MTL - Ascending, Do Not Disturb-~ 139. flamboyant noise

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The two peaks of Zongmenli went out, forgetting that the peak of the left-behind mountain gate would patrol down the mountain at three o'clock, so that the evils would pretend to be ordinary people, and they would be caught in the crowd and the ordinary people would suffer.

Some of the monks who needed to pass through the city from the sacred gates would go down to play in the city for two days. It’s not that they don’t have self-control. It’s really too much fun and fun in the city. I always feel that I have flown from above. I still can’t eat and drink, just like what I lost.

The monks who are familiar with the memorization, the same generation of the same monks saw him with his disciples out to patrol, will laugh and go forward to say two congratulations, the mouth said good things are near. I forgot my heart and secretly doubted it. When I was promoted to the Yuan Ying period, he received the flight sign of Qiu Shuangshi’s uncle, knowing what happened, but the outside people should be unclear, why bother to follow He said congratulations?

My heart is secretly suspicious, forgetting is always a mixed look, and I have to deal with a few words. After returning to the Zongmen, I found the doorkeeper Yan Yan and talked about it.

"Perhaps because we have a good performance of Yunhuamen this time?" Yan Yan shook his hand slightly with a cup of tea, and blew his eyes and did not look at forgetting. "This time, the autumn frost master uncle led the team, and there are 裴Huai and Qingyuan helped out, and Bichuan also followed, and the following disciples would not dare to be as lazy as before..."

"Can this practice be canceled?" The doubts in the mind are not scattered, even if their disciples in Yunhuamen are not lazy, how can they be wonderful at the conference.

"Cough, who knows, wait for them to come back to figure out what is going on." Yan Yan put down the teacup and tentatively looked at the forgetting. "Since everyone is saying congratulations to you, it means that something is happening, dont you agree?"

Forgetting to meditate for a moment, nodded and said: "This is also true." After that, his brow wrinkled. "Red words are dead, and Xiu Xiu suddenly becomes a big promotion..."

"Senior brother, I am a little uncomfortable in my heart. I always feel that something big is going to happen."

Yan Yan can only take a cup of tea and take a sip of water, silently saying that he knows nothing about everything.

"Shuguangzong is really kind, and helps us to hide the embarrassing things." Forgetting to think of his own apprentices has a bit of a child's heart for Zhongzheng real people. Zhongzheng real people have treated her as a younger sister, and can't help but feel their own apprentice. "Although I don't really like the real person."

I almost knocked over the teacup in my hand, and Yan Yan couldn’t help but ask: "Where is Zhongzheng real?"

"There is no bad place. It may be that the eight characters are not very suitable." Wherever he would forget his own apprentice, he waved his hand. "But no matter what, this person's character is beyond doubt."

Yan Yan breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the younger brother’s impression of Zhongzhen’s real person has not fallen to the bottom.

After staying at the Flying Palace for two days and one night, Mou Zong found that there were no other disciples who had started practicing swords in addition to Bechuan. However, when passing through some very characteristic towns, Yunhuamen disciples ran to taste food and buy things, as if Come out to travel in general.

"Hey, among the disciples of your class, only one of the friends of Bechuan, who is practicing the kendo?" The sect of the sect of the ancestral temple fell into a strange town, and knew that the disciples of Yunhuamen had to go shopping again. He followed the crowd and flew down the boat, could not help but ask this question in his heart.

"No, many of the peers are swordsmen." In his arms, he took a few psychiatric fruits and chose two points for Zong Zong and Lin Biao.

Mou Zong: "..."

As a sword repair, I can not practice the sword, which is too casual.

"Everyone has worked so hard for a long time, relax and relax." He guessed what the ancestors were wondering. She turned her head and looked at Yan Zongzong and Lin Biao. "Your disciple's disciple is good, just push yourself. It’s too tight. Go, I’ll take you to the city to play, I’ve heard that there are so many fun things in this city, we don’t miss it.”

Cocktails, art exhibitions, songs, music and dance troupes, as well as a variety of horse racing and cockfighting popular among ordinary people, are played to the extreme in this city.

I took a look at the entertainment of ordinary people with Miao Zong and Lin Biao, and I was ready to take them to the music and dance troupe in the evening.

"Zhu Zong, your clothes that are fluttering in the fairy air are too inappropriate." I found an inn, and after entering the room, I grabbed the hand of the emperor and swept the gods into the storage ring of the emperor. The refusal to accept the Lord, but the owner can leave an order on the storage ring, so that others can open their own storage ring. A long time ago, Mou Zong took a sly **** and attached it to the storage ring, so he was the other owner of his storage ring.

"This set!" 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌Blood red beads, sighed on the chest, "There are such beautiful people in the world!"

If the sect between the two is a noble and inviolable immortal, then at this moment, he is a cold beauty who is rarely seen in the world. He prefers the crown of the bead to let his beauty take a demon and two evils.

"No, no." 箜篌 Remove the crown of the sacred bead on the head of the ancestral temple. "You are so good-looking, it will suffice to leave it to me. You must not be cheaper than other women."

Lin Biao, who stood against the wall, sighed silently. If he had a sense of existence in the past, there is no difference in his standing here. Turned out of the door and closed the door for two people. Lin Biao looked at the trees shaking slightly in the yard. The meaning of his follow-up was only to catch the carriage.

"Don't show it to others, just show it to you." Yuzong put on a Xuanjin crown, and the feeling of swaying on his body was gone. There was no two steps to go out with the ancestors. She stunned.

Miao Zong followed her eyes and saw Lin Biao wearing a purple robe, embroidered with a crane pattern on his face. His eyebrows shook and he barely let himself laugh.

"That...what are we now?" He coughed and pulled the hand of Lazong, reminding him not to show the stuffing, lest the Lin Biao seniors be embarrassed. The music and dance troupe sounds like a place to listen to music and enjoy dance. Actually, it is a place where you can dance and sing, but the guests who dance and sing are the guests themselves.

As soon as he entered the door, Mou Zong heard the sound of drums, the sound of chilling, the men and women laughing or making trouble, and the people who were crying with the wine cellar, but it was not expected.

More than a dozen masked people danced on the stage in the middle, sitting in the lobby with ordinary guests, they applauded and laughed, but Miao Zong could feel that there were many guests in this round building room.

"Tianhaofang." I took three masks and threw them at the church. She deliberately put on a red shaved skirt today, and it looks like a pair of robes on the body. The bun was combed into a stunned stunned face, and the mask was worn down, covering half of the sly face, revealing only red lips and eyes.

From the legal array to the Tianhao room, although no one looked around, but still can hear the laughter, there is a **** music.

Seeing Lin Biao seems to be familiar with this place, can't help but ask: "Is the girl here always here?"

"Cough, actually I am also the first time." She took out a booklet from her arms. Lin Biao took a look and said, "How to make others feel that they are not the first time to go to the music and dance troupe", the above fonts are different, it should be the summary of the experience of many brothers and sisters of Yunhuamen.

Lin Biao: "..."

He felt that the whole cultivation community could no longer find a more sacred door than Yunhuamen.

"Cough." He coughed. "You can rest assured that I have turned the booklet back and promised to bring you to the world."

Lin Biao did not understand how the girl suddenly brought them to such a place. Suddenly, the night before the departure, the lord and the girl seemed to have seen each other. I don’t know what the two said. He turned his head and looked at this lively occasion. There was still no son who reacted with emotions. Lin Biao thoroughly understood.

The girl wants to let the son get a fireworks smell and wants him to get in touch with more "life". Otherwise, this little girl who only likes to eat and drink on weekdays, why should I ask my brothers and sisters to write down so many fun experiences?

On the round stage, the woman in the masked skirt appeared unscrupulously with open arms and jumped without rules. Some people were squatting around, and some people followed her to the stage.

There are more and more people on the stage, but there may be a space array on the stage. Although there are more and more people jumping on the stage, they are not crowded at all. Lin Biao even found that some of the guests wearing masks were acquaintances he knew. Those people who seemed to be serious on weekdays would even hide in the crowd to dance.

"The monk has a long life. If he is meditation and practicing the sword all day, can he have any fun?" He looked at the laughing man on the stage with one hand, "When people are alive, they must find some innocuous fun for themselves."

Lin Biao’s eye-catching discovery, a woman wearing a silver-red tunic looks a bit like... autumn frost real person? His eyes trembled and turned to look at him. Did she recognize that it was the real person of autumn frost?

He smiled and laughed: "Former Lin, it is necessary to throw away the identity of the weekdays. We are just a group of singers and dancers." She stood up and put the mask on the face of the ancestors, and used a technique to avoid the mask. Come down, "Zhu Zong, let's go too."

Yuzong’s rare cramped: "I won't."

Although the royal family's aristocratic children danced and danced after the poetry of the poetry club, but the emperor was very young and went to the Shuguangzong, never touched these. Seeing that he would take him to dance, he suddenly remembered that his image of omnipotence in front of him would probably be shattered from then on.

"It doesn't matter, I don't know too much." He bent over and kissed him on his lips. "We are wearing masks anyway, and others can't recognize them."

The lighting instruments on the stage are constantly flashing, creating a lively and false independent space. Those who enter this space throw away the heavy and decent days of the week and follow the joy of dancing.

"Go." He took the scorpion and flew out of the window and landed on the stage. There was a woman who saw Zhai Zong's body tall and straight, and reached out to pull Zhai Zong to jump with her, smashing a spin, falling into the arms of Miao Zong, and Zong Zong quickly reached for her waist.

"This sister." He smiled at the woman's lips. "This man is mine."

The female repairer is not annoyed. She pulls over a masked man in a black dress. "I will take this with you." Although the Xuanyi man has a mask, the jade crown carries the light, and the robes on the body are also embroidered. The layer of the pattern, the temperament is good, it should be the leader in the realm of cultivation.

Being treated as a female subject, he calmly looked at the female repair, and the female repaired her neck with some fear. The brain that was over-the-top finally got a little calm.

"Do not change." He took the hand of the ancestors and rushed into the crowd, stepping on the dance steps with the drums. She is not good at dancing. She saw her mother dancing before she was six years old. She still remembers some paces. It is not beautiful, but she can only say that she has not jumped.

After the mother is good at dancing, the father is obsessed with music, but these two people can not be a match of heaven.

The music is getting more and more fierce, pulling the scorpion to spin, leaping, lowering, and embracing. Mou Zong ringed her waist, not letting other people hit her, and her eyes were invisible and indulgent.

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly someone in the crowd said: "It's time to get there."

喘 喘 桓 桓 桓 桓 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀"How are you, is it fun?"

Miao Zong carefully recalled the atmosphere of the talent, not too much fun, but not too boring, the most moving is still want to take him to play, but he also protects him from letting other women touch him.

"It's fun."

"Then I will take you to other interesting places next time." After I decided to go back, I went to Zongmen to ask for some fun.

"Be careful." Yan Zong quickly stepped forward to take advantage of the waist.

"Zhong Yuzhen is a real person, a fairy." Changde and several younger brothers and sisters stopped their steps, noting that the hair that was smashed into a stunned hair and the gorgeous golden robes on the body of the ancestors, the face was somewhat subtle, "really ""

After a few words of chanting and Zhao Zizong’s disciples, they made a speech.

Changde looked at the back of Yan and Zongzong's hurried departure, and remembered that the fairy fairy holding Zhongzheng real person is not willing to change people, the mood is somewhat subtle.

He wants to watch the Yunhuamen disciple take the best sword repair of Shuguang Zong?

Closed his eyes. Forget it, closing your eyes is equivalent to seeing nothing.

Read The Duke's Passion