MTL - America’s Road To Fame-Chapter 3 future bank

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"William, I have something to do in the afternoon. You can rest at home and I will come back to you tomorrow."

Paris got out of bed, got dressed right in front of William Chen, and said to him.

Before she left, she came over and kissed William Chen again: "Are you hungry, do you want me to order a takeaway for you from the restaurant next door?"

"Thank you, Paris, it would be better if there is Chinese food." As soon as she said that, William Chen really felt a little hungry: "I want authentic Chinese food, not those sweet American Chinese food."

"You still haven't changed, your taste requirements are so high." Paris seemed to be in a good mood. After speaking, she hummed a song and left, not forgetting to strike William Chen before leaving: "William, you really need After a good training, I feel that your combat effectiveness is not as good as before."

F**K! , when William Chen heard her last words, he really wanted to hold her back and let her think about who was begging for mercy just now.

After she left, William Chen lay on the bed with excitement on his face. He closed his eyes and began to study his new discovery.

Now in William Chen's mind, the icon that appeared was already colored in reality. When he put his consciousness on it, it flickered just like when he first discovered the change of the icon, and then an interface appeared in his consciousness.

The top of the interface is the logo of [Future Bank], and the bottom is divided into three interfaces, namely [Account], [Activity] and [Item]. What appeared in front of him now was the [Account] interface.

This interface made Chen William feel very familiar. He suddenly remembered it. It seemed to be very similar to the interface of his mobile banking APP in his previous life. The most obvious upper part of this interface shows the total amount: 10000000 US dollars, and the following is the loanable 10000000 US dollars / already Use $0. At the bottom are three options: [Borrowing], [Repayment] and [Binding].

At this time, William Chen had a feeling that when you learned to ride a bicycle or swim, your body would generate muscle memory and perform actions subconsciously under the corresponding circumstances. Now, after seeing the future bank interface in front of Chen William, as if he already knew it, the content about how to use the bank automatically appeared in his mind.

In the future, the bank will provide Chen William with a loan limit. Within the limit, he can borrow and repay at any time without paying interest. But this bank is not available now, and it needs to be bound before all functions can be activated.

The so-called binding is to bind the opposite-sex partner who has a close relationship with the Future Bank and Chen William. After the binding, the Future Bank will adjust the quota according to the score of the other party.

And the most important point is that when the bound opposite-sex partner is rated as deviating by the banking system in the relationship between the two sexes, the bank will unbind in the future and force Chen William to repay the loan at the same time.

Huh? Why the opposite sex? Isn't there a relationship between the same sex? The system is homophobic, bad review! Chen William complained silently. In addition, if the binding object was judged to be deviating from the binding, and the binding was released, wouldn't it mean that there would be grasslands above his head? This is a little troubling.

However, William Chen found that the only person of the opposite **** he could bind at this time was Paris Hilton. Uh, why would he feel a little insecure if he bound her? The scene of being forced to untie the fastest appears.

But fortunately, in this interface, he can bind and unbind replacements at any time, but this operation can only be used when there is no loan, because the replacement and binding will require recalculation of the quota.

It feels a bit like borrowing from a certain treasure in my previous life, but it doesn't require any interest. In terms of the amount, one can recalculate the amount based on the bound opposite-sex score, and the other is to lend money every time and repay it in full. , the quota will be increased according to the usage of the funds, which also eliminates the possibility of frequent lending and repayment to brush the quota. Well, this future bank is still relatively strict.

Of course, the most important point is that all the lending and debiting operations through this future bank cannot be detected by anyone in the real bank account, which makes Chen William feel at ease. Not a lot.

Seeing this, William Chen suddenly heard the doorbell ringing again. He got up and went downstairs, walked to the door, and saw that it was a meal delivery person. He remembered that when Paris was leaving, he said that he helped him order a takeaway, so he thanked him, gave him a $5 tip, and took it to the restaurant.

By the way, the act of tipping can also be said to be the muscle memory of William Chen's predecessor. Because of the difference in culture, he didn't have the habit of tipping in China in his previous life.

And after arriving in this world, living in the United States, he would find that every time he encountered such a situation, he would subconsciously take out money from his pocket to pay the other party a tip, so he gradually developed the idea of ​​​​in the pocket or The habit of putting some change in your wallet.

After opening the takeout, Chen William saw that there were Mapo Tofu, Yuxiang Shredded Pork, and Kung Pao Chicken. It seemed that Paris was looking for a Sichuan restaurant. William Chen silently praised her in his heart. At least he didn't get him some American Chinese food like General Tso's Chicken or Sweet and Sour Chicken.

After eating, Chen William opened the Future Bank interface again. At this time, he noticed that the options on the [Activity] interface had been stirring all the time, so he opened the interface, and there was a new activity message in it. After checking it, it showed: 【Newcomer Activities】You have a newcomer gift package to receive.

He liked the gift package and red envelope the most, so Chen William chose to receive it. A golden light flashed before his eyes, and a message appeared: The newcomer gift package has been put into the inventory.

Opening the inventory interface of Future Bank, Chen William saw that there was only one thing in it, which was in the shape of a gift bag, which should be a gift bag for newcomers. After opening, a welcome special effect appeared, and there were three more things in the inventory. Yes: one eye of the future (financial/primary), one Liuwei Dihuang Wan, and one bottle of six walnut drinks.

What the **** is this? The Eye of the Future is still a bit taller. The other Liuwei Dihuang Wan and six walnuts are too funny. Are you sure they are not used to make up the number? Sure enough, the so-called newcomer gift packages are quite pitiful.

William Chen continued to complain, and then checked the obtained items one by one. Eyes of the future (financial/primary) can see the future segment, this is limited to the financial category, then it is likely to be able to see future news related to the financial field.

Thinking of this, Chen William is looking forward to it. If you are lucky, you can really see useful news in the future, and then you can make money ahead of schedule. And this eye of the future is the primary level, that is, the fragments of the future that can be seen are limited, and it may even be just a picture or a paragraph.

Then read on, UU reading【Liuwei Dihuang Pills】: The body is the capital of the revolution, taking this medicine can be good for me or me, and prevent the body from being hollowed out.

Uh, well, although I don't know what the effect will be, but when Paris left, he said that his fighting power is far worse than before, how could Chen William's man's self-esteem allow such a thing to happen, so I immediately took out this pill and put it away. Take it in your mouth.

I felt a chill flow from my stomach to my dantian, and then disappeared. He didn't feel any other difference, so he couldn't help but wonder, does this really work?

In the end, what made him feel speechless the most—[Six Walnuts]: Use your brain often and drink six more walnuts. Excellent product for enhancing thinking ability and memory.

It looks like the introduction is good, but it doesn't feel like Liuwei Dihuang Pill. Anyway, I have taken the pills, so let's try this one.

Thinking of this, Chen William took out this bottle of drink, opened it, and drank it in a hurry. It was indeed a walnut-flavored drink. After drinking it, William Chen felt the same coolness flowing from his stomach to his head, and then his brain became cool for a while, and then, there was no more.

Now the Eye of the Future is left to be used. At this time, William Chen can't help but feel a little nervous, because the first problem he faces now is the bank loan of 50 million US dollars that will expire in a month, although Tom Uncle is trying to clear up this matter, but he can't put all his hopes on it. He is looking forward to finding a way to solve this matter, but he doesn't know if this future eye can help him.

However, he was not an indecisive character at first, and now he decided to give it a try, so Chen William took out the eye of the future in the inventory that looked like a swirl crystal the size of a ping-pong ball, and chose to use it.

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