MTL - As Superman’s Younger Brother, I Became a Native of the Motherland-Chapter 249

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A huge explosion sounded on the bottom of the sea, and the gushing flames instantly surrounded the entire mermaid's lair.

Countless mermaids who had no time to dodge were blown into debris by the invading explosion.

The mermaid queen in the middle only had time to let out a scream of grief, and was surrounded by the flames rushed out of the volcano.

And Arthur, and Mera grabbed the wall with the cocoon and rushed up quickly.

With the dull sound of rumbling, the two escaped from the cave before the explosion.

Before leaving, Arthur glanced at the mermaid's lair on the bottom of the sea with a sad expression on his face.

"Atlantis? It's not all good!"

As he floated to the surface, Arthur said to himself in his heart.


The water surface made a crisp sound, and the water ripples swayed around.

Rachel lifted her head from the basin.

The girl whose face was all covered with water and her hair became wet, smiled "giggling" at Eric.

The location is Kent Farm, and Eric is standing by the window watching the direction of Arthur and Mera.

Since the other party successfully escaped, it would not be far from Mera taking Arthur to find Atlantis.

As for Arthur's commitment to himself, I just hope the other party still remembers a little bit.

Eric's eyes narrowed.

After hearing the sound of water, he turned his attention to his sister, who was dishonest when washing her hair.

"Rachel, don't waste water when washing your hair, didn't mom tell you?"

Eric walked over to Rachel, picked up the towel, walked to the other side and wiped it for her.

Eric wiped her hair and face, Rachel looked very happy.

I closed my eyes and let the hard towel I don't like rubbing against my face.

"I remember, but my mother is not at home now. If I waste a little water, I will definitely not be told by my mother."

Rachel said eloquently.

"Then I'll speak for you instead of mom."

Eric tapped his sister's forehead.

"Giggle, then I won't feel bad if I get reprimanded by my brother."

Shaking her short black hair, Rachel said "giggling" with a smile.

"Hey, Eric, Rachel!"

Clark suddenly walked in from outside with a bag on his back.

Seeing Eric wiping Rachel's hair, Clark asked his sister, "Rachel, you're wasting water again. Remember the last time you turned on the tap and drove all the sheep out of the farm. Are you running? You were punished for standing!"

Clark exposed his sister's shortcomings as soon as he came up.

Rachel glanced at Clark and snorted.

But then, as if he had discovered a new continent, he ran to Clark's side and looked up at his brother who was 1.9 meters tall.

"Clark, you're wearing weird glasses!"

"I'm going to call you Brother Clark!"

Clark, who was wearing a black-framed flat mirror, reached out and touched Rachel's wet hair, and said, "Don't you think that brother is handsome?"

In fact, he was afraid that some people would recognize him as Superman, so he put on black-rimmed glasses to hide himself.


Rachel touched her face with one finger and tilted her head, "It's a little handsome, but it's still a little distance from Brother Eric. I know that Brother Eric has a support club at school, and they are all good-looking. Sister, and they also treat me to a delicious KFC children's meal."


Clark was a little frustrated listening to his sister's blow to him.

In other words, why is my woman's fate always inferior to Eric? !

When Rachel ran upstairs to use the hairdryer, Clark put down her bag and sat on the sofa.

"You learned to hide yourself, Clark?"

Eric said casually to his elder brother.

"Sometimes we all have to hide ourselves and communicate in society. Isn't it normal to wear a mask?"

Clark shrugged and said to Eric.

"You're right, you've grown a lot, Clark."

"Maybe, since I put on that suit, I do feel a sense of relief and maturity. I will find that I can calmly reconcile with my past self. Since Alicia died, I have been trying to forget this painful feeling. .If the pain cannot be forgotten, then it is impossible to forgive the past self, unable to reconcile.”

Clark stood up and looked into Eric's eyes, "We will all grow up eventually. It was Eric and Clark before, but now it's Motherland and Superman."

(The Motherland and Superman ends, and the next one enters Injustice.)

Chapter 278 Your death knell has sounded

one year later.

Metropolitan Bellevue Asylum.

Patients in light blue hospital gowns line up to receive medication.

Lex Luthor was wearing a hospital gown and walked to the medicine window.

The black doctor hands Lex a tray.

On top of the tray is a glass of water and a small transparent box containing a drug.

"Okay, boy, it's yours!"

The female doctor handed the tray to Lex.

Looking at the female doctor's unkind expression, Lex hesitated for a while, but finally picked up the medicine and swallowed it with water.

The black female doctor looked at the obedient Lex with satisfaction, and turned her attention to the people lining up behind Lex.


The lethargic Lex walked to the rest area of ​​the mentally ill patient, sat down, and stared blankly at the easel in front of him.

After a long while, I picked up the brush next to the easel, stained it with oil paint, and prepared to sketch something on the white paper.

It has been six months since he came to Bell Reeve Asylum.

After being forced to undergo treatment by Eric on the Krypton spacecraft, although his consciousness returned to normal and he no longer identified himself as a Kryptonian, it may be a sequelae of the treatment, and Lex's spirit has some problems.

On more than one occasion he has been spotted standing on top of the manor's clock tower, holding a rolled up blanket, claiming it was his brother Julian.

Although his younger brother has long since died.

And he has said more than once that his father Lionel teamed up with a businessman named Darian, and the two killed his grandparents together.

All kinds of crazy performance, he was sent to a mental hospital by his father.

"Cough cough!"

Lex covered his mouth and coughed, spit out the red pill in his mouth, and threw it into the red paint in front of him.

While holding a paintbrush and drawing something on the paper, Lex looked up at the surveillance camera in the lounge.

On the other side, in the corridor of the lounge, Clark walked towards the lounge area accompanied by two medical staff.

Along the way, many mentally ill people glared at him.

There are many "meteorite monsters" here, all of which were sent in by him and Eric.

"Look, who's here, freak!"

A guy named Van was sent to a mental hospital by Clark for using his invisibility to hurt others.

Now that he saw the enemy Clark coming in, he couldn't hold back his anger and rushed towards Clark.

"You monster, it's you who should be locked up here, they should lock you up!"

The moment Fan rushed over, he was controlled by the medical staff. The two strong men punched him and then left with his body supported.

Fan, who had been shouting, was punched, but still angrily scolded Clark: "Monster!"

Seeing Fan being dragged away by the medical staff, Clark's expression was a little solemn.

Accompanied by the hospital staff, although he saw several provocative "meteorite monsters", he finally came to the lounge safely.


After seeing Lex, Clark immediately walked over quickly.

Lex, who hadn't seen him for a long time, was a little thinner, and his spirit was even more haggard.


Lex came over excitedly and grabbed Clark's hand, "I thought I would never see you again, Clark!"

Clark held Lex's hand, "I wanted to see you last month, but the doctor said your condition might not be suitable for a meeting."

Facing Clark's explanation, Lex nodded, a faint smile appeared on his face, and he stared at him without blinking.

Being stared at by the other party's straight eyes, Clark was a little hairy, coughed and asked him, "Are you okay? Lex."

"I know all your secrets, Clark!"

Lex suddenly said something that made Clark stunned.

"But don't worry, I didn't tell anyone."

Lex, who seemed a little nervous, smiled at Clark, then grabbed the opponent's arm and pulled him aside.

"Clark, you have to save me! I know you can! I'm completely healed, now I'm Lex Luthor, I know who I am, I'm not an alien, and I won't hurt anyone again! "

"Getting me out is a piece of cake for you!"

Lex was short of breath and looked straight at Clark with a slightly crazy look.

"Lex, I really want to."

"Then do it, Clark, my father will never let me out, you are my friend, please, you have to help me. Don't let me rot in this disgusting place, please!"

As Lex spoke, he placed both hands on Clark's face, cupped Clark's face with his palms, and spoke to him nervously and quickly.


Clark replied with some discomfort.

Although he really wanted his friends to go out, he didn't think it was a good time now.

He also felt that Lex might have some mental problems.

Hearing Clark say "I'm sorry", Lex stunned and let go of the hand holding Clark's face and stepped back.

Disappointment and shock flashed in his eyes.

The next second, Lex rushed towards Clark like a wounded lion.


With a roar from his mouth, Lex was about to come up and grab Clark's neck.

The staff next to him immediately rushed up to hold Lex.

But Lex was still struggling, twisting frantically, kicking left and right, and yelling at Clark, "I'll never forgive you! Clark!"

"Never! Never!"

Lex, whose eyes were bloodshot, roared frantically at him.

The easel and paint were knocked to the ground by him, and the scene immediately became a mess.