MTL - Apocalypse Meltdown-Chapter 1895 Tianshi

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Chu Han’s body was shocked. He was just under the water. He was affected by the impact. Almost all the skin was burned and quickly reborn. At this time, it was all the pain in the body. Luo Xiaoxiao’s pain caused him to lick his mouth. Do not want to live!

Luo Xiaoxiao had no idea, and even hung on Chu Han’s body, and Chu Han’s expression was distorted, but there was no way at all.

Next to the fish soft girl looked funny, but did not say broken, just reminded: "Little, you don't look at the ice lake?"

At this time, Luo Xiaocai returned to God from the excitement of seeing Chu Han and quickly looked ahead.

I saw that the dense fog on the lake was shrinking downwards, and gradually formed a layer of white floating on it. The calm lake seemed to be more gentle, without a trace of waves.

Just when Luo Xiaoxiao thought that this was the case, her pupil suddenly shrank and looked at the lake with surprise.

Those floating white mists are disappearing a little bit, and the blue sky seems to be completely printed on the lake. There is no dividing line between the sky and the lake. The complete reflection makes it impossible to distinguish the upper and lower spaces, just like one side. Complete mirror!

Luo Xiaoxiao grew his mouth and couldn’t say a word in shock.

Chu Han also smiles, this is the most spectacular scene he has ever seen, and it is also beautiful.

This is the real ice lake!

Freezing into ice, the sea and the sky.

Chu Han deeply sucked the air with extremely low ambient temperature, and then sat on the ground and began to repair and heal.

The fish girl did not bother, accompanied Luo Xiaoxiao on the ice lake, and the surface of the ice lake was very flat and smooth. Standing on it, I could clearly see my reflection. Every inch of skin is like the essence.

At the moment when the icy lake was formed, everyone in the valley was sensational. Except for Xiao Qi, who was weak in vitality, the rest of the people instinctively gathered together and walked toward Yang Valley, where they feared and respected.

He Feng and others are also here. He can't help but look at the sky on the road: "Have you found out that it is very dark."

Yan Liang also looked up and was surprised: "Look at this trend, it will be completely dark in a few minutes."

Gao Manqiu seems to have realized and speeded up the pace.

Gao Shaohui followed, but he did not know why.

The entire team unconsciously speeded up and went all the way from Yanggu to Yanggu.

Soon they came to the cliff above the icy lake, when the surface of the icy lake had darkened and the sky was completely dark.

The yin and yang valley is different from the outside world. There is no light here. The darkness is completely out of reach, and nothing can be seen.

Anxiety and uneasiness rise in the hearts of everyone. They don't know what happened in the icy lake. They can only feel the temperature here is extremely cold.

But very soon, the sky slowly rose for a round of Haoyue, clear!

The human instinct is attracted by the light, and everyone looks at this round of the moon.

Gao Shaohui couldn't help feeling the inner movement, and the physique was also manifested in this tension: "What happened? What happened? My heart beats fast! What is going on? I am so excited, but I don't know me. Why excited!"

Gao Manqiu also caressed his heart, breathing deep and difficult to cover.

The rest of the people are also like chicken blood, and there are even people dancing.

"What the **** is going on?" Yan Liang pulled the next He Feng and asked: "This round is still rising. As the height increases, the more my heart beats faster."

He Feng glanced and glanced behind him: "Blood veins, there should be something to come out."

Just as everyone was excited and excited, the moon finally rose to the highest point, and stood firmly in the distant starry sky above the icy lake. The bright light shone directly down, illuminating the entire yin and yang valley, and even illuminating the icy lake. It looks like a complete round mirror.

Seeing such a scene, the shock of the hearts of the people is inexplicable, and it is enhanced with the inexplicable mood that seems to be ejected in the blood.

Just as everyone was waiting for the upcoming spectacular or sacred moment, suddenly a little girl ran from a distance and walked directly to the icy lake!

The crowd on the cliff exploded at once.

"Where do I come to the little girl?"

"What the hell, what is important and sacred?"

"Does this girl seem to be an earth person?"

"No, how come so familiar... I rely on Luo Xiaoxiao?!"

Gao Shaohui and He Feng recognized Luo Xiaoxiao, and the surprised eyes were protruding. I really couldn’t imagine that at such an important moment, in such a closed place, Luo Xiaoxiao, who had no blood in the yin and yang valleys, How did it come in?

Everyone is panicked. They can't imagine what the little girl will do unexpectedly. Will it interrupt and affect today?

Luo Xiaoxiao did not let them down, laughed and sang songs, and rushed to the ice lake, like a wild horse.

"Grandma..." Gao Shaohui was crying, even if he wanted to jump and stop.

But the next moment, Luo Xiaoxiao suddenly stopped, staring at the big eyes, standing in the center of the entire ice lake, it is also the place where the light of the moon shines straight down!

Gao Manqiu consciously held his breath, and the restless people quieted down and looked at the scene without a word.

Then, Luo Xiaoxiao was so in front of everyone, carefully taking out something from his arms, placed it in the center of the icy lake, and placed it on the left and left for a long time.

Some people are eager to jump straight, but only Gao Manqiu's incredible eyes wide open, like the Thunder looking at such things.

"What is it? What?" Gao Shaohui asked hard, but no one answered him.

Soon after Luo Xiaoxiao slammed and finished, she carefully retired two steps, and that thing was completely presented to everyone.

Very small, but the size of the palm is not even noticeable from a distance.

But the miracle happened at this moment!

The bright moonlight above the sky shone down and shrouded the object, and the reflected light on the icy lake radiated in all directions.

One of them illuminates the top of the black temple above the sanctioned ground, where a bronze mirror is suspended!

All of a sudden, a bright and magnificent light shot from the bronze mirror, through the window of the temple, straight on the cliff.

This stone wall, it is also the white plaque missed the only opportunity to leave the earth, leading to the stone wall that Bai Yuner was inhaled!

But unlike the door of time and space that was last opened, this time the light is very full, and the moonlight illuminates the reflection of the object, which is completely projected by the bronze mirror on this huge stone wall.

That is a...

Check the stone wall!

The real assessment of the stone wall is no different from the assessment of the stone wall in the world. The height and the list of the texts are exactly the same, and there are even changes in the number of assessors.

This is the tenth special assessment stone wall that Wangcai can't sense anyway!

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