know how to thank you!"

Zhang Siyi smiled and said: "Thank you, it’s all old classmates. Let’s say that this job is not what I found for you. It is recommended by our director."

Su Yuan: "Your director? Is it the poisonous and harsh guy you mentioned before?"

Zhang Siyi: "Hey, that's him..."

It turned out that Su Yuan’s impression of Gu Yu still stayed at the time when he spit out Gu Gu! (=_=)

Zhang Siyi quickly washed the white for Gu Yu: "In fact, others are very good. I am not saying that he is still my fellow and high school alumni. Now we are, that, and good friends."

Su Yuan: "Then I have to thank him very much. You see when you have time. I invite you to have a meal?"

Zhang Siyi said with a polite way: "No need to use it."

Su Yuan said with a smile: "Why don't you? Your director is looking at your face to help me. If I don't know anything, I will make people feel that I am rude, and it will make you difficult to do in the future. Anyway, my gratitude. The meaning is always expressed. If you don't have time to eat, I will prepare a thank you separately."

Zhang Siyi was in a tough situation, but he had to answer it: "Well, then I will tell him back, don't give any gifts, or have a meal together, just eat it."

Su Yuan: "Well, this is the best, or it is more sincere in expressing gratitude. But I have no time in these two days, at least I have to wait for the weekend. My nightmare broke up with her boyfriend. I guess I have to stay with these two days. she was."

Zhang Siyi was shocked: "What? Break up!? When is it?"

Su Yuan sighed: "I just got it last night."

Zhang Siyi: "How did you see her in the group?"

Su Yuan: "She wants to face, but also a little vanity. I just showed up in front of you in front of you. Now I suddenly broke up. It’s still her, she has a face in front of you."

Zhang Siyi has a cold sweat, how can this be! Bai Rui should not really think that **** has been discovered, so it is only a thief guilty to break up?

"Hey, I foreboded that they couldn't grow up at the beginning, but at that time, she was deeply immersed in it. I can't say anything, now it really..." Su Yuan sighed again, saying, "I don't want to talk to you." I said more, lest she know that I will not give her face."

Zhang Siyi almost rushed to tell Su Yuan and Gu Yu’s “discovery” and the behavior of Bai Rui a few days ago. He heard Su Yuan’s last sentence and only closed his mouth.

He can't add to the frost on this section. Don't say that the person in love is not rational. The person who just lost love is also irrational. If the dream is misunderstood, he will destroy her feelings, then he can't wash the yellow river. Now!

After a few words with Su Yuan, Zhang Siyi hangs up in a panic.

Ghosts made the difference, he once again entered Bai Rui's WeChat, seeing the conversation record of the two people still staying in the sentence that Gu Yu responded a few days ago, quietly relieved - no matter whether Bai Rui does not break up, it does not matter to him anyway.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a new message suddenly popped up in the dialog box: "Is it free tonight, how about eating a meal together?"

"..." Zhang Siyi almost scared the phone without falling!

He incredibly stared at the other party to send a message for a few seconds, confirming that it was just, but this **** is too clever, is Bai Rui having a telepath? Nima!

Zhang Siyi was so shocked that he left behind Gu Yu’s cockroaches and couldn’t help but ask: “Are you breaking up with Ren Meng?”

Bai Rui: "Yeah."

Zhang Siyi: "Why?"

Bai Rui: "Don't you guess it? [Smile]"

Zhang Siyi: "..." lying trough! Lych slot! Guess what? Can he pretend not to know? (= dish =)

Zhang Siyi, who was unable to parry, just remembered Gu Yulai, and immediately couldn’t help but slap his own hand - call you a handcuff! Call you handcuffs! I won't say anything, reply a p!

Taking advantage of the lunch break, Zhang Siyi quickly went to the office of Gu Yu and handed him the mobile phone, quickly explaining the cause and effect.

Gu Yu raised his eyebrows: "It's broken up? It seems that the guy is still a little conscience."

Zhang Siyi entangled: "Why do I think that he broke up with my classmates and can't get rid of us?"

Gu Yu calmly said: "If he is really gay, it is a good thing to break up with your classmates early, and you don't need guilt."

Zhang Siyi: "..." That is the case, but he just broke up with Ren Menglu and found himself. What do you want to do? Can you really see yourself? o (╯ ╰ ╰) o Gu 逍 逍 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫Sending you a cake is also to make you happy, but unfortunately you don't like it, so please change your meal and enjoy your face?"

Zhang Siyi also watched with Gu Yu and put his head together. He also said: "If you don't appreciate your face, don't show your face, and quickly refuse him!"

Perhaps it was a long time without waiting for his reply, and Bai Rui made another sentence: "To tell the truth, I found that you and the WeChat in the real world don't feel the same to me."

Gu Yu returned to Zhang Siyi: "Where is it different?"

Bai Rui: "Oh, I don't know clearly. The chat on WeChat is not the same. It is quite consistent with the reality at first. The last time it feels like I have changed myself."

Zhang Siyi has a horrible look, and he looks at Gu Yu with horror. God, Bai Rui feels it! ?

Gu Yu did not care, smiled and replied: "According to the truth, your feelings are not wrong."

Bai Rui: "What do you mean?"

Gu Yu: "We are indeed two people. [Smile]"

Bai Rui: "..."

Zhang Siyi twisted his face and laughed on the side. From the horror of worry to the laughter, it only took a few seconds. He pressed his voice and pointed at Gu Yu: "You dare to say it!" If he is estimated, he will be Frightened souls are scattered, maybe I thought he was fine, hahahaha!

Gu Yan glanced at him with a funny look, and aimed at the clock on the wall, reminding him: "The lunch break has passed."

Zhang Siyi was reluctant to leave, but he wanted to see how Gu Yu “bullying” Bai Rui. Is it completely different from the feeling of being in his hands?

Seeing his reluctant eyes, Gu Yan smiled and said: "I won't solve it so quickly. I don't have so much free time to play with him. I will talk about what will be seen later, let's go, don't affect the work."

Zhang Siyi wrinkled his nose and left.

After less than three minutes, Bai Rui’s news came again: “Are you Zhang Siyi?”

Gu Yu: "[smile]"

Bai Rui: "..."

This time the silence is no longer three minutes, and Bai Rui has not responded yet. Gu Yu is also busy doing his own thing, and he has no reason to think about him.

In the afternoon, Bi Lele and Yuan Zhicheng came in with the project to report to Gu Yu, and halfway through, the director suddenly called to find Gu Yu. Gu Yu asked the two to wait a moment, first go to the director to get the information of the new project.

Just then, the phone that was covered by the document vibrated.

Bi Lele and Yuan Zhicheng face each other: "Is the boss's mobile phone forgotten?"

Just open the corner of the folder, Bi Lele strangely said: "Hey, isn't this a mobile phone of Zhang Siyi?"