MTL - Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood-Chapter 3881 Those memories

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Inside the burial place.

An unprecedented scale of probability clouds is still scattered in every corner.

Degenerates appear and disappear constantly ...

A few tens of billions can appear in a flash, and tens of billions disappear again. The number has no meaning in the face of infinity.

Thousands of Luo Zheng's avatars in the probability cloud were killed one by one. His body quickly became discrete, and every trace of his body was evenly distributed in every corner of the burial place.

His consciousness, his blood of origin, and polar energy still exist.

"Om ..."

In a certain location of the burial place, Luo Zheng, which was originally discrete, suddenly gathered and formed.

But before he had time to stand still, the endless descenders appeared around him.


These downgraders just patted their palms gently.

The power of this palm is not great, even the immortal realm can't kill.

Tens of billions of downgraders were shot on Luo Zheng at the same time, which is equivalent to Luo Zheng bearing the power of 10 billion palms in an instant, which can wipe out the ashes that Luo Zheng hits instantly!

Luo Zheng in the birthplace will not really die, even if the deity is broken, it will be distributed in the burial land in a discrete state.

But as soon as Luo Zheng has condensed his body, he will usher in an attack of infinite strength.

Five times ...

ten times……

Fifty times ...

A hundred times ...

He couldn't even consolidate, let alone fight back.

"You are desperate ... I can feel it," the demoted man said. "I gave you a chance to surrender. You refused. There is no room for regret now. The only ending is to completely disappear into this world."

"Om ..."

At the bottom of a million-meter-high mountain, Luo Zheng's figure began to condense again.

The pretty shape has just been formed, and almost countless descenders have appeared. Even the mountain and Luo Zheng were photographed into powder.

Luo Zheng was unwilling to give up, and still wanted to find a place to continue to condense the form.

But at this moment the sound of the origin of the **** blood suddenly sounded in Luo Zheng's mind, "Stop, Luo Zheng."

"What?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Don't do useless work," Origin Blood said.

"Don't do anything?" Luo Zheng's voice was angry.

He used to face countless powerful opponents, but he has never been so weak ...

Seeing that those chaotic creatures were getting closer to Li Shan, everything would be destroyed once, but he could not even fight back.

Such an opponent is not a one-level contest at all.

"I found the memory of" from "," said Origin Blood.


Luo Zheng was surprised.

When Bringing the Celestial Staff back, the blood of origin believed that the spar had its memory in it, but the spar has been unable to unlock it.

Earlier, Luo Zheng's body was crushed by the demoteer into a discrete state, and integrated into the entire burial ground. The same is true of the spar. The memory of it was never expected to flow out!

"You come to inherit the memories," the origin blood said again.

"Why?" Luo Zheng was puzzled.

"I am just a piece of spiritual wisdom born by the origin of the blood of God, not a part of 'from'. You are more suitable."

Luo Zheng didn't even have time to refuse, he felt a sharp tingling sensation in his head, and his endless memory continued to pour into his soul.


As if the dull sensation of a crowded head came, everything was calm.


When Luo Zheng regained consciousness, what appeared before him was a pure space.

There is obviously nothing in this space, but it does not make people feel empty, but it has a sense of contentment.

"Where is this ..." Luo Zheng could not help asking.

"Perfect place," a voice sounded.

"But there is nothing here ..." Luo Zheng said.

There is no absolute perfection in the world. Everyone has a different definition of perfection.

But just as Luo Zheng said this, his voice made numerous ripples in the space.

The breeze began to fill the world, the sky was occupied by pure blue, the walls of the courtyard rose up, the neat bluestone bricks paved the ground, and a group of children ran through the aisles, followed by the scolding sound of adults.

These courtyard walls are somewhat similar to Xianfu, but more like the former Luo family.

Those children look more like Ning Yudie, Xi Youqin when they were young.

Standing in the courtyard, Luo Zheng felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart, and his heart was extremely peaceful.

Constructing such a courtyard with Luo Zheng's strength, even the world is a piece of cake, can not achieve such an effect.

"This is your perfect place. The space you saw just now is nothing but my perfect place," said the voice.

"A world that can correspond to all perfection ..." Luo Zheng exclaimed.

"Yes," the voice muffled, "but everything has been destroyed."

"Boom ..."

Overcast blue sky was overcast, the courtyard walls collapsed one by one, the stone road was lifted by the wind, the children fell to the ground covered with blood, and darkness fell quickly ...

Although he knew it was false, a sense of depression strangled Luo Zheng's heart. He couldn't even suppress his anger and asked, "Why destroy the world?"

"Because of his presence," the voice said.

"Who?" Luo Zheng asked.

"I call him 'evil', and you are used to calling him ... a democrat," the voice continued to answer.

"Since this is your perfect place, why was‘ evil 'born? ”Luo ​​Zheng was a little puzzled.

"'Evil' was split from my consciousness and was created by myself," said the voice.

Luo Zheng was even more confused, "Why did you create him?" "At that time, I thought that the imperfect world was perfect, and there must be 'evil'. His mission is to break my perfection, so there will be Everything you went through, but I didn't expect the situation to be beyond my control ...

... "

After the sky of the courtyard wall collapsed, a black spot appeared in the perfect place, and the black spot began to expand. The perfect place's space was like an inflated bubble that eventually broke.

But the perfect place is very broken, it is broken into four pieces, butted together to form a square trapezoid.

This should be regretless boundless world, Luo Zheng said silently in his heart.

Luo Nian once said about Levita's experience. Luo Zheng has a general understanding of the twelve grid world, and the "perfect place" where Luo zheng was just now should be the perfect thirteen grid that Luo Nian has never been to. Unbounded.

The quadrangular trapezoid continued to collapse, turning into pieces of rectangular parallelepiped, and the fragments spliced ​​together into a larger rectangular trapezoid.

Dimensionless bounds ... collapse.

Lack of bounds ...

Limited and unlimited ...


These collapsed scenes appeared a total of nine times, and eventually stayed in the astral world, that is, more than half of the deep space collapsed.

"I realized that 'evil' would ruin everything, so I tried to hunt it down, but from the twelve grid world to the five grid world, I failed completely ..." There was a sense of blame in that voice . Destruction is much easier than creation, and it is difficult to stop as soon as the downgrade begins.

Read The Duke's Passion