MTL - Arbor Siluo Depend on Each Other-Chapter 856 IQ is worrying

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  Chapter 856 IQ is worrying

  This village is really not small. From here, the houses are very dense and there are many, and most of the houses are tile-roofed houses. It can be seen that it is still a relatively wealthy village.

  In such a rich village, it stands to reason that these two people should not be so poor that they would come out to rob.

   "The one in front is the only grocery store in the village."

  If nothing happened before, Joy would have suspected that she was here for a tour, and the two people in front of her were her tour guides.

   What he said was a detailed one. I was afraid that Qiao Yi would not understand, so he almost pointed to the fields and said whose family owned this field and whose family owned that field.

  Joy is really worried about their IQ.

  Joy didn't bother, just listened so earnestly. To be honest, it felt pretty good. Let her have a feeling of traveling in modern times.

   "Aunt Wang, bring me five catties of low-grade yellow noodles."

  As soon as he entered the grocery store, the big stone opened his mouth directly.

   "No credit."

  The woman sitting at the counter didn't even raise her head, she knew who it was just by hearing the voice.

   "I have copper coins."

  The woman called Aunt Wang raised her head when the big stone said that there were copper plates.

   After seeing the copper plate in the big stone's hand, he got up.


   This person was sitting, and he was still a normal person, and he didn't see anything wrong, but when he stood up, Joey's jaw almost couldn't close.

  Is this too fat?

  That leg is as thick as her waist, how did it grow?

  Joe felt that the fat woman took a step on the ground, and the ground would tremble several times.

  The fat woman picked up a bag, filled it a few times casually, without even weighing it, and handed it directly to the big stone, while the other hand was waiting for the money from the big stone.

   "Aunt Wang, there are too many."

   "If the scale is bad, get as much as you can, and give me money."

  The fat woman spoke impatiently.


  Give the copper plate to the fat woman, and Dashi carefully takes the bag.

   The fat woman took the coin and put it away without looking at it, then returned to her previous seat and sat down.

  Out of the grocery store, Joey finally understood what was going on after the big stone explained.

   This woman looked fierce, but she was actually the villager who helped Da Shi and the others the most.

  Because everyone is hostile to Dashitou's family, and the fat woman wants to continue living in this village, so the attitude towards Dashitou and the others began to be bad.

   But once she has the opportunity, she will still help Dashi and them secretly, otherwise they would have starved to death.

   "Sister, with this we can stop starving for several days."

   Thinking that there will be batter to eat when I get home, Xiao Shitou is so happy.

  Looking at the two, Joey remembered when he first came here.

  Their family is called poor, and the first bucket of gold was because they picked up a litter of cubs, so their family had copper coins to buy food, and then they built a house by selling crayfish.

  Thinking about it now, it was really not that difficult at that time.

   Let’s see what’s going on first. If you can help, let’s help. Such a stupid and cute person is really hard to meet. It’s like winning a lottery.

   "Well, my sister will find a way to get the money."

  At this time, Da Shi also understood that robbing is not a good business.

  If her father hadn't suddenly become seriously ill, she wouldn't have run to rob him in desperation.

   But it’s better now, this woman said that she knows medical skills, as long as father is cured, let her go to the government to go to the capital.

   "Well, we won't rob anymore, Xiao Shitou is afraid."

"You are a male?"

  Because both of them were gray and bald, Qiao Yi didn't pay much attention to them, thinking that they were both women, but one was passable and the other was very thin.

  Even his speech was feminine, which would say that Xiao Shitou was afraid, so Qiao Yi felt like a man.

   After all, in this world, men are more timid.

"what are you doing?"

  Hearing Qiaoyi ask Xiao Shitou if he was a man, Dashitou immediately stared nervously at Qiaoyi, as if Qiaoyi was planning to plot against Xiaoshitou.

   "Don't worry, I'm a family man, and I won't have any unreasonable thoughts about your brother."

  Joy smiled wryly.

  She was just curious to ask, but she didn't expect it, but it attracted hostility from others.

   "You don't like my brother? He's so nice, why don't you like him?"

  The big stone was really angry.

   What kind of vision does this woman have?

  Joy: "..."

  This person's brain circuit is a bit strange.

   "I already have ten husbands, but I don't dare to go out and flirt with others. Your brother is good, but I am not blessed."

   "That's more or less."

  At this time, Xiao Shitou looked ashamed and angry, but he still didn't forget to look at Qiaoyi quietly.

  The curious little eyes made Qiao Yi smile bitterly in his heart.

  Is it possible that this kid has taken a fancy to her? can't you?

  Following the big stones and small stones around and around, finally went around to the back of the village, and finally stopped in front of a thatched hut.

   Judging from the way we walked, the house of this family is the most dilapidated house in the village.

   From a distance, you can see a group of people in front of the thatched cottage.

   "Are they your relatives?"

   After saying that, Joey regretted it a little.

  Because the eyes of the big stone and the small stone are a little bit wrong.

   "Did something happen?"

   "Damn it, it came again."

  The big stone did not answer Joey, but handed the flour bag in his hand to Joey, then picked up a stick from the side, and walked over aggressively.

   Seeing this, Little Stone also handed the rabbit in his hand to Joey, picked up a stick like Big Stone, and followed.

  Looking at the rabbit and the yellow face in his hand, Joey raised his eyebrows.

   Secretly thought that these two people really don't feel at ease in general, aren't they afraid that she will steal things for themselves?

   Breathing out, Joey followed.

   "What are you all doing at my house? The things have already been given to you, why do you still come?"

  The big stone rushed into the crowd with a stick, and then stood at the door of his house.

   "Big Stone, see what you said, we are here to announce the good news to you today."

  At this moment, a man with hanging eyes stood up and looked at the big stone with a smile.

   "There is no happy event in our family."

   Big Stone frowned.

  She has already seen through the essence of this group of people. If there is no good thing, it will only make things worse in her family.

  She can be fooled once, twice, or three times, but she will never be fooled for the fourth time.

   "What do you mean no happy event? Now there will be a happy event. As long as you promise, your father's illness will be treated with money, and your younger siblings will also have some food. This is not a happy event, what is it?"

  The man with hanging eyes was pulling a blue silk handkerchief, shaking it while talking.

   Qiao Yi, who was looking at it, couldn't bear to look directly at it.

  Joy felt like throwing up when a man was like this, it was too unbearable.

   "Hurry up, you are not welcome in our family."

  What kind of happy event, the big stone doesn't believe it at all.

"Listen to me first. This is a great thing. Does Qiaocheng know? Forget it, you don't know. Let me tell you simply, the Li family in our village has passed the assessment and has obtained After obtaining the right of residence in Qiaocheng, now she wants to marry a few husbands for her daughter, and they have fallen in love with your little stone. They are willing to pay a tael of silver to buy your little stone."

  Joy: "..."

  Why does this involve Qiao Cheng?

   One more person is worth a tael of silver?

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion