MTL - Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood-Chapter 3894 Demotion

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Luo Zheng looked dumbfounded aside.

Although he doesn't know what the "energy scale" is, the energy level of these two triangles is obviously higher.

Combined with the hysterical sentiment of the downgrader, the "energy scale" should be one level higher than the "field".

Luo Zheng stunned and said, "What level of energy is this guy ..."

"It is said that the seventh grid of God has unlimited energy," Cong's voice suddenly sounded.

After giving the absolute infinite energy to Luo Zheng, he did not intend to ignore anything. There is nothing in the three-dimensional world that can arouse its interest, and even the future direction of the entire three-dimensional world will develop as expected.

But the method revealed by the evil **** attracted Cong and made it speak again.

"The energy level of the seventh grid world ..." Luo Zheng whispered, "He can understand it by himself!"

"This is not a question of comprehension at all. The seventh grid world has been demoted by evil, and the energy scale cannot be used, so you can only use polar energy, whether it is you or the highest evil," never said slowly.

"But he ..." Luo Zheng pointed at the evil god.

"I don't know why," Cong was also very confused. "It's really strange that he can violate the most basic rules ..."

A lot of geniuses have been seen.

In the world of twelve grids to the world of five grids, all kinds of strange creatures, carrying various dreams, goals, great desires, obsessions, and doing all kinds of incredible things ...

At first, the "from" still felt fresh, and the more I saw later, it was like that. Each grid world has a barrier that cannot be broken, and no matter how powerful the existence is, there is also a ceiling.

Luo Zheng broke the barrier in a sense. He not only gained the power of blood, but also obtained extreme energy, and even absolute infinite energy, but it was also established on the premise that deep space was not degraded.

Now suddenly an evil **** emerges and begins to use the energy of "field" and "weighing", which is outrageous, to an extent that can never be calm.

The evil **** did not feel that he had done anything terrible. He was intoxicated with the thrill of being a mocker.

"Did you explain it to me?" The evil **** laughed.

The downgrader calmed down instead.

Energy is said to be two levels higher than polar energy ...

But it is not without solution.

High-level energy is a sharper knife, but as long as it is impacted with endless energy, it can still be broken!

The most important thing is that the downgrader is also familiar with the energy scale!

"Zizzi ..."

The dense thunder enveloped the energy scale. The endless energy consumed the energy scale little by little. The surface of these two triangles quickly showed signs of corrosion.

In fact, according to the current ability of the evil god, it is very easy to repair the energy, because he also has infinite energy.

The reason for not repairing was that he wanted to admire the desperate look of the downgrader.

At half-time of appreciation, the evil **** suddenly felt that something was missing. He reached out and volleyed, and the black ship that was originally far away was dragged by him.

The Tongtian leader, Han Ge, and others saw Luo Zheng a little hesitated. When they saw the downgraders, their faces changed greatly. They found that they were only relieved when they found the downgraders were trapped.

"This is the downgrader you said, doesn't seem to be good?" The evil **** said to Hange.

"This ..." Han Ge paused for a moment.

The invincible existence in Yuqing days did not have the power to fight back against the evil god?

Degraders heard the conversation and became more emotional.

Once upon a time he was the supreme abuser, and no one had treated him like this except "from".

He growled again, "What's wrong with you!"

Say more energy burst out!

The fine thunderbolt turned into a blue circular thunderball, the sharp "Zi Zi" current sound lasted for a while, and the energy scale was finally corroded.

At the moment when the energy scale failed, the evil **** raised his hand and hit a ring finger.

A rattan-like energy rattan appeared quickly, entangled with the downgrader, and this energy rattan also stuck out a spike, firmly nailed into the downgrader's body.

"Continue," the evil **** made a pleased gesture.

Luo Zheng asked silently after seeing the energy rattan, "This is the energy of the eighth grid world?"

"No, it is the friction energy of the ninth grid world. The shape of the eighth grid world is very special, and those block-shaped coupling energies are difficult to use in this world," Cong explained.

"Can he master the energy at the top?" Luo Zheng was surprised.

"The energy at the top level is absolutely infinite energy," Cong replied, "he can easily use the" energy scale "and" mob energy ", he must have mastered infinite energy, otherwise the supply of energy will have problems. thing?"

Cong's mood is actually pretty good.

It does not want the world to fall step by step.

According to the development of the previous script, that is almost a certain thing.

With the emergence of evil gods, the situation began to change, which gave hope to those who had basically given up.

The downgrader gave up his struggle after being trapped by the energy rattan. The six pairs of compound eyes stared at the evil **** silently in green. He realized that he was not an opponent of the evil god, but calmed down.

"Do you think you won?" The demote asked.

"Come, come again, this sentence is generally spoken to me," Cong said to Luo Zheng.

From the cat-and-mouse game with evil to the end, often from victory, evil will throw this sentence, and then begin to degrade, almost every time.

But this time the object was changed from "from" to evil god.

The evil **** smiled unwillingly, "Is there any other means you can use, I will give you a chance."

"Then you wait!"

After the downgrader said, the six pairs of compound eyes went out one after another.

The body bound by the energy rattan began to collapse and disappear.

"Even if you settle for yourself," the evil **** sarcastically said.

At this time Luo Zheng said sternly, "This is not harsh words."

The evil **** glanced at Luo Zheng, "What is that?"

"He's going to be demoted," Luo Zheng replied, "the whole world will be demoted to a walled world."

The evil **** brow frowned slightly when he heard Luo Zheng's words, and he finally realized that there was nothing wrong.


Suddenly, the black light suspended in the void burst into a violent shock.


This vibration made a sound of silence, echoing in everyone's ears, Xianfu, black boat, all heard clearly.

The flash of the evil god's figure appeared not far from the black light, and Luo Zheng followed behind.

The two looked intently towards the black light, and saw that the space near the black light began to fragment. The crushed space seemed to be a layer of pure transparent thin ice, slowly expanding around the black light.

"The space around the black light has been downgraded into a walled world," Luo Zheng's face was gloomy. "Delete at this speed, I am afraid that it will be the year of the monkey to spread to the chaotic world," the evil **** still looked disdainful.

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