MTL - Ascending, Do Not Disturb-~ 150. It’s dark.

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He and others were once again shut out by unknown old people.

The salted fish uncle did not want to accompany them to shame, sitting in the carriage of the carriage, lazily licking the pine nuts. Seeing the nameless real person in front of them, when he shut the real person outside, he still sighed and laughed.

Just when he thought that these famous disciples could not stand this insult, he saw him kneeling on the door and patted the door, seemingly using telepathy with the unknown.

[Real people, medicines we have already found together, if you are interested, you can go to Yunhuamen and cooperate with Qingyuan Shishu. 】

The door was pulled open from the inside, and the nameless real person was indifferent: "Why should I go to Yunhuamen instead of Qingyuan to come to me?" Going to Yunhuamen, in case he fights with Qingyuan, the cloud Huamen still does not help Qingyuan?

"Real people." He bowed his hand and said, "I know that there is no one in the real person here, but the evil means are evil. If you come here to attack, it is not a good thing for you." She always has the biggest The maliciousness is to speculate on the behavior of the evil. It is not easy to find these herbs. If they are destroyed by evil in the process of refining, I am afraid that even her demons will be forced out.

"Yu Zong has been established for many years. Although it is not as rich as the Shuguangzong and Jiufengmen, but there are also disciples of the mountain guardian and the mountain guardian, even if the evil spirits come, it is not so easy to break through the ancestral gate of the Zongmen.事.”箜篌 Take out two jade boxes from the storage ring. “Here are some herbs and Lingshi, please accept them.”

The unknown real person took the jade box and turned his head and looked at the emperor behind him. He squinted and said: "The man can't help, you do it for him, he will be arrogant and arrogant."

Seeing the nameless real person received the gift, smiled and said: "No way, my man is not pet, do you want to pet other men?"

The man who is being pampered, the most famous Zhongzheng real person in the realm of the realm, smiles softly and feels at ease.

Seeing the two, the nameless turned to the house: "You wait outside for a while, I am going to pack things."

When people get more, it’s not appropriate for Lin Biao to use the Feijian to catch a road or ride a horse-drawn carriage. He found a defensive flight weapon from the sacred storage ring to ensure that the trip is correct. I don’t see all kinds of words. After the decent people find important people, they will always have a few accidents because of various accidents.

The matter of finding the medicinal materials has already sent a flight sign to the lord of Shuguangzong, and the lord and Qingyuan Shishu on the side of Yunhuamen. The two sects have already prepared, and Shuguangzong even arranged some disciples to disguise themselves as tourists. Stayed in Yucheng.

The most defensive instrument, speed is not the fastest of all flying instruments, it took a few days to get back to Yucheng. I know that Uncle Salted Fish will not go to Yunhuamen with them, and he will hand over the land lease that Yunhuamen has prepared.

The uncle of the salted fish came to the small courtyard with the donkey, and saw the small courtyard area, the cleaning was clean, even the bedding was newly laid, and with the taste of being sun-dried, he bent his mouth and nodded: "I very satisfied."

"Your satisfaction is fine, Uncle, we are now rushing back to the Zongmen, and you are welcome to forgive me for your hospitality." I really thanked the uncle of the salted fish, so when I wrote back to the Zongmen, I specially asked the Master of Chuchuan to make a small Looking for a good home, even the pavement is also a street shop.

I took out a few pieces of jade and put them on the hands of the uncle of salted fish: "If you have something to find me, you can crush a jade slip. If I can't get there in time, I will ask other people to come over."

Put the jade in his hand and play it, the uncle of the salted fish nodded: "I know, you are busy with yourself, don't bother me to sleep."

His tone is not too good, he does not mind, turned around and Mou Zong, Lin Biao withdrew from the small courtyard.

"This person's character is cloudy and uncertain, and his whereabouts become a fascination. I don't know if it is an enemy or a friend." Lin Biao looked at the door closed after seeing his eyes, from the time they met this person in the dilapidated town, to get the dragon blood, the words and deeds of this person. It is doubtful.

"I don't know if I am a friend, but I am definitely not an enemy." He shook his head. "Which enemy has given us the dragon's blood, there is no such unselfish enemy in the world."

"Everyone has the secret to protect himself. This uncle has lived in the city, and it is difficult to have any small movements in private." He smiled and looked at the pedestrians coming and going on the street. "In our city, Local people have a pair of eyes."

How many evil cults were hunted after entering the city, and how many evil monks fled to the city, no longer have the opportunity to leave?

Yucheng, this is a bad guy coming, so don't want to go to the city.

Going back to Yunhuamen, I found that Yunhuamen had several more faces and was a new disciple. These disciples have not seen the ancestors. Seeing that other brothers and sisters are giving gifts to the two, they dare not ask more questions. They have to understand and follow the ceremony.

When the two left, the new disciple dared to ask the identity of the two.

"Is it actually Zhongzheng real person and sister-in-law?"

The name of Zhongzheng's real person is completely unknown. Even if he is not walking in the realm of cultivation, he still has his legend. The imaginary Zhongzheng real people should be unsmiling, high-cold and serious. I didn't expect to look so good. I stood with my sister-in-law, like a jade, and I didn't see the arrogance.

After learning the thoughts of the new disciples, the brothers and sisters who were supervised by Zhongzheng real people couldn’t help but shake their heads. These new disciples are still too young to know that men have two faces.

The current Zhongzheng real person is as gentle as the spring breeze, not because he is gentle, but because he has gentle people around him.

All the people present, who has the skills of a younger sister, can make the ruthless sword of Shuguang Zong become a soft finger?

After arranging the nameless real person, he took the ancestral temple and Lin Biao to the main hall of Yunhuamen. In the main hall, there is not only Yan Yan, but also a forgotten person. He is also sitting on a person who did not think of it, and the owner of the Shuguang Zong Jinyue.

She looked at the beggars around her and went back to Yunhuamen. They didn't know what Jinyue Zongzhu was here. Could it be that this matter could not be said?

"Zhu Zong has seen Master, has seen Uncle Yu Yan, and has seen the uncle who has forgotten." Ms. Zong went to the former for a walk, with an elegant posture and calm and courteous.

Forgetting a little nod, this is awkward, barely good.

After seeing the rituals, Lin Biao greeted everyone. "I will retire first." Several elders sat here to see the younger generation, and he would not join in this excitement. During this time, the sweetness between the son and the girl every day is enough for his heart to be exhausted.

After the chilling, Yan Yan went straight to the theme: "Your road to the ceremony is scheduled to be in the eighth day of the next month. All the invitations have been sent out. But I have discussed with the Jinzong master. Jiuzhai was in the Suiguangzong ten years ago. The red-character is seriously injured. The red-faced real person is dead, and the full hatred of Jiu-sin can only be revenge on Zhongkai. Ten years is enough for nine-story rehabilitation, and we suspect that he will suddenly come when you celebrate the ceremony."

Hearing words, he was not happy: "This is really in line with the style of their death and not letting people go."

"But you don't have to worry too much. Before you make a ceremony, we will send people to disguise themselves as ordinary people in the city. The five-miles outside the city will also set up various protective arrays, as long as the evil spirits If you vent, you will be spotted by the formation." Yan Yan swears at the beard. "This is our top ten sects. We will work together to arrange the ambush in the city. Although we don't know who will win, at least let you knot. There is no problem with the successful completion of the Daodian."

I guess that the evil cult may want to use the martyrdom and the martyrdom of the ceremonial ceremonies, and they will send the monks to the net. The top ten sects will not be stupid until a bunch of people gather in the mountains to drink wine, and they are not prepared. If this is the case, this is not a decent name, it is not a good idiot.

The evil spirits want to kill them all. They also want to use this opportunity to beat the evil spirits so that they no longer dare to think about the real world.

"These things don't have to be worryed by your juniors. We have the hearts of these elders." Forget the channel. "Take the Zhongzheng to Chenxiafeng to find Qingyuan. When you are free, try the autumn frost elders to give you the refinement. If there is If you don’t fit, you can change it again."

"Okay." He nodded and grabbed the ancestors and forgot to laugh. "Thank you, Master."

Looking at the two young people's joy, I forgot to sigh and waved: "Because of your family, you don't have to be like this."

When the two juniors quit, Jin Yuechao forgot to smile. It is rumored that Forgetting doesn't like his apprentice very much. Today, it seems that it is not rumored. It can be seen that rumors cannot be trusted.

Forgetting only when I didn't see Jin Yue's eyes, I turned to look at the floor vase in the corner.

The nameless real person and Qingyuan have different opinions on some pharmacological aspects. When refining this rare and almost extinct medicine, the cooperation is very tacit. The two were very cautious, worried about the failure of refining, and only took a part of the medicine to practice.

Five days later, Yao Dan was released. The Dan furnace emits purple thick fog. The medicinal herbs have purple gold and two-color dans. The whole aura is full of aura.

"No name, real person, uncle, how?" He pushed the door.

In this furnace, only two pills were refining, and Qingyuan pinched one of them. He shook his head in a dignified manner: "According to the description of the ancients, Dan Cheng not only had purple lingering, but also the sound of dragons and phoenixes. After the refining, I saw only the purple gas, not the dragon and the phoenix."

Biting the lip bite: "How can this be?"

"You take these two medicinal herbs first to give Zhongkai a try. Let's think about it again. Which step is wrong." Qingyuan put two medicinal herbs in his hands, and some did not dare to go to see the teacher. With awkward eyes, he is afraid that he will live up to this trust.

"Thank you for the uncle and the real person, you have worked hard." He squeezed the medicine and smiled at the two.

Seeing this laugh, Qing Yuan’s heart was a little easier. He took a look at the top of his head: “Don’t worry, we will be able to successfully refine it.”

He nodded and left the alchemy room. Seeing Lin Biao waiting for her outside, she shook her head in silence.

Lin Biao's eyes were a glimpse. They only thought of finding Qi medicine, but they did not think that the method of refining medicinal herbs is different from that of thousands of years ago. Whether or not medicinal herbs can be rectified is a big problem.

Returning to Dongfu, I saw Miao Zong sitting at the table reading a book, licking his face, letting himself show a bright smile, and walked briskly to the ancestors: "Zhu Zong, Qingyuan Shishu let you try first The efficacy of this remedy."

Yuzong put down the book and took the medicinal herbs in his hand.

"How?" Looking at Miao Zong, I look forward to the miracle of this drug.

"Aura is very good, the internal organs are very comfortable, and even the aura in Lingtai is full of plenty." Yan Zong closed his eyes and followed the aura of the whole body and turned a small Sunday. "It is an extremely rare medicine."

The meaning is that Lingtai has not healed?

There was some disappointment in her heart. She put her head on the knees of Mou Zong, and spoke about some interesting things about Zongmen. I didn’t mention anything about alchemy.

Gently stroking the top of the cockroach, the gentleman looks gentle, and the corner of his mouth is also smiling.

Standing outside the Dongfu, Lin Biao saw this scene, and silently retreated to the side. I didn’t know whether it was relieved or uncomfortable. I only felt that it was miscellaneous. Regardless of the final result, at least the son of the family encountered a woman who learned to smile and learned to live.

Even if the body is dead, the memory of this life is not blank.

However, since it is already beautiful, why not let this wonderful time be longer and more perfect?

He and Yuzong stayed in Dongfu for one day, and the next morning they went to the alchemy room. The unknown real person and the elders of Qingyuan argued around the ancient prescriptions, and they were bored. They took the cloth and rubbed the dust on the Dan furnace, which would calm her heart.

The nameless real person and Qingyuan became more and more noisy, and they awakened the sorrows that did not belong to the gods. When they turned around, they handcuffed to the ear of the Dan furnace. The dragon horn carved on it cut through the index finger, and suddenly the blood flow was like a note. .

The people of Alchemy are very sensitive to the smell of blood. Qingyuan sees the hand of the little teacher and is injured. How can he still fight with the nameless fight, take out a few bottles of medicinal herbs from the storage ring, what stop bleeding, whitening, sly With such a serious situation, I was so scared that I thought I was disfigured.

"The last time according to your thoughts, the result of the refining of the remedy failed." Qingyuan bowed his head to the wound to deal with the wound, and did not return. "This time I follow my thoughts."

The nameless thought of the remaining herbs, but also the refining of the two medicinal herbs, had to bite the teeth: "Well, here is what you want."

I grabbed the sleeves of Qingyuan and whispered: "Uncle Shi, Zongzong is the son-in-law of Yunhuamen." Don't let your own teacher give you a pit because you are angry with the unknown.

"Go and go." Qingyuan pretended to be angrily. "Don't get in the way here, Master Shu, I have to start alchemy."

The squatting legs that were unscrupulously rushed out of the door by Qingyuan Shishu squatted on the stone steps outside the door, and many thoughts flashed in their minds. Unconsciously, the sky was already dark.

When Yuzong found her, she saw the hustle and bustle of the weekdays, and looked like a frightened milk dog. He walked over to her and bent over to hug her.

"It’s dark, I will pick you up.”

He reached out and grabbed the neck of the ancestors and put his head on his shoulder: "Zhu Zong, you have to accompany me."

Miao Zong picked her up a little tighter: "Okay."

"To stay with you all the time."


Read The Duke's Passion