MTL - Ascending, Do Not Disturb-~ 135. She

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The round dust bent down, picked up the cockroach and hung it on the arm. The bright red dragonfly danced on his arm and made a buzzing sound.

"Uncle Shi." The monk who heard the incident came over and saw the uncle standing on the steps. The robe on his body was stained with blood. He was hanging on his arm and could be blown away by the wind at any time.

Hearing their call, the dust looked at them silently, and they were the highest in the humanity: "Leave here to protect the law."

"Yes." The monks folded their hands together and sat down in the west.

Suddenly the wind began to blow away the cockroaches on the round dust arm. It flew over the wall and disappeared into the night.

"Uncle Shi, I will go back for you."

"No need." The dusty hands slowly folded together, looking up at the clouds in the air, and repeating it again, "No need."

The monks looked at the dust and nodded for a moment: "Yes, yes."

The dust did not speak again, he turned and walked into the night, and the slightly fat body seemed to have been swallowed up by the night. The monk looked at his back and wanted to chase it, but when he saw the clouds rolling in the sky, he sat down cross-legged and guarded the monks who were robbing.

As a monk, he has a compassionate heart and sees that others have fallen into difficulties. It is difficult to make peace of mind that nothing has happened.

There are more clouds, and the whole sky seems to be dumping.

When Zong Zong opened his eyes, he was upset and unable to sit still. Autumn frost stood quietly and watched him move every move. Seeing his calm and steady face, he was panicked, and the autumn frost showed a smile on his face. Yunhuamen's disciples do not necessarily need a perfect and no-brainer, but the person who is a Yunhuamen disciple, even if there is no perfection, no love in the heart, is not a good candidate.

When the first robbery fell on the body, he looked up at the sky in a puzzled way. Is the thunder robbery so gentle? This is much more gentle than when the generals beat her in the Mirage Tower.

However, after a series of thunders fell, I realized that this was not gentle, but the soldiers in the first ritual. With a sword to block a few thunders, she touched the messy hair on the head, the general thunder robbery only nine, why she was smashed more than a dozen?

Looking up at the thunder like a dragon, stumble and take a breath, this is to kill her. I dare not take the water frost sword to stop it. I threw the first phoenix phoenix in the hand, and the phoenix scorpion flew into the air, turned into a beautiful seven-color phoenix, and screamed upwards and greeted the giant thunder.

"Phoenix..." The people of Shuguangzong looked at the phoenix that had collided with the thunderstorm in the air. For a long time, they could hardly believe their eyes. Whether it is in the realm of cultivation or the dusty world, dragons and phoenixes have very special meanings. Most of the monks' sacred rituals, even if they are wise, are mostly in the form of gas or invisible consciousness, and the phantoms are condensed like this. Not much.

There are Zhongzheng real people before, now this... who is it?

Yunhuamen disciples lined up on the eaves, watching the phoenix flying in the distance and the huge thunder, and silent together.

"I think... this kind of thunder is a bit familiar." Ling Hui whispered, "Bechuan brother, what do you think?"

Bechuan stared at the phoenix illusion that disappeared gradually: "Hey, she is still less successful in her heart." How could it be possible to rob?

Linghui is silent again, and this kind of thing may be less common in other people. But if she is a sister, she is not surprised at all.

The two peaks of the two peers thought more, and the robbers smashed the 18th. This is not an ordinary promotion and a robbery. The elders of autumn frost have not returned, and the dungeon does not know how to do it. Does the lord of the evil repair have appeared?

"You wait here for a while, I used to look at it." Qingyuan can't worry about the autumn frost and the sorrow, and the same is the peak of the lord: "Hey, younger brother, you... everything is careful."

The movements before a few hours made the disciples who were low-cultivated directly fainted. The cultivation of evil cultivation has reached this point. Even if his character is free and easy, he can't help but give birth to worry.

Nodded and nodded: "You have to pay more attention."

Other disciples of Yunhuamen, from the faces of the two peaks, guessed that the situation was a bit serious, and they suddenly lost their mood. Shichuan looked at the younger sisters and sighed and said: "Let me go with me."

The disciples nodded and jumped off the roof behind Bechuan.

Qingyuan all the way, and met the master of the circle dust on the way, flying from the air: "Master of the dust, how is the dungeon?"

"Please don't worry about Qingyuan Xianchang. The demon statue of Jiuju was seriously injured and fled. In a short time, he did not dare to harass the comprehension of the real world." The dust scorpion looked at Qingyuan for a moment, as if he recognized who he was and his hands were together. "The girl is being promoted to repair."

"Thank you for telling the master." Qingyuan faintly noticed that the dust was not quite right. He looked at him more and found that his robes were stained with blood and his sleeves were also scratched. It seemed that after a fierce battle.

“How can the master’s injury be tight?” Qingyuan took out a bottle of medicinal herbs and handed them to the master of the dust. “The master first eats two medicinal herbs and slows down.”

"Thank you for the long march of Qingyuan, there is nothing wrong with poverty." The dust did not pick up the medicinal herbs. After reading the Buddha's name, he turned and walked forward, and the beads on his chest made a soft noise.

Qingyuan frowned, what happened to the master of Qingjing Temple?

After the last Thunder came down, I only felt that my whole body was numb, the internal organs were smashed, and the air mass at the Lingtai condensed into a golden Dan body. Soon this Jindan collapsed under the turbulent aura and broke into pieces. Another piece.

I felt that I was in pain everywhere in my body. The meridians and bones of my body were forcibly bent and bent, and the source of aura continued to flow into her body. I wished that she would not have a gap in her body.

If it was in the past, she could not bear the pain. However, since being thrown into the door of the stars by the red-faced real person, after undergoing various tests, he found that he not only reached out quickly, but also increased his ability to withstand pain.

The Jindan shards are getting shattered and even turned into golden powder. They lie down on the ground. This is good, and the inner dan is smashed into slag.

However, when Jin Dan became a powder, it once again condensed together, slowly transforming the human form that curled up together, and the sly gods were connected with this humanoid inner Dan. She saw the humanoid inner Dan opened her eyes. Double eyes... is her own eyes.

Slamming her eyes, a drop of rain fell on her face, she reached out and touched her cheek, this is... Ling Yu? Has she been promoted to be promoted successfully?

Looking up at the sky, she can see the trajectory of each drop of rain, and even be able to judge where they landed. The whole world has become much clearer. She can even use the knowledge of God to judge how many living things are held in the Dawning Dungeon.

I patted the clothes that had been ragged by the Thunder, and I used a few cleaning techniques to remove a clean skirt from the storage ring. She got up and went to the corner, watching the dark fox demon red cotton, she disliked the fox demon body is too dirty, poked with a stick. The fox tail shook a bit and didn't dare to escape.

"It was still alive..." He threw away the stick and clap his hands. "Your fiancé, throw it away and escape alone."

The fox who had not responded suddenly turned her head and screamed at her fiercely.

"It was ugly. It was even more ugly if you didn't have the hair." He closed the fox with a special cage and got up and walked to the door of the yard, and the eyes that were lifted up by the ancestors were on.

Yan Zong’s eyes fluttered, and she got up and took her hand. There was nothing to mention: “It’s fine for people.”

"Is it a baby?" Qingyuan, who rushed over, saw a sigh of relief, but after he noticed the strong aura of the body, he couldn’t help but be surprised. "What is going on?"

Qiu Shuang shook her head. She looked at the Qingjing Temple disciple who helped protect the law: "Go back and talk."

Qingyuan nodded. You can't let Qiu Shuang Shishu feel good in the knot, and it seems that something is happening.

The red cotton scorpion is in the cage, as quiet as she is an ordinary fox, not a fox. She looked at the monks at the entrance of the courtyard, and her eyes were a little bleak.

As the fiancee of the Lord, the first beauty in the evil world, she did not think of the red cotton, she will be abandoned. The Lord's Lord walked so decisively, did not hesitate, did not embarrass, and did not even look at her.

The past favor seems to be ruined, she finally understands why the Lord likes to call her name, and said that her mouth is the smallest and cute. It turns out that the red cotton and the red words are similar in pronunciation, and she also has lips similar to the red words.

He never liked her, he liked her name, and her mouth.

But how much affection can the Lord like? When you escape, you can use a woman you once loved as a weapon. Speaking of love, life and death is still his own.

Therefore, they do not easily believe in love when they are confused or demon. The love that is said on weekdays, love, beans are hard-to-eat honey, if someone believes, it is a hopeless fool.

She licked her tail and buried her head.

Due to the fall of the Lord of the Moon, the exchange meeting did not continue. The news of the baby was also temporarily smashed down. In order to cover up this news, Yunhuamen even released a message saying that he had some problems and needed to temporarily retreat.

As for the person who was promoted to the training that night, it was naturally a disciple of Shuguangzong.

Three days later, another doorman of Yuexingmen visited Suguangzong.

He has already learned the death of the red words, his face is not sad, but he wears a plain white, and the crown of the hair is the simplest silver crown. Behind him is the two stars of the Moon Star Gate. They are behind the watch, just like another bustling and red-faced, and they are all indifferent to the cold.

The guests of Shuguangzong have already gone mostly, and only the disciples of Yunhuamen, Jiufengmen, Zhaozongzong and Qingjing Temple are left here. They also came when they greeted the city.

Looking at the moonlighted doorman, the monks were silent and bowed to the night.

"Please wait for the Friends of the Road to mourn." Jin Yue is a bit embarrassed, the red saying that the real person died in Shuguang Zong, he faceless face to face.

"Death is the beginning of life, Jin Zongzhu don't worry, I understand." Wang Su gave a big gift to everyone. "I will go home next summer."

"Please." Jin Yue sideways greeted Sujin main hall.

"Where is she?" Wang Su did not move, but looked at Jinyue Road. "I want to see her."

Jin Yue knows that the "her" in the mouth of the mouth is not a real person.

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