MTL - America’s Road To Fame-Chapter 464 Fan's consideration

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When William Chen returned to the City of Liberty, when he walked into Chen Yiran's bedroom, he saw his little princess and had already fallen asleep.

Ivanta, on the other hand, sat quietly on the side of Chen Yiran's cot, quietly looking at her sleeping daughter.

After hearing William Chen's footsteps, Ivanta turned around and glanced at him, then got up, walked out of the bedroom with him, and asked the maid to come over and look at her daughter.

William Chen took Ivanta's hand, feeling that she wanted to break free, knowing that she was still a little dissatisfied, smiled at her tenderly, and held her hand tightly. https://

After subconsciously breaking free, Ivanta didn't resist any more, and let William Chen pull her to the balcony, but she couldn't help but give him a sideways glance.

"You know, baby, Paris has a child, and I promised her that I would marry her."

Sitting down on the hanging chair on the balcony, William Chen pulled Ivanta into his arms, hugged her like that, and spoke in her ear.

Seeing the side of her face, looking at the starry sky at Atlanta Island at night, William Chen kissed her on the face:

"Are you still angry?"

"Can't I just be angry?"

Ivanta snorted softly and said.

She moved her body slightly, adjusted to a more comfortable position, and continued:

"For me, I would definitely not be happy when I heard about this. But I thought later that maybe she was in the same mood when we got married."

"Now for me, Anna and you, as long as you are by my side, the rest, even if they are unhappy for a while, will gradually fade away."

Although he already had a child with him, Ivanta lived a very self-disciplined life and kept her figure in excellent shape.

At this time, she was leaning on Chen William's arms, her blonde hair was against Chen William's face, and she could smell a faint fragrance.

"I will always be by your side, Ivanta, and our children."

Listening to William Chen's love words, Ivanta showed a sweet smile on her face.

She turned her head, the two of them looked at each other, their affection flowed in their eyes, and they couldn't help getting closer, immersed in a sweet kiss.

"I think Anna might like that you're giving birth to a brother or sister, baby."

William Chen said these words in Ivanta's ear, hugged her horizontally, and walked towards the bedroom.


Of course, Ivanta was not the only one who needed to be appeased. William Chen arrived in France a few days later.

The trip to France, on the surface, was to inspect the equipment upgrade and transfer progress of the Eurasian Semiconductor Group manufacturing base in Europe. It was only after Crolles' STMicroelectronics factory that was first relocated in France, Chen William went to Provence, I visited Angelina and Jessica here, as well as their children with William Chen.

In addition, the most important thing is that Fan Bingbing's due date is coming soon.

Speaking of which, Fan Bingbing has not appeared in China for several months. During this time, her beauty investment has always been managed by her mother, but when she was about to give birth, Fan's mother also came to France to accompany Fan Bingbing.

During this period of time, the most lively news is that William Chen and Paris are about to get married. Even if he is in France, he will not be closed to hear such news. Therefore, Fan Bingbing's mood is definitely not good. .

It's just that, after William Chen came to France to accompany her, it gradually disappeared.

In fact, before, Fan's mother had already solved Fan Bingbing. In her analysis, a wife like Chen William's status, a bright and upright wife, must be a daughter of a famous family. Although she felt a pity herself, she is sensible. From the point of view, it is really impossible for Chen William Ming to accept his daughter.

Now Fan Bingbing has only two choices, either follow William Chen regardless of his status, or leave him.

Leaving Chen William now, at least Fan Bingbing's net worth is already the top among female stars.

Moreover, her current status is not only a star and an actor, but also her Meishen Film and Television Investment Company, which holds shares in Huace Film and Television and Marvel Huaguo, is already one of the predators in the Chinese film and television industry.

It's just that since Fan Bingbing chose to have her and Chen William's child, her choice was obvious.

After all, in her current position, the opposite **** that is equal to her, either married or not young, is the second generation of a wealthy family, and she really likes her and can be single-mindedly married to her. How likely is it?

And she was disdainful of finding a little white face who was inferior to her, relying on her to eat soft rice. In this case, William Chen was actually the rarest choice.

Fan Bingbing can figure out these things herself, but now that William Chen's wedding is hot all over the world, and she is pregnant and giving birth, it is inevitable that she will think too much, and her mood will fluctuate greatly, so she needs someone around her to help her. She resolves these worries.

At this time, Fan's mother has taken on this role very well. With her age, she has experienced a lot in society, especially in the entertainment industry. What kind of things have not been seen before, she can naturally try to exclude the emotional ones. factors to make better choices for your daughter.

emotion? How many couples in the entertainment circle, who were originally you and me, bowed their heads to the cold reality, and even ended up making a fuss!

What's more, Fan Bingbing and Chen William are not without feelings, they just can't stand in the sun in the form of marriage, but after the child is This is the strongest connection.

In her opinion, it's okay for Fan Bingbing to be a little petty now, but she must be careful. Her relationship with Chen William must not be affected. This is what she needs to maintain most.

Originally, Chen William's marriage partner should not be the target of his daughter. This matter can be used to make Chen William treat her better because of his guilt. This is what she should do.

And among these women of Chen William, in fact, Fan's mother thinks that the most threatening to Fan Bingbing is not Ivanta or Paris who is about to marry him, but Yang Mi.

You must know that Chen William and Fan Bingbing knew each other earlier, and Fan Bingbing's popularity and status at that time were far higher than that of the little girl Yang Mi.

And now? Not only did Yang Mi founded HEYTEA with the help of Chen William, but also her Wei Mi investment, under the guidance of Chen William, also made many successful investments, and her net worth has far surpassed Fan Bingbing.

And through these things, Yang Mi's popularity in China is also one of the top actresses, and her identity is not limited to the entertainment industry, but often interacts, including Ali's boss Ma, Yida Group's boss. Boss Da Wang and classmate Xiao Wang have made a great leap in class from before.

Therefore, based on these, Fan's mother believes that Yang Mi is the most capable woman among the women around Chen William, and because she is the same as Fan Bingbing, she is a Chinese actress and the industry overlaps, so she is the biggest threat to Fan Bingbing. Yes, it needs to be handled with care.



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