MTL - Arbor Siluo Depend on Each Other-Chapter 810 Can you send Ye Qingxuan away?

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  Chapter 810 Can you send Ye Qingxuan away?

   "Sister, you seem to be very free today."

  Every time Yueying couldn't say a few words to her, she would go to do other things, but today it seems that she has been with her for a long time.

   "Am I free? Very busy."

   "Tell me, what difficulties did you encounter?"

  Since she is very busy, she still stays here and does not leave. It is likely that she has encountered difficulties that cannot be solved, otherwise her sister would not waste time here following her.

   "There is a man named Ye Qingxuan, can you solve him for me?"

  Joy is so powerful, he should be able to get that annoying man away.

   "reason, reason."

   It is really rare for Moon Shadow to be stumped by a man.

   "The suitor of King Wen came here from the snow mountain. I heard that he is of the same clan as your father."

   "Ye Qingxuan? Tell me more specifically."

  The surname is Ye, which reminds Joey of one thing.

Once she went to see Ye Lingxuan, and then overheard the conversation between the two of them. It seemed that the child was gone before, and it was related to a person surnamed Ye. If Lingxuan's father said something, if Wangniang Wen didn't deal with this matter clearly , the rest of the children do not have surnames.

  The person whose surname is Ye, could it be this Ye Qingxuan?

  If it is true, then she really has to meet for a while.

"I don't know much. King Wen just asked me to drive people away. I thought it would be an easy thing, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult. You can't beat or scold me. I find someone to send them away the next day. Back again."

  Now as long as Ye Qingxuan is mentioned, Yueying will feel a severe headache.

   "Tell me where he often goes, I'll go and have a look."

  Knowing where Ye Qingxuan lived, Qiao Yi went home directly.

   This time, Qiao Yi intends to be a gentleman on the beam, first to find out about Ye Qingxuan, and then think about how to deal with him.

  If Wen Wang's mother and this Ye Qingxuan are in love. Qiao Yi would never meddle in other people's business, but it was obvious that her wife, Prince Wen, was not very interested in this Ye Qingxuan.

  Back to Qiao's mansion, Qiao Yi went to find Su Ziye and Su Zimo.

  When they learned why Qiao Yi came, the Su brothers were very excited. After so many days of idleness, they finally had something to do.


   Unexpectedly, when the attendant who was serving on the side coughed, the two of them immediately fainted.

   "My wife, we can't go."


  Joy was puzzled, didn't he really want to go just now? Why didn't it go all of a sudden?

   "We still have homework to do, why don't you ask someone else."

   Saying that, Joey was pushed out of the room.

   "Wait a minute, tell me clearly, what homework? What homework do you still have to do?"

   "My wife, this is the homework that daddy gave us. We must learn it well within a month, otherwise we won't be able to go anywhere."

   "Don't push, don't push, what homework is it?"

  Qiao Yi is really strange, they Qiao family didn't ask anyone to know what, just do everything well by themselves, why did they suddenly have extra homework?

   "My wife, don't ask, we've already learned enough, you can go to your brothers and ask."

  After Su Ziye finished speaking, he immediately closed the door.

  Joy: "..."

what is happening?

   It seems that I have to go to my father to ask about it later.

  Qiaoyi thought so, and went to Jiu'er first.

  The result was the same, Jiu'er didn't come out either.

   Originally, Qiao Yi thought that she would not go out with her husband for a long time, and happened to go together today, but luckily, no one followed.

   In the end, Joey had no choice but to go with his attendants.

   To be honest, Qiao Yi really didn't want to take them, for fear that they would be clumsy and delay things.

   Attendant: "..."

  They're pretty good, aren't they? Why do you say they are clumsy? Heart hurts!


   "Daddy, do you feel uncomfortable recently?"

   Ye Lingxuan's physical condition is getting better and better, especially in the past few days, if it weren't for that big belly, people who don't know would think Ye Lingxuan is a fat man who walks like flying.

   "No, Daddy is fine, and you just came to tell you something."


   "Your husbands, I have something to do for me, so don't bother them recently. In another ten or eight days, they will be almost done, so bear with it."

  Joy: "..."

  Good guy, I guess Ling Xuan's father probably knows why she came here.

  But daddy has spoken, what else can she say?

   "Well, I see."

   "Go and get busy, Dad knows you have a lot to do, so go quickly,"

   After finishing speaking, Ye Lingxuan drove them away, not even leaving Qiao Yi with a sip of water.

   "Well, then I'll go first."

  Glanced at the sky, it was already getting dark, and she can act after dinner and after dark.


  The moon is dark and the wind is high, the sky tonight is covered by clouds, making the entire city of Qiao seem dark and gloomy.

   At this time, several black shadows quickly passed over the eaves, and then stopped on the roof of an inn.

  After finding the house that Yueying said, Joey found a relatively secluded place to stay, and then quietly listened to the movement inside the house.

  Qiao Yi thought that if this Ye Qingxuan was a good person who just wanted to like Wen Wangniang, then she would persuade him well and send him away.

  If he is not a good person and refuses to listen to persuasion to go his own way, then Joey doesn't mind tying him up and locking him up.

   "The King Wen doesn't see me, and I can't get in the Qiao Mansion. What should I do?"

  The timing of Qiao Yi's arrival was not bad, as soon as he arrived, he heard the people inside talking.

   "No matter what method you use, you must confirm what state Ye Lingxuan is in."

  The voice was very hoarse, as if it had been deliberately disguised, and it was impossible to distinguish between men and women.

  The paper on the window is specially made, and it is not easy to twist it easily, so even if Joey really wants to know who is inside, there is nothing he can do now, and he can only continue to listen quietly to the movement inside.

"I personally cast that Gu when he was giving birth. He must have been hit. Even if he had another in his stomach, the child would never survive. I just need to wait for him to die during childbirth. You Why are you so anxious to ask me to find out now?"

  Joy could recognize this voice, a man's voice, a bit sissy, it just sounds weird anyway, but it seems that women in this era like it.

   "This is not your question, you just need to do your part."


  Joy listened for a while, but there was no movement inside. Then he turned and left.

   "Let me watch your door and find out who is talking inside. Be careful."


   After giving her orders, Qiao Yi went straight back to Qiao's mansion.

This Ye Qingxuan is really too vicious, to treat Ling Xuan's father like that, if there is no old man, then the consequences are really unimaginable, but before dealing with Ye Qingxuan, she has to look at the attitude of Wen Wang Niang, after understanding the attitude, this Ye Qingxuan, she will never make him feel better.

   Fortunately, she thought it might be a misunderstanding.

  Back to Qiao's mansion, Qiao Yi changed her clothes, and then went straight to King Wen's study.

   King Wen would not rest at this hour every day, Qiao Yi knew this, otherwise she would not have come to find King Wen at this hour.

   (Thank you for the monthly ticket of Molu Baby from now on, thank you for the monthly ticket of "Don't cry, make trouble, don't show off the baby, thank you Zheng Chunhua for the two monthly tickets, I love you~)

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion