MTL - As Superman’s Younger Brother, I Became a Native of the Motherland-Chapter 307

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Cyborg sends Clark his own invitation.

Clark hesitated for a while, then looked at Amy again and nodded.

"I do, but you have to promise me not to hurt Eric's life! We just stop him, not hurt him!"

Clark's eyes looked straight at Cyborg and said his request.

Chapter 339 The Birth of The Flash (Big Chapter)

At the Justice Society headquarters, Eric was standing by the window, watching the night outside.

The sound of footsteps came from behind him, and Eric looked back and found that Wonder Woman was walking towards him.

"Aren't you going to rest in the hospital?"

Eric asked Diana.

"You made such a big commotion in the superhuman prison, thinking that I can still be a patient in the hospital quietly?!"

Diana said to Eric: "Now you should be more worried about those who oppose you, know that they also include your brother!"

"Clark knows your weaknesses, and if he really joins forces with those people, he might really cause you enough trouble!"

Eric didn't react much to Diana's words, but shook his head and said, "Clark's power has weakened."

After a moment of silence, he asked Diana, "Do you know Clark's weakness?"

"I know."

Wonder Woman nodded, "It's kryptonite."

"No, not quite, kryptonite is only part of it, his greatest weakness is kindness."

Diana looked surprised when Eric said the word "kindness".

"I always thought that someone with a bad personality like you wouldn't say that word!"

She pretended to ponder for a while, then put on a pretentious expression, "So you actually commented on Clark as being 'kind'! "

"Is it weird?"

Eric looked at Wonder Woman, "You're talking about me like a heinous villain, I can't say any positive words. I'm not a comic book villain, Diana, so don't look at it with that look. I!"

"Okay, I thought you didn't have a crush on Superman, but you really care about it!"

Wonder Woman put away her fake expression and smiled slightly at Eric, "I know you again now!"

"Thank you for not simply tagging me and adding an impression!"

Eric said to Wonder Woman without any change in expression.

Wonder Woman stepped forward, grabbed Eric's collar lightly, and watched him tenderly.

"I know you, Eric, maybe better than anyone, and I know how you feel inside."

She looked directly into Eric's eyes and said, "No matter what happens, I will be by your side, even if everyone is against you!"

"Some enemies will do anything to win. Their methods are despicable. Even ordinary people will be slaughtered without mercy. Some enemies are not only powerful, but also cunning like foxes. They will use all kinds of deception and lies. To confuse the opponent. I am not a person who simply pursues procedural justice. I believe in only the last resort. In order to deal with more cunning enemies, sometimes I can't be too disciplined."

Wonder Woman said softly to Eric, "So I would never try to make you a good person like Clark, because you were never that kind of person."

"Should I look happy or look hurt?"

Eric lowered his head and said to Wonder Woman, "Although you seem to be talking about my positive comments, why do I think you are mocking me in disguise?"

Wonder Woman smiled at Eric, "It depends on how you understand it."

"I want to make out with you!"

Wonder Woman said such straightforward words directly, stretched out her arms to wrap her arms around Eric's shoulders, her eyes were no longer as heroic as before, but instead full of tenderness.

"You acted well today when I was hit by the aftermath of the nuclear bomb, I can be sure of one thing, you are not without feelings for me, you are afraid of losing me!"

Eric didn't admit it, but frowned and said, "It's nothing, if I lose an assistant who can help me, I will indeed feel very troublesome."

"Not only that, in your eyes, losing is a very scary thing. When you call my name, I can feel your panic!"

Wonder Woman did not continue to talk about this topic, but dragged Eric's clothes and pushed him onto the sofa.

Then the whole person also straddled Eric's body.

"There's something I want to tell you!"

Wonder Woman didn't come up in a hurry and was ready to "The Overlord", but suddenly talked to Eric about something else.

"You know what? When I first came to the American continent from Paradise Island, I bought properties in quite a few places."


Eric didn't know that Diana still had the ability to buy property.

He always thought that the other party likes to fight and kill this kind of female man's behavior.

"I bought real estate in a lot of cities, and of course the money is from those rich bastards!"

Wonder Woman talked about her previous actions.

"Two days ago, I got a call from a real estate agent trying to sell my house in Midtown."

"Sell the property?"

Eric becomes interested in what Wonder Woman says is for sale.

"I had a real estate agent call me today and he said this apartment would sell for a good price. I once made up a false statement that I had a sick mother. I don't know how, This group of real estate agents got my information. He called me and told me that the money would support my mother for a long time and even retire. Of course renting is also a good option, but there is a management fee , and something could happen in between. The Midtown market is a mental hospital, and you never know what's going to happen."

"The agent also told me that the apartment next door to me was sold. In fact, someone else made an unsolicited bid. Those foreigners bought every inch of land in Midtown. I heard that Norway bought it a few days ago. part of Mayfair, including Savile Row. There will be no more genuine Midtowners in Midtown any time soon.”

Wonder Woman usually doesn't tell Eric these little things, and once they say it, they can't stop.

"Everyone is busy investing, everyone is busy making money, and all the intermediaries are telling me that the real estate market in the central city is at its best."

After listening to Wonder Woman's words for a while, Eric interrupted her and asked her, "So you've become a real estate expert now?"

"Maybe so!"

Wonder Woman smiled at Eric and said, "But I haven't said the most crucial thing yet. Do you know why the real estate market in Midtown fluctuates so much?"


"Because of a previous accident, Professor Harrison Wells, a scientist at the Star Laboratory, developed a particle accelerator that is said to be of epoch-making significance. This scientific miracle will bring a leap forward in the study of physics, but in It was public for quite a while, and the particle accelerator exploded and caused a storm that killed many people."

Wonder Woman's expression became serious, and she said, "Many buildings in the city have been damaged, and most importantly, many people believe that this scientific accident caused the Midtown to suffer from radiation pollution!"

"Accidental explosion of Xingchen Laboratory?"

Eric frowned after listening to what Wonder Woman told.

He thought of the superhero that might have been born in an experimental accident - the Flash, Barry Allen.

That is the ancestor of the Flash boy Bart Allen!

Although the title of Flash has been used by many people, and Bart also uses the title of Flash now.

However, the really well-known and recognized Flash is Barry Allen!

Information about The Flash flashed through Eric's mind from his past life memories.

The Flash all have a power called "speed force", and the members who use the speed force are called "speeders".

Speeders can move at high speed, and their speed can exceed the speed of light, reverse time and space, penetrate objects, and even cross barriers between parallel universes.

Under the protection of the speed force, the speeders can ignore all the laws of physics when moving at high speed.

It seems that all Flash have this power, but unfortunately, the Flash of his own faction does not have the speed force.

Eric turned the information about Bart in his mind, but he quickly recalled the information about Barry Allen.

Barry Allen is a Forensic Science Specialist in the Police Department's Identification Section.

He was originally a slow guy, but enjoyed reading comics about the original Flash of the Justice Society.

One day, a bolt of lightning struck the medicine rack in the laboratory, and various medicines were mixed and poured over Barry.

Since then, Barry has found his world has changed: everything in front of him seems to be playing in slow motion from a movie, while he himself is able to move at great speed.

Like his idol Jay Garrick, Barry also gained super speed. So he decided to call himself by the name of his idol: The Flash.

Barry Allen made a set of bright red tights, which can be compressed into a ring at ordinary times. When necessary, the uniform can be popped out by opening it. It can be quickly changed in public without being noticed.

He is able to vibrate the cells in his body at extremely high frequencies, thereby passing through solid materials such as walls.

More importantly, his speed has been greatly improved compared to the previous generation, which can reach the speed of light.

If you give Barry Allen a "cosmic treadmill" and he runs fast enough on it, he can travel through time and space.

This became so commonplace for him that at one point he even planned to leave the 20th century forever and live in the 30th.

As the most famous Flash, Eric was aware of Barry Allen's strength, so the more he was wary of him.

After all, the other party is someone who can change the past and the future!

In the "Flashpoint" event, Barry Allen changed the time to find out the truth about his mother's death, which created the Flashpoint Paradox.

When Barry wakes up, he finds that his mother is still alive, but he has lost his superpowers. Wonder Woman and Aquaman lead their respective countries to create war. The Batman of this world is Bruce's father, Thomas Wayne.

Thomas Wayne helped the Flash regain the speed force and solved the villain Reverse Lightning through the device of draining the lightning. Barry regains the ability to travel through time and space, stopping the self who used to want to save his mother.

This event caused a reboot of the entire dc universe!

Due to the ability bug of the other party, Eric had to worry about whether the other party would destroy the world like in the flashpoint world, and then restart it!

"You seem to have thought of something that really worries you!"

Wonder Woman stared at Eric with an inquiring look in her eyes.

"I thought of someone, someone similar to Bart!"

Eric didn't hide anything from Wonder Woman.


Diana pondered for a moment and asked Eric, "Do you need me to help you find him?"

"Do not!"

Eric rejected the opponent's proposal, "His speed is completely different from Bart's. If you can't keep up with the opponent's speed, you might suffer a loss."

Turning over and pressing Wonder Woman under him, Eric said to Diana, "I need you to help me investigate why the particle accelerator experiment in Midtown had an accident, and why did the lightning strike that and Bart-like guy?!"


Wonder Woman nodded, "It's a very challenging move, but I accept it."

As they put their lips close to Eric's, the two began the first step of communication in an intimate way, moving towards the great harmony of life.

Five hundred words are omitted here.

the next day.

Eric and Wonder Woman go to Smallville's Kent Farm.

Eric received a call from his mother, so the Midtown thing had to be put aside for now.

On the table were mashed potatoes, carrots and chicken.

Typical British food.

Wonder Woman looked across the kitchen and said to her mother, "Maybe I can warm it up on the stove, cold chicken is always going to be bad for your appetite."

"Do not."

Eric sat Wonder Woman down, "I like to eat cold, cold chicken is more delicious."

Eric picked up the chicken from the plate and put it in his mouth.

"Well, the craftsmanship is good."

Thumbs up and praised my mother who came out of the kitchen.

No flattery, it is indeed much better than before.

If it was barely edible before, now it tastes unexpectedly better than expected, and the progress is huge.

Martha's British dishes are always unexpectedly out of line with her usual cooking level.