MTL - America’s Big Hero-v2 Chapter 574 : an easy victory

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Tsk tsk, after receiving the call and hearing the report from the front line, Sean couldn't help sighing.

The number of people is 280 vs. 200. Even if compared with the whole world, our own troops are truly elite. Drug criminals do have something.

If it hadn't been for being caught off guard, and being blocked in the building and completely losing its depth, it is estimated that there would be more beatings.

Among the opponents of Umbrella over the years, this group of drug criminals can be ranked in the top three in combat effectiveness.

Combat experience is absolutely rich.

In the end, being forced into a desperate situation, he was able to force a draw.

Regardless of the means, the result is pretty awesome.

The commander handed the phone to Julia, and took a deep look at the other party, "Boss, whether you can live or not is up to you."

Julia took a deep breath and answered the phone, "Mr. Sean, my name is"

"I'm not interested in knowing your name. You can be a cat or a dog. My time is precious. You only have 1 minute to convince me."

"1.2 billion US dollars, we just ask for a deal." Julia said quickly, not daring to bargain.

There was silence, just when Julia was counting the time in her heart and was extremely anxious, Sean's voice came out again, "Not enough, $1.2 billion is not very attractive to me."

"Whether we are alive or not is even less important to you, isn't it? Compared to you, we are just a bunch of cockroaches who are only fit to live in the sewers, but you are the sun hanging in the sky, exuding Infinite light and heat, we little dirty things will not, and will not have any effect on you, all your goals have been achieved, even if we die, we will have no greater value, to you , 1.2 billion US dollars is real, more valuable than us, and much more valuable, what do you think." Julia said quickly.

After all, she is one of the leaders of the world's top drug gangs. Julia is not the kind of vase, and her brain reacts very quickly.

If it were an ordinary drug criminal who negotiated, it would be impossible to fight back under Xiao En's oppression.

Sean let out two more "tsk tusks" from his mouth. These words are really beautiful. It not only praised Sean, but also greatly weakened his own existence value. Highlighting money for comparison, the survival rate was +10.

"You have good eloquence. You have successfully won half the chance of surviving yourself. Congratulations." Sean said with a relaxed tone.

"Half?" Julia didn't understand, "What do you mean?" "Cockroaches who are only fit to live in the sewer, you successfully reminded me that in my cognition, even a pile of **** The value of its existence, I have discovered your value." Xiao En said with a smile: "It's okay to live, but you will lose your freedom in the future."

"What do you mean?"

"A good news, a bad news, which one to listen to first?" Sean asked with a smile.

"Here, good news."

"The good news is that the rest of your life is guaranteed, easy and comfortable."

"What about the bad news?"

"The bad news is that you have lost your freedom. My people will bring you back to the United States for a public trial. You leaders will have to spend the rest of your life in prison. "

"Why, what good will it do you to catch us?" Julia was in a hurry. No one wanted to lose her freedom. There was still so much money to be spent, and she still wanted to make a comeback.

"The cockroaches living in the sewers must know a lot about the sewers. I believe you have a lot of black information about the Mexican government in your mind, and information about the golden sea route from Mexico to the United States. These things are useful to the US government and can be used when appropriate Take it out to make a fuss when it’s time to help you sell it to the U.S. government for a good price.”

"You you you you" Julia was anxious, but she didn't know how to refute.

She understood what Sean meant. The U.S. government will lock them up and provide better conditions. As long as they are caught, the U.S. government can detain any Mexican politicians who are involved in pan-drugs at any time superior.

It can be taken out at any time as a call to action, launching a new round of blackmail!

In fact, this is not the first time Americans have done this kind of thing. The presidents of some countries in South America have been labeled as drug criminals by the Americans, relying on the so-called evidence confessed by the super drug criminals in their hands. For example, the President of Venezuela, the President of Panama, the President of Colombia, the President of Mexico

However, Julia still wanted to struggle, "We have more money, in"

"Money is not important!" Sean's voice turned cold, and he interrupted directly: "People from Juarez and Sinaloa, including people from the Gulf, have given a lot of money, or go to an American prison and enjoy S-level treatment, Or die, your choice."

"Give the phone back to the commander."

The expression on Julia's face was distorted, and Sean didn't leave any room for what he said. She didn't dare to say anything, so she could only grit her teeth and hand the phone back.

The commander took it, "Boss."

"Accept the surrender of several leaders in Tijuana and bring them back to the United States. For the rest, we are not judges. We are only responsible for sending them to God, and let them accept God's judgment." Sean ordered, He didn't think drug criminals would choose to die generously, he didn't have the courage! "Yes Sir!" The commander replied loudly, God, he knows the name of a mysterious secret laboratory that has not been registered and does not exist on the map.

After hanging up the phone and handing it over to the deputy, the commander looked at Julia, "Let's decide."

Julia begged all over her face, "1.2 billion, just below, let us go, these are all yours, if you have money, you

"Shut up!"

When the commander raised his hand, he twitched it with a big mouth, and there was a crisp sound, "No amount of money can buy us!"

"I beg you." Julia knelt down and hugged the commander's thigh.

"it's useless!"

Is it a woman, or a naked and beautiful woman? Another man, the commander would have kicked her out, "It's better to be alive than to be dead. Don't try to beg me. It's useless. Money is of no use. You will be found wherever you hide.”

"Have you ever seen someone who couldn't die?"

"I have seen that the laboratory I personally sent to do experiments, in vivo experiments, medical treatment, viruses, and biological sciences, requires a large number of experimental subjects every year. After all, monkeys are not human beings. Experiments are very expensive and need to be accurate. All scientific research data will be tested on humans in the end.”

"Experimental materials are very precious. The laboratory tries not to let the materials die so as to collect more and more accurate data."

Julia shivered violently. Thinking about the scene, her scalp felt numb, and she almost peed out.

Don't give up the last sliver of extravagant hope, after all, life is worse than death. Julia left, and before she left, she asked for a piece of clothing to wrap around her body. The task was completed, and there was no need to be naked anymore.

As soon as he came back, several leaders of Tijuana immediately gathered around and asked in a hurry, "How is it?"

"Are they letting people go?"

"Can I go?"

"How do you make sure they don't backfire and shoot us after we go out?" "Keep someone here and burn all the money if they go back!


"A helicopter, we're going abroad?"

"What country and where are you going? Where is it safe?"

"Then what do you say?"

Julia just listened without saying a word, just picked up her own clothes and began to wear them on her body.

I forgot to bring back my underwear, but it doesn't matter.

"Julia, you are talking!" The boss finally sensed that something was wrong, he strode over and grabbed Julia's arm and said loudly.

"Go away!"

Julia flung it off and snapped the hood back on. Others also sensed that the atmosphere was not right, and stared at Julia one after another.

Picking up the T-shirt and putting it on, Julia said: "They only accept surrender, and then they are taken to the United States for trial."


"This is impossible!" Several people immediately exploded.

"Damn it, fight them and burn all the money!"

"Yes, let them go, or die together!"

"I will never go to jail!"

Julia crossed her arms, just watching these brothers and sisters quarreling and arguing so coldly. After being together for more than ten years, who doesn't know who is who? I really have the courage to set fire now and shoot myself in the head. .

"Okay, stop **** arguing, Julia, tell what happened and what you talked about." The boss waved everyone to shut up.

Julia didn't hide anything, including the experiment that the commander said at the end. Not afraid to spread the word.

Since a few decades ago, similar rumors have been circulating in the United States. Many people swear by it. Some say it’s from the government, some say it’s from the military, some say it’s from the rich to study immortality, and some say it’s all kinds of vampires. !

It is also said that there are people who study aliens.

The famous Area 51.

But these words were said by the umbrella man, so it doesn't sound like a joke. These drug criminals firmly believe that the rich Americans must be conducting secret research, medical treatment, and life extension.

That's **** scary, scarier than death threats. If this is the case, it would be better to commit suicide.

Surrender, surrender now!

Prison is good, very good!

Although there is no freedom, they are still useful, so they will not suffer any abuse!

What is afraid of comparison

"Where are they?" The boss turned his head and looked to the other side. The drug criminals and armed personnel were scattered, and they all used cars as cover to hide.

Julia shook her head, and everyone's expressions changed.

did not say still

None of the leaders dared to speak out. Because they are still valuable, they have no problem saving their lives, but who knows about those subordinates.

After deciding to surrender, there is no more ink marks. After the leaders announced loudly that the umbrella outside accepted the news of everyone's surrender, there was a heavy gasp.

All the armed criminals fell to the ground, panting heavily, sweat leaking from their bodies, and once the tense nerves were relaxed, it would bring extreme weakness.

It was as if all the strength in the body had spit out with that breath. The rest of the matter was simple. Dozens of soldiers with protective umbrellas jumped out of the holes above their heads, each holding their guns expressionlessly. The drug criminals, mainly a few leaders, put down their weapons and were escorted out of the underground passage.

Tie it up, put it on the prepared car, and 50 people from the umbrella will drive directly to the border checkpoint.

The remaining more than 100 people are still here, the purpose of course is to **** the 50 tons of US dollars that have been doused with a lot of gasoline!

US dollar, unit of measurement ton.

When the soldiers saw it, their eyeballs were straightened. There was no way, not everyone had seen piles of money.

Many people couldn't help but rushed out, throwing themselves on the money, grabbing it for kisses, throwing it into the sky, and swimming in the pile of money.

Several people in the command system also looked at it with bright eyes, but no one really went up to do anything, but they didn't care about them.

They spend whatever they want, even if they see putting money on their bodies, they don't care. You can dress it up casually, see how much you can pack!

It's only a face value of 20 dollars, and if you fill all your pockets, it's only about a hundred thousand dollars.

The problem is that it is so bulging, hanging on the body brightly, everyone is blind and can't see it!

They are all operated by large forces, and the umbrella has a strict management system and review system. No one will violate discipline for tens of thousands of dollars. The key is that if you violate it, you can’t take it away.

After waiting for half an hour, the commander finally took out his pistol when the excitement of the soldiers passed away, and with a bang, the scene fell silent instantly. "Have you had enough trouble, enough trouble, hurry up and get up to work!"

"Did you **** forget what I said, you, you, you, you, you, and you are **** hiding in your crotch, is your head full of poop?"

"How much money can you hide, don't you remember how much the post-war bonus is, it's all deducted for you bastard!"

Many people sat in Qian Haili and scratched their heads. As the umbrella of the special forces, there were special explanations on related issues in the training system.

These American soldiers have no brains, and those with real brains will not retire to do this under the umbrella. Therefore, the issue of post-war seizures has been repeatedly raised.

After the excitement passed, a group of people giggled and took out the money in their pockets, arms, and crotch.

Even if there are some people who hide a little bit less, in fact, the commander will pretend not to see it. There is not much money, and there will be no fish when the water is clear.

the other side

Originally, everyone's eyes were on the mechanized infantry division of the protective umbrella. It was destined to be a crushing war, just like the climax in the movie, the horizontal push in the cool article, everyone wanted to see it.

Just on the spur of the moment, I don’t know how many people in front of the TV were watching, and their pants were all taken off. As a result, a news came out suddenly that the Umbrella Elite Squad sneaked in while Tijuana was in chaos, and suddenly launched a campaign against the drug dealers. Group shock.

I don't know how many people are about to smash the TV at this moment!

Damn it, it attracted everyone's attention on the bright side and deceived hundreds of millions of people in North America. In the end, I couldn't afford it and engaged in a sneak attack!

Not only the audience in front of the TV station exploded, but the media also exploded! However, the American media still has a way. Several major media temporarily mobilized helicopters and rushed towards Mexico without hesitation. At this time, the whole world is paying attention. The Mexican military will not, and dare not drive directly to the border checkpoint.

The remaining more than 100 people are still here, the purpose of course is to **** the 50 tons of US dollars that have been doused with a lot of gasoline!

US dollar, unit of measurement ton.

When the soldiers saw it, their eyeballs were straightened. There was no way, not everyone had seen piles of money.

Many people couldn't help but rushed out, throwing themselves on the money, grabbing it for kisses, throwing it into the sky, and swimming in the pile of money.

Several people in the command system also looked at it with bright eyes, but no one really went up to do anything, but they didn't care about them.

They spend whatever they want, even if they see putting money on their bodies, they don't care. You can dress it up casually, see how much you can pack!

It's only a face value of 20 dollars, and if you fill all your pockets, it's only about a hundred thousand dollars.

The problem is that it is so bulging, hanging on the body brightly, everyone is blind and can't see it!

They are all operated by large forces, and the umbrella has a strict management system and review system. No one will violate discipline for tens of thousands of dollars. The key is that if you violate it, you can’t take it away.

After waiting for half an hour, the commander finally took out his pistol when the excitement of the soldiers passed away, and with a bang, the scene fell silent instantly. "Have you had enough trouble? Hurry up and get up to work!" Is your head full of poop?"

"How much money can you hide, don't you remember how much the post-war bonus is, it's all deducted for you bastard!"

Many people sat in Qian Haili and scratched their heads. As the umbrella of the special forces, there were special explanations on related issues in the training system.

These American soldiers have no brains, and those with real brains will not retire to do this under the umbrella. Therefore, the issue of post-war seizures has been repeatedly raised.

After the excitement passed, a group of people giggled and took out the money in their pockets, arms, and crotch.

Even if there are some people who hide a little bit less, in fact, the commander will pretend not to see it. There is not much money, and there will be no fish when the water is clear.

the other side…

Originally, everyone's eyes were on the mechanized infantry division of the protective umbrella, UU reading www. is destined to be a crushing war, just like the climax in the movie, the horizontal push in the cool article, everyone wants to see it.

In the midst of excitement, I don’t know how many people were watching in front of the TV, and their pants were all taken off. As a result, a news suddenly came out, and the elite umbrella team took advantage of

When Tijuana was in chaos, it mixed in, and suddenly launched an attack on the drug syndicate.

I don't know how many people are about to smash the TV at this moment!

Damn it, it attracted everyone's attention on the bright side and deceived hundreds of millions of people in North America. In the end, I couldn't afford it and engaged in a sneak attack!

Not only the audience in front of the TV station exploded, but the media also exploded! However, the American media still has a way. Several major media temporarily mobilized helicopters and rushed towards Mexico without hesitation.

At this time, the whole world is paying attention. The Mexican military will not, and dare not do anything...

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