MTL - Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood-Chapter 3900 Primitive battle

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"Xiu Zhu," the evil **** called.

"Fu Jun, what's wrong?" Xiuzhu asked softly.

With a slight smile on her Baijing Peugeot's face, she became a unique charm.

"Do you remember I told you that when this world settles down, we will live in seclusion?" The evil **** asked.

Xiuzhu nodded, "Remember, when you were in the world of the creation, you liked the days of retreat, we ..."


The evil **** caught Xiuzhu's neck, and Sensen's flame sprayed out from his hand.

The flesh and blood of Xiuzhu was immediately burned, leaving only Sensen's bones, and the "beep" sound in the mouth of the bones actually turned around the neck of the evil god.

"Hum! Give me-broken!"

The evil **** burst into a drink.

Endless lightning burst from his eyes.

This lightning is like the sharpest scissors, cutting everything touched into pieces.

Chic courtyard ...

Blue sky, earth, city ...

When the world collapsed, the evil **** found himself wrapped in a translucent egg membrane, and Luo Zheng was outside the egg membrane.

"Illusion trapped me?" The evil **** asked coldly.

Luo Zheng raised an eyebrow. "It was a shortfall and it was discovered."

This is the scheme given by "from".

No matter how high the energy level is, it is easy to fall into illusion, which is the same judgment as the downgrader who trapped Luo Zheng with the state of mind at that time.

The suppression of the downgraders "from" has always been to create a huge illusion to trap the downgraders.

But the instinct of the evil **** is extremely powerful.

He grew up in cruelty from an early age, absorbing all the negative emotions in Luo Zheng's world.

With brutality as companion and killing as beauty.

This easy-going world does not conform to the evil god's cognition at all, and is easily penetrated by the evil god.

The whole illusion lasted for only a moment, but the evil **** was put into a very dangerous situation, and every hair on his body was erected.

"court death!"

The evil **** reached out his hand fiercely, grabbing at Luo Zheng,

Luo Zheng flashed lightly and moved back a distance of more than a thousand feet. He never thought that the hand of the evil **** would also hold Luo Zheng through the space of a thousand feet.

"Wow ..."

A powerful force of space blessed the two, and the next moment they came to the top of the wall world, while the evil **** pressed Luo Zheng fiercely towards the wall world.

"Kakaka ..."

Luo Zheng's feet contacted the wall world and was quickly downgraded, crushed into thin slices of flesh by the wall world.

Followed by legs, abdomen, chest ...

Seeing that the whole person was pressed into the wall world, Luo Zhengmeng made a struggle, grabbed his backhand, and turned upside down with the evil god, and the evil **** was pressed into the wall world again.

"Well ..."

The physical body of the evil **** has been strengthened by energy frequently, and the process of demotion is more intense, with harsh sounds erupting, and even a spark burst for a time.

Breathing time, the body of the evil **** has only one head left.


The creation of coke energy exploded again.

At this critical moment, the evil **** actually grew a neck on his head, then his body, arms, legs ...

As he grew a new body, he punched Luo Zheng's chest with a punch, and the power of the punch split the two apart.

After disengaging from Luo Zheng, the evil **** was able to stand firmly. He held his head with both hands and squeezed it gently, and then put the inverted head back on his neck.

Luo Zheng also took this opportunity to recover his disappeared lower body.


"It is truly my enemy of life!"

"Come again!"

The unique light of the beast appeared in the eyes of the evil god.

After leaving Luo Zheng's inner world, the evil **** is facing a more challenging world. In the mother world, he has encountered all kinds of opponents on the other side, but no one has been as difficult as Luo Zheng!

In the eyes of the evil god, only Luo Zheng is eligible to become his opponent, even the demoteer and "cong" do not have such qualifications.


After the evil **** spoke, he rushed to Luo Zheng again.

Facing the attack of the evil god, Luo Zheng did not evade, this is a tough battle that he cannot evade.

If the evil **** is another one, then he must defeat himself now!

While being trapped by an evil god, Luo Zheng's body walked like a loach, and after a radian around his body, he kicked the evil **** towards the wall world with one kick.

"Kakaka ..."

One leg of the evil **** was demoted, but he dragged Luo Zheng and dragged Luo Zheng into the wall world.

The two seemed to be fighting hand-in-hand on a vast snowy field, and their bodies disappeared without entering the snow line. The difference is that this "snow line" is a deadly wall world.

However, once they were slightly separated from the wall world, their bodies recovered again, and the speed of recovery was faster than visible to the naked eye.

If Fuxi, the Master of Heaven and other immortal realms watch the battle, they will feel that they have never been hurt ...

"Well, Kakaka ..."

Both tumbling and crawling in the wall world. After a while, Luo Zheng ’s right half of the body completely disappeared, leaving only the other half of his body. After a while, the upper body of the evil **** was demoted, leaving only his legs and lower body. At the worst, Luo Zheng had only half of his skull, Evil **** only

One finger left!

Fortunately, both of their strengths have been separated from the physical structure, and even Dantian in the conventional sense no longer exists. As long as a part of the body is still there, they can recover in an instant.

When they kept fighting each other, a large number of hands, feet, legs, body, and even the head were pressed into the wall world, leaving a large piece of flesh and blood slices on the wall world, which seemed to touch the heart.

The downgrader hiding in the black light watched the battle between the two silently. He never thought that the battle between Luo Zheng and the evil **** would be so fierce, and even killed the wall world as a weapon.

The downgrader did not intend to participate in this battle, anyway, the downgrade has begun, he just needs to wait slowly.

But the two men rolled around in the wall world in turn, seemingly not taking downgrades seriously.

"Since the two are fighting so fiercely, simply ... let's die together!"

The downgrader seized an opportunity, and the cricket appeared above the two, and the long-term accumulation of polar energy burst out.


According to the intention of the degrader, this polar energy is enough to knock them into the wall world.

But when the polar energy is released, the two of them will not move!

Luo Zheng and the evil **** seem to be the most primitive melee. In fact, they have used to create coke and destroy coke in turn. They have the strongest physical body and the most destructive power.


The evil **** gave a backhand punch, and the once-impossible descender was bombarded by half of his body.

Luo Zheng flipped in a volley, and an additional "mob energy" on the tip of his finger slapped the remaining half of the downgrader. The downgrader was dealt with without any chance to intervene. Luo Zheng and the evil **** did not pause at all, and continued to fight together.

Read The Duke's Passion