MTL - An Unyielding Wind-v14 Chapter 25 Qin Shuo Qin Feng is the "father and son"?

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The man striding into the banquet hall, wearing a fiery red shirt, his face was extremely bright, the lines of his face were like a knife, showing the masculine charm of a mature male, and his dark long hair was scattered behind him somewhat messily. The enthusiasm and wildness in the character are fully reflected.

At first sight of this man, he will have a shocking feeling from the bottom of his heart. Watching him come forward, everyone just feels a violent domineering blow on his face, as if a flame is burning around him. Looks like it.

"His! It's him!" Many people took a breath on the spot.

With such a handsome and chic appearance, such a powerful and unparalleled aura, who else can there be besides the "overlord" Qin Shuo!

To this man, many of the guests present can be said to be thundering!

He is recognized as one of the strongest allies in the South! Killing the original alliance leader of Batian Alliance by absolute means, seizing the territory of Batian Alliance, and smashing seven alliance leaders who went to the crusade in succession, setting a brilliant record, is the most powerful personage in the Southern Alliance in the past hundred years! Some people have even put him down with Aya Ye!

"Overlord" Qing Ye, "Overlord" Qin Shuo, the two titles are similar, and the record is not far behind. No wonder some people have this question, but the Kechara League and the Batian League are too far away. Under normal circumstances, the two It is impossible to have intersections, so the question of who is the first leader has been circling in the hearts of everyone.

Now, these two peerless powerhouses finally collide for the first time here!

As soon as he entered the hall, Qin Shuo felt a coercion like a mountain coming from the front. He couldn't help but stunned. The original eager search looked down, and he settled on the blue night that came down from the high seat. Body.

Qing Ye also looked at Qin Shuo with a twinkling glance, with the same rare seriousness.

Powerful warfare emanated from the two men, almost at the same time, the two narrowed their eyes slightly, and the pressure oppressed them forward! Two substantive coercion confronted each other!

"Bang!" There seemed to be a thunderous thunder in the hall, and the air between the two was twisted like the folds of clothes! A storm of energy spread from the surrounding area, only to force a group of guests in the hall to back again and again, with horror.

"So strong!"

"Both are strong!"

"Master Qing Ye deserves to be the first leader of the Southern Alliance, and this strength really is not blown out! Master Qin Shuo is evenly matched with him, and it is well-deserved!"

For a while, I was astonished.

In the just pressure collision, Qing Ye and Qin Shuo did not take a half step back, which was basically the same, but it was still difficult to say in actual fighting. People nervously stared at the two people facing each other. Dare to breathe, because there was no one around them at the moment because of the confrontation just now.

Qing Ye and Qin Shuo matched each other and looked at each other, but with an eyebrow, they laughed.

"Ha ha!"

"Hahaha ..."

"This ... what's going on?" Everyone around them was dumbfounded and looked at the two with a little puzzlement.

Just now they are still fighting with anger and anger, like they are fighting for life and death. Now why are they laughing like they have seen old friends for many years? Did they all get tricked? Could it be that these two have had adultery before, and that this move by Qin Shuo is an alternative way of wishing for life?

Before they had more whimsy, the two on the field spoke again.

"I heard that Your Majesty had a great strength early on, and today it was extraordinary at first sight." Qin Shuo's mellow voice sounded first: "I rushed to this trip without bringing any good things, so I took ten superb lord treasures. Congratulations to your Majesty as a birthday gift, and please Her Majesty not to abandon Qin's crude skills. "

In a word, Qin Shuo waved his hand, and in front of him there appeared a pile of magical devices with various colors shining, which was lifted by the soul and sent to Qing Ye.

Everyone at the scene almost stared out their eyes and stared at the magical artifacts desperately running down their chests, only to feel that their breathing would stop! This is definitely the most precious congratulatory gift for this feast. The treasures of the best lords are of great value, and they are still valuable and hard to find. Only one of them was given by Kangding. Qin Shuo actually took it out in one breath. many! And that expression doesn't care as much as pulling hair!

"Rely on! The refiner is Jinshan!" Looking at the wealthy Qin Shuo, the patriarchs of countless large commercial families cried silently.

"Your Majesty Qin Shuo is polite, and you are as peerless as you are rumored. You have cultivated to this level in just over a thousand years old, and you really admire Qingmou." Qing Ye smiled lightly, but there was a ray of light in her eyes Pay attention to it, wave the hands to put away the magical devices, and nodded his head to thank him: "I will accept the gift of Her Majesty. In fact, if you can come to Qing's birthday feast, it will make my Kechara Palace flourish. It was my negligence to have never invited His Majesty to come before. "

The two masters looked at each other and smiled.

For people at their level, whatever name is imaginary, only the strongest in the same rank can win their respect.

The tense atmosphere eased, and many guests were relieved. If these two started to work, it would really be a rift.

After a pause, Qing Ye smiled again and asked: "What happened to Her Majesty Qin Shuo suddenly came in? What kind of treasure here can make you so anxious?"

A word reminded Qin Shuo, his look could not help but become a little nervous again, and his eyes flashed with a deep voice and asked: "It's true, I'm here to find someone. Brother Qing, hearing that makes Lang Qingxuan Shao The Lord met a young man named 'Qin Feng' in Spark City. Did he come here with him? "

"Qin Feng?" When they heard that they were looking for Pride again, everyone couldn't help showing surprise.

This Qin Feng is too troublesome, right? It's not enough to provoke a Kangding confederate, even people at the level of "overlord" Qin Shuo have provoked! The other party broke into the main hall for her, showing how heavy "hate" is. Is this another son who was chopped by her?

"This ..." Qing Ye's look was also a meal, and frowned slightly: "Your Majesty Qin Shuo, Qin Feng has just been accepted by me as a disciple, it is my under the Qing Ye door, if she offends you somewhere, I also hope that Your Majesty will not have general knowledge with juniors ... "

"I was just accepted as a disciple? That means she is really here!" Qin Shuo was excited when he heard this, and could not answer Qing Ye's words, and eagerly searched the crowd for the proud figure.

This posture clearly shows that even if Qing Ye is disregarded, he must look for Pride to seek out revenge!

Qing Xuan's eyes saw the situation was not good, and hurriedly pulled Aofeng behind her, pushing her anxiously: "Not ready to go yet, waiting to be caught out! His Majesty Qin Shuo is not an ordinary character, he really wants to get into trouble Even my dad can't protect you! "

This push did wake up the pride of "sleepwalking" still staring.

She blinked her dark eyes, and Qin Shuo's familiar figure was printed in Tongren. A sore nose and a gleam of tears in her eyes quietly appeared.

When Kangding was in her early days for Convido, although she was disdainful in her heart, there was no lack of envy. Convidor was covered by his father, and it is no wonder that he would arrogantly want to "bully her". He called her a wild species. Although he could not stab her, he still lost Aofeng because his father was not around.

But he didn't expect that he had scolded him on the front foot, and his father on the back foot actually ran to her!

This extreme surprise almost made people want to cry.

At this moment, Aofeng felt an unparalleled sense of happiness in his heart, and regardless of the blocking of Qing Xuan next to him, he hurried away the crowd and jumped out!

Qin Shuo looked anxiously in the crowd, and suddenly saw a familiar figure popping up. She stood in front of the crowd. The smile on her face was so dazzling that she almost stabbed his eyes!

"Yeah! Brother Qin Feng, what are you doing ..." Qing Xuan yelled in the back, ran out to pull her, but raised her eyebrows in doubt when she saw the expression on her face, and said secretly in her heart: "Strange, the look of Brother Qin Feng ..."

This is not an expression of meeting the enemy!

Her eyes flashed with extreme intimacy, her eyes were shining, and there was a rush of ecstasy on the opposite Qin Shuo's face, and they looked into each other's eyes with something that made him feel familiar, which was like ... It's me and my father ...

Before turning his thoughts on, he saw Aofeng rushing out, letting out his throat and yelling joyfully, "Dad!"

"Xiaofenger!" Qin Shuo over there shouted with excitement at the same time, one jumped over!

The two red figures merged together instantly!

Qin Shuo picked up the proud wind and turned around, holding her arms tightly in her arms, touching her head with red eyes and laughingly cursing: "It's your little thing! I don't notice when I get out there Dad said, running alone quietly, and wanting to scare Dad in a bad way? But you still have n’t changed the trouble of this little thing. As soon as you came out, there was such a big movement. I finally caught you this time. Come on! "

A proud wind lay in Qin Shuo's fierce and sturdy chest, feeling the large hands on his head rubbing down, only feeling that his whole body was warming, squinting and squinting at him and laughing: "I'm also afraid to notify my father for a while I wo n’t see you for a while, and I will inevitably make you more worried! I originally thought about going to the Vatican City to find you directly when I was in the Union Convention, but I did n’t expect you to come to me directly. Dad, you are so good!

After listening to Qin Shuo's words, she understood why he appeared here. It must be that Qin Shuo saw her wanted order and found her portrait recognized, so she hurried over.

The news was released a month ago. At that time, he should have set off for the Vatican City, the main city of the Alliance. The two sides are very far apart. If it is an ordinary journey, it will take at least several months. Just arrived here!

The thought and happiness of Ao Feng's heart grew stronger when she thought of her father running for her all the time. She was reluctant to get up in Qin Shuo's warm and reliable embrace for a long time. Beside her father, she always behaved childish Can't help but want to lean on him.

Such a picture of "Father's Mercy, Filial Piety, Filial Piety, Filial Piety and Filial Piety" only taught many guests present to see their eyes straight.

After calling out the word "daddy" from Aofeng, there was a piece in the lobby!

This one……

"Bajun" Qin Shuo, is proud father?

This young genius who suddenly appeared was the son of Master Qin Shuo?

Qin Shuo and Qin Feng are ... "Father and Son"?

Everyone is dumbfounded! Qing Xuan was stunned, and Qing Ye couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise. Kang Ding and his sons were stiff and frightened, and couldn't even sneer!

—————————— Off topic ——————————

Xiaofengfeng rushed into Shuo's arms ~ Do you want to rush ~ o (∩_∩) o haha ​​~

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