MTL - Ascending, Do Not Disturb-~ 5. Tips

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Although it has not appeared in the realm of cultivation for several years, it is still the same bad for me to feel that I am tempted to grab the red envelope.

“Specify a 20% discount on the instrument.”

“Special vests voucher.”

Forgetting to open the kit and looking at the coupons with the royal seals on the top, the compassion is really good, but he can't afford to buy the Yumen.

Just a casual vest, you have to have hundreds of thousands of Lingshi, not to mention 20% off, even if it is a fold, he will only be like a knife. Turning to look at the two apprentices, one containing fifty Lingshi exchange coupons, one inside is the 80 Lingshi exchange coupons, which is much more affordable than the so-called discount coupon coupons, but unfortunately like the treacherous martial art of Yu Yumen It is impossible to send too many redemption vouchers.

Forget to put the coupon back into the kit and try to keep yourself from feeling embarrassed. The strength is very important when compiling the truth. Although the Yundao is a mysterious and mysterious thing, everyone wants to have good luck.

When he accepted the two apprentices, he also dismissed the two children's roots. How do you know that the two children have a good road, and the speed of cultivation is not worse than the pride of the door, so that others in the door say that His luck in this life has been spent on apprentices who have received two good luck.

Fortunately, the two disciples are filial, often standing up to solve problems for him when he is tight. When I think about it, I am happy in forgetting my heart. The apprentice is his. The meat is rotten and still in the pot.

"Master." The soft child's voice rang, the little girl with her hair was holding a bunch of tips, and her round face was wrinkled into a steamed buns. "I can't take it anymore."

"Put it inside." Tan Feng found a cloth pocket, let the cockroach throw the kit in, and then took her hand: "The little sister is very lucky, we go back to the inn slowly."

"Yeah." He nodded and was very curious about these kits. "Can these kits change a lot of money?"

Tan Feng wants to say that this is actually a propaganda means for Yushaomen to sell his own medicinal herbs, etc. However, in the face of the eyes of the younger sister, he nodded with a conscience: "Well, yes. The younger sister is very lucky." We can't get so many red seals."

Children, adults are going to praise a lot.

I am very happy to hear Tan Feng. When she first came to repair the real world, she could grab so many useful red seals. Master and brothers will definitely like her more.

When I arrived at the inn, after the novelty of the inn was over, I sat down in the chair and said, "I didn't get too many tips, but don't feel sad, wait for me to disassemble." Good things, just divide with you."

Forgetting to hold the tea cup and quietly drinking tea, the traitor of the swindler, Yu Tingmen, wants his little apprentice to be happy.

“Really?” Tan Feng’s cooperation showed a surprise expression. “That’s great.”

"Yeah." Focus on the head, "I speak and talk." She is not a two- or three-year-old child, sharing and sharing, will never repent.

After setting a solemn commitment, he began to dismantle the kit and split it in half. She looked up at Tanfeng: "Two brothers, I will dismantle you, is it good?"

"Good." Tan Feng is very interested in playing the game of playing the red seal with the younger sister.

"Ten Lingshi exchange voucher."

"Twenty Lingshi exchange coupons."

I forgot to raise my eyelids to see the two apprentices. It seems that he was not in the years of comprehension. The second apprentice took down a lot of private houses and was able to take so many spiritual stones out of the children.

"One, one hundred Lingshi exchange coupons." Tan Feng picked up the tea cup on the table and moistened the scorpion.

This time, Liancheng Yidu began to look at Tanfeng, and the younger sisters still had a bunch of tips. The younger brother was planning to show off his face and smile for the younger sister.

"Fashion voucher."

Forgetting can't help but pull the sleeves of the two apprentices and use the phoning technique: "Small two, the royal robes are very expensive, and they are still small. It is the age of long heights, wearing such good clothes, is it not? Some luxury?"

"Master..." Tan Feng pushed all kinds of redemption vouchers to the front of the forgotten. The look was very subtle. "Little sister, really in the middle."

Looking at a Zhang Lingshi redemption voucher, Tan Feng stared suspiciously at the oblivion: "Master, did you find that the younger sister was lucky, and then she was abducted from the dusty world?"

"Nonsense, is the teacher like that?" Forgot to smile and touch the Lingshi exchange voucher on the table.

Tan Feng: ...

That is quite like it.

After turning through all the kits, forgetting the three mentoring and apprentices, I can exchange them for nearly five hundred Lingshi, and there are vestments for at least five hundred stone stones. This is really worthy of the sky.

Forgetting to be more sad, I did not expect that the younger apprentice had less than two hours in the realm of comprehension, and he was richer than him. What kind of dignity does his master have?

"Right." I touched the sleeves and pulled out a golden kit. "This is what I just received. Is there any use?"

Staring at this golden kit, forgetting can no longer suppress his embarrassment.

Golden Kit, Yu Tuen Mun only sends a golden kit every New Year's Eve. This year's this is actually in the hands of his apprentice?

Silence for a long time, forgetting to take a table and stand up.

"Master?" He is distributing the vouchers with the two brothers. He was forgotten by this action and was shocked by the big eyes.

"Go back tomorrow, go to the Wuxingtang for the teacher to register, and give you a teacher's ceremony." Forget the channel, "the sooner the better."

He nodded again and again: "Okay, okay."

After that, she pushed the Lingshi exchange voucher to the forgotten: "Master, this is yours."

One hundred and fifty spiritual stones.

I forgot to look at the Lingshi exchange coupon, and then look at the innocent little girl who smiled in front of me, smiled and touched her head: "You take it, little girl, how can I have no pocket money."

I don't understand: "But I said that I will give it to you."

"Stupid child, you gave it to the teacher, and received it for the teacher. These..." Forgetting to make your eyes move away from the Lingshi exchange voucher. "These are the minds of Master, and the elders are unrequited." ,Understand?"

I thought about it and figured out the causal relationship of "You give me, I give it to you again": "Thank you Master, you are so good."

Forgetting to touch her head helplessly, how silly this child is, if he is a monk with a bad mind, this child will probably be destroyed in his life.

Hey, he still has to worry about it later.

In the middle of the night, lying on a strange carved bed, I couldn't sleep. She took a golden tip from the pillow and contained a thumb-sized jade. It was very comfortable in her hand, and she was lightly floating, like lying on a feather. . Master said that this is a stone that helps people to get through the veins. It is good for cultivation.

What is cultivation?

Like the protagonist in Xiu Xian's words, sitting cross-legged and feeling the aura and the five elements of the Eight Senses? Thinking about it, she got up from the bed, sat cross-legged for a while, did not feel the aura, only felt cold, and her legs were very numb.

Lying back in the bed, I was worried. If she didn't practice the talents, would the Master and the brothers send her back to the palace?


She touched the stone that made her feel very comfortable. She would rather stay in the realm of comprehension, and would not want to go back to the magnificent palace.

No one likes her, and no one cares about her.

I thought about it for a long time in bed, and I finally fell asleep. She had a dream, dreaming that Jing Hongdi rushed into the palace with a large army. She ran alone in the long alley, ran for a long time, and did not find an exit.

The killing sound was behind her, she kept running, kept running, and finally saw a door. The door widened, the white clouds behind the door, the birds singing and singing, and the endless freedom.

"Little sister."

Open your eyes and look at the gauze.

"Little sister, I am coming in."

After a while, Tan Feng came in with a set of clothes. See you lying in bed, laughing and saying: "I am still in bed, I asked a woman to comb your hair, will you wear your own clothes?"

"Two brothers." Nodded and squinted. "I will wear it myself."

"Then I will go out first, you don't have to worry." Tan Feng put down his clothes and walked out of the house to cover the door. He waited for Cheng Yidao outside. "The little girl has woke up. How do you know that the younger sister will not comb his hair?" ”

"She is the royal princess who helped Master to successfully rob." Cheng Yi brought Tan Feng to his room. "She may not be very good at the palace, but combing her hair should not let her do it." She won't do it either." If she would tie her hair, she wouldn't let her hair be put up all night last night.

"What about the door back?" Tan Feng shook his head again and again. "I don't want to comb the little girl."

Cheng Yi stared at Tan Feng for a long while, and then stretched his face: "I will not."

The two brothers and sisters face each other, never imagined that the first problem for raising a younger sister is to comb their hair.

He got up from the bed and put on the clothes that the two brothers brought. There is a fluffy collar on the clothes. After wearing it, it is like a newly formed milk fox. Even if people who don’t like children see it, they have to be cute.

After seeing the cockroach, the woman who combed her hair praised and praised her. On her bag head, she tied two fluffy balls, which is more like a milk fox.

Forgetting the mentoring and seeing the change of clothes, the three big men finally understood why some of the same people like to show off their children or little apprentices.

"It’s snowing outside." Cheng Yi walked in front of him, "Bring you away for the brother."

He handed the soft little hand to Cheng Yi’s hand, and Cheng Yi’s face showed a satisfied smile: “Go, the brother took you to buy things.”


Apprentice, half an hour ago, I wanted to buy a few more clothes for the teacher. You said that you didn’t have enough Lingshi.

This is not a filial disciple!

Sending something to a cute little creature is a biological instinct that many adults cannot control. Cheng Yi bought several sets of fluffy winter clothes for Xiao Shimei, and then sacrificed Feijian. Forgot his forgotten passage for a long time: "Master, let's go back?"

Forgetting to shake the newly replaced Chinese costume, holding his face and maintaining a high-profile attitude: "Well."

He wants to let the whole martial art know that he has forgotten the wind and the scenery has returned, and he has directly crossed the Yuan Ying period and became a great power.

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