MTL - Apocalypse Meltdown-Chapter 1922 End of assessment

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Others were also shocked by Chu Han’s group injury ability. It’s not a fight or a fight. They can only watch Chu Han’s breath and kill all the wolves directly!


Everyone was swallowing with fear and his eyes were full of fear.

Chu Han killed the wolf, and the **** zombies were also distracted by him, and a paw caught on his back.

The blood behind it overflowed, so that the whole person was immersed in the blood.

The people watching this scene were shocked. After a long battle, Chu Han kept a safe distance. He always used the highest-end position and combat skills to avoid danger, but he was eventually injured. This is a symbol of exhaustion. Very bad start!

It is not difficult to imagine how long it will take, this will be a vicious circle, and Chu Han’s injuries will eventually become more and more...

But what they didn't expect was that Chu Han didn't show any painful reaction after the injury, and he didn't panic. Instead, he turned directly to face the **** zombies and even stopped using kites.

His face is also blood, looks very infiltrating, his eyes are immersed in a blush of blood, sharp and calm eyes, it is chilling.

Many people are being stunned by this kind of eyes. It is hard to imagine what kind of state of mind this is. In this scene, is it still so open?

Chu Han doesn't know the feelings of other people. He just thinks that this **** zombie is in front of him. It should stop!

There is no time and space, and there is no field to open. Chu Han is so simple, one person and one axe, waiting for the **** zombie to rush to himself.


The roar of the **** zombies was close at hand, with a **** wind blowing.

Many people's heartbeats suddenly stopped at this moment. Some people were anxious and desperate. Some people shouted ‘running’, but it seemed that they could not pass Chu Han’s ear. His performance was indifferent.

Then, the **** zombies opened their mouths and bite down toward Chuhan!

Chu Han also raised the Shura Tomahawk at this moment!

In the distance is a red and white sun-dark color, the dark axe is particularly conspicuous in the light of the sky, black shining.

There isn't any glamorous axe, there are no moves and fighting moves, just the simplest and simple axe.

Even everyone can see the trajectory of this axe, and the actions that can't be chased before Chu Han are not a concept at all.

The first reaction of everyone is that Chu Han gave up!

But only to hear the ‘噗’, the Shura Tomahawk was so straight on the shoulders of the **** zombies.

The action of the **** zombies was also a direct meal, and then looked suspiciously at his shoulder.

Many people have their eyes straight, but they soon remembered that Chu Han had opened the zombies numerous times while holding down, but the **** zombies seemed to be really liquid, and they were quickly bonded innumerable times.

Many people are worried, but time passes by, and the picture seems to be still.

The crowds in the distance have been heated up, and they are incredible.

The shoulders of the **** zombies really opened!

This **** zombie seems to be very angry, yelling and wanting to be close to Chuhan, waving his hands constantly.

But Chu Han is holding the Shura tomahawk, and it is not moving!

The **** zombies, even so completely stuck, can not get rid of this axe.

This scene once again shocked everyone, staring at the eyes and watching!

The **** zombies were mad, yelling, and the voice was sharp and harsh, and it was hard to hear.

Chu Han has looked at it so calmly. In the end, it seems that it is a pity to shake his head: "Thinking for a long time, I still didn't think of a way to take you to the research institute, so I still kill it."

The words fell, the Shura tomahawk suddenly lifted up quickly!

The huge black tomahawk took a circle in midair, echoing the rising sun in the distance.

At the same time, in the scream of the **** zombies, an axe!


This time, Chu Han is aiming at its head!


The blood of the sky burst open, like a gorgeous fireworks, and could no longer be restored.

This picture is fixed in the eyes of countless people, there are residents in the base, and new people who want to help but can't help.

They also realized that Chu Han was not a ninth order when he killed the **** zombies.

Chen Zhengqi stood on the base wall and silently calculated: "One night, from four to ten?"

How did this rise?

Chu Han, who has killed the **** zombies, stands still. He can feel this assessment, which makes him more powerful than before, and the tenth order is no longer the tenth.

at this time……

[End of assessment, assessment score S+, whether to enter the heterosexual space point? 】


Chu Han hasn't listened to the tips of the stone wall, and the speed is running all the way to the base!

The crowds outside the base are all dumbfounded, and they are all looking at Chu Han, who is so mad, what is so urgent?

At the same time, the sound of the stone wall is constantly reminded.

[Is the assessor entering the heterosexual space? 】

Chu Han turned a deaf ear, madly rushing in the base, but also let go of all the perceptual search.

Where is Wanbo?

Just as the third time to check the stone wall, and also informed that it was the last time, and then no longer responded to give up processing, Chu Han's footsteps also a sudden brake.

He saw it!

At the very center of the base, Wanbo is carrying a huge parcel behind him and is jumping on a car.

Is this a money escaping?

Chu Han sneered, all the time and space of the shadows of the moon, with the speed of terror beyond the speed of sound, quickly shot to Wanbo!

At the same time, he even responded loudly to the assessment of the stone wall: "Enter!"



The disappearance of the picture in front of you, together with the scenes of time and space, bring out the **** flowers, and carry out together!

Looking at the darkness in front of him, Chu Han laughed out, and the person he wanted to kill, even if he entered another time and space, could not escape.

At this time, a large number of new humans also arrived. They looked at the body of Wanbo on the ground for a long time and could not speak. The commanders of the battle and other people constantly shouted the name of Chuhan, but no one responded.

Zhou Jun’s words have remained silent, and many people have asked questions.

"Captain Zhou, is Chu Han not your team? What about others?"

"There is too much credit for Chu Han. Have you considered giving him a title?"

Zhou Jun’s words shook his head: “He came out of nowhere, and now he has trouble solving it, and I can’t find him.”

Some words said that everyone is blasphemy, then the face does not believe, what is out of the air, jokes are not so open!

Only Chen Zhengqi, who had the most words, did not say a word. He could say that his eyes had been keeping up with Chu Han. Did the last scene see him disappearing out of thin air?

It’s really out of thin air!

Read Ultimate Level 1