MTL - Arbor Siluo Depend on Each Other-Chapter 837 I'm all right

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  Chapter 837 I'm fine

  Seeing Qiao Yi like this, Qiao Xin sighed.

  Most of the time, she wondered what her sister was up to.

   When the sky falls, there will naturally be a tall person to support it. Whether to fight or not is someone else's business. They just need to do their own thing well. But her elder sister insisted on joining in.

   "I understand what you said, I just want to prove whether I really exist. Do you think I'm ridiculous?"

  Joy gulped down the honey water, then looked at the roof.

"If everything happened normally, maybe I wouldn't have such thoughts, but one thing is too bizarre. One or two things can be ignored, but if there are too many, it is difficult to ignore .”

   "You said it was this time?"

  Qiao Xin sat next to Qiao Yi, and spoke with some doubts.

"Well, have you ever seen that ores are placed in caves? You don't need to mine them at all, as if someone had prepared them in advance. There is also the silver ore in the swamp, which was taken by people. It has been roughly refined beforehand, otherwise it would not be so high in purity. There is also the Eighth Emperor, we have met before, she does not seem to be such a delicate person."

   Speaking of this, Joey had a headache.

  I didn’t think so much before, but once I relax, I naturally think about more things, and all kinds of doubts crawl into my mind.

   "It does seem a bit strange to think so."

  Qiao Xin doesn't know much about the Eighth Emperor, so I won't evaluate it, but the ore matter is indeed a bit strange.

  They are all people from modern times, all kinds of ores need to be mined, not directly obtained.

   "And the timing of the appearance is not right. It always feels like it was waiting for me to come out of Qiaocheng, and then deliberately delivered it to the door."

  Joy scratched his head a little irritably.

   "Sister, are you in a bad mood recently?"

  Qiao Xin suddenly approached Qiao Yi.


   "Sister, I remember that you used to say that it's up to you, and the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge? You often hear this sentence? Now you seem to have forgotten it."

"That's right, I don't know when it started, but I became sentimental. It's okay, I understand. No matter what happens, we can just stay in our own three-acre land. Heiyao Village is also in Is it within the range of my station?"

   "Well, Heiyao Village is fifty miles away, and it's all your territory."

   Qiao Xin thought for a while, and then spoke.

   "What? Is it that big?"

  Joy was surprised, is her territory really that big?

   "Let me tell you this, all your lands combined should be as big as the island country in your previous life."


   Hearing what Qiao Xin said, Qiao Yi was even more surprised. Is this site a bit too big?

"Sister, I think you have overlooked a problem. This is an ancient place, not a modern place where every inch of land is expensive. The most valuable thing here is the land. This place may be very big for you, but for you For the empress, this is just drizzle, which is nothing to worry about. The most important thing is that this is a poor area, and the empress would like to use this as a gift."

   "You say that, why do I feel like picking up junk?"

   "You can understand it this way."

  Joy: "..."

  This younger sister is becoming more and more unpleasant.

   "I know what to do."

  Suddenly Joey stood up, with the usual smile on his face.


   This time it was Qiao Xin's turn to be surprised. She didn't seem to say anything, did she? Figured it out so quickly?

"Release the news and go out. I, Qiao Yi, will never leave my fief in this life. I don't care what other people want to do, as long as they don't come to my place to make trouble. And as long as there is money, no matter whether it is weapons or anything, our Qiao City will Sell ​​it. That’s fine, I’ll leave the rest to you, and I’ll go home to take care of myself.”

   As he spoke, Joey waved his hand and left.

   Qiao Xin: "..."

  She was cheated by her sister again.

  If the words my sister said just now spread out, it will probably cause shocks again, because Qiao Cheng has made it clear that he will not participate in anything.

  There must be a lot of people who are curious and probing, so Qiao Cheng will be busy again.

  There is also the matter of Heiyao Village, so much ore, if it is not well protected, it seems that it will not work.

   I heard that there is still a crater. What if the volcano erupts?

  There are a lot of things, just throw it to her and throw it to her?

  How can this work?

  Thinking of this, Qiao Xin chased him out.

   "Sister, it's not proper for you to do this."

   Stopping Qiao Yi, Qiao Xin spoke slightly out of breath.

"It's too much work for those who can, but because you are so tired, leave the matter of Heiyao Village to me. As for other things, I don't care. One more thing, since Heiyao Village discovered volcanic rock , then there must be raw materials that can forge glass. I plan to live there after a while."

  Joy turned her back to Qiao Xin and looked at the street next to her.

  She is not very capable, and she will not force herself to do things that are difficult for herself in the future.

  She will use her own efforts to make this world a better place, because she doesn't want to come here in vain, and she wants to leave her own trace in this world.

   "What about the brothers-in-law?"

   "They, let's talk about it when the time comes. I haven't figured out what to do. Let's rest for a few days before talking. Is there anything else?"

   Qiao Yi looked at Qiao Xin.

   "Those people outside the city."

   "They... you are the city lord, right? Do you need to ask me about this kind of thing?"

   Qiao Xin: "..."

   It seems that this is indeed the case.

  But as an older sister, seeing how hard my younger sister is working, shouldn’t I reach out to help?

   "Sister, people have to grow up. You are already a city lord who can take charge of your own affairs. I don't need to intervene in many things. Sister Jiangshan has already laid it down for you. Afterwards, the guardianship will all depend on you."

   Qiao Yi smiled at Qiao Xin, and then left quickly.

   Seeing that Qiao Xin was no longer behind him, Qiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

   Secretly thought that Qiao Xin was becoming more and more difficult to fool.

   But she was right about one thing. After she understood what she should do, Joey really didn't want to care about too many things.

   It's okay to say that the days are short, but when the days are long, Qiao Xin will inevitably feel unhappy.

   After all, Qiao Xin is the lord of the city, and it's really not good for her to be pointing at someone who is nothing.

  She knew that Qiao Xin was not that kind of person, but she couldn't rule out what the people around Qiao Xin would say.

  When Qiao Yi returned to Qiao's Mansion, it was almost dark.

   Seeing that everyone was waiting for him to eat, Qiao Yi was a little surprised.

   "Sorry for being late, let's have dinner first."

   "My wife, you..."

  Mu Yun thought about his words, and wanted to ask Qiao Yi if something happened. Still mad at them.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. There are some things that I feel relaxed when I think about it. I said it before, but I always felt that I was omnipotent in my heart. Without me, everyone would be fine. But now, I say it from the bottom of my heart. I feel that everyone is great. I don’t have to take everything on myself. This is the world, and no one can survive.”

  (end of this chapter)