MTL - Arbor Siluo Depend on Each Other-Chapter 1 she really crossed

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  Chapter 1 She really crossed

  At this time, it is autumn, and the light rain is constantly watering the whole land.

  The whole village seems to be covered with a raincoat, giving people a hazy beauty.

  Unfortunately, Joey was not in the mood to watch at this time.


  Joy sighed again as he touched the old and hard quilt on his body.

   It's hard to count how many times Joey sighed after waking up.


   My stomach made an inappropriate noise.

  A wry smile appeared on Joey's pale face.

   She, Qiao Yi, actually traveled through time.

  In fact, she should be happy, such a bizarre and incredible thing happened to her, how low the probability is!

  After time-traveling, she is still soul-wearing, she no longer has to work day and night because of that huge debt.

  However, after "seeing" the memory in his head, Joey couldn't be happier anymore.

   From memory, I learned that this is the Great Moon Dynasty, a world where women are respected, and men and women are reversed.

  Originally, what women do is now done by men.

  Even having children.

   Even though Joy's worldview was overturned, she quickly accepted it.

   Anyway, she will not marry, and she will not marry.

   She didn't care at all who gave birth and who raised them.

  But as all the memories in his mind came back to life, Joey was terrified.

  The original owner actually has a husband, and more than one...

  At this moment, the sound of conversation outside the window entered her ears along with the sound of drizzle.

  She swore that she really didn't intend to eavesdrop, it's really that the sound insulation effect of this thatched cottage is too poor.

   "Is that dead woman still awake?" A voice of gnashing of teeth sounded, accompanied by the sound of grinding teeth.

  Hearing this, Qiao Yi's teeth were sore, and he thought to himself that this man's teeth are really good.

   "Should be awake."

  This voice is a bit gentle, but it feels a bit cold to the ears.

   "Why isn't she dead yet? Why wake up? It's better to die than to live."

  The voice is very depressed, like a trapped animal, with deep hatred in the words.

   "Third brother."

  Mu Yun's face, which had always been calm, finally became serious.

   "Second Brother..."

   There was deep helplessness in the voice.

   "Okay, no matter what, she is the wife of your four brothers and me. I can't say that again next time. I'll go and see if the wife is awake. You go to the bridge to see if the eldest brother and the others are back."

"it is good."

  Mu Yun watched Mu Xuan leave with a blurred gaze.

  Third brother, no matter what this woman is, even if she is dead, she is still our wife. She is better alive than dead. At least we still have a glimmer of hope.

  In this feminist world, the men we marry as husbands have no other way out except their wives and families.

   Sighing deeply in his heart, he picked up a large bowl containing wild vegetable soup with a hole in it, and Mu Yun walked into the main room.

  As soon as he entered the room, he saw Joey leaning against the wall in a daze.

   "My wife, be hungry, eat this first."

  Mu Yun carefully handed the big bowl in his hand to Qiao Yi.

  Joy was a little embarrassed at first, but now she doesn't know how to get along with others.

  But when I saw the food, all the embarrassment was forgotten.

   She was starving to death.

   After taking the big bowl, I accidentally touched the gap.

   Immediately, there was an oops, and the hand retracted, and the whole bowl, including the wild vegetable soup, fell to the ground.


  The bowl is broken...

  Mu Yun was stunned.

   "That..." Joey scratched his head, wanting to say sorry.

   "My wife, I'm bringing you a bowl."

  The voice is very pleasant, as clear as spring water, without a trace of noise, and the tone of speech is very gentle, respectful, and there is no trace of fault.

  But to Joey's ears, it always felt a little strange.

   She couldn't figure out what the problem was for a while.

  As for appearance, the room is dark, and only a rough outline can be seen.

   After a while, Mu Yun walked in again and handed Qiao Yi a bowl again.

   This bowl is even more broken than the last one.

  But at this moment, Joey was not in the mood to care.

  Carefully took it, and then drank the somewhat sour wild vegetable soup and wild vegetables in one go.

  She still wanted it, but when she thought of the poverty of this family in her memory, Joy didn't speak.

   "It's getting late, the wife should go to bed early."

   After saying that, he took the broken bowl and walked out together with the debris on the ground.

   Looking at Mu Yun who went out, Qiao Yi blinked.

  She finally understood what was wrong.

  This Mu Yun seems to be very respectful to her, but in fact he is alienated.

How do you say that?

   Appearance is in harmony with spirit.

  At this time, my stomach thought of grunting again.

  That bowl of wild vegetable soup is nothing at all.

  But now it's getting late outside, so if you want to order something to eat, you can only wait until the next day.

  Joy wants to sleep, and only when he falls asleep will he not be hungry.

  But now I am very hungry, as if I have not eaten for several days, how can I sleep?

  At this moment, Joey thought of the method of distraction.

   Force yourself to think about things and forget about being hungry.

   Just like that, Joey began to deal with the strange memories in his mind.

  The original owner was also named Qiao Yi, who was brought up by an old beggar since childhood.

  Although he was raised by a beggar, his life is not bad, at least he can eat enough.

  No matter what the old beggar has, he will keep it for Joey, and he would rather go hungry.

   But the original owner was not easy to get along with, he had a very bad temper, and beat and kicked the old beggar if he disagreed with him.

  Even so, the old beggar still treats Qiao Yi well, and uses all his net worth (100 Wen) to marry Qiao Yi to a brother from the Mu family in Mu Family Village.

   After that, I lived in Mujia Village.

  The life was already hard, but with the addition of four people, it was even more difficult.

  I can’t even eat a single grain of rice.

  Because he didn't have enough to eat, Joey became even more tempered. He beat the old beggar and sent him to beg for food.

   As a result, the old beggar never came back.

   I heard that he was dead, but even the body was not found.

  After hearing this, the original owner was not sad or sad, but resented the old beggar, resenting why the old beggar died! Then he began to beat and kick the Mu family brothers.

   Then he took away the one hundred wen that he married the brothers of the Mu family, as well as their hard-earned money, and went to the town to eat and drink.

  There is only so much money, and it will be spent quickly.

   After eating a few good meals, how can I swallow them when I see wild vegetables?

  I would rather be hungry than eat, just like that, the original owner starved to death.

   Then she came, Joey.

   Just as Joey was in a daze, there was movement outside.

   "Second brother, where is that woman? I'm going to chop her up." As soon as he came back, Mu Xuan started yelling.

   This made Joey, who was already confused, shiver.

  This vicious voice, could it really come in to chop her up?

  She doesn't want to put it back on as soon as she wears it.

   And it is not certain whether it can be worn back.

   "Third brother, calm down, what happened?" Mu Yun persuaded softly.

   "Second brother, how do you make me calm down? It's all about that woman who killed a thousand swords, what kind of harm did we do?"

   Seeing that there was nothing to ask from Mu Xuan's mouth, Mu Yun had no choice but to look at the fourth child, Mu Chen.

  Boss, he doesn't count on it anymore, and keeps talking less.

   The new book is open, welcome everyone to test the poison, I am very hardworking, I never know what is broken, and there is another million-end farming essay "The Farmer Girl is Beautiful"



  (end of this chapter)