MTL - Arbor Siluo Depend on Each Other-Chapter 6 Xiaoxue came over, that one can't be eaten

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  Chapter 6 Xiaoxue came over, that one can’t be eaten

   They are waiting for her to eat?

   "The dish is cold, I'll go heat it up, my wife waits."

  Mu Yun spoke gently and a little alienated, and then walked towards the stove with the wooden basin.

   "Second brother, I'll help you."

  Mu Chen spoke cautiously, and followed behind Mu Yun.

  Seeing that Qiao Yi ignored him, Mu Xuan snorted coldly.

   "Mu Yun, wait, we won't eat wild vegetables today. Wash this, and we'll cook it later. I'll grab some for lunch."

   Qiao Yi didn't care whether Mu Yun should respond or not, and put the basket on the ground directly.

   Then he stuffed Xiaoxue in Mu Xuan's arms.

   "Hold it well, don't hurt it."

  Leaving this sentence behind, Joey picked up another basket and went to the river.

   Originally, Mu Xuan wanted to say why I carried you here.

   But when there was a soft and cute little guy in his arms, Mu Xuan couldn't speak.

so cute.

  Mu Xuan hugged Xiaoxue lightly, with liking all over his face.

  Is this a puppy?

  Where did you get that guy?

  As if knowing what Mu Xuan was thinking, Xiaoxue rolled her eyes indecently.

  Is it a dog?

  It is a fox, does the fox understand?

   Still a rare snow fox, snow fox!

   "You little guy, you are so soft, so cute. Aren't you afraid of me?"

  Mu Xuan only thought that Xiaoxue was very cute, very cute, and couldn't help stretching out his fingers to tickle Xiaoxue.

   Seeing Xiaoxue lazily ignoring him, Mu Xuan was not annoyed, but liked this very human Xiaoxue even more.

  Xiaoxue didn't bother to talk to Mu Xuan, she kept looking at Qiao Yi's disappearing figure, thinking about what delicious food she would give her for a while.

   When Joey came to the river, there were still a lot of crayfish.

   Seeing no one around, Joey thought about putting some crayfish into the space.

  However, she tried for a long time, but there was no movement.

   This made Joey a little confused.

   Then I thought about releasing the mushrooms.

   I saw a small pile of mushrooms growing out of thin air on the ground.

  Thinking about putting it away, the mushroom disappeared out of thin air.

  Joy tried the surrounding stones and other things, and they could be put in.

  But when I wanted to collect crayfish, it failed again.

   "Could it be that this space can only accept dead objects?"

   After thinking about the reason, Joey didn't plan to collect crayfish anymore, and just put them in a basket.

   There are too many crayfish.

   Within a few minutes, a basket of crayfish was filled.

  By the time Qiao Yi came back with a basket of crayfish, the second child Mu Yun and the fourth child Mu Chen had already cleaned the mushrooms she brought.

   "My wife, you can't eat these mushrooms."

  Mu Yun felt it was necessary to remind him.

   Several people in the village died because of eating mushrooms.

  He was afraid that Joey, who had just changed a little bit, would not think about it.

   "It's okay, this is non-toxic, if you don't believe me, I'll eat it later."

   "Fire me a fire."

  Joy greeted, and then began to get busy.

  The Mu family is very, very poor.

  The poor don’t even know how to patronize rats.

  No salt, no seasoning, not a drop of oil or water.

  Not to mention rice noodles.

   Even the bowls and chopsticks are just enough for one person.

  Since there is nothing left, the crayfish can only continue to be steamed. As for the mushrooms, they can be eaten just by frying them in the pot.

   After a while, the unique fragrance of mushrooms came out.

"smell good."

  The fourth child Mu Chen took a deep breath. Then he said intoxicated.

   Seeing Joey looking at him, he immediately lowered his head.

  Looking at the delicious mushrooms on the table, several people swallowed, but they dared not eat them.

   The idea that mushrooms can eat dead people is deeply ingrained in their minds.

   "Xiaoxue, come here."

   Qiao Yi waved to Xiaoxue who was still in Mu Xuan's arms.

  I saw a small, white ball quickly jumping from Mu Xuan to Qiao Yi.

   "Come, have a taste."

  Joy picked up a fried mushroom, blew it, and then fed it to Xiaoxue.

   "Are you trying to kill it? This mushroom is poisonous."

  The youngest Mu Xuan's beautiful eyebrows were tightly knit together.

  He thought his wife had changed, but he didn't expect to become so cruel.

  What a cute puppy, trying to poison it to death.

   "Is your name Xiaoxue? Come here, she will poison you to death."

  Mu Xuan looked at Xiaoxue with a soft face.

   It's like a big bad wolf seducing a little white rabbit.

  Xiaoxue's cute little head tilted slightly, as if thinking about something.

   Just when Mu Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to take Xiaoxue away, Xiaoxue opened her small mouth, and the mushroom directly entered her mouth.

  When Mu Xuan was in a hurry, he was afraid that he would be snatched away, so he quickly swallowed it into his stomach, and then looked at Qiao Yi with a flattering expression, meaning that it was still there.

  Qiaoyi put Xiaoxue on the table, and then picked a few mushrooms for it, and then looked at Mu Xuan.

   "I said, this is not poisonous, if you are afraid, don't eat it."

  Qiao Yi knew that freezing three feet did not happen in a day, and it was understandable for the brothers to distrust her.

  But people's patience is limited, and she is not their mother, so it is enough to say some things once or twice.

   Believe it or not.

   When she makes money, settle them down, and then they will be separated.

  Hearing what Qiao Yi said, Mu Xuan snorted coldly, and then, as if angry, he picked up the mushroom and ate it.

  As soon as the mushrooms enter the mouth, a strong fragrance enters the mouth, stimulating the taste buds.

  He has never eaten such a fragrant food.

  Mu Yun originally wanted to stop it, but seeing that his third and fourth younger brothers ate them all, and thinking of dying, they would die together, so Mu Yun also took a bite.

   Mushrooms entered his mouth, and his eyes lit up immediately.

  Joy looked speechless as he watched the large plate of mushrooms rapidly decrease.

   Didn’t it mean poisonous?

  Why are you still eating so much?

  That's what she thought in her heart, but Qiao Yi didn't dare to say it, for fear that Mu Xuan's firecracker would **** her off.

   Qiaoyi ate by herself, and did not forget to peel the crayfish for Xiaoxue to eat.

   After a while, the crayfish, mushrooms, and even the wild vegetable soup were all eaten by four people and one beast.

  Looking at the clean plate in front of them, Mu Yun, Mu Xuan and Mu Chen blushed.

  Joy coughed.

  Actually, she didn't eat less, no way, who made her hungry.

   It seems that I have to make money as soon as possible to buy rice and noodles.

"I'm going for a rest."

   Looking at Qiao Yi who entered the room with Xiaoxue in his arms, the three brothers were thoughtful.

  The night falls, the sky is full of stars, and occasionally you can see meteors passing by.

  Joy had already fallen asleep.

  But the Mu brothers were not sleepy.

  Joe's sudden change made them uncomfortable.

  After all, in the month since Qiao Yi married them, except for the first few days, they were better, and then they were beaten every day.

   And they always choose places that outsiders can't see.

   "Third brother, your temper will definitely change from now on."

  The second child Mu Yun said softly.

   "Second brother, I also want to change, but I can't help it when I see that woman."

   Mu Xuan clenched his fists tightly.

  Because of his bad temper, he was beaten the most among the brothers.

   New book please recommend and collect! !



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion