MTL - As Superman’s Younger Brother, I Became a Native of the Motherland-Chapter 257

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The soldiers of the gendarmerie immediately trotted towards the dead shooter.

The dead shooter wanted to shoot, but found that his firearm was shot by the opponent's heat sight, causing instant damage.


The military police quickly smashed the **** of the gun at the dead shooter.

The dead shooter, who couldn't dodge in time, was hit by the opponent's lightning-fast action and fell directly to the ground.

The death shooter, who was ready to stand up despite the pain, saw that the opponent wanted to continue attacking him, and immediately rolled forward to avoid the opponent's attack.

Turning over, aiming at the opponent's chest and hitting him.

As a result, the military police directly grabbed the neck and slammed it against the wall.

With a bang, the Death Archer felt like his back spine was about to break.

Taking a deep breath, temporarily numbing the pain, he used his knee to slam into the opponent.

When you hit the opponent and lose your balance, take the opportunity to grab the opponent's neck and put the opponent upright on the ground.

Quickly withdrew the pistol from his ankle, aimed it at the soldier's chest, and the Death Archer jerked the trigger.

With a single shot, the second gendarme was killed by him.

Although it was a fluke, he was exhausted just dealing with two gendarmes.

Facing this terrifyingly powerful woman, he no longer had any desire or strength to fight.

However, before he was ready to escape, Rika moved to his side instantly, grabbed him by the neck, and shoved him to the ground.

The battered dead shooter spat out a mouthful of blood and felt like his whole body was about to fall apart.

There were footsteps in the corridor again, and countless military police rushed over to surround the dead shooters.

Before he could react, the **** of a gun slammed into his head, knocking him unconscious.

Looking at the dead shooter who was being framed, Rika said in a cold tone: "Lock him up and interrogate all the useful information we want to know."


After the "B Gendarmerie" responded with a sound, they dragged him down.

After confirming what happened here, Rika left the laboratory building and hurried to where Eric was.

"So, is Death Archer a traitor?"

Eric sneered, "Batman is really pervasive!"


Rika hesitated and said to Eric, "I'm going to Gotham City to catch Batman."

"Need not."

Eric immediately stopped Rika's thoughts.

"He'll use your weakness against you unless you kill him in one fell swoop, but I'm skeptical."

Eric looked at the night in the distance and said to her, "He always has a set of appointments with others."

Chapter 286 You are blinded by love

"Can I come in? Brother."

Rachel's voice suddenly sounded outside.

Rika left the room after giving Eric a resignation expression.

Rachel, who was waiting outside the door, saw Rika come out and glanced at the woman who had been following Eric but she didn't like.

Yes, she kind of doesn't like each other.

Apart from the fact that Rika and Eric were getting closer during this time, the reason for disliking it was that she felt that Rika had no sympathy.

I found a cute cat in the alley and wanted to adopt it, but after being discovered by Rika, she ordered the expulsion of stray dogs and cats from the entire area.

According to her, the worst feelings in this world are compassion and pity for the weak.

So this caused Rachel to have a bad impression of Rika.

After looking angrily at Rika, Rachel walked into the room.

"How is mom?"

Eric brought a glass of Rachel's favorite iced Coke and handed it to her.

"She's fine, but."

After hesitating for a moment, Rachel said to Eric: "Mom is still a little angry, saying that if Dad was here, Dad would never allow you to do such a thing."

"Is that so?"

Eric looked at the sleeping city outside, was silent for a moment, and said, "I'll go and explain to my mother."

Seeing that Eric's expression was a little heavy, Rachel came over and hugged Eric, and stretched out her hand to hold Eric's.

"No matter what happens, brother, I will be on your side."

Rachel said firmly to Eric.

Although she was a little unclear about the meaning of Eric's actions, no matter what happened, she felt that what Eric did was meaningful.

Eric reached out and stroked his sister's hair without speaking.

But Rachel could feel the warmth in her brother's hand.

"Where's Clark? Didn't Rachel see it lately?"


Rachel shook her head, "Brother Clark hasn't been back on the farm for a long time."

She was a little gloomy.

"Why does Clark stand with the bad guys against brother?!"

Rachel, pouting, said a little unhappily.

"Because Clark has always been firm on the path he wants to take, he has grown a lot. He is no longer the guy who is impulsive and doesn't use his brain. He has his own ideas."

Eric said to Rachel.

Clark had appeared and stopped himself before when he was holding Mr. President hostage and trying to seize power.

If he were to deal with Clark with his current strength, although it was possible to win, he could not easily defeat the opponent.

So Eric used green kryptonite against Clark.

A guy with a very low bottom line like him does not have any psychological burden to use this method to deal with his elder brother.

But on the contrary, Clark, on the one hand, was concerned about his family and would not do his best, and on the other hand, he refused to use green kryptonite as despicable as Eric, so he was easily defeated by Eric.

Putting aside the thoughts about Clark in his mind, Eric tidied Rachel's hair, "I'll take you to the farm."

"Do not!"

Seeing that her brother was about to send her back, Rachel immediately shook her head like a rattle.

"I'm going to sleep here today."

Saying that, Rachel threw her body on the sofa, covered her head with a pillow, and said in a muffled voice.

"Let's go."

Looking at Rachel lying motionless on the sofa, Eric did not stop her.

"I'll get your pajamas."

After confirming that Rachel was sleeping here, Eric activated super speed and rushed to the farm to get Rachel's clothes.

The entire metropolis fell into complete silence.

No soldiers or gendarmerie were stationed here at night.

The reason why the citizens of Metropolis are not as opposed to Eric as elsewhere is because their subconscious minds are all implanted in their minds.

Three years ago, the brainwaves of the Injustice Association tried to use a booster to amplify their own brainwaves, so as to control the idea of ​​​​the entire Kansas people, so that the people affected by the brainwaves completely obey his orders.

Though Brainwave was ultimately killed by Eric, he did manage to control the minds of people in Metropolis and parts of Kansas.

But Eric left a subconscious mind in the minds of these controlled people.

Although the brain waves have been killed by Eric, the ideas that Eric implanted in these "head-up people" in the metropolis have not dissipated.

That is, once Eric stands up as a leader to give orders, then these people will subconsciously obey Eric's orders.

This is his temporary intention, the subconscious implanted in these metropolitan people, and he did not expect to use it today.

Eric was thinking of subconscious things in his mind, and moved to the vicinity of the countryside in an instant.

Seeing that Martha in the farm room hadn't slept yet, Eric hesitated and wanted to go in and talk to his mother, but after hesitating for a moment, he finally did not enter Martha's room, but entered Rachel's room , took out her pajamas, and left.

Martha, who was reading the newspaper in the room, suddenly sensed something, stood up and walked to the window, opened the curtains and looked outside.

In the dark night, only the wooden fence gate of the farm swayed gently in the wind, indicating the possibility that someone might have come.

Martha looked at the night, a little stunned.

After a long sigh, he loosened the curtains, letting the curtains cover the scenery outside the window.

Eric didn't find that Martha opened the window and almost saw himself. At this time, he was staying in the hall of the Justice Association, watching the furnishings in the hall.

Rachel has fallen asleep, so Eric can take time to come here to see.

Glancing at the safe in the corner, Eric frowned.

It also contained Clark's blood.

When Martha and Clark were both irradiated by the spacecraft, when Martha's life was dying, Clark became very weak.

Dr. Helen, who served as Dr. Martha, drew a vial of blood from Clark's body in order to diagnose Clark's condition.

The bottle of blood was later given to Eric by Dr. Helen.

Eric used the knowledge of the Kryptonian Codex instilled in his mind, combined with Clark's blood, to create a "superhuman potion" that can give ordinary people powerful power.

Although the side effects are relatively obvious, it will deplete the user's vitality, over-exploit their own strength, and even cause symptoms such as nosebleeds and dizziness. And people with insufficient physical fitness may also face the risk of failure using this reagent.

But the "superhuman potion" can give the host two to three times the strength, agility and reflexes of an Olympic champion, as well as enhance the host's hearing and vision.

To a certain extent, the host who uses the "Superman Potion" will become a weakened version of Captain America.

"B Gendarmerie" is a soldier who has been strengthened with "Superman Potion".

The bottle of green reagent that Batman got is the "Superman Potion" stolen from the laboratory.

Now there is also a copy of the original "Superman Reagent", where Eric has invested heavily to build a laboratory, which is often used for research.

After pondering for a moment, he walked to an iron door, stretched out his hand and pushed it gently.

The metal door opened in response.

The creature in the room saw that the door was opened, and came up curiously.

The creature with dark gray skin, cracked and terrifying, is Solomon Granger who has been imprisoned here.

He has been imprisoned here since he was defeated by Eric in Blue Valley.

"Master Master!"

Solomon saw Eric standing at the door, with a flattering smile, and stammered to Eric.

Being imprisoned here for a few years, the hostility of this large zombie has been partially dispelled.

In addition, Bart often comes over and chats with him, so he can often make some humane behaviors.

"From today onwards, your range of activities can be expanded to the entire courtyard."

Eric looked at the large zombie that was cautiously crawling out of the door, and said coldly, "But at the same time, he must also perform his duty as a guardian. Anyone who cannot enter here without my order."

Eric paused, his eyes flashed fiercely, and said, "Kill him!"

Read The Duke's Passion