MTL - Assistant Architect-Chapter 168 excellent

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Lu Qiao took over the bottle cap, and when he looked up, he saw Gu Yu’s long eyelashes and straight nose, and the beautiful facial features showed tolerance. And generosity, it is a kind of charisma that makes people come from the heart to surrender.

What about gays? This does not hide the excellence and perfection of Gu Yu.

And Zhang Siyi, maybe they are the same...

Lu Qiao felt like someone suddenly pulled himself in the dark, and there was a gap in front of his eyes. The soft light sprinkled in from the outside, dispelling the fog in his heart.

Zhang Siyi waited for an hour and a half in the upstairs before waiting for Gu Yu to bring Lu Qiao back.

And Lu Qiao confronted, the two are a burst of embarrassment.

"Tao Fei?" Gu Yu hit the round field to cut the topic.

Zhang Siyi pointed his finger at the inside and whispered: "He slept when I came back. It is estimated that I drank too much, and I still snored."

Gu Yu glanced in and saw that Tao Fei occupied the middle position, slept in the air, his mouth and nose, long hair, and no image.

Fortunately, the room is very large, and it is being smashed, so you can sleep. However, how to arrange is another problem. There is a homophobic person in the room. Are Zhang Siyi and Gu Yu going to sleep together side by side, or are they sleeping separately on the left and right sides of Tao Fei?

Being entangled, I saw that Lu Qiao had taken a quilt and slept to the side of Tao Fei. He and Tao Fei were separated by a distance, but it was obviously not enough to lay a quilt at that distance. It seems that he I plan to give the other half of the room to Zhang Siyi and Gu Yu.

After the quilt was laid, Lu Qiao did not wash it, and directly plunged into the bed and shrank into a ball.

Zhang Siyi felt a little embarrassed and quietly followed Gu Yu to the bathroom and asked, "What have you talked about?"

Gu Yu bowed his head and squeezed the toothpaste: "It's too late today, I will tell you tomorrow."

Zhang Siyi grinned depressedly, really annoying, because Lu Qiao, the good mood of one night is gone!

After the wash, the two went back to sleep, although lying side by side, but thinking of Lu Qiao, they did not dare to do anything.

There was no dream overnight. The next day, Zhang Siyi woke up. Tao Fei and Lu Qiao were still asleep. Gu Yu’s position only saw a stack of quilts, and no one was seen.

Zhang Siyi woke up, and one of them climbed up and called Gu Yu, only to know that he was running outside in the morning.

He rushed to wash it out and found Gu Yu on the ancient road a few hundred meters away from the inn.

At this point, Gu Yu has slowed down, with a towel hanging around his neck, and his hands are slowly walking back in the direction of his back.

Zhang Siyi ran up, only a few hundred meters to take him to his knees and gasp.

Gu Yu grabbed the towel and wiped the sweat from his face. He asked, "How come up? Don't sleep for a while?"

Zhang Siyi: "I should ask you this, how can you go missing early in the morning!"

He knows that Gu Yu has the habit of exercising. There is a treadmill in the house. Every morning and evening, he will spend twenty or thirty minutes on it. However, they are now out to travel, and they have been walking outside for a whole day. The amount of exercise is already large enough. How did Gu Yu come out to run?

Gu Yu glanced at him deeply and said one word: "Come out and vent your energy."

The other person’s sly eyes made Zhang Siyi understand it. He glanced at his face and glanced at him: “I am sick.”

Yes, in the recent period, Gu Yu feels like he is in estrus, and his physical impulse to Zhang Siyi is increasing day by day.

Just like waking up this morning, he opened his eyes and found himself and Zhang Siyi unknowingly huddled together.

Just looking at Zhang Siyi’s sleeping face, he was so hard that he couldn’t help but want to kiss him to get him...

No longer venting and venting physical strength, he is afraid that he will make more excessive relatives to Zhang Siyi, and even more terrifying is that these behaviors are unconscious.

As Tao Fei said, the atmosphere of love between them is too rich.

The conversation with Lu Qiao last night also made Gu Yu reflect. Before that, he did not pay attention to it. Now he is still on the road. With so many eyes watching, he must restrain himself.

At seven o'clock, the time was still early. Gu Yu bought two bottles of hot milk at the roadside stall. The two men walked back to the inn while drinking milk. Gu Yu also told Zhang Siyi about the matter of chatting with Lu Qiao last night.

Zhang Siyi: "So he hates me just because we are gay?"

Gu Yu: "No, the key question is whether he thinks you are better than him."

Zhang Siyi wondered: "There are so many people who are better than him. How can he hate me? And I don't think I am very good."

Gu Yan smiled and said: "I will tell you a story."

Zhang Siyi: "What story?"

Gu Yu: "When I was on the big t, I had a classmate in the same class. It was not a good memory. I wouldn’t say his name. Just call him B."

Was it the personal experience of Gu Yu? Zhang Siyi immediately listened to his ears.

Gu Yudao: "B is also admitted from a small place, but his family's condition is much better than that of Lu Qiao. Because they only have one of them in the place, so he is a bit incompetent, personality reasons, his friends also Not too much. I was more popular at school, but he didn't like me. Every time I saw me, there was obvious hostility on my face... This situation once made me puzzled because I didn't know myself. Where he got rid of him, he can only understand that he is more arrogant."

Zhang Siyi was anxious to ask: "What does he do to hurt you?"

Gu Yu shook his head: "There is no substantial harm, but I heard that he often smashes me behind his back, says my bad things, and finds something that I don't want to do."

Zhang Siyi was so angry that he clenched his fist: "This kind of person is so annoying!"

Gu Yu smiled and said: "But I don't care about the words he said, so it has no effect on me."

Zhang Siyi's eyes widened: "Do you not care about him like you? Do you hate him?"

Gu Yu: "The classmates and teachers around me know what kind of person I am. I can't afford too much waves with his ability. Besides, it takes a lot of effort to hate someone. I am usually too busy to die. Get the energy to manage him."

Zhang Siyi: "..."

Gu Yu: "I want to tell you this. In fact, there are many people like this. B is not too scary because he put his feelings on his face. The most terrible thing is The person who smiles in the knife, the surface is good with you, behind you knife."

Zhang Siyi felt a cool behind, as if he had been smashed.

He hated: "Why is there such a person?"

Gu Yu: "I was very puzzled at the time. Later I discussed this with my sister. The sister told me that being too good is also a kind of 'wrong' because people are a kind of competitive animal. The survival of the fittest, the law of nature, If you are better than him, especially if he is only a little bit better than him, he will be subjected to a crisis of survival and will instinctively attack you and hate you."

Zhang Siyi frowned slightly: "What should I do?"

Gu Yu: "I later summed up two ways to resolve this contradiction. First, let yourself become stronger. When you are not only a little better than him, but a lot more powerful, you will let the other party lose their sense of competition. Second, it is the doctrine of the mean in Chinese culture, Mu Xiu Yulin, the wind will destroy, the more excellent people, the more humble, low-key, in order to avoid being hurt too much."

Read The Duke's Passion