MTL - America’s Big Hero-v2 Chapter 555 : the advantage is in me

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The latest website: Mandela left. He left in the afternoon. I don’t know if the time was really such a coincidence. The rainy day stopped when Mandela walked out of Sean’s villa!

That's the size!

Sean looked up at the sky, and Mandela looked up at the sky too.

The dark cloud in the sky drifted past, and the bright sun shone through.

A strange look flashed on Sean's face, and he looked Mandela up and down, "God is watching us, go, save South Africa, save Africa, save your compatriots."

"I think not only me, but all righteous people will regard you as the strongest backing." Mandela nodded heavily, "I will, for South Africa!"

"For South Africa, for all those who are still oppressed!" Sean clenched his fists. Mandela is gone...

This time I really left. Looking at the back and facing the light, he is so tall and majestic. He is in his 50s, and his steps are full of vigor.

Sean just stood at the door watching Mandela get into the car and was escorted away by the umbrella security team. The Umbrella security team was sponsored by Sean after he was attacked.

Of course, Mandela must be well protected. He is a gravedigger in South Africa. Although he didn't think so, nor did he think about doing so, but for Sean and others, Mandela is the best choice.

So, you can't die suddenly, like Martin Luther King. Don't think that global attention is necessarily safe.

Fuck, Martin Luther King Jr. also received global attention back then, but until now, he has not found out who assassinated Luther King Jr.

Sean really asked old man David, and old man David answered very directly, and Sean couldn't find any flaws, "If we hadn't supported Martin Luther King, Jr., do you think he could have made a sound?"

Anyway, 30 years later, people will not be able to speak freely, not to mention around 1965, all media, even a speaker and a microphone, are controlled by capitalists. I want to win the "Nobel Peace Prize", but I don't know where to dig coal.

No one really thought there was any democracy in the United States in the 1960s, did they?

No one really thinks that the "Nobel Peace Prize" is a fair review, right? No?

No way!

Mandela was walking, and Sean returned to the villa. It was drizzling outside again, and he leaned on the window to take a look. Sean smashed his mouth, pointed at the sky angrily and said, "What do you mean?"

"I think it's dark clouds covering the top." Lorraine walked up to Sean, and said with a three-point sarcasm in his tone: "There is a poem in Huaxia, what is it called black clouds or something."

Xiao En suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Miss Lorraine, but said with a blank expression on his face, "That's called black clouds overwhelming the city, which means that the extremely powerful evil forces have captured the door of the house, and the situation is critical."

Lorraine looked down at Sean's hand, then squinted at Sean, "Oh, the evil forces are indeed arrogant, and the situation is critical, what should I do?"

"Cough cough, life is like a woman's wife. If you can't resist, then you might as well lie down and enjoy it." Sean coughed lightly and said very seriously.

Lorraine smiled and raised her foot, followed Xiao En's foot and stepped on it, "I think the light that never fades in the darkness is the most cherished!"

Sean gasped, matchmakers, that's tough enough!

Originally, Sean invited Mandela to build a bridge between Mandela and the black chief, and prepared a lot of rhetoric to persuade Mandela.

After all black equal suffrage is really stupid.

Unexpectedly, the South African sage lost himself in the praise of people, and he no longer needs to lobby. Sean changed his strategy temporarily and followed suit.

So, from this point of view, Sean really likes Lorraine, from a spiritual level, very, very much.

Sean's level is much higher than that of Mandela, and the absolute majority of people around him are praising him, including those brothers who live and die.

It's not that the brothers are hypocritical and flattering, but that he led them up from the bottom step by step. In the hearts of the brothers, Sean is

God, how can there be any thoughts of his own.

Those women around Sean will not refute Sean, they are all worship and even belief. Lorraine is the most important link for Sean to recognize himself.

After Mandela is settled, there is still a lot of work to be done. The first is to advocate fair voting rights for black people. In South Africa, few media reported this. Where there is any freedom of public opinion, it is just a need.

Right, Chuanbao!

This matter is to be promoted by Sean in the United States and in Europe, and it also needs the cooperation of the "old man" Murdoch! When you need it, you will be an old man, and not far away, you will be a dead old man. It is so realistic!

As for South Africa, why are things promoted from Europe and the United States, is it so far away, is it useful?

High-level face, Jiang Gong, Qingmei... It has been proved by facts that too many people's values ​​​​follow the United States, and the words are compared to foreign media, as if listening to saints, seeing orgasms!

There is no shortage of such people at any time, and they are often opinion leaders, who are very sought after.

The limelight was blown up, creating a feeling that the revolution would fail if the black people did not get the right to vote, and the country of South Africa would not be the same. What's more, Xiao En ordered his subordinates to set up a charity fund in South Africa and gave a large sum of money!

Well, because it is in conjunction with the white house, tax exemption is certain, which means that there is no cost. In September, this trend swept across Europe and the United States, and swept towards South Africa.

By this time, Sean didn't need to pay any more attention. He was receiving a few guests from the United States at the moment. Several people represent several major mining giants in the United States.

Mining is no longer an era of digging a hole and throwing your head. The technical level is extremely high, mining efficiency, screening technology, safety protection, etc...

With the advancement of globalization, what a company needs to defeat is not only its domestic opponents, but also the efficient management teams with cutting-edge technologies and global networks around the world. One of the root causes.

Sean's target is not a mining company in South Africa, but BHP Billiton, and Vale's effort is not simply to make a few bucks.

Now Sean is more concerned with influence, which is the influence of the various companies in the world through the companies under his name!

Freeport McMoRan, founded in 1912 and headquartered in Phoenix, is the largest mining company in the United States and one of the largest copper producers in the world.

Newmont, founded in 1921, is headquartered in Denver, the world's largest gold producer, Mexico Group, and Mexico Group controls 88.91% of the shares of Southern Copper Company, which is one of the world's five largest copper producers.

Yabao specializes in the mining of rare ores such as silver mines and lithium mines.

Of course, the business scope of the above-mentioned companies is not single. Taking McMoran as an example, they not only focus on copper mines, but are also proficient in the mining of molybdenum concentrates, silver, and gold.

This is why they sent representatives to meet Sean in South Africa. South Africa, one of the five largest mineral resource countries in the world, is famous for its variety of minerals, large reserves, and high output. It is known as the second richest mineral in the world. geological structure.

"What's going on in South Africa, everyone must have conducted in-depth investigations before coming here, and they know all about it." It was a small banquet with no outsiders, and Sean spoke very directly.

"What I understand is superficial, and I still need Mr. Sean to point it out. After all, you are really here, and your opinion is more convincing to the board of directors." Fenris Hodgson, McMoran's representative, said with a smile.

"Ha, I'm an outsider, and I have influence on your board of directors?" Sean was a little amused.

"Of course!" Fenris Hodgson looked solemn, "Mr. Sean is the most outstanding business genius in the past 50 years. He has broken countless records in the business world. Your achievements match your age. This is the greatest persuasion." strength, none of them."

"According to what our chairman said, he is already old, and his insight into the market has not kept up with the development of the times, but you are different. You are young and have outstanding vision and execution ability. In the future, the American business community must be leaders."

Sean couldn't help laughing out loud.

The filming is flattering, with attitude and level, and the key point is that the filming is fresh and refined, which makes people feel very comfortable.

Everyone at the table echoed, all kinds of flattering words were thrown out without money, and Xiao En was blown away. Who doesn't like to hear good things.

After blowing for a while, Sean waved his hand and brought the topic back, "The situation in South Africa is very complicated. My preferred partner is the local black aborigines. After all, this is a country of black people."

Several company representatives looked at each other, and McMoran asked in deliberation: "Shouldn't it be a local white person?" They didn't just target the target, but analyzed it.

He explained the reason. The white people are a minority. In the future, as long as these people do not want to lose everything they have, they must rely on foreign forces.

Europe and the United States have been doing this for a long time. Everyone is white, so there is no reason for them to suddenly change their strategy.

"The times have changed." Sean shook his head. "Now is no longer the golden age when Europe and the United States can use force at will. They can influence, but cannot personally operate."

"Black people, you can think of them as a group of wild beasts. When the cage is released, they will destroy everything. Even if we rely on us, these South African whites cannot stand. In the future, they can only play supporting roles."

"Why do you want to work with a supporting role?"

"If those **** want to overturn the table and brutally destroy the body, and the supporting role you worked so hard to cultivate dies, it will affect the entire investment."

"Why, can you still call for the US military to come and kill everyone?" Everyone shook their heads, that's definitely not possible.

"But those niggers... are rough, savage, and have no spirit of commitment. How can we ensure that the cooperation with them can last?" Everyone raised questions. This is not a stereotype of black people. There are many companies investing in Africa. However, the local area is engaged in civil wars every three days. If you come to power today, he will overthrow the government tomorrow.

At that time, the investment partners and agents will be in vain?

The mining industry is an asset-heavy industry with a slow payback speed, which is very difficult for the environment and politics. Of course, the benefits are also long-lasting.

"My plan is to cooperate with those local powerful factions." Sean said his thoughts, "I don't care who sits in the president's position, and I will benefit whoever sits. Changing people is nothing more than changing bank accounts That's all."

"As for the civil war..." En pouted, "Isn't that the reason why you came to me to cooperate? With the umbrella, no matter what happens, no one can destroy our mines and production equipment. no!"

"No matter how the weather in South Africa changes, as long as the umbrella is still there, everything will be safe!" "Besides, I'm not someone who likes to eat alone." Sean said with a smile.

Everyone: Hehe.

If you don't eat alone, you're the worst eater, otherwise, why would everyone come to you to visit the pier first! Of course, valuing the umbrella is also an important reason.

After hearing Xiao En's reasons, everyone couldn't find any objection. Even if the board of directors was reported, the result would not change much.

The chairman of McMoran has really heard about Sean. Of course, the original words are: South Africa’s political situation is currently very unstable, and mining companies all over the world are eyeing them. The resource group is also currently deployed in South Africa. They already have a lot of influence in the local area, and they are escorted by the British PMC company. Therefore, we must find strong people to cooperate with. Where is Africa, it is not a company that pays attention to business reputation. place.

Fenris Hodgson looked at the crowd and saw that they were silent, so he said: "How does Mr. Sean want to cooperate?" "I have already negotiated with some local indigenous chiefs. On the land they control, mining income I account for 40%. UU Reading" Xiao En smiled and looked at a few people, their faces were full of astonishment.

What do you account for 40% of?

There is no emotional factory yet, so you have distributed your respective interests? It's outrageous!

Or why the company said they wanted Sean to cooperate, but they didn't want Sean, and they didn't even have a chance to intervene? What does the white house do, let Sean monopolize it like this?

Is there still Wang Fa?

Sean: My name is Uncle Bush! I am Wang Fa! that's all right....

"My idea is to register a new company in South Africa, and we will invest together. I will occupy 60% of the shares. You come to operate the new company. I will be responsible for providing the political and security environment. After several years of operation, each of you will The head office of the new company will be acquired based on the market value of the new company at that time, and I want the shares of your head office!" Sean looked around, refraining from asking who was in favor and who was against.

No need, they have no right to object!

Although several are the top-ranked mining companies in the United States, they are not the only choices. Sean can choose to cooperate with several low-ranked companies.

Technically, the gap cannot be widened. For mining companies, it depends on who controls enough mines and has enough output. Even if it is ranked 5-8, once the cooperation with Xiao En is completed, not to mention surpassing the previous few, but the market value Skyrocketing is inevitable.

Now, the advantage is mine!

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