MTL - Arbor Siluo Depend on Each Other-Chapter 859 I'll talk about some things after I think about it

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  Chapter 859 There are some things to think about

   "Don't be in a hurry to reprimand your child, listen to me."

   Qiao Yi saw that the man was about to speak, so he said immediately.

   If this is reprimanded, it will probably be endless, and now she doesn't want to waste any time here.

  Compared with this, now she wants to ask the matchmaker outside.

"You say."

  The man still respects Qiao Yi. Although he hasn't seen anything big in the world, he knows that the person in front of him is definitely not an ordinary person.

"After getting in touch with them, I think they are not bad, they are quite simple and honest. It is hard to find such people in this world. So I plan to help you. It is just a trivial thing for me. I can't take the little stone away , I have never lacked such people around me.”

  Hearing what Qiao Yi said, Xiao Shitou's eye circles suddenly turned red.

"I'm telling the truth. I can invite your family to live in Qiaocheng. Families like yours will have subsidies. As long as the adults and children work hard, the days will be better. I will let my guards wait for you for a day. If If you want to go, just tell her, and I won't stay any longer."

   To be honest, Qiao Yi really can't see a man cry. Although she has been in this world for a long time, she still can't get used to it.

  When her husband cries, she will feel distressed, but when other men cry, there is no distress, some are just inexplicable irritability.

   "Also, don't do such things as robbery. You met me this time. If other people's lives are not enough to lose, it will also bring disaster to your family."

  Joe left, Xiao Shitou's eye circles became more and more red, and then he burst into tears.

  He knew that Qiao Yi didn't like him, but he couldn't help fantasizing in his heart. When the facts shattered the fantasies, Xiao Shitou felt uncomfortable, even more uncomfortable than not eating for several days.

   "Cry, just cry out."

  The man patted Xiao Shishi on the back.

   When Xiao Shitou stopped crying, the man said, "Do you like her?"

   "Daddy, I want to go to Qiaocheng, as long as I can see her."

  Little Shitou raised his head and looked at the man seriously.

"it is good."


   Qiao Yi came out of the thatched cottage, ordered a guard to stay, and then left with another guard and the matchmaker.

   "Master Qiao, the little one really didn't do anything, so just let the little one go."

  At this time, the matchmaker was trembling all over. The handkerchief that was always thrown back and forth before did not know where to go, his hair was a little messy, and the makeup on his face was a bit messy.

   "The Marriage Freedom Law promulgated by Qiaocheng, it stands to reason that you group of matchmakers should be the first to know about it, and the punishment should also be known about it, so why do you still know the law and break the law?"

  Joy stood aside, condescendingly looking down at the eye-catching matchmaker kneeling on the ground.

   "This... this..."

  The eye-catching matchmaker was a little hesitant, not knowing whether he should say it or not.

   "It's okay if you don't say anything, take us to the village chief's house. Lead the way."

   After Qiao Yi finished speaking, the guard standing aside immediately dragged the eye-catching matchmaker from the ground with a look of disgust.

   With the knife resting on his neck, I really didn't dare to think about it at all. In addition, he is an ordinary person, and he has made several marriages by relying on his sharp words. Apart from this ability, he has no guts at all.

  Looking at the knife on his neck, he was almost scared to pee.

  When he came to the village head's house, the matchmaker turned around and wanted to run away.

   As a result, he was carried back by the guards.

   "Be honest, the master won't let you go, do you think you can go?"

  The guard said in a cold voice.

   "Who is it?"

   "Is this the village chief's house?"

  Joy smiled and looked at the man who opened the door.

   "Yes, you are?"

   "We have something to ask the village chief."

  Joy motioned for the guard to take out her sign.

  Although this is a guard, her status is not low, and she is already on the same level as a ninth-rank official. Although the rights are not the same, the position is similar. It is still very useful to come to this kind of village to do business and ask something.

  As the village chief’s husband, it’s not that he doesn’t know everything. No, after seeing the guard’s ID plate, he immediately invited someone in.

   "Come in."

  The man invited Joey and the three into the living room, told them to wait a while, and then went out.

   After a while, a woman who looked about forty years old walked in.

   "I don't know what the two adults are talking about coming from afar?"

  It is not easy to be a village head. When he sees the eye-catching matchmaker, the village head has a little idea in his heart.

   "I heard that there is a silly girl in your village, the Li family, who has obtained the right of residence in Qiaocheng?"

  The thing is to ask bit by bit, so Joey is not in a hurry.

   "Yes, the Li family is a carpenter, and their craftsmanship is considered the best in this village. Because of this, their whole family can go to Qiaocheng to live permanently."

   When he said that he could live permanently in Qiaocheng, the village chief's expression of envy was particularly obvious.

   "I heard that their family married several husbands? And they all died?"

  Hearing Qiao Yi's question, the village head frowned, "Can I ask who you are? Why do you want to check their house?"

  The matter of the Li family is related to the reputation of the village, which does not allow her to be careless.

   "We are from Qiaocheng. If we can obtain the right of residence in Qiaocheng, we will visit it irregularly. People with evil intentions are not eligible to live in Qiaocheng."

   Qiao Yi had a gentle face and spoke to the village chief in a steady tone.

  Joy's tone made the village chief relax a lot, but he was still a little puzzled.

  But that identity brand can’t be faked.

  She should cooperate well.

   "Will this incident affect our village?"

The head of the village is also troubled by people with unscrupulous intentions in the village. In addition, they have money and people, and they have nothing to do with their own interests. No one stabs her, so she usually turns a blind eye. .

   You must know that once someone in this village is bad, and the news spreads, it will be very difficult for the whole village to marry.

  This is the last thing the village chief wants to see.

"I'm not sure, but if you don't report it, the impact will be great. I'm in charge of this matter today. I'm very easy-going, so we'll sit at your house and talk. But if you don't cooperate today , I will call you next time, and at that time, no matter what happens, the impact on your village will not be small."

  She is very reasonable, and she doesn't talk too much, she directly presents the matter.

   Anyway, there are not too many things to do now. It is easy to catch up with them on a fast horse. It is not bad to meddle in their own business here.

  Joy spoke in a nonchalant, normal tone, as if talking to the village chief.

  But the village head panicked a lot at this time.

  Because what the woman in front of me said is not wrong at all, it is true.

   "What do you want to know?"

  Hearing what the village chief said, Qiao Yi knew that she planned to tell everything she knew.

   "For matters related to the Li family, you don't have to think about avoiding the important ones. If I don't know something, I won't come here to find you directly. Please think about some things before talking about them."

  Joy said with a smile.

   (Thank you for the monthly pass of my love Gufeng 666 baby, thank you for watching! There are cows flying in the sky, baby’s monthly pass, I love you.)

  (end of this chapter)

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