MTL - An Unyielding Wind-v14 Chapter 9 Inviting (Part 1)

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Between words, Qing Xuan was also looking at the look of proud wind. After looking closely at the young man in red in front of him, he couldn't help but stunned very rarely, his heart secretly amazed.

Everyone said that Qing Xuan was a talented man, and he was unparalleled in the world. What would this guy use to describe him?

The face in front of me is just like the perfect work carved by the artist, so exquisite! In addition to her looks, she also has a true aristocratic style. Every move looks so pleasing and shocking!

It is undeniable that the appearance impression at the first glance is very important. If Fang Caiqing Xuan only met because of a good impression and pride, then it is now that she really values ​​her. A young man with such a temperament must never Not in the pool.

As soon as Qing Xuan's voice fell, countless surprised and envious glances “sucked!” He looked towards the pride wind, and the neatness was astounding, even for the three nine-star kings such as Lord Shama.

Ca n’t blame them for making a fuss, it ’s really that Qing Xuan ’s identity is too amazing. No matter he is the one behind him, in the eyes of ordinary kings, he is high above him. He is a person in the circle of the highest peaks of the continents. Masters at this level, even King Nine Stars, should look up.

Many people could not help but feel secretly proud of the good luck of the wind, and actually can meet under the coincidence of this situation with Qing Xuanyuan, if you can climb this tree, her future will be bright!

Idov did not drop the chain again at this time, and excitedly introduced next to him: "Master Qin Feng, His Majesty Qing Xuan, but our southern exile alliance was the first genius for thousands of years, and became a king at the age of 47. At the age of three hundred, he practiced to the peak of Nine Stars, and defeated many old-fashioned city leaders in succession. He even defeated one of the leaders in the past few years! He is the pride of our Kechara Alliance, and the only one of our Kechara Alliance leader, Ye Ye. Ziyu! "

"Oh?" Aofeng raised an eyebrow unexpectedly, and some understood why everyone reacted in this way. It turned out that Qing Xuan was actually the son of the Blue Night Alliance Lord!

The lord of an alliance is like an emperor in an alliance. An only child like Qingxuan has the same identity as the crown prince. No wonder Xiama respects him.

Qing Xuan's talent is also extremely amazing. The king within a hundred years of her has never seen a few in the Qin Realm. The concentration of this spiritual source is no less than that of the Qin Realms. evildoer.

In the face of such a shining character, I am afraid that the expression of the exclamation and trembling has changed for others, but Aofeng has not lost any sympathy. She has seen too many great figures in these years, even if a great king is standing in front of her. Not much impact on her.

I saw Aofeng smile gently, and stretched out a hand as usual, and shook with Qing Xuan: "Hello Brother Xuan Xuan, I'm glad to meet you in the next Qin Feng."

This is not a polite comment. Before Qing Xuan revealed his identity, Aofeng liked him very much. No matter who he was, this friend was worth making.

This humble tone was heard by a group of people next to them. When they wanted to come, Qing Xuan called the Aofeng brothers completely to Aofeng's face. Then she should show respect and expression of admiration, but did not expect this. The boy actually climbed up the pole, and wanted to talk with him on an equal footing as his peers!

"Fuck, this guy is almost blind!" Many people yelled in their hearts.

What is your identity? The strength of a confederate is enough to walk sideways in the Southern Alliance. Does she really think that she can make a brother or a brother impossible with such a person?

She is a ten-star refiner, but the ten-star refiner is at most equivalent to the character of the city master level, which is not enough compared to the leader!

The master of the lord level can not be bought by only a few of the best lord treasures. For them, such treasures have little effect, unless they are twelve-star refining masters who can refining the monarch. Their esteem, but the Twelve-Star Refiner has never had one in the Southern League in the hundreds of thousands of years since the ancient war. How could she have this capital?

Just when people thought that this guy who didn't know how to live and die might be disgusted by Qing Xuan, then Qing Xuan's actions made those who thought the pride was unlucky.

"Ha ha! Brother Qin Feng, I really did not read the wrong person! It is not easy to find a young man like you now! Very good, from now on you are my Qing Xuan's good brother, I You should be younger than me at 283 this year, don't you be so embarrassed, so uncomfortable, just call me Big Brother! "Qing Xuan slaps proudly on the shoulder and laughs heartily.

Aofeng's very natural attitude made him take her seriously.

In his capacity, what kind of respect hasn't been received in these years? The feeling of being revered is good, but I feel lonely after a long time. What a person like him lacks is not a compliment but a sincere friend. If Aofeng really respects him like others, he will Feel disappointed.

"The younger brother does not have an older brother, and I would like to ask Brother Qingxuan to take care of me!" Aofeng smiled a little, but when he was here, he couldn't help but look down.

This title reminded her of Qing Xue instantly. The pronunciation of the two was too similar. I thought that when Qing Xue and her just met, they also asked her to call her brother ...

"Brother Qin Feng, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Ao Feng's look, Qing Xuan's heart also touched a little. Her eyes were so sincere, but with a little sadness, people couldn't help but want comfort she was.

"Nothing, just think of something." Aofeng shook her head with a smile and smile. Although Qingxue and Qingxuan's names are very similar, their personality is completely different. Qingxue's indifference is like an iceberg, while Qingxuan's is as bold as a wind. It was only a moment of stunned expression that he recovered.

Qing Xuan Jianmei lightly glared, staring at Ao Feng Shen, "Brother Qin Feng, since we are already brothers, then your business is my business. If you have any trouble, just talk to your brother, as long as you can help, I will do my best to help. "

Aofeng glanced at him a little by surprise, seeing that the expression on his face was very serious, and she couldn't help feeling a touch of emotion. It was because she could meet some sincere friends no matter where she went. Be lonely, and good brother, sometimes just a word is enough.

She nodded and smiled: "Thank you Brother Qing Xuan, I really have something to ask for your help. Recently, I encountered some bottlenecks in cultivation. I want to find someone to give pointers. I heard that Qing Ye's cultivation is also wind mystery. May I ask him to give me a pointer or two? "

She originally wanted to pass the Shama Lord, but now that she has met Qing Ye's son, it is better to mention it to him.

"Oh? You also practice the wind?" Qing Xuan's eyes brightened and he laughed loudly: "This is no problem, my father often points me to practice. If you are with me, he will point you at your fingertips. Next month, It ’s my father ’s birthday. It ’s better that you return to Cagela City with me after this auction, and attend this banquet by the way. By then, the main city leaders of the entire league will come and be very lively. ”

"I'm also planning to go to Cagela City, but there is still something going on in Spark City tomorrow. I can't leave until I have finished processing it. I wonder if Brother Xuan Xuan can wait for me for a day?" Aofeng groaned.

She didn't intend to stay in this Spark City for too long, and there were too many things waiting for her to do. As long as the outcome of the Star City main city family comparison was confirmed tomorrow, she would be able to leave with ease, Qing Xuan was so kind. By invitation, it would be a shame if she didn't go.

"That's okay! I'm here to send invitations to my father, and now only the last one of Mr. Shama hasn't been sent out, and I have nothing to do in a short time." Qing Xuan promised, showing joy. The color, as if remembering something, took out a hot golden post from the space ring and handed it to Shama next to her: "Here is your invitation, my father's birthday, one month after her, His Majesty."

"Thank you, sir!" Xia Ma showed a surprise, thanking for holding the post.

To be able to participate in Her Majesty's birthday is a supreme glory to all the people of the Kechara League!

Qing Xuan waved his hand unconsciously, and continued to say to Ao Feng: "My father ’s birthday is expected to be busy during this time, but that ’s okay. I ’m also training in the wind system. Even if he ’s not free, we also have You can learn from each other ... "

At this point, Qing Xuan gave a slight meal, but smiled a little embarrassed. He was a little embarrassed, and did not consider the actual situation, his strength is the king of the peak of the nine stars, and it is not bullying to discuss with Aofeng .

I knew that Aofeng had a bright eye, and clapped her hands and laughed, "Yeah! We can also discuss and discuss! After all, actual combat is the fastest way to achieve breakthroughs, and it ’s just that I do n’t have to give pointers. Be sure to ask Brother Qingxuan for two tips! "

Qing Xuan's strength is strong, and Aofeng felt it before, but in her opinion, he and he should be in the middle of the middle class.

His absolute strength seems to be better than her, but she has the seven-color wind element, and the lethality is amazing. If you really want to do it, no one can win or lose, and such a close opponent is the best to learn from each other. Candidate.

"Uh ..." I heard that Ao Feng really wanted to do it with her own hands. Qing Xuanwei sweated a lot, and she admired her challenging spirit very much. In this Southern League, she can be said to be a ferocious person. Others saw him. It was too late to hide, and she was not afraid to improve her strength!

He is also a madman of cultivating nature. He naturally admired the spirit of learning such as Aofeng, nodded and promised, but in his mind, he must be careful not to hurt her when he started.

The two talked very well, because of their imitations, they only felt that the other party was very attached to themselves, and they had a feeling of meeting and hating each other. 2k novel reading network