MTL - Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood-Chapter 2 Refiner method

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Being shackled as a slave, Luo Zheng did not care; he became the meat target of the Luo family's training boxing, and he could not care; even if it should belong to his heaven and earth, he would be taken away by Luo Peiran, he could not care.

But his only sister, Luo Wei, is his biggest weakness!

Luo Wei is the only hope of Luo’s parents’ room. It is also because Luo’s talent is very high. At the age of thirteen, he was recruited by Qing Yunzong as an inner door and left Luo’s family. This was spared from the family’s turmoil. .

In the past two years, Luo Zheng could not know any news of his sister because of his family slave status. Now, from the voice of Luo Peiran, the situation of his sister seems to be very bad. He suddenly fell into endless worry.

Even the beatings of Luo’s children, he forgot to dodge, and smashed a few fists, which was reflected...

At night, with the pain of the whole body, Luo Zheng returned to the mantle.

"This is your wound medicine!" Luo Jiaguan dropped a paper bag and left to quit.

After all, the meat target is not the body of steel. If there is no wound healing, it will take a few days to die because of internal injury. Therefore, every day Luojia will distribute the medicine to these meat targets.

However, these injuries are common drugs, and the healing effect is not very good.

Luo Zheng opened the paper bag and saw that there was only one pill inside. His face sank and he said: "Fang Guan! Why is there only one pill today?"

"Some of you eat high-smelling, how? Is it too little?" Fang Guan said that it is not yin and yang.

"The Luo family distributes three healing medicines every day, but now there is only one. It is clear that you are greedy. In Luofu, private greed is a felony. If you are not afraid of death?" Luo Zheng shouted. Keep your eyes on the square.

"Oh, my old man is of course afraid, but I am not afraid of you as a little slave. What? I want to rebel? I just don’t like you. I always think that I am still a master, I am! Don’t look in the mirror. Your own appearance! Hahaha!" Everything in the square tube is shrill.

Upon hearing this, Luo Zheng calmed down, and the pair of clear scorpions faintly looked at the square, but the bottom of the eyes lurked with deep murder, like watching a dead object.

When Fang Guan saw Luo Zheng’s expression, he felt a little hairy. He stepped forward and clicked on the chest of Luo Zheng. “I’m not convinced? You look at me like this, do you want to eat?”

Luo Zheng’s chest was suddenly exerted, and the force was shaken. The force was transmitted to the square tube, and suddenly the square tube was shaken and fell to the ground.

"You...a slave in your district, want to rebel?" Fang Guanji got up from the ground, his face full of flustered look.

Luo Zheng took the first two steps, and the fingers squeezed out the sound of the bone burst, and screamed: "The management of a foreign surname is so arrogant, do you really think that I dare not touch you?"

When the square tube was seen, he was not willing to stay here for a long time. He fled outside and pulled the iron door of the mantle.

"Small person behavior!" Luo Zheng sneered, swaying his head, too lazy to care about this person.

He sat down quietly, took out the fire scorpion and pointed the fuel lamp, and turned over a few pages of books. He worried about his sister Luo Wei, where can he read the book?

I can't stay in Luojia again! However, I am now able to refine my flesh, not to mention Qingyunzong, even if it is Luojia, this mantle can not leave half a step.

Luo Zheng hurried away in the narrow cellar, his chest undulating, like a trapped beast could not find an exit.

Strength, my strength is still too weak, otherwise a small Luo family, how to sleep yourself?

But this world of cultivation, all step by step, step by step, I am now a slave, do the meat target every day, beaten, no time to practice. If this continues, sooner or later, it will be killed alive.

The more he wanted to be more urgent, he cast his gaze on the table, and the dilapidated "Tiandao Wenxian" lay quietly there.

"This kind of broken book, a lot of philosophies, but I have no use for it, what is the use of reading?" Luo Zheng hate the book, pick it up from the middle, put it on the oil lamp to ignite, will The one that pays for it.

The large lamp flame of the Bean Ding ignited the book in an instant, posing a blazing flame.

Looking at the book that was gradually burned down, Luo Zheng’s heart gave birth to a little regret, blaming, Luo Zheng, Luo Zheng, why bother to anger in a book? What is wrong with this book to teach people to be kind, to be ignorant? The fault is that your strength is low, you can only be at your mercy, do the lamb to be slaughtered!

It’s a pity that the fire is so fast that the books have become a pile of ashes.

At the time of being annoyed, Luo Zheng was in the ashes and suddenly saw a golden light.

“Hey? What is this?”

Luo Zheng opened the ashes and picked out the golden light, but found a thin gold foil.

I have read this book before and I have not found this gold foil. Presumably this gold foil is hidden in the mezzanine of the book.

What is the use of a piece of gold foil?

In this world, the most important thing is gold. Especially for the big family like Luojia, the gold is like earth!

But when Luo Zheng’s eyes gathered on the gold foil, the vision rose sharply!

On the gold foil, there are engraved words that are densely packed. These words are shaped like scorpions, and Luo Zheng does not know one.

Under his gaze, the gold foil quickly disintegrated into thousands of small gold foils, each containing a plaque on the small gold foil, and these small gold foils were posted on the Luo Zheng.

Face, eyes, neck, arms, body, legs...

Every part of Luo Zheng’s body is covered with this small gold foil.

The last piece of small gold foil is directly into the brain of Luo Zheng. The whole person of Luo Zheng is hit by a big hammer and trembles violently. At the same time, the small gold foil on his body shines brightly.

Wait until the golden light fades down, and these thousands of small gold foils are quietly hidden in the body of Luo Zheng. In his mind, there are more memories out of thin air, some of which are not his own memories.

"Too Shangshang Method..."

"The ancient first refining method..."

"With the flesh as the device, the self as the spirit, the tempering, washing my body, can be Hongmeng..."

Is this a refining method?

Although Luo Zheng said that he would not refine the arsenal, he also knew that the refiner was a hot job. With Luo’s strong financial resources, he could not recruit a minimum-level refiner. The degree of the refiner’s popularity is evident.

But the body is the instrument, what does this mean?

It’s hard to be... This refining method is to refine itself as a magic weapon?

This incredible speculation soon became a reality.

He suddenly found that his body began to heat up constantly, just like a cold and fever, the temperature rose sharply.

It’s hot! This way, the whole person will be cooked.

In a hurry, he rushed to a water tank at the end of the ground. This tank was used to allow Luo Zheng to take water.

He didn't even think about it and jumped into the water tank.


There was a rolling steam in the water tank. After a while, the water in the whole tank was actually evaporated by his body temperature, and the whole mantle was covered with water mist.

So much water did not lower the body temperature of Luo Zheng, but it was getting higher and higher. His skin emitted a dark red light, like a piece of red iron.

Eventually he turned two laps in place, and he fell up in the misty cellar.

In the mind of Luo Zheng, an incredible change is taking place.

In his mind, a huge melting pot suddenly appeared. The furnace was full of black and blue, and nine dragon-shaped reliefs were drawn on the wall of the furnace.

Each dragon-shaped embossed color is different, there are cyan, black, white, purple... These dragon carvings are claws and claws, lifelike.

The eyes of the eight dragons are closed, only the eyes of the lowest part of the dragon are opened, and their eyes are fixed on Luo Zheng.

The look of the Qinglong seems to have settled for thousands of years, hundreds of millions of years, faintly looking at Luo Zheng, let him feel the great power.

Clucking giggling...

The soul of Luo Zheng was trembled under the gaze of the dragon, and the soul body soon appeared cracks, with signs of collapse.

At the moment when Luo Zheng’s soul was about to collapse, a dragon scorpion was issued from Qinglong’s mouth, and then the giant furnace was continuously rotated, and the furnace also ignited a flame.

That is a black flame!

In this world, there is such a flame of color, as if you can burn everything in the world!

Luo Zheng had no time to marvel, the giant furnace was turned to him, and the black flame suddenly wrapped his soul.

The soul is burned by the pain, so very people can endure, but the Luo Zheng is now the state of the soul, even the fainting can not do, can only bite the teeth to bear this pain.

"Ah, ah, let me die!"

At this moment, Luo Zheng only thought of using death to relieve this pain.

But for him, even death is a luxury, he is the body of the soul, can not bite his own tongue.

Whenever his soul can't hold on, it will be broken and annihilated.

Suddenly a colorful glow of light came out of the furnace, and the soul of Luo Zheng was repaired.

In this way, burning, breaking, repairing, burning, crushing, and repairing...

Repeatedly, endless.

The pain of this dead life, I do not know how long it lasted, but eventually stopped.

"At the end of the day," Luo Zheng said with a long sigh of relief, thinking of the pain of his talents, his heart was awkward, and at the same time he found that his soul actually exudes a touch of golden light.

After a long time, he broke away from his mind and woke up.

In the mind, the huge furnace has stopped rotating, but the black flame in the furnace has not been extinguished, but the fire has gathered, it seems not so terrible.

Luo Zheng has already understood that his soul and body should have been tempered by the furnace.

The world is big, there are no strange things. Some refiners have various means to refine weapons. Some refiners have to kill people like numbs in order to refine their magic weapons, collect human blood and use them for quenching. What's more, the human soul is enclosed in weapons, making it a weapon.

However, this refining method is actually a kind of magic weapon for refining itself. This method is unheard of, it is too crazy...

After the blessings of the blessings, the blessings of the blessings, and the calmness of the feelings, Luo Zheng also wants to understand that this kind of thing happens to himself, and it is a bad thing!

This world's magic weapons are divided into five stages, which are divided into metaphysical instruments, spiritual devices, fairy instruments, holy devices, artifacts, and Hongmeng Lingbao. Each stage is divided into upper and lower parts.

The body of Luo Zheng has just been refined into a magic weapon, only belonging to the most low-level mystery.

It’s a very strange thing to describe yourself with the level of treasures. Luo Zheng’s face shows a bitter smile.

Looking out from the only ventilator in the cellar, the sky was already bright, and I almost lost it all night.

It is strange to say that he didn't sleep for a night, but he didn't have the slightest tiredness. Instead, he looked good and his spirit was very good.

At the moment, his mood is also quiet. There is no such anxiety as last night, or the truth in the book is well said. If you drink a meal, it is not fixed. Only when you are stable, you can be calm.

He carefully cleaned the burning ashes of the book and moved the water tank back to its original position. At this time, there was another sound of unlocking in the mouth of the mouth, and the time of beating was again...