MTL - Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood-Chapter 3859 rescue

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The degraded one silently saw the snake spirit king, with a sarcasm, "Do you want me to do it now?"

"When the adults started, they all followed," said the snake spirit, bowing his head and fearing that his mind was seen through.

"The blood snake woman has completed her mission, and it is no harm to let her go," said the degraded.

The snake spirit king is somewhat disappointed. It does not want his daughter to be saved.

"At the end of the day, it will soon come, and it will be more than enough to destroy the mother world with its power. It cannot be wasted," said the degrading person and said, "We are still keeping up."

"Yes," the snake spirit nodded.

The burial place, which was originally rotated at a high speed, paused, and a flash of light flashed from the side of the triangle. After turning the direction, it flew away toward the depths of chaos.


In the chaotic world of nothing, the two behemoths marched forward at a very high speed.

After about one-fifth of the distance from the chaotic world, Luo Zheng once again used the telepathic state.

"Magic Sky Vision" spread a distance, Luo Zheng found that the mother world is chasing after.

"It’s close behind..."

Luo Zheng’s brows wrinkled slightly, and he thought it would be relieved.

The most feared thing of the evil spirit is not himself, but the degraded one. He should be followed by fear of being single and then broken.

For the move of evil spirits, Luo Zheng is not too nervous.

But when the "magic vision" continued to expand, he found that the burial place also followed.

This is by no means a good news. Although he has already taken back the Tianhuan, he has not yet grasped the downfall.

It is imperative now that the polar energy be used skillfully.

There are 140 kinds of polar energy, and each kind of polar energy can also be derived from several kinds of supernatural powers. It is not easy to use pure skill.

During the period of the west of the birthplace, Luo Zheng was able to test these polar energies repeatedly without sleep.

Ten days later.

The beginning of the land is decelerating from the inner wall of the chaos and there are millions of miles. This is a slow process.

Those heads are still indifferently swaying, they obscure the sight of the jade, but the behemoth of the birthplace is still perceived by the jade when it enters a million miles.

"what is that……"

There is a trace of confusion in the two snakes of Yuxi.

She is set in the wall and is used to the destruction of this chaotic world, but never has a huge world close.

Is it against the power of the father?

Her heart, which was imprisoned for thousands of chaotic eras, suddenly moved.

She never dared to hope for these years because she had already lost her qualifications.

But once there is a chance, she can't help but imagine.

The behemoth was getting closer and closer, and eventually stopped within 100,000 miles.

If you look from a distance, the place of birth seems to have hit the inner wall of chaos.

After stopping a fragrant time, Luo Zheng’s figure appeared outside the birthplace.

He pointed his finger out of the volley and pointed it softly. The space in front of him was rippled. When the ripples appeared, the space was turned upside down, and the space within 100,000 miles was folded directly. Then it was quietly calmed down. .

On this fold, Ping Zheng has come to 100,000 miles away.


Those heads are still mad as they hit the enchantment.

Suddenly, they felt a burst of vitality behind them.

For the heads who only know how to eat, Luo Zheng is the top food!

They have given up the jade, and turned their heads toward Luo.

When the heads left, the jade saw a huge "wall."

The place where the birth was too large, and the distance was close, she could not see the whole picture as a wall, and then she saw Luo Zheng not far away.


The face of the jade has a weird expression.

She fancied that there will be a variety of powerful and unique creatures in the place where she was born, but she never thought that it would be a human!

"Be careful of those heads, they will eat you," Yu Yu saw his head stalking toward Luo Zheng, and warned.

But the next moment she saw that Luo Zheng was instantly turned into countless shadows.

These shadows are shot in front of the forehead of the skull.

"Da da da……"

Then Luo Zheng passed over these heads and flew over the jade.

"Those heads are still not dead, you, dangerous..." Yu Yu reminded.

Those heads have turned around and opened their mouths and stalked Luo.

But they just rushed out of the distance, not too close to Luo Zheng, it has become a powder floating in the chaotic world.

After Luo Zheng walked in, Yu Lan’s body floated a light blue enchantment.

This enchantment can block the attack of the heads, and the defense is extraordinary.

However, after Luo Zheng walked in, he reached out to a finger toward the enchantment, and then a purple-black energy circle appeared on Luo Zheng's wrist, and his entire arm also turned into an energy arm that destroyed the polar state.


Luo Zheng gently stroked, the enchantment was like a fragile thin ice, and it broke.

"Who are you?" Yu Yu finally asked.

"My name is Luo Zheng," Luo Zheng responded, and immediately smiled. "Your husband and your daughter asked me to save you."

"Daughter? Husband?"

When I heard this, Yuxi’s head became very stiff.

I can't do the right reaction for a while, and the dull color is revealed in both eyes.

Luo Zheng is to understand the reaction of Yuxi. If a person is locked in a thousand chaotic eras in the wall, I am afraid I will be crazy.

He reached out and volleyed gently.

The space once again experienced dramatic fluctuations. After the two spaces were folded in half, Ling Frost and the bitter tree had floated beside Luo Zheng.


Ling frost screamed.

She saw a sense of intimacy in the moment of the woman's moment, which is derived from the blood.


The bitter tree is calling for affection.

When she was just sent to the spiritual door, she still had no name. The name of Yuxi was still from the bitter tree.

In the long years, the bitter tree did not think that she could see her.

Even the king of the human spirit, the mood is ups and downs.


After the jade was sluggish for a while, she sobbed directly. The bitter tree quickly stepped forward and held her face. "Let you suffer..."

Seeing this situation, Luo Zheng was also inconvenienced, and his body shape was far away to leave this family of three reunion.

After half an hour, the bitter tree was only waving to Luo.

Luo Zheng once again moved closer to the past, and Yu Yu’s eyes looked at Luo Zheng’s eyes.

She has already learned the identity of Luo Zheng, and learned the feelings of Ling Shuang through the bitter tree. If this marriage can be done, this person is his own son-in-law.

"The inner wall of the chaos is very strong, please bear with me!"

Luo Zhengyi screamed, one hand on the wall in front of the jade.

From his hand, a purple-black energy is still ruining the pole. These energies are pervasive and directly drill into the inner wall of the chaos. After the inner wall is also dyed purple-black, the inner wall of this layer is decayed, and the inner wall is simply smashed down with a slight force.

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