MTL - Ascending, Do Not Disturb-~ 72. Mist

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As a signature genius disciple of Zhao Zhaozong, Li Bo is very accomplished in one of the swords. It has been a tribute to the Jindan period for decades. Her speed of cultivation, I do not know how many monks envy and touted, until Yunhuamen out of a four-year-old foundation, the genius aura of Libo instantly dimmed a large part.

I am used to the ripples that have been touted by countless people. It is not a taste in my heart. Especially when she finds that she even looks like her, her heart is even more mixed. No way, this world is not only a man who has a good heart, but also a woman.

After being introduced into the secret, she found herself separated from her brothers and sisters. She did not go far and saw a female disciple from Yuanjimen fall into the canyon. She took the person and picked it up. If you save a beautiful man, what about saving a beautiful woman?

With the oil bottle to go all the way to kill the magic demon, but fortunately, the oil bottle knows which shop hair is made exquisite, where the fat powder is the most delicate, so that she has been tolerating it until now.

However, at the moment of a large number of magical sieges, she found that the oil bottle had smashed her latest dress, and there was a big footprint on it, which made her unbearable. The skirt didn't look beautiful, and she didn't even have the sword.

You must first apply a few cleaning techniques.

"When are you, do you still have a skirt?" 箜篌 箜篌 , , , , , , , , , , , 举 举 举 举 举 举 举 举 举 举 举 举 举 举 举 举 举 举 举 举

"How are you here?" Libo returned to God and flew to the back of the body, smashing a magical demon attempting to sneak into the back of his back. "Your swordsmanship seems to be the basic sword of Yunhuamen?"

Oh, is this ridiculing that her swordsmanship is not good?

箜篌 箜篌 劈 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

This little yellow-haired girl was not serious when she sneered at her battle. It seemed to be awkward and awkward.

The two men slashed their swords and slammed the magical demon, and said: "You help me with it. I use two cleaning techniques first."

箜篌: "..."

Doesn't it mean that sword repair is not easily affected by foreign objects? The genius disciple of the Tang Dynasty, is this the case?

After Libo finished this sentence, he did not wait for the answer. He lowered his head and threw cleansing on the skirt. He slammed several swords to repel the magical demon that came around him. He turned his head and waved: "Well, no?"

"Okay." He said, "I will let you see today, what is the real sword." She flew up, the sword in her hand gave a brilliant silver light, and the magic demon screamed and screamed.

"See?" Libo sloping down and down, "This is the real sword."

Turn your head and look to the side: "桓宗."

Libo: "..."

I knew that the ancestors of Shuguangzong were here, and she also showed what swordsmanship. Isn’t this a shame?

“How do you feel?” Zhai Zong stood next to him without his hands, in order to increase his practical experience.

"Not bad." He took the sword and walked toward Zhaozong. Seeing him come, Zhai Zong spread her hand to her. "You just did a good job, but only noticed the enemy in front of you and ignored the back. If you are alone in the future, this situation will be very dangerous."

Putting his hand into the palm of the Emperor, the warm touch once again surrounded her. She smiled at the scorpion: "I must pay attention next time." Just because there were Libo and Mou Zong, she ignored herself in the subconscious. protection.

Mou Zong also guessed this. He couldn't help but laugh, but he couldn't bear to be alone in the danger. He had to say: "When you leave the secret, you will practice with Lin Biao."

Listening to the two men whispering, Libo’s eyes fell on the two, is this a pure friendship between men and women? Is she making too few friends and not enough to understand the communication?

Jin Ling, who stood silent behind her, had already recognized the ancestors and the ancestors. I did not expect these two people to be big disciples. Thinking of losing such a big face in front of the two, Jin Ling could not wait to disappear from the two people immediately.

However, the secret is too dangerous, she does not dare to run.

In the past, the brothers and sisters who took advantage of Zongmenli held her. She was not too concerned about spiritual practice. Only when she entered the jungle knew the importance of cultivation. Whether it is the cicada of Zhaozongzong or the shackles of Yunhuamen, their cultivation is stronger than her. She became the bottom of the three women.

There is no face, and I still owe a big favor. The object of owing is that she hates the chop of more than ten years.

Life is a turning point everywhere, and her turning point in life is a bit big, she almost responded. In this inaccessible jungle, there was no diligent brother and brother, and when she fell into the canyon, she couldn’t climb out. She had a lot of thoughts in her mind.

She always wants to rely on others, but when there is always a problem, this idea is really not a mistake?

Seeing that 箜篌 箜篌 绫 绫 绫 绫 肆 肆 , , , , , , , , , 肆 肆 肆 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金 金

And the man who looks good, but does not live, has not been able to attract her a little interest.

Between four people, caught in an unspeakable silence.

After a short time, suddenly the fog filled, and the entire jungle fell into a thick fog.

"The position of the statute has changed." Yuzong clenched his hand. "Remember, don't let go."


When Zongzong heard that the voice was weak, even with trembling, looking at the side, the face was full of blood, and even the flesh of the body began to fall. There was a momentary enlargement of the 桓Zong 瞳 hole, and then the hand of "箜篌" was released.

There is a kind of monkey that can imitate the appearance of human beings and create a illusion that causes human fear and panic. This negative emotion is the food they become strong.

"Hey." I found myself being demolished, the monkeys hurriedly fled, and the ancestors raised their swords. When they were about to smash a sword, they saw little monkeys hiding behind the trunk.

The face of the little macaque is dry and thin, and the black eyes are staring at the escaping monkey and sticking out the fluffy arm.

"Through you once today, if you have another time, let you separate your body." Li Jian was sheathed, and Zong Zongyi calculated the position of the formation and began to look for the traces of the shackles.

After the monkeys rushed to the trunk, they held the little monkey into their arms, and extended a head from the trunk, secretly watching the figure of the ancestral disappear into the fog.

"Zhu Zong, how is your hand roughened?" 箜篌 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐

"Because my ... hand... broken." The intermittent sound came, and I looked back. She was not holding a scorpion, but an arm. She was standing two or three steps away from her. The place, eyes looked at her in darkness.

He stopped his footsteps, silently threw away his arm, and unplugged the water frost sword from the hairline to chase the "Zhu Zong" chop: "What messy things, dare to pretend to be a sect?!"

The emperor in her mind is so perfect, so beautiful, so handsome, what is this kind of stuff?


"Don't look at your little short legs, and don't look at your hunchback waist. Where are the sects?"

The movement of "Zhu Zong" was very fast, and it was chased by the shackles, but it was only smashed to a few hairs. Hey, however, took out a piece of implement and threw it out. The instrument was turned into a golden net in the air, and the "Zhu Zong" was banned in the music network.

"I still want to run?" He approached the gold net and lifted the net bag up to see that the monster of the disguised monk was a very ugly monkey.

"Oh." The monkey caught by the cockroach folded his hands together, and his round eyes looked straight at him, seeming to beg for mercy.

"Now I know that I am begging for mercy?" I smelled the stench of the monkey, which is the taste of the caves that I lived in all the years, and did not bathe. She glared at the monkey monster with one hand and akimbo, deliberately scared it: "I haven't eaten monkey meat yet, I don't know how it tastes."

Originally, the monkeys with their hands clasped for mercy turned over and fainted.

"Is this dizzy?" He poked the monkey's fluffy head. "Isn't it too big, is it dead again?"

He did not notice the suffocation and blood stasis in this monkey, which is why she did not have a sword to kill it.

"Okay, don't install it." He opened the gold net. "If you don't leave, I really want to eat monkeys."

The monkey blame, which was still fainting, heard this sentence, and climbed up awkwardly. The front and rear limbs were used together, and even the belt crawled out of the sight. I feel a little strange. This monkey has no other ability besides being able to pretend to be someone else. Is it based on what separates her from the ancestral sect and makes her not aware of it at all?

Pulling out a fan used to fan the fine fire refiner, fanling around the fog, so that I can see the road under my feet, but she did not dare to go too far, afraid that she would not find her.

"Zhu Zong, are you near?"


There was no response around, and there was no sound except the shouts in the fog. No wind, no other creatures, nothing. Take the next phoenix and pinch it in your hand, looking at it with vigilance.

咔嚓, 嚓.

There are footsteps coming, this footstep is not bad, and the distance of each step is not bad.

After a gust of wind, the robes of the white jade crown appeared not far away, and he waved at the shackles: "Hey, come over."


箜篌 箜篌 搭 搭 搭 搭 搭 搭 搭 搭 搭 搭 搭 搭 搭 搭 搭 搭 搭

There is a lot of danger in the fog, and the ancestors will never stand in the same place to let her go. The pace of walking on the weekdays is really not ill, every step is like a slap, but it is not always like this.

On that day in Yancheng, when she was attacked by evil, the pace of the ancestors was eager and chaotic. No one can be exactly the same as usual when the close people are in danger.

Feng Shouqu thought, not far from the ancestors, it turned into a thick fog, disappeared without a trace.

The sly hand covered the string, the song stopped the fog, and the surroundings were quiet again. The next moment, footsteps came again in the fog, and there was a soft cough.

"Zhu Zong?" He looked at the sound, but his hand was not taken from the phoenix string.

The ancestors who came out of the dense fog, dressed in a gorgeous red dress that never passed through, the red light on the red, like a red lantern.

Read The Duke's Passion