MTL - Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood-Chapter 3850 Convergence

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After Luo Zheng’s figure disappeared into the immortal scroll, the fox still stood still.

Her eyes are above the void, where there is a looming white spot.

The white light spots all the way down, and the fox woman breathed a sigh of relief after drilling into the exit of the immortal scroll. She turned to look at the face that was smashed by Luo Zheng.

Under the attack of Luo Zheng, the author's face has been smashed.

"The author is an adult, the author is an adult..." The fox woman called.

The pieces scattered on the immortal scroll are like reptiles, slowly crawling toward the author's face facing the ground.

Long, the author's face was lifted up.

At this moment, its expression is no longer crying, or laughing, but a calm expression.

"You're fine, the author is an adult," asked the Fox woman.

"I am associated with the immortal scroll, as long as the entire passage is not extinguished, I will not die, how can there be something?" The author replied that it did not anger the fox woman.

"I don't know if the play just deceived the degraded..." Fox said with some concern.

"It should be no problem," the degraded sighed softly. Compared with the creatures of the four and three worlds, the author knows more about the monotony of the wall world. There is no thickness in that world. Everything is divided by length. Even after a long time, the world can be born, and those lives must be the most.

Low-level, the most mentally retarded.

In fact, the Three Worlds is already the lowest limit of life diversification. It can be seen from the name - the lower pole, meaning the bottom, the most extreme world, if you descend to life, you will lose the space and meaning of existence.

The author is very disgusted with the world of the two worlds, but it can't face the downgrades, and can only play a play with the fox girl.

"The degraded person is so afraid of Luo Zheng, maybe he is very likely to succeed," said the Fox Girl.

Although Luo Zheng did not give her a definite answer, but the Fox woman is still full of expectations for Luo Zheng.


When Luo Zheng left the immortal scroll, the overwhelming white light spot hit him.

The current Luo Zheng is directly lost in these spots...

The perception of distance and time is completely gone!

Of course, Luo Zheng had already anticipated this situation, and the next time he got in touch with the body world.

"Day to be civilized, can you get ready?" Luo Zheng asked.

Give enough time, with the ability to originate from the blood of God, the core of the heavens will be perfectly restored, even more powerful than the core of the past.

Unfortunately, the time is too short, and the core of the day is extremely cumbersome to build.

Even if Heaven’s civilized mastery of technology, it is still only half the degree of construction.

In order to help Luo Zheng, Tian Zhiming forced the core to be encapsulated. When it received the Luo Zheng message, the core of Tianzhi had quickly worked.

"Ready," Tian Zhiming answered.

"Help me decipher!"


A touch of green light shrouded the eyes of Luo Zheng.

The core of the day began to analyze each spot and calculate the meaning of their meaning, and input the result of the calculation into the eye of Luo Zheng.

Because the computing power is only half of the previous one, the speed of restoring the scene is much slower.

When Momo was a fragrant time, Luo Zheng’s eyes flashed a very vague picture.

He saw four chains extending in four directions and four pillars in the distance...

This vague picture flashed past, and Luo Zheng has roughly determined his position.

"Sure enough, in the middle of the four pillars!"

"Let's explain his pillar on the north side..."

"I want to climb over!"

It is impossible for Luo Zheng to climb a long chain by relying on that blurred picture.

However, the core of Tianshou has a strong learning ability. It constantly explores and discovers the rules of these light spots. The speed of the restoration to Luo Zheng will be faster and clearer.

It just takes time...


After Luo Zheng entered the immortal scroll from the exit of the ramp, the human spirit king bitter tree once again landed in Lishan.

He confronted Hua Tianming and passed the message to Luo Nian. "Your father has made his way to the main world. He should go straight to the top of the eternal court. You will meet him there."

This information is very critical.

Because Luo Zheng is very troublesome in the main world, Luo Nian is moving freely.

Instead of let Luo Zheng bite haha ​​to find Luo Nian, it is better to let Luo Nian directly at the exit and wait for Luo Zheng!

After learning the news, Jiang Ziya ran to inform Luo Nian, "We should go to the eternal court, your father will come out from there!"

Luo Nian closed his eyes and remained motionless. He grabbed a trace of time to accumulate physical strength.

This flesh is given by Levita, after all, it is the most powerful body in the deep air, and the resilience is very strong.

He cast a large move back to the top of the holy pillar, the body and the soul are seriously overdrawn, but the rest will have signs of gradual relief.

Luo Nian hopes that the descendants will find it slowly...

The main world is so big that it may not be able to count itself on the holy pillar.

When I heard Jiang Ziya, Luo Nian slowly opened his eyes. "Is it?"

"Accurate!" said Jiang Ziya.

"take me to……"

Luo Nian had just opened his mouth, and he saw that there was a colorful thing flying far away from the world. It was the starry sky.

Although Luo Nian was the first to see the starry horns, in this situation he realized for the first time that the fish with beautiful colors should be looking for them!

Although the pillars under their feet are wide and wide, the surface of the pillars is bare and there is no place to hide!

Seeing that the starry sky corner is getting closer and closer, Luo Nian suddenly has a chance to put the Tianhuan stick into the **** tooth. "Let it hide us! Fast!"

It may not be enough to rely on Jiang Ziya's ability to display tyranny, but a small hidden method should be no problem.

Jiang Ziya’s reaction was surprisingly fast. He had previously seen how Luo Nian used the Tianhuanian. After he took it, he lifted the Tianhuan stick and “hidden us!”

When the voice falls, Jiang Ziya feels the ability of the body in the world to be mad.

A small invisibility technique was displayed, and the world in his body turned upside down, almost consuming half of the energy!

But the effect is surprisingly good!

A layer of faint light net shrouded the two people, covering their bodies and atmosphere.

Just after doing this, the starry sky corner has come from far and near.



The starry sky horns looked down and found that there was no existence, and immediately went down to a holy pillar.

"Ginger teeth predecessors, we are going to the eternal temple, if I am found by the fish, it will be bad," Luo Nian said.

The two men did not dare to fly in the state of concealment, but they could only climb along the time chain. Fortunately, the action is unhindered, and the speed of the fast forward on the chain is not slow.

Read The Duke's Passion