MTL - Arbor Siluo Depend on Each Other-Chapter 850 Be afraid of bugs

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  Chapter 850 Be afraid of bugs

  They all keep their heads down and don’t see them up, so there’s nothing they can do about it.

   "What are you looking at? Haven't seen anyone eating or something?"

  Joy roared angrily, then slowly got up.

   "Hurry up and take a look, and go home to recuperate after watching."

   While talking, Joey already walked into the cave angrily.

   "My wife, please slow down."

   Ignoring Qiao Yi's awkwardness, Mu Qing hurriedly followed.

  Yue Xi also followed after seeing this.

  As for the others, although they were curious, they were all waiting outside.

  The cave in front of me is not big, if they all go in, it will look crowded.

   Not only is it useless, but it will also be quite a hindrance.

  Joy just wandered around, Mu Qing, Yue Xi, King Wen and the two people she brought in searched very meticulously.

  The cave is not very big, nor is it very deep. Normally, it can be searched in less than a stick of incense, but it took a few people to search for nearly half an hour.

  But it is not without gains.

  When he saw the contents of the five black jars in front of him, Joey was covered in goose bumps.

   "It can be burned here, and people will block it later."

  The chance of being discovered here is very small, but just in case, let's block it.


   A group of people left the cave, wandered around here a few times, and then went back a little tired.

  At first, everyone was very interested, but when they saw that this place was like a dead zone, there was not even a bird singing, so they all wanted to go back.

  They really don't understand, what's so interesting here, it should be said that there is no fun at all.

   On the way back, Mu Qing told everything he knew.

   It turned out to be similar to what Qiao Yi thought. The mummy in this cave really has a relationship with the old man.

  But now that everyone is dead, Joey has no interest in knowing.

  Wen Wang repeatedly confirmed that those books would not be lost to the people, and after asking Qiao Yi for a prescription, she didn't care about it.

   Witchcraft is all sorcery. King Wen will never let this kind of evil sorcery come into the world.

  This person is Qiao Yi. If it was someone else, she would definitely try her best to get the books, and then burn them all, leaving no ashes left.

  As for the Gu worm, it was directly detained by Yue Xi.

  This scares Joey quite a bit.

   Qiao Yi is not afraid of anything, but he is afraid of this kind of bug with many legs, especially this kind of weird looking one. Goosebumps all over his body when he sees it.

   "Yue Xi, can we burn that thing down?"

  Bringing back the jar containing the Gu worms from Yuexi, Qiao Yi didn't do anything all day long, but surrounded Yuexi.

   "My wife, can you leave me alone?"

  Yue Xi is studying this Gu worm, which requires meditation, but Joey always makes trouble for him.

   "This thing is not safe, look at the black scales, it looks like a highly poisonous thing, what if it bites you."

  Joy hurriedly pestered Yue Xi.

   "I'm fine, I have a way of keeping them from biting me, but if you're here all the time, distracting me, it's not necessarily."

  Yue Xi frowned. For the first time, he wondered why the wife-lord was so clingy?

   "What if I accidentally ran out? Be good, let's throw it away."

  Qiao Yi was frightened, seeing Yue Xi wanting to stick his hand in, his heart skipped a beat.

   "My wife, this Gu worm is not an ordinary Gu worm. Although it is terrifying, all things generate and restrain each other. It has great research value, especially the venom they produce."

   After Yue Xi fed the Gu worms, he closed the lid, and he planned to have a good talk with Qiao Yi.

   If this continues, if he is really bitten by distraction, it will be really bad.

  As a doctor, he must study everything that can cure diseases and save people, otherwise he would not want to deal with such ugly bugs.

   "Wife master, don't insist. Since Yue Xi dares to keep these, it means that he is sure to control them. Your improvisation will actually distract him."

   At this moment, Mu Qing came over.

  The wife-lord, quitting work, has been pestering Yue Xi for two days.

   "But this thing scares me."

  Joy didn't think about it either, she had nothing to do, but the two days of things piled up, and there were more things to do.

   "Well, isn't the strange doctor researching this thing? Why don't you let the strange doctor take care of it after you go back, and ask the strange doctor to help you with what Yuexi needs to refine. If you want to observe, go to the strange place."

   It won't work if it goes on like this, so Mu Qing thought of a compromise.

  He can see that Qiao Yi really hates this thing, which means that Yue Xi wants to raise it. If it is someone else, the wife-owner is probably going to force it directly, and it will be ruined if he steals it away.

   "My wife, brother is right, how about I hand these things over to the crooked doctor after I go back?"

  The deceitful doctor has more research on poisonous insects than himself, so it is safe to hand it over to the deceitful doctor.

  What he needs is the venom in the bug's body. If it weren't for this, he wouldn't be bothered raising this kind of bug.

   After all, there are children in the family. If this is accidentally knocked over, the consequences will be disastrous.

   What's more, this bug has the physique of attracting insects, and it will continuously attract poisonous insects, otherwise it is impossible to be alive now.

   "That's fine."

  Joy thought about it and nodded.

   It's not impossible to find something for the doctor to do, anyway, as long as it's not Yue Xiongyang, and she doesn't do this in her house, then that's fine.

   Seeing that Qiao Yi nodded, and he didn't mean to be too reluctant, Mu Qing and Yue Xi both heaved a sigh of relief.

   "Then it's settled. Wife master, do you think you should go to your own affairs now?"

   Seeing that Qiao Yi had no intention of leaving, Mu Qing immediately started to chase people away.

   I don't know what kind of physique the wife-owner has. Her ribs are broken, and she doesn't even lie down to recover from her injuries, but she walks around as if nothing happened.

   "Okay, can't I go, now you are starting to bother me, when is this the head?"

  Qiaoyi sighed, looking abandoned, and left slowly.

  That Gu worm was really Qiao Yi's heart disease. Even so, if the Gu worm was not in the hands of the trick doctor for a day, Qiao Yi couldn't let go of his heart.

   "Send a few more people, work in shifts, don't cut off people for twelve hours, show me the bug, if it is bitten by Mrs. Yue, or if the bug escapes, come and see me."

   After thinking about it, Qiao Yi still felt uneasy, so he simply sent people to strictly guard him before the Gu worms came to the trick doctor.


   After Qiao Yi's voice fell, someone immediately went to execute it.

  Because this was the first time that Qiao Yi said that it was not going well and came to see him first, so the guards took it very seriously.

  The matter of Gu worms was settled, and Qiao Yi planned to go to Yueying to see if there was anything that needed her.

  People are so busy, it's really unreasonable for her to do nothing all day long.

  As for the things she piled up, let's talk about it tomorrow.


"How's it going?"

  Seeing Moon Shadow, Joey spoke directly.

"not too good."

  Yueying had a headache, because she was thinking a little too simple.

   "What's the matter? Tell me and listen, let me have fun, and see what stumps you."

  Joy said heartlessly.

   "I thought it would be easy to create a faction..."

   Before Yueying could finish speaking, Qiao Yi spoke up.

   "It's really simple. We don't lack people, money, and land."

  (end of this chapter)