MTL - Artifact Planting Space-Chapter 12 Big elder leaf bursting king

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Ye Tian also felt it, but he didn't worry because he could plant it with chaotic black soil.

I was looking for an excuse to tell my mother that he was going to take Lingshi and Dan medicine, but there was noisy noise in the streets not far away.

Looking at the sound, I saw the king's treasurer who was bruised and bruised, and was walked with a knife by dozens of Ye Family's children.

"What is going on?" Wang Si refused to take care of his own safety and quickly walked toward the treasurer of the king.

Ye Tian followed.

And Ye Xu is a small eye, smirking and telling him to let people open a path.

It seems that in his eyes, the good play is about to kick off.

When Wang’s treasurer saw Wang Si’s coming to him, he immediately slammed into the ground: “Mrs, I... I am guilty! The shop I managed was smashed...”

"Don't be like this, stand up and say!" Wang Si quickly raised the king's treasurer.

"I still say a fart!" A fat-faced Ye Jiazi took the knife and pointed at the Wang treasurer and said: "This old guy refused to give me the practice of Xiao Dan and Da Dan Dan, and also closed the shop door. I looked at him and I was angry."

"Ye Bai, your talents have not been opened, why should Xiao Dan and Da Dan Dan practice?" Ye Tian's annoyed leg lifted his body to the fat-faced Ye Jiazi's brother: "Listen, take your People will roll me right away, don't mess, or don't blame me!"

"Ye Tian, ​​you... dare to kick me?" This Ye Jiazi, who is Ye Bai, climbed up from the ground and took out an envelope, angered and shouted: "See clearly, when I hunted Warcraft I was injured. His old man told me to take the medicine. Do you dare to give it?"

“Is it?” Ye Tian grabbed the envelope in Ye Bai’s hand. When he understood it, the whole face was dark: “Just just broke a thumb and even asked for five small and two Dan and two. Da Dan Dan?"

Xiao Dandan said that after all, the price is not expensive, but Da Dan Dan is not simple, the price is expensive, and the Dan Pharmacist refining is quite troublesome.

Under normal circumstances, people who are not seriously injured will not use it.

Ye Bai sees Ye Tian’s dissent, and his nose screams coldly: “Hey! Ye Tian, ​​you can’t control it! Ye Jiawei has regulations, and injured people can apply for Dadandan and Xiaodandan free of charge, otherwise What do you want the patriarch to do? What do our family pay so many gold coins to your home every year? Do you want to eat, drink, and have fun?"

"You!" Ye Tianyu.

The gas of the fists and nails are plunged into the flesh, and I can’t wait to see the white leaves in front of me.

If his father is with his older brother, who would dare to speak to him like this.

However, as a person born again, he knows that he can't be impulsive at this time. Ye Bai, the nephew who dares to come to Yefu to make a blatant incident, is not absolutely impossible.

And this person, not Zhou Luotian, is definitely Ye Xu.

Because Ye Jia is in Lava Town, and even Mojiacheng, he only has to offend these two people.

Wang Si, who was on the side, also understood at the moment that Ye Bai came to the troubles this morning. It must have been someone behind the scenes. Seeing Ye Bai’s failure to get the medicinal herbs would not go, and now the brain is on the move, she laughs. Ye Bai: "Since you are injured, I will give it to this medicinal medicine, but you must first find the signature of the elders. After all, the two big Dandans are not small, you say yes?"

Ye Jia’s elder elder, Ye Bianjun, has no ghosts, and his strength is in the realm of the law. He is over 300 years old and basically does not ask Ye’s affairs.

Wang Si took out the name of Ye Bingjun, obviously it was delaying the time, and by the way, Ye Bai was jealous.

However, this is also a helpless move. If her husband is in Yefu, she will not let such a thing happen.

Who knows that Ye Bai seems to understand Wang Si’s mind, and after a smile, he nodded: "The lady said very!"

In the next second, there was a groan in the surrounding space. A black robe veteran appeared in front of Wang Si out of thin air: "Wang Si, you want me to sign Ye Bai, okay! Take the pen, I will sign it immediately. ”

"Great elders... you... how come you?"

Wang Si stunned, the pale face was white.

Obviously, Ye Bianjun, who has always been concentrating on cultivation, suddenly appeared. This is premeditated.

The purpose is to force her to hand over the drug immediately. If it can't be done, things will be troublesome.

Because in the second year of Ye Kong’s going to Tianyu’s secret world, Ye’s family proposed to elect a new patriarch. If he was forced by Zhou’s and Lei’s forces, he would not be able to drag on today.

The person who proposed this is Ye Bingjun.


Because Qian Qian and [Song Snake Sword], Zhou Jia and Lei Jia were offended. If Ye Bingjun used the remedy to let her surrender the rights of the patriarch, she would not have the power to fight back.

Wang Si, who thought of this, took a heavy step back and took a step or two. She looked at Ye Bingjun with a mask and her eyes were red: "If I say... even if you sign Ye Bai now, I will not take it. What will happen if you have a big Dandan?"

"It won't be like, you just have to hand over the jade seal of the Ye family." Ye Bianjun said coldly.

Ye Jiayu printed.

Representing the supremacy of the Ye family.

Ye Bingjun’s words came out, and the fools heard it. He wanted to take the position of the Ye Family.

The ugly face of Ye Bai’s taking the trouble, all of a sudden emerged.

"Hey! If my mother handed over the jade seal, you are not qualified enough for the elders!" Ye Tian helped the mother, looking angry at Ye Bingjun: "All this...all of you are discussing with Zhou Luotian." ?"

"I do not know what you're talking about?"

Ye Bianjun shook his head with a funny smile, but the tone of his speech was obviously weaker.

And Ye Bai, who stood behind Ye Bingjun, and so on, dozens of Yejia disciples, even if he listened to Wang Si, even if the signature was not great, suddenly there was an angry expression on his face, pointing to Wang Si and Ye Tianqi. Up:

"Oh! What, if your mother and child are incapable, don't take charge of Ye's rights!"

"Good to the elders to do, I think about the drug, will definitely be a satisfactory solution!"

"Hurry up and hand over the jade seal of Ye Jia, don't take up the pit and not pull it to death."

"Get out of Ye Family, Ye Jia's right should not let a woman come to control!"

"Roll! Don't force us to do it!"


Listening to these ugly words, I looked at the more and more troubles of Ye’s dozens of children. Wang Siqi’s only felt a sweet throat, and a blood spurted out.

Since Fu Jun Ye Kong went to [Tian Yan Secretland], in the past three years, she has been working hard for Ye Jiajiao. What good things are there, she will take it out to the family of Yejia for the first time.

I am afraid that the Ye family will not be convinced that her woman is in charge of Ye’s rights.

Where can I think?

In the end...

Just because of a few remedies.

What happened is still happening.

"Mother!!" Ye Tianxin shouted out.

Just wanting to help Wang Si go to the hall to repair the wound, Ye Bingjun is reaching out to stop him, the cold voice sounded: "Ye Tian! Today you don't solve the problem of the drug, you don't want to go."

"Yes, I want to hide in Yefu as a tortoise, and there are no doors!" Ye Bai shouted with arrogance.

"Ha ha ha..."

The other dozens of Ye Family children are laughing at the schadenfreude.

"You... shameful!" The anger in Ye Tian’s heart burned at this time, and he put his hand into the space ring. He was about to take out the planted Da Dan, who killed these shameless guys, but suddenly found Not far away, Zhou Luotian, a black robe, with Zhou Ziqiang with acne on his face, surrounded by dozens of guards, swaggered away.