MTL - Ascending, Do Not Disturb-~ 12. Ferry

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A heavy bang, the words were made easy to shoot on the table. The heavy stone table swayed and stood strong, without falling or cracking.

Cheng Yi heard that the younger brother took the teacher to play down the mountain, and did not think much. He only felt that he was still small and went out to see it very well. I know that he came over today and found that the younger sister who claimed to be practicing was actually fascinated by the words. Even he did not know when he walked into the door.

Tan Feng and Yan were so scared that they stepped back. Tan Feng swallowed his throat and forced a courage to stop him behind him. He said: "Master, don't be annoyed, say something slowly."

Pulling the sleeves of Tan Feng, the poor look is easy.

The look of a pair of captains is half weaker. If you are just playing with some fun, or like gold and silver jade ornaments, he also depends on her. However, obsessed with words can not be regarded as a good thing. When I was young, I knew very little about the world. I couldn’t tell the truth of the story. If I wrote the things inside, I would make a scorpion, and I would use any medicine to make up. Not coming back.

Cheng Yi took a deep breath and tried to make his expression gentle. He waved his hand and waved: "Hey, come over, sit here."

"Master, I am wrong. I will not take cultivation as a scorpion in the future, and secretly read the words." He repented and repented. He remembered the thoughtfulness of the masters in the past year. She also deliberately lied to the master and indulged. For a few days, even for cultivation, I forgot.

"You are a half-large child, it is when you are playing, I have not blamed you for this." Cheng Yi sees that he has regretted, then she took her to sit down and open the book on the table. "The book is beautiful." ?"

"No, not good-looking." Yan shook his head again and again, thinking that the master was busy outside for a few days, still remembering to buy her delicious and fun things back, but she did not think about making progress, I felt that I was too annoying. The more I thought about it, the more I felt sad. I blinked and took back the tears full of eyes. "Master, I am sorry."

Hold on, can't cry, the person who made the mistake, is not qualified to be squeamish.

Cheng Yi touched her head and pointed to the words: "The story is illogical, and it is impossible to say that such a small sect can not have the cheats that cause the world to peek. It is, and it is impossible for everyone to stare. A cheat sheet is the most important thing for a monk to cultivate and cultivate. Any cheats are auxiliary. The same door, the same cultivation practice, the cultivation between disciples is also high and low, who can rely on a true and false Cheats become a master of no one can rival?"

I thought that the Master Brothers would criticize her for not making progress. I didn't expect to discuss the rationality of the story with her. She stunned and didn't know what to say.

Cheng Yi thought that she didn't understand her words, and said: "After the introduction of aura into the body, it needs to operate according to the law. The most taboo is the eagerness to seek success. Who dares to take a cheat sheet that has not been verified. If it is out of the way, it is a fall. Light, more is to repair or lose your life. You are still small, you must remember, do not easily believe that strangers who send you medicinal herbs or cheats, may be the bad guys who lie to children. ”

At this moment, I feel inexplicable that the masters are like folk elders who teach children not to open doors to strangers.

Seeing the dejected look, Cheng Yidao: "I don't think I want to be perfect. You are so curious about the strange things. I will buy some books for your young people to come back. As for these miscellaneous books..."

Looking up at Yi, I was grateful to Cheng Yi. At this moment, even if the master asked her to take these books and burn them, she would do it right away.

It’s a pity that Cheng Yi misunderstood the meaning of her eyes. The heart was soft. In the end, she couldn’t bear to blame the younger sister who lost her parents since childhood. “If you like it, you can see it occasionally, but you can’t take it seriously, you can’t sleep.” Now, when you are long, you don’t have to sleep well, and you won’t be able to wear a good-looking flying fairy dress.”

I once saw a sturdy sister in the martial art wearing a beautiful flying fairy dress, and I always imagined that I wanted to wear such a beautiful dress when I grew up. I heard it as easy to say, and nodded again and again: "Master, I Be sure to eat and sleep on time."

"Hey." Cheng Yi touched his head and closed the book in his hand. "These books..."

Hey busy: "I will throw it."

"It doesn't have to be, I believe that Shimei is a good boy and knows how to arrange the time." Cheng Yi smiled and smiled. "The content inside is somewhat illogical, but it is still moderate, not shouting from start to finish. Shouting and killing, some of the hero's thoughts and theories also have some merits. When you are free, you can use it to pass the time, but you must not take the things written inside seriously, and mistake the practice."

Yan Lian nodded: "I also think that the protagonist is very kind, this wonderful pen must have a heart of benevolence."

"Stupid sister, the thought of the protagonist in the work is not the author's thought. It is the literati who have written wonderful articles but the character is very unbearable." Cheng Yi is very pleased, although he is young, he is divided. It’s really black and white, it’s cute.

There is no more cute little sister than the family.

"You take a break for a while. I have something to do with your two brothers, so I will take a step." Cheng Yi stood up and smiled at Tan Feng. "Teacher, come with me."

What Tan Feng wants to say, facing the gentleman's gentle smile, shrinking his neck and going out.

After the two brothers left, they touched the cover and put the words in the cupboard. They lowered their hearts and opened the "Refining Monk", and looked at it carefully.

Until the New Year's Eve, I went out from Dongfu to each of the caves to meet the elders. After I got a bunch of red packets, I waited for the two brothers to take her to the mountains. After waiting for a while, Tan Feng came out of Dongfu, but she looked a little embarrassed, as if she didn't sleep well.

"Two brothers, what's wrong with you?" He took a bottle of gas from the storage bag and handed it to Tanfeng.

Tan Feng took a sip and squinted his eyes: "This bottle of medicine has ample aura, like the things that Qingyuan Shishu refines." As the peak of the morning peak, Qingyuanfeng is the best at alchemy, just My master and the elders of Qingyuan always quarrel when they meet, so it is very difficult to get the medicine refining by Qingyuan Shishu.

"Yeah." He nodded. "Qingyuan Shishu said that I am a little girl. Drinking this is not only good for the body, but also good for the skin. Last time, Linghui Shijie sent me more than a dozen bottles."

Tan Fengyi touched his mouth, and his mood was extremely complicated. In the Yunhua Gate, the stinky man really had no status.

Although the age of the two brothers and sisters is more than one hundred years old, they can play together. When the Queen’s Gate sends a New Year’s Eve, the brothers and sisters are not reserved because they are Yunhuamen’s pro-disciples. Squeezing in the crowd, the sacs are full of faces and laugh.

On New Year's Eve of the year, although he did not receive the golden kit, he also received more than 300 Lingshi exchange vouchers. The two brothers and sisters happily and happyly divided the unexpected income, holding a bunch of fashionable mouths to Zongmen. The brothers and sisters brought back.

In the following two years, the two brothers and sisters did not forget to send a small fortune in the New Year's Eve. The amount of Lingshi exchanges between the two people is not small, so that the shopkeepers in Yuchengmen’s shop in Yucheng know both of them.

After the fourth year of New Year's Eve, the shopkeeper waited for a long time without waiting for the brothers and sisters. Later, after waiting for a long time, I waited until the brother came over. This time there were no more than a hundred Lingshi, only eighty Lingshi exchange coupons.

I am used to two people each year to change a large number of Lingshi, this year suddenly suddenly, the treasurer has a kind of inexplicable sense of loss, after the Lingshi exchange for the brother, he smiled and asked: "Why didn't you see a fairy in this year?" ”

"Sisters have been retreating from the beginning of the year and are ready to attack the foundation period, so I am only one person this year." When the impact was built, the brother’s voice was a little higher. "She is only fourteen years old. I was relieved that she started building the foundation after four years of entry. It can be repaired, and the pressure can't be suppressed. She has to go with her."

Although the brother with a smile in his eyes said that he was helpless, but the words of display and smug can not be written on his face, he took out a few hundred Lingshi from the storage bag: "Take me to pick a flying fairy skirt, the color should be fresh and tender. Suitable for young women of 14 or 5 years old."

The disciple who listened to Yunhuamen’s four-year-old disciple was prepared to attack the foundation period and thought that his ears had problems. Yun Huazong actually has such a diligent disciple, or is it that even after a talented disciple enters Yunhuamen, can he still be so diligent?

This young monk is a pro-disciple of Yunhuamen, and he can’t brag about it.

"Dao Jun, please go upstairs to pick up." The treasurer decided to pass the matter back to the Zongmen, and the enthusiasm for receiving the guests was half. Yunhuamen can have a four-year-old monk who has been attacking the foundation period. It is a miracle of greatness. As for whether or not it can be built successfully...

The shopkeeper looked at the young man with a smile on his face and still hoped to succeed. Otherwise, he would not know how to look at the girl who looks good.

He has been retiring for two months. Cheng Yishou, who successfully entered the Jindan period a year ago, is outside the protection of her house. It is not so much a law-protection. It is better to deal with the same people who come to the door of Dongfu every day.

"Cheng Yi Shi Bo, Yan Shishu can have a movement today?"

"Cheng Yi brother, this is the bag I am asking for, you hang up at the entrance of the Dongfu government."

If you are a monk, you should be determined to become a fairy. How can you still learn the dusty world and ask God to ask the Buddha? Cheng Yixin was very dissatisfied with this behavior, but he still hung up the package.

Forget it, it is always a piece of mind of the same door, not to be wasted.

In this way, after nearly 30 days, the elders of the elders and the younger generations have begun to think about it. What should be prepared to comfort the foundations of the foundations that may fail, the looming seems to appear above the Qiyuefeng Robbing the clouds.

Full of alchemy, swords, beasts, and refiners, they put down their hands and squatted on the mountainside of Qiyuefeng.

This is the Wulingen monk who built the base robbery, which is definitely different from the other people in the Zongmen. It would be a pity if you missed the excitement of this rare hundred years.

Read The Duke's Passion