MTL - Ascending, Do Not Disturb-~ 116.

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Out of the ruins of Jin Yuezhong, the vestments on his body were already ragged, but the momentum of the whole body made everyone ignore the clothes on him.

"Congratulations to the doorkeeper for the customs clearance, and the cultivation of the virtual environment."

When Shiu Zongzong smiled and opened his eyes, Jin Yue’s apprentice was a period of distraction. When his apprentice was in distraction, he was still in distraction. Everyone was worried that his heart was difficult to break. He did not expect that there would be no warning. It is.

"Congratulations to the Sovereign." Although the swordsmen were rigorously self-made on weekdays, they still couldn’t help but smile at the moment. "May the Sovereign achieve the Ascension Avenue as soon as possible."

“It’s hard to make a virtual environment, and it’s harder to fly.” Jin Yue raised his hand and let his clothes return to their original appearance. His expression was gentle, and his momentum disappeared without a trace. At this moment, he was an ordinary boatman, an idle farmer, and no longer had a sword repair.

The cultivation of the true practice, and the final repair, is nothing but returning to the truth.

"I have always been worried about these years, and I have been self-sufficient. In the apprentice, I suddenly realized a truth." Jin Yue said to several elders and peaks, "Being a teacher, when he was young, he could not let him go." I walked by myself. But when he grows up, he must learn to let go. I think I am open-minded. However, when I teach Zhong Zhong, I made a lot of mistakes, so he doesn’t know how to pick people, doesn’t understand emotions, and doesn’t even know what to call. Alive. I have raised a sharp sword, not an apprentice."

Since Zhongkai Lingtai had a problem, Jin Yue was extremely guilty. This is the fault of his master.

"Sovereign, this is not all your fault." Songhe understood the meaning of Jin Yue, and then advised: "Zhong Yu is born to be such a temper..."

"He is such a temper, I should pay more attention to it." Jin Yue smiled. "Fortunately, he met the girl of Yunhuamen, so he had a human touch, and he was even more angry with her. "This girl is not only the redemption of the ancestors, but also his salvation.

She let him put down his last concerns and let him clearly understand how many mistakes he had made. Fortunately, everything has a chance to make up...

When he heard Jin Yue mention it, Song He remembered that Yunhuamen did not want to make the girl and the teacher become a Taoist. He looked at the lord and did not tell him about it. It’s hard to figure it out, see through it, and repair it into a big move. He is afraid of one sentence and stunned the sovereign.

"The people of each sect should be here?" Jin Yue put his hand behind him, like a fairy who is not afflicted with the world. "Let the disciples under the door carefully receive, don't let the evil spirits mix into it."

"Yes." Songhe looked at the main hall of Jinyue who was almost ruined by the Thunder, and whispered, "The Sovereign, we still need to arrange the staff to fix the main hall as soon as possible."

Jin Yue: "..."

I knew that he would be so fast, so he would not choose the place to retreat in the main hall. Now the guests are coming soon, but the main hall is gone.

See Jin Yue silent, Songhe instantly understand: "Please rest assured that the Sovereign, I immediately arrange for people to repair, try to catch up before everyone arrives in Peicheng, repair the main hall."

"The sovereign, the emperor of Zhaozong, the peak and the disciple visited with his disciples."

Songhe: "..."

Jin Yue took care of the clothes on his body: "Take them to the front hall."

After that, he waved a phantom behind him and looked like the main hall was still there.

Of course, that can only be seen.

The people of Zhaozong Zong have already arrived at Shuguangzong, and the people of Yunhuamen are still preparing to go out.

"Is the peppers taken?"

"Bring it."

"Mystery sauce?"


This is a disciple responsible for diet.

"Jade pen?"

"Yu has a pen, but there are twenty wolves missing."

This is the disciple in charge of the book ink class.

As a pro-disciple of Qi Yuefeng, you don't have to take care of these things yourself, but you also need to help other disciples to check the items, and then put them in the storage bag in different categories. Each storage bag is embroidered with gold, which is loaded with it. Who is in charge at a glance.

In the case of Mou Zong, who was surrounded by 箜篌, Yunhuamen not only gave a lot of accidents to each disciple, but also brought a lot of ingredients and spices, and the cushions were soft and easy to get on the clothes, food and shelter.

Seeing that the disciples responsible for the diet have counted the items once and again, he has some understanding why he likes to eat, which is the same as Yunhuamen.

The elder who led the team is the elder of autumn frost. She has not been out of the mountain for many years. This time she went out to dress up specially. She is more than a thousand years old. She looks like her sister, glamorous and noble.

She leaned back and leaned against the pillars of the Flying Palace, playing with an embroidered fan in her hand, and did not urge her disciples, lazy like a beautiful snake.

The two peaks of the same industry are Wuyang Yanghuai and Chenxiafeng Qingyuan. The original Zongmen intends to forget the peers, but Qingyuan and forgetting do not deal with it. Yan Yan is afraid that these two people will be embarrassed outside, simply Separate them both.

I forgot to talk about it, but when I set off, I rushed to the scene, and I gave a lot of magic and symbol to the two ancestors, and I said a lot of words.

"When you are away from home, don't just trust others to provoke words. If you are in a hurry to watch, don't go alone, it's safer to be with the same door." Speaking of this, forgetting and giving three thumb-sized souls of the soul stone Disciple, "You must collect these three souls. If the stone is discolored, it means that the person close to you is not his original appearance."

Returning to the stone, turning to look at the disciples of other peaks, the other peak owners also secretly gave their own children a child to stuff things, and the protection of short-term protection is so strong.

He clenched the soul stone in his hand and forgot to pass the ceremony: "Please rest assured that the ancestors will be more careful."

"Yeah." Forget the nod of satisfaction. "You act steadily and take care of your sister and uncle."

"Yes." Guilin sneaked a sneak peek and saw that she was not unhappy, and she was relieved. As a younger generation, I am used to seeing my elders. From a certain point of view, it is a long and a young one. In many people’s eyes, it is no different from insults. Fortunately, Yunhuamen does not care about these...

He thought a lot, his eyes gradually softened.

Li Mo sighed silently, not yet in front of the Qiyue Peak, and she was going to teach her a sister. Now she is late in the name of Master, and she became a sister. She stayed very happy at Qiyuefeng, and talking and doing things is not like Chengyi. It is more like Tanfeng: "Yuzu, we still have Zongzong live with you, you don't have to worry."

When I heard the words "桓宗", I couldn't help but frown and frown. How to be a tall man, I can't be without a vision. His apprentice is so good, and Zhai Zong actually said that she would be her sister, hehe.

Forgot to look up and look at the eyes of the ancestors, and Zong Zong sang his rituals, forgetting the faint slogan: "After the sect of the sect of the sect, you must worry about the glory of the sect of the city, can you still protect you? Relying on others, it is better to use your brain more."

Lirou listened to this and it was a bit wrong, but at the same time he couldn't tell what was going on, then he bowed his head and whispered.

"Please forget the teacher's uncle, the younger generation will take good care of them." Yuzong forgot the passage, "even if it is to Peicheng, the same."

"This is also true." Forgetting the skin and laughing at the meat, he said, "Our family is also your sister."

Mou Zong: "..."

He felt that he did not like him very much.

"Master, you should pay more attention to the Zongmen. I have tried to go out as much as possible recently." He secretly stuffed a pack of Lingshi to him and pulled him aside. "If it is not necessary, don't go down. What do you want to eat? Just like the friends of Wuweizhuang, their craftsmanship can hide the Daofa, which is more particular than the things in the winery restaurant."

"Know for the teacher." Forgot to accept the spiritual stone that the apprentice had given him, and turned his head and looked at the emperor who was quietly looking at them. "Remember the words of Master, no man is worthy of your humbleness, the whole There are so many men in the realm of comprehension, and good-looking men are looking for them. If you let the teacher know that you dare to abandon self-esteem for that one, you don’t recognize me as a master. No, the teacher does not like the monk, you are far away from him. point."

"Do not worry, Master." He smiled and reached out and hugged him. "I won't let you down. But if you don't let me abandon self-esteem, it will be good to me, will you agree with us?" together?"

Forgetting for a moment, I turned my head and said, "Let's talk again."

Anyway, his little apprentice can't be wronged.

"I know." He once again hugged and forgot to pass, "You take care in the Zongmen." Unleash the forget, and then turn to the flying palace, kneeling on the fence and waving to the disciples' elders who sent off.

The autumn frost elders waved their sleeves, and the flying palace rose to the ground. The embossed enchantments on the flying palace immediately took effect, and suddenly the Huaguang flashed and the golden splendor.

Yunhuamen is not particular about privately, but in the case of a large number of people, it is still about individuality. This flying palace is decorated with porch, and there are countless enchantments. It is made of countless rare materials. Without strong human and financial resources, it is impossible to have such precious flying instruments.

There are countless yards and rooms in the Flying Palace, and Bechuan, Mou Zong, Yi and Ling Hui are allocated in a yard.

It was late, and Huihui and Bechuan had already slept, and when they sneaked open the door, they saw the emperor sitting in the yard. Quickly trotting to the side of Yuzong, kneading his hand, "There are two days to get to Peicheng."

When she arrived at Shuguangzong, she was a peak, and she must be too busy to be with her. She could not be with him from time to time.

"Two days are very fast." Mou Zong returned to hold her hand. "After returning to Shuguangzong, I have arranged the residence of Yunhuamen disciples in the peak of my jurisdiction?"

"Okay." He nodded and smiled. "So we can meet every day."

"You..." Do Chuan opened the door and looked at the hands and hands, and the ten fingers and the shackles, the surprise on his face could not be concealed. The two of them, even secretly together?

"Master Chuanchuan?!" He stunned, looked down at his hand with Miao Zong, and put his index finger on his lips: "Hey, you whisper."

Bukchuan walked up to the two people. So the scene he saw two days ago, is not a bad girl bullying a good family, but a small taste between the two?

The power of Long Feng Ding is so big that it is so big?