MTL - America’s Big Hero-v2 Chapter 572 : Advance!

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The pushcart was used as a cover, pushed forward little by little, and when it crossed the vicinity of the scrapped vehicle that was sent up for the first time, the population was separated to build a firepower point, and slowly began to suppress the drug criminals, and soon, all the tires of the two carts being pushed It exploded, and when it couldn't be pushed anymore, the battle line had advanced to about 40 meters!

At this moment, there were only four people left behind the two cars.

Opening the rear compartment, the two picked up two M16s with grenade launchers attached, and gestured to the teammates behind, cover fire!

The short bursts immediately turned into long bursts, and the drug criminals who were suppressed by the dense firepower did not dare to raise their heads.

Taking advantage of the gap in the local firepower, the two of them jumped out from behind the car. The muzzle of the gun was too high, so they adjusted the angle, relying on experience, 'bang,' bang, twice, two grenades were fired.

"Boom" "Boom"

Amidst the explosion, debris and limbs flew around!

Retract, reload the grenade, and fire again!

There was no need to consider the ammunition issue. A large amount of ammunition had already been delivered in a few days in advance. The two shot out six stray bullets in one go. Taking advantage of this opportunity, all the members of the assault team rushed up and approached to about 20 meters!

"Strike group, go!"

"Fire support team, come on!"

At each intersection, 10 people rushed out again.

The assault group, the fire support group and the assault group are different, and the equipment they carry is also different. The assault team mainly uses the M16 assault rifle as the main combat weapon, adapting to a variety of battlefield environments. The purpose is to create better offensive conditions for our side, and requires firepower to be suitable for both near and far.

The attack group is mainly based on MP5, pursuing close-range killing, flexible and fast, and a small amount of M16.

The fire support team mainly carries M60 general-purpose machine guns and mortars. There are two people in a team. The machine gunner has an M60 and two 100-round magazines on the back, weighing a total of 30 catties.

The deputy carries three 100-round magazines, a tripod, and two spare barrels, with a total weight of 35 catties.

The mortar team carries a mortar, a ground support, 5 rounds of shells, and the deputy carries 10 shells, an RPG launcher, and 3 rounds of warheads.

This time there is no need to push the cart as a cover. If the drug criminals hadn’t come up with support, this point would have been lost. Half of the 10 people who were stationed were dead and half were injured, which was completely useless.

Even with support, they were suppressed at a disadvantage.

There is a gap between combat literacy and marksmanship. If the morale of the drug criminals is high, there is no difference. The problem is that the reason why the drug criminals are armed is because they are afraid of death...

Combining all kinds of reasons, it is only natural to be suppressed at a disadvantage. As soon as the fire support team came up, the momentum changed immediately. The M60 was mounted on the car and fired three consecutive bursts. With a strong penetration of 7.26mm, the bunkers and bulletproof vests of the criminals could not hold it at all. over!

What's more, there is also a mortar. With the precise coordinates provided by the investigation team, a shell falls from the sky without a horizon, and explodes precisely at the enemy's side, immediately causing the criminals to misfire.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the attacking team jumped out like flying.

The distance of about 30 meters is only a few seconds. Some are responsible for shooting and suppressing during the charge, and some are responsible for throwing grenades.

Under this multi-layered attack, the will to fight of the few remaining drug offenders quickly collapsed.

Surrender, nonexistent!

Regardless of whether it is life or death, all guns will be replenished.

Xiao En has already issued an order to get rid of the evil and do not show mercy to the drug criminals, kill them! It's not that he doesn't know that this will make drug criminals desperate, but what Xiao En needs is deterrence, even if he pays some price for it...

After the outermost defensive line was defeated, the rest of the matter became much simpler at once.

Under the control of the snipers, several heavy machine guns of the drug criminals could not fire at all, and the machine gunners went up one by one to die, and gave up completely after a few times.

A support helicopter came up from the fleet side.

Although the terrain in the city is complex, it is not conducive to armed helicopters to give full play to their air superiority, but there is a completely different difference between having and not having.

Sometimes a mortar can't attack the angle, and a rocket in the sky will immediately open the situation.

The 7.26mm machine gun can't hit the firepower point, and the 12.6mm machine gun on the helicopter will make the opponent misfire immediately.

The ground and air were advancing in an all-round way, and the drug criminals on the outside retreated steadily. If they did not retreat, they would die, and soon all the people were suppressed inside the building!

"Bring two survivors and ask about the situation inside." The commander stared at the building in front and said without looking back.

"No more." The adjutant's voice came from behind.

"What's gone?" The commander looked surprised.


"Look for it!"

"Kill them all."


Damn, forgot, this is not a normal battlefield.

On a normal battlefield, even if the enemy's wounded were not treated, they would not be killed, but... here are all drug criminals, and Xiao En ordered that no one be left alive.

"Madja Falke!"

The commander cursed bitterly, "These bastards, they acted so fast!"

"Then what should we do now?" The adjutant pointed to the building. The situation inside was not clear, and the casualties would be relatively high if they fought hard like this.

Although the advance was smooth before, the drug criminals who fought desperately were not vegetarians, and the bullets did not have eyes, so there were still some casualties.

It's just that the protective umbrellas are well equipped for the soldiers below, and the logistics medical treatment is also timely. They are all the best field doctors. There is a temporary field hospital in the rear, and most of the lives can be saved.

The commander didn't answer, he stared at the building for a long time, and suddenly said, "Call the government of Tijuana, find the power cable, and blow it up!"


There is no need for an excavator. At this time, time is racing against time. After finding the location, put explosives directly on the ground, blow up a hole, and then continue to put explosives...

In less than ten minutes, all nearby power supplies stopped.

There is no such thing as an airborne approach. The main target is the underground parking lot. It doesn't matter where the attack comes from.

The soldiers in the protective umbrella here buckled down the night vision goggles and low-light goggles on their heads, and put on gas masks. There are plans for this kind of situation. Tear gas bombs and night vision goggles, if the opponent is not prepared, it will be a massacre.

At this moment, in the underground parking lot of the building, more than a hundred people gathered here, noisy, and everyone's face was full of fear and anxiety.

The brothers in Tijuana were also arguing, their faces were red and their necks were thick. In the face of life and death, the usually vicious and inhuman drug criminals were also afraid.

The richer you are, the more you fear death.

Originally, there were ten brothers in Tijuana, 6 males and 4 females. There were not many female drug offenders, but they were not particularly rare. It is indeed rare to be able to get into this position.

There were only 7 people at the scene, and the other 3 people were not there a few days in advance, 1 person was in the United States and went to negotiate with Jonas, and 2 people were outside, preparing for the future.

The unlucky seven people thought they were safe, but they didn't expect to be stuck here.

The long-term comfortable and luxurious life after taking control of Tijuana has greatly reduced their vigilance.

Fortunately, there is no way out. There is a tunnel dug under the building to connect to the main sewer pipe outside.

After all, it is a seaside city, and the urban drainage problem in the rainy season must be considered, so the pipes are thick enough to pass through.

Seeing that he couldn't get out of the outside at all, he didn't care about bringing money at the moment, opened the passage, and arranged for his men to explore the way first, just to be on the safe side.

Quietly, the quarrels continued, all for the armed men outside to hear. This kind of thing can't be publicized. Not many people can run through the passage, and no one can catch the firepower of the umbrella people after they break, and they will be caught up soon.

While they were arguing, they suddenly heard a loud "boom" coming from the entrance of the passage. The sound of the quarrel stopped abruptly, and then there were screams of pain coming from the passage.

Silence, staring at each other, the screams became weaker and weaker, and disappeared after 10 seconds.

"what happened?"

"have no idea."

"Where did the explosion come from, a bomb?"

"Anyway, we didn't arrange it. It should be a booby trap, or it might be a landmine."

It's a broadsword mine.

Sean: Nobody knows more about sewers than I do!

Sean's tactics in the sewers are so bad, how could he not have a special arrangement for this situation!

Before coming here, I obtained the architectural drawings of the sewers in Tijuana, and arranged for people to follow the sewer cleaners to conduct on-site inspections.

As soon as the raid started, they immediately arranged for people to deploy defenses in the sewers. It was simple, just buried a few broadswords and it was OK.

I never thought of attacking from here, it's unreliable, and it's not ancient.

"Mare Falk, how did they find out!"

"Damn it, let's think about how to solve the problem."

Just as he was talking, the lights suddenly went out, and the underground garage was plunged into darkness, only the emergency lights gave off a faint green light.

"not good!"

"They're going to attack!"

"what to do?"

"How the **** do I know!"

As soon as the power supply line here was cut off, the fire support team and air support team of the umbrella opened fire, including the sniper team, and firmly locked each floor in batches.

The gunfire was so intense that it was like rain smashing plantains, and almost every window was taken care of. Fire coverage creates conditions for the assault group to charge.

The assault team did not disappoint. As soon as the fire coverage started, they rushed out and divided into two waves. One wave attacked the lobby on the first floor, and the other attacked the entrance of the underground garage.

After rushing to a distance of more than 10 meters, offensive grenades were thrown out one after another.

The grenade was thrown very rhythmically, the interval was about half a second, and the distance was progressive. It was not to kill how many enemies, but to clear possible traps.

Booby traps, mines!

This is the attitude of the U.S. military in war, luxury!

Fierce firepower, adequate logistics!

Rushing to the entrance, three more tear gas bombs were thrown out, and then one by one dodged out, and the sight through the low light meter and infrared meter was hardly affected.

"Da da da"

"Da da da"

The gunshots rang out, and the drug criminals immediately counterattacked.

The criminal closed his eyes, covered his mouth and nose, and didn't look at it at all. He hid on the side of the densely packed vehicles in the underground garage, aimed his gun at the entrance in his memory, and pulled the trigger directly.

Bullets slapped randomly like a torrential rain...


"Madja Falke!"

"Retreat withdraw..."

The passageway of the underground garage is only so wide, only 3 people rush out at a time, no more, and more is to deliver food.

But three people can't do it either. When the bullets are concentrated to a certain extent, you don't need to consider the accuracy of the bullets. Even the ricochet hit on the concrete wall has enough lethality.

3 people were injured to varying degrees.

Protected by bulletproof vests and helmets, the torso and head were not injured, but the legs were finished, and they rolled back one by one.

Unless the drug criminal's ammunition reserves are consumed, otherwise, there is no way to fight!

When the news came out, the commander also had a headache.

There are a lot of cars in the parking lot, a natural bunker, and the other party has a large number of people, familiar with the terrain, and the exit is narrow, all **** bad news!

what to do?

On the other side, in the garage, Tijuana's boss hid at the back, near the vault, but was not disturbed by the tear gas bombs. He was greatly relieved to see the first wave of the umbrella's attack repelled.

After calming down a little, I immediately thought of a solution, "Turn on the lights, hurry up, find the car keys, and turn on the lights!"

One sentence reminded everyone.

A car was started, the lights were turned on, and the underground garage was bright again. With the light, everyone's fear was greatly relieved.

A few experienced people were inspired and shouted loudly: "Don't turn on all the lights, just drive a few cars, turn on the high beams, and point the front of the car at the entrance of the garage!"

In a word, everyone will understand, it is equivalent to turning on the high beams of the car on the other side of the night, and immediately can't see anything clearly.

Moreover, once the person with the umbrella comes in, he will be exposed to the light immediately, which is quite conspicuous, especially suitable for focusing.

"Driving in the car, connect the exhaust fan with the battery, hurry up!"

"Tear off your clothes, put water on it, and cover your mouth and nose."

Not to mention, after a lot of tossing, it really looks like that.

The response in the underground garage was immediately passed on to the commander.

"Mommy Falk!" The commander was also a little dumbfounded now. When the headlights were turned on, the drug criminals hid in the dark, and his side was at a disadvantage!


It is impossible to give up.

There was another wave of charging, flash bombs, tear gas bombs and shock bombs to open the way. At first, the drug criminals were caught off guard, but soon, dense bullets came, and the entrance and exit were only 4 meters wide, and they were shot back immediately.

After this time, the drug criminals upgraded again. After calculating the ballistics in advance, a tripod was welded on the spot to fix the dead machine gun. If necessary, they fired directly to ensure the accuracy of the ballistics to the greatest extent.

At this time, I need to talk about the hands-on ability of Westerners. UU Reading Even ordinary families have all kinds of tools, and they are very good at handicrafts.

The lair of drug criminals, cars are all repaired directly here, this is not a problem at all. The protective umbrella has been upgraded again. The three of them are wearing a full set of heavy body armor, including legs, arms, neck guards, and heavy helmets. The full-body armor weighs more than 50 kilograms. Clamp, kill it like a bulky bear. Stand up!

I don't care about ricochet or anything, not to mention 5.56, even 7.62 ordinary bullets.

It did rush in, and rushed in for more than ten meters.

With a hundred catties hanging on his body, he completely lost the ability to make any tactical moves. He was too bulky, and he didn't care about one or two bullets, or even a dozen rounds, but if dozens of bullets hit his body, then I can't take it anymore.

Before the follow-up support came up, he was beaten back again.

After repelling the umbrella attack several times in a row, the morale of the drug dealers was boosted. Cheers and curses could be heard outside the garage.

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