MTL - Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood-Chapter 3830 fear death

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Luo Nian did not rush to go up, standing on the side and waiting slowly.

At the time of the semi-column, a Hungarian opened his eyes and found that he was a little excited when he was calm.

It noticed that Luo Nian had already left the illusion, and he said a series of words, but Luo Nian did not understand a sentence.

Soon, the second Hungarian also awakened, leaving only Xue and the last Hungarian.

"They should wake up too soon," Luo Nian was very determined.

After all, he saw the Hungarians entering Levita before, and the first half of the rise was very fast and would not be delayed for a long time.

When Luo Yin’s voice just fell, he saw that the two lines of the Hungarians who did not wake up began to gather.

The two Hungarians saw this scene and suddenly yelled, but they had no choice.

Everyone has their own way, and the lines under their feet are the thunder pools. They dare not cross the points.

When the lines were gathered under the feet of the Hungarians, the original green lines were also red. Then the legs of the Hungarians were burned by the invisible flames. From bottom to top, they became a human coke, and the coke was gradually incinerated. White ash... "Dead!"

Luo Nian’s eyes twitched a few times.

Although he has made it clear that the people who entered Levita are dead and dead, including him, they are all fascinated with mortal enlightenment. You can see that the Hungarian died in front of him and his heart is still very difficult to bear! Uncomfortable at the same time, he is also worried about the safety of Elder Xue, has not awakened for so long, will Xue elders end up there as well?

Just as Luo Nian was worried, Xue’s body was slightly shocked and opened his eyes. It’s only a long sigh of relief.

The two Hungarians saw Xue Elder wake up and pointed at the white ash that was drifting away. Xue Elder naturally understood what they meant. After a few words of comfort, he said to Luo Nian, "It should be lying before asking questions, so Levita I will give a test that I can't finish. I have emphasized it many times. No matter what Levita asks, you must tell the truth, you have to remember!"

Elder Xue was putting all his thoughts on Luo Nian. The death of the Hungarian was taken as a counter-example education.

"Well, remember," Luo Nian nodded, and it was a matter of life and death.

Then the remaining four continued to follow the Green Line.

"People who enter Levita will stay at the height of two feet and then rise straight to a height of five feet. I guess there should be no test in this distance," Xue said.

This phenomenon has been observed many times by Elder Xue, and this time it is a total verification.

As he said, the four people walked around Levita for two laps. When they climbed to the height of five feet, there was no obstacle. The consciousness in their minds remained silent, but after five feet, there was another red line in front. Stopping the way, and the consciousness in my mind once again raised a question.

"Are you afraid of death?"

When Luo Nian heard this question, his heart trembled a little, and a bad premonition came to his mind, but he still replied with great certainty, "Afraid!"


After answering the question, the sigh of consciousness once again slammed into the soul.

In the blink of an eye, he once again entered a new fantasy territory.

In front of him was a two-foot-long knife, and not far away was a huge lake. Next to the lake, Luo Nian saw the pale girl.

"See you again," the little girl showed a sweet smile.

Luo Nian did not pay attention to her, but looked very vigilantly around.

Since this time the problem is death, then the test he has experienced must be related to death... The biggest difficulty of this illusion is that there are too few hints, almost no clues, and it is entirely up to you to try to pass the test.

After walking a few steps in the same place, Luo Nian picked up the knife and held it in his hand and asked, "Why do you still appear, is it to help me?"

"I won't help you," the little girl showed a mature smile. "I want to watch you die, and those who are afraid of death will die."

"Look at me, people who are afraid of death will die..." Luo Nian meditated.

There is only this lake in front of him. Is it difficult to drown himself?

It is impossible to drown in the repair of Luo Nian, but this is a fantasy, and any method of death is possible.

Realizing this, Luo Nian noticed that something was moving at the bottom of the lake. His pupil slammed and slammed back.

"Call..." When Luo read the distance of a few ten feet, a vine at the bottom of the lake was drilled out and directed straight toward him like an arrow.

The vines are too fast, and they are rolled up in the legs of the Luo.

"Hey..." Luo Nian slashed the vines with the knives in his hand. The vines were harder than he thought, even though the sparks were splattered but the vines had no scars on the surface, and the vines released a The resistance of the force dragged him under the water.

"Hey, hehe..." As Luo expected, after a flood of water, a strong sense of suffocation hit him, he can be drowned! Despite Luo’s mad struggle, the vines are as hard as iron hoops and can’t break free from them.

The little girl standing by the lake bent over her legs and looked at Luo Yan, who was struggling at the bottom of the water. The smile on her face was innocent and terrible.

As the feeling of suffocation became stronger, the consciousness of Luo Nian began to blur.

If it is dead, it is really dead... I think of the Hungarian who was burnt into charcoal. If he is like it, I am afraid that everything will be finished.

"I... want to live!"

He bit his teeth to support the last trace of survival.

The little girl can't help, this vine is cut again... then this knife... cut yourself! Luo Nian Meng’s reaction came, waving his knife in his hand and licking his leg.

He hasn’t suffered much since he was a child, but it’s also very good at the moment.


A **** water blooms in the bottom of the water, and he cuts his right leg with a knife. He quickly drills up from the bottom of the water, almost crawling ashore and screaming before he is about to faint. Just as Luo thought that he had escaped, another vine was rolled up from the bottom of the lake. This time it was his left leg.


Luo Nian became more decisive this time. He had not been pulled into the bottom of the lake and had to cut his left leg.

The illusion created here is very informative, it is a real world, and the pain of broken legs is also clear and true.

"How much should you cut! You say it directly! As long as I can live!"

Luo Nian snarled at the little girl.

After being screamed by Luo Nian, the little girl seemed to be somewhat wronged. She looked down and thought about the color of interest. "No, you are really afraid of death, then it will end..." The voice fell, and the whole fantasy accompanied the little girl. After a burst of jitter, it disappeared.

Luo Nian, located in Levita, has been soaked in sweat.

Successfully passed the test, Luo Nian has the feeling of the rest of his life.

When he looked at Xue Elder and the two Hungarians, he stumbled. I don't know what kind of torture they are experiencing, and they are all shaking.

"I replied that I am afraid of death and it is so dangerous. Xue Elders are solid and they must answer the fear of death. The illusion they face is ten times more difficult..." Luo Nian said and shook his head.